Rubato's Journal




Made a goal to meet at least 1 girl in each one of my new college classes. In Genetics class, there was only 1 girl I would even think about calling attractive, and... I'm still not sure what I'd call it. This girl was a HB6-7, and 7 may be generous. The rest were >HB4. I didn't meet anyone in this class.

However, in my Anatomy and Physiology Lab, I met 3 girls, so I feel like that makes up for Genetics. I don't remember any of their names, except 1, and I think it was Jessica. She's an HB8, the others were HB7-8.

Nothing remarkable about that as there wasn't much time to talk and everyone scattered when class was dismissed.

I continued no contact with the HB9 (HB9 club) I had met over the weekend at a club.

I also continued gaming an HB8 (HB8 friend) I had been introduced to previously


I met a girl named HB8 (HB8 Endo) in my endocrinology class. It's funny when I look back on my college experience, when I first started I was so self conscious I would sit by myself and wait for people to possibly sit next to me. Now I'm walking in to the room, assessing it, and sitting next to the hottest girl I see with a free chair next to her. We talked for a little while before class, nothing amazing, but I did get her laughing some. My game was not in great form for that interaction.

In my Anatomy and Physiology lecture I met an HB8.5 (HB8.5 A&P). We had a better vibe going, but my game was still shaky. I'm going to try and sit next to her again. I was pissed when I was done with the interaction because I didn't number close her. As I said, my game was not the best.

After that I wanted to get some food as it was dinner time, and all of my bros were busy or unresponsive. So there's this HB9 (HB9 Dance) I've known peripherally and I told her I was looking for someone to eat dinner with. I asked her if she was on campus and said she was close. So I told her to come over if she wasn't gonna be slow. She said:

"Where? Ha i would love to keep you company. I've already eaten though hope that doesn't change your mind ha"

So she met me for dinner. Kino was going on. We talked about the weirdest things, medical problems, cocaine, how to isolate hydracodon from vicodin, other drug **** and the fitness class schedule at the rec. My game was better with her, but still off beat.

I left and instead of telling her, asked her to walk me to class. I should have told her. But like I said, my game was bad.

I didn't meet anyone from my Biochemistry class because I arrived late and felt like my experience with HB9 Dance freed me from having to chat up the unattractive 40 year old next to the only free seat.

Still no contacting HB9 Club

Still gaming HB8 Friend


In my World Civ China class, I positioned myself between an HB8.5 Jennifer and an HB8 (HB8 Civ). Carrie is a transfer student with very nervous and insecure body language. I tried talking to her, but I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere with her. She seemed so tense! She laughed a lot though, but I'm guessing most of it was nerves. The prof teaches another world civ section and dismissed all of his students who have that section early, and she left. That's when I started talking to the HB8.5 to my left (HB8.5 China). My game was back. We vibed quite a bit, I drew some cheesy funny pictures of the teacher for her, ripped out a piece of paper and played her in some tic tac toe, and number closed her.

She texted me later in the day and her signature has a Bible verse in it. I know the Bible pretty well and sent her the text (I guess it was verbatim) back to her. That really impressed her.

No contact. A few hours later, she texts me:

"So really random but I meant to tell you when class was over that you smelled good"

Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for Curve by Liz Claiborne :rockon:

There was a new girl in my Genetics class and I met her and the HB I was unsure about today and an HB5. They are both HB6-7 and I don't remember either of their names.

In Anatomy and Physiology lab, I tried to get better rapport going with the HB8.5 Lab. I got rapport with the other girl too, but HB8.5 Lab is a freshman, young, innocent, and for some reason very attractive to me. She seems very vulnerable and has no idea what she's doing.

I got a date set up with HB8 Friend for Saturday.

I have a date set up with HB9 Dance for tomorrow.

Still no contacting HB9 Club (but have date on Friday night)

An HB7.5 (HB7.5 NC) I was no contacting broke no contact today and practically begged me to call her. Have date next Friday

Set up date Friday afternoon with HB8.5 China
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Today was a good and bad day.

I spent the night camping out in the middle of a tornado warning, and that was pretty awesome. I got a surprisingly good night's sleep too. Woke up, got my workout in, did less studying than I should have, but more than I would have a semester ago.

I left for class and Sat next to the HB from my Endocrinology class and she's hard for me to talk to. Not because I'm intimidated by her, but she just seems nervous and quiet. I found out she was a math major before switching to biology, so maybe that's why. Anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with people like this?

