Now my game is not so much the strongest in one direction, for example i can't do direct game as well as some guys and i can't do indirect game as well as other guys. But i can do both, i can do canned, i can do opinion, situational. I learnt them all and made my own style for all of them. I realised the key thing in life is adaptability and it works in game as well, think about whats the reason we r all alive this moment, what kept us alive yes adaptability made us evolve. It works for everything, think of the chameleon it uses its surroundings to get it his prey. martial arts, businesses, acting, lawyers etc....the thing that makes these things, is changing with the situation and when life hands u lemons u make freaking lemonade. lol
Now when i see a girl i look at her and talk to her and as i do this i analyse her weakness. Like pole dancers, they probablly get guys all over them all the time, what do u do to stand out, the opposite. Girls at work (supermarkets) get hit on indirectly all the time what do u do, u hit on them directly. Now these rules don't apply all the time and sometimes rules must be broken, for example the pole dancer works, but u don't tackle the same as lil miss jones working in the supermarket. What guys usually tend to do and what i tended to do, was get a pick up line and use it. Sometimes it works sometimes it dosn't, this could be u just striking lucky with the girl, but maybe some girls don't want some plenty used cheesy line to get on with.
U have to look at that girl and u will feel what u should try in ur gutt, because i know u guys have had a gutt feeling on how to go for this girl and in ur head u r like i know this will work it won't fail. And ur like yes it works , i will always see one certain girl and when i get that gutt feeling there is nothing she can say or do to stop it, because u r trusting ur instincts and whatever she throws at u, ur gutt will tell u to do this and u will end up getting that girl...and the more u practise the better those intincts become
Some girls act *****y, some girls don't like the intensity of the sexual convo. U use this information and adapt ur style to it. For example if a girl isn't very receptive and i ask her name and she gives me it and dosn't ask mine, i will reply "this is where u say ur kool whats ur name", so i would imply guys don't usually approach her and she don't know what shes doing and thus punish her bad behaviour but still show i am interested in her at the same time. While another guy will just keep asking her questions "where u from" "what do u do"...AND.....NOT ADAPTING!!. this is why they fail, while i will see this situation and see everything has an oppurtunity and i will use it against her.
its just plain common sense if someones is blocking their face u punch their stomach lol and they will change there stance then u change ur targert again, jeez i got some vicious analogys and no i don't recommend that u start punching women lol. Sometimes in situations also u can just keep going with what ur doing, so don't always think change is good. For example its actually a good quality to not b effected by her *****ing, shows ur unreactive and gives u quite a stronger approach, but sometimes it dosn't. every situation is different guys u got to trust ur gutt to which style or method u should take. This is what seperates us from the Pick up artists, the ability to think and change rather than being the same old thing over and over.
Last thing the Dj handbook is just a guide my friend, first u must learn everything before u forget everything and do it ur own way. Like driving, that handbook can teach u everything, but u will come to a certain situation where sometimes the unsafer way "book wise" is actually the safest way. so when situations u never thought of come up u can use what the book as taught u to an extent to b safe but use ur own initave as well. If something is about to explode in a building and ur pretty much the only one in there and u see "a please walk down the stairs sign" would u walk down those stairs...i don't think so.
Adaptability is the most important skill in life and this isn't just for women, don't b stubburon when something arises u don't like....just make lemonade.
Adios Fellow DJ's till i come back...if i do.