I left for my A & P class and sat next to the HB from last time again, had a decent vibe going, found out she had a BF, but kept going anyways. She's gorgeous, but she just doesn't look happy. I didn't number close her and I don't know if I regret that or not. The reason why I didn't was because I left to go use the restroom before class was over and saw this amazing HB9.5 sitting alone in the atrium. Class was almost over, so I figured she'd be there for a few minutes, and she was. So as soon as class ended, I left to go talk to her. But she was leaving too, and moving at a really fast pace. So I caught up to her and asked her if we were running a race... and she laughed and said she was just in a hurry. I ended up number closing the girl.

Biochem was a nightmare today. I signed up for the class missing a prereq with the understanding from the department head that it was fine. New department head now. And it's not fine. If I can't take this class this semester, I'll be stuck in college an extra year! We have assigned seats in that class and I'm next to ugly girls and an AMOG jackass... I don't even know if I could call him an AMOG, he's just loud and rude, but seems to connect well with women. Maybe this will be good for me because it will give me some time with him to learn how to shut him down.

HB9 Dance flaked on me tonight. Oh well. **** happens. Now it's off to study for a class I may get ejected from.

See this for the story of what happened with HB9 Club
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I was up late last night just about sick to my stomach over my biochem situation. The crap that happened between me and HB9 club didn't phase me very much. I was much more concerned about being stuck an additional year as an undergrad. I almost got on here and wrote an entry about how I was crazy for thinking I could ever be a doctor and should just freaking give everything up. I'm way too driven by my passions sometimes, and frequently start sentences with the word I.

So I got less sleep than usual last night and woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. I did my usual routine, made some oatmeal and had time to watch an episode of Seinfeld on the DVR.

My only class Friday is Advanced Ballroom Dance and the focus is Argentine Tango (aka, sex on the dance floor. The only more seductive dance I've seen is blues dancing). So, that's great. I knew 3 of the 4 girls in the class already (I think there was supposed to be a 5th, but oh well) and met girl number 4, but I wasn't too interested. She's an HB7.5, maybe an 8. I can't decide.

The girl I was interested in is an HB8-9 depending on how she dresses I've known from of all places, a church. I met her in the height of my AFC years, but never pursued her because I knew I didn't have the skills to make anything great happen. And while I'm not a master Don Juan yet, I'm much better than I was. The instructor makes the women select partners (which I think is F'd up) and she (HB8 Church) choose me. Multiple times. Whenever she could.

I number closed her at the end of class and have a date with her after class next Friday.

After dance class, I went over to the next town after mine to the branch college of my college and met HB8 China for her dance lesson. My game wasn't spot on, and she was really nervous and self conscious... she said this is her second year, but she looks like a freaking Freshman, no older than 18. So she's probably immature and self conscious, but she's really pretty. I did lead her very well (both as a man and in dancing) and got several IOI's from her.

There's an exercise I do when I'm teaching a new dancer how to maintain connection with their partner that involves the couple holding out their hands and pushing the other backwards, without bending anything, just moving and using their core. Well, when it was her turn, she was so nervous she literally had me run in to the wall (I was walking backwards). That gave me a lot of great material to use about her trying to kill her new dance instructor. I mean, could the lesson have really been that bad?

I'm going to call her Sunday and arrange for another date.

I got home and studied, exercised, and continued reading The Game by Neil Strauss. I wish I could have lived at Project Hollywood so bad!! And now, I'm supposed to leave for some clubs and will get to see my good friend HB9 Club.

Nothing too exciting happened at the club. I met up with a bunch of my bros, met a new bro. HB9 Club wouldn't look me in the eye or respond to me, and I made no special effort to speak with that *****. Slow danced with an HB7-8, it was hard to say with the lighting. I didn't really care for her enough to get to know her any better and disqualified her due to my lack of interest. She seemed boring and maybe it's just my mood tonight, but she just wasn't hot enough. Someone else to practice communicating with though and another successful approach under my belt.

On that topic, I'm starting to wonder what's with all the AA I had. I am by no means an expert at this **** yet and I can't recall a time where I have had a negative interaction from a new encounter with a woman, even a cold approach. They're not really that scary. The worst thing that's probably happened to me was tonight when I asked a girl if she could East Coast Swing and she said she couldn't. Guys are so frucking scared to talk to women. I have a feeling women are wishing guys would use the testicals they've been given and actually go up and talk to them.

One thing I need to get better at is just my conversational skills in general. It's not that I can't carry on a conversation with a woman, I can. I've just always been a more "serious" person. For instance, tonight when I was slow dancing with this HB7-8, she said she was from X-town (a town known to be rich). I gave that typical "oh that's cool response" when I should have said something more along the lines of "oh, I don't think I can dance with you anymore, you're one of those snobby rich girls!" or "uh oh, everyone knows how X-town girls are, I don't think this is gonna work out with us". Just dumb **** like that. I need to get comfortable working that in to my conversations because even though I'm making progress, I'm not being as effective as I'd like.

Time for bed. I took my Klonopin. And I wish we didn't have this ****ty tolerance system in our boddies. Cause it doesn't do **** for me anymore.

Oh, and HB8 Friend texted me today and asked if instead of getting some sushi tomorrow, we could just stay at her place and watch a movie. She said we'd have the place all to ourselves :)
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8/27/11 Lay Report

I'm having a really hard time getting motivated today. On my way home from the club last night, I was hungry and broke my otherwise stellar diet and got some McDonalds and gorged myself. For me, that meant 2 McDoubles, a 10 piece chicken McNuggets and small fry. Not outrageous, but now I feel like crap. I have acid reflux disease and that + grease + lard + late night = stomach trouble the next day. Oh well. This one's my fault.

I got up and read some more of The Game today. I'd really like to finish it, but I just can't get motivated. I went down to lift and stopped after my first set because I just didn't feel like it... and today would have been my 5th day of lifting this week, and while I want to work up to that, I also don't want to overdo it and feel like opting out was a good choice today.

My Ritalin has done **** for me this morning, as well as a cup of Earl Gray... I usually don't mix stimulants (even baby stimulants like caffeine or decongestants), but I have been dragging. I've got some chicken in the oven and I'll get my 2nd dose when it's done. Hopefully that will help.

After that, maybe I'll feel like lifting and getting my nose in my biochem book (and other books). And if not, I'll have to do it anyways. Then there's my date tonight.

I just don't have much to talk about right now.

Later on

I'm sucking on my Klonopin right now. It's so ****ing late, I have to be at the University for that ballroom dance team's first meeting at 1 and it's already almost 3. Plus I've got all this biochem **** to do.

I hung out with HB Friend today and bull-**** we'd have the place all to ourselves! Her little brother was there!

But before that, as I was driving down to see her, this jackass in a Silverado was tailgating me and couldn't pass... maybe for like 10 minutes. Flashing his lights, honking his horn and pissing me off. When he could finally pass, he pulled up next to me, blared his horn, flicked me off, and sped off. Like 10 minutes later a cop pulls me over and says this dude in a Silverado called in a complaint about a car with my license number weaving and swearving all over the road, barely missing cars and obviously being driven by a drunk. I hate cops by the way. Vehemently.

He makes me get out of the car and starts interrogating me:

"How many drinks did you have today"
"I haven't had any drinks today"
"Seriously, how many drinks have you had today. I know you've been drinking"
"I haven't had any drinks today"

So he breathalizes me and what do you no.... clean 0's

"All right, I know your story. You're at this party last night and there's this girl that's just SO hott. And you want to get a peice of ass. So she says hey, let's do a little cocaine, and you're like, yea sure whatever. What kind of recreational drugs do you do"
"I don't do drugs"
"Come on man. You're at this party and this girl is just totally in to you. And she gives you some extasy 'cause it's gonna make the sex THAT much better. Or some LSD. Or maybe some good old fashion Marry J."

I couldn't believe this ****er was actually talking to me like this. I thought cops only acted that retarted on TV. It was the lamest and most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life. He's ****ing giving me this story about some party I allegedly went to last night with a girl I want to tap who's feeding me drugs to enhance the experience. I hate cops.

So he made me do the entire field sobriety test and kept me like 20 minutes while he ran a full background check on me, patted me down, and searched my car. I was totally pissed by the time he finally let me go.

When I got to the girl's house, even though her brother was there I still hit on the HB and was really surprised to see that her brother was absolutely cool with me getting sexual with his sister. He plays guitar and so the first thing I did when I got there was take his guitar and play one of the songs I wrote. Both of them fell in love with me immediately. I actually really liked her brother and think that if he wasn't 16 and so annoying, he'd be the best wingman ever. HB was really annoying. REALLY annoying. She is the type of girl who would tell you the sky is green if you say it's blue. She had me watch the lamest movie ever, To Save a Life. If anyone wants to watch AFCs, that's the movie to see. Apparently, the secret to making a girl fall in love with you is to do something really nice for her. I did get a great opener from the movie though (it wasn't used as an opener in the movie) -

Do you think comic book (or maybe coloring book) characters go to Heaven?

Anyways, this girl was so annoying I actually liked her brother more than her.

So I left. And as I was driving home, an ex I had been no contacting for a really long time called me. When I got home, she got naked for me on Skype and I drove over and banged her. I have heard people say there is no such thing as bad sex before. I think those people aren't having a lot of sex. Because this sex wasn't very good :eek: I could hardly even get hard, and it wasn't because the girl was ugly. She's no 10, but she's definitely pretty. It just felt too easy, there was absolutely no challenege involved. And I don't respect this girl. I was pumping her for a while and finally she had to go do a round (she's an RA at a college) and I left. I didn't even feel the need to finish jerking myself off.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more I feel like I just don't respect women in general, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I think by and large, they're crazy, manipulative, crazy, emotionally taxing, crazy, and need men far more than men should need them. Call me a misogynist, and maybe that's what I'm becomming. I'm going to have to think about this one some.

I was driving back to my house listening to Coast to Coast AM, but spending more of my brain power thinking about my life. I've betrayed my faith in God to pursue this pickup stuff... I just don't believe promiscuity is compatible with a heartfelt reading of the Bible. And so I try not to think about it much, but this probably contributes to some behind the scenes incongruence. But I may also just be so ****ing insanely tired, medicated, and stressed about my school schedule that I'm a little crazy. I also blew my diet with an order of chili from Steak and Shake, a big bag of wild berry Skittles and a big bag of Gummi Savers. It seems like anytime I hook up with a girl, it always involves me postgaming myself with a bunch of awful food. It's a weird feeling, believing in hell, that it's a literally awful place beyond comprehension, and that I'm actively making decisions that are going to send me there. And maintaining a mostly ambivalent attitude about the whole thing.
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I'm in much better spirits this morning, though I still am a little dismayed because I'm so in-congruent about my religious beliefs. I'll figure out a way to amalgamate it together.

I only got 7 or so hours of sleep last night, which usually isn't enough, but I was feeling pretty banging when I got up this morning. I got back on my diet and didn't have time to do much except make and eat my oatmeal and take a bath (I hate showers) before it was time to leave for the first ballroom dance team practice of the semester.

I'm having a real debate with myself about what cologne I like better. I've been using Victoria's Secret Very Sexy for Him 2 and I dig that because it smells sophisticated to me and its pretty high quality... it lasts a long time. But I get more compliments from women when I wear Liz Claiborne's Curve, so really, I guess I just answered my own question there. Curve isn't as good though because it doesn't seem to last as long.

Anyways, I saw 2 new cuties at practice today, one was an HB8 (she would have been a 9 if she wasn't so freaking insecure. Her body language and posture was screaming low self confidence and insecurity). The other was an HB9, but if she couldn't move her ass the way she does, she would be an 8. This girl can move her hips like crazy!!

I tried to talk to the HB8 but she was so insecure she hardly had anything to say, and I wasn't feeling the need to make magic out of nothing. I sat down next to the HB9 and asked her if she knew how to cha cha (a cha cha was on) and she said she was out of practice. She took lessons 2 years ago and had a partner who sucked apparently. She said she was just watching, and I told her she could watch one more song and then it was time to dance. Got up. Turned around. Left. While she just looked at me like "hey, what??"

Unfortunately, I ran in to one of my girl friends (platonic girl friends. I have no desire to bang this girl). She was telling me last time I saw her about how her dad just was diagnosed with some kind of freaky cancer that's going to kill him within the next month or so, and her first serious BF just left her. So she starts crying and the song is ending, and I want to dance with that sexy blond girl. Even though the things I write may make me sound like a jackass, I really do have a heart. I stole this line from someone here, but I tell girls "Yea, I know I'm a jackass, but I have a good heart :) ". So I left the blond and listened to my friend tell me about her problems and tried to be as sympathetic as I could be.

I know how the guys are on the dance team, and a hot blond girl is active prey for them, so I knew every second I was talking with my friend, I was risking having some guy get this girl. Now granted, most of the guys on the team are also ridiculous AFCs, but a lot of them are just comfortable enough in the dancing environment that they don't give a **** about approaching a girl (strictly in that setting though). There are 1.5 potential AMOGs I have to worry about, and they're both my bros. 1 guy definitely has better game than me, but fortunately, he has a GF and does not cheat. I really don't even know why I'm classifying the other guy as half an AMOG, because he's not really. He just has a tendency to get in the way.

And he did. It took him 2 songs, but while I was talking with my friend, he came by and grabbed the girl and started dancing with her. My saving grace is, I'm better looking and in better shape than both of those guys, smarter than them, and a better dancer (in this setting). So when I saw a break between my buddy and the HB, I walked over and started talking to my bro, positioned sideways to the girl. He ended up talking me up to her (as I knew he would) and for the next song, I just grabbed her and gave her a crash course in every dance that came up for the next 50 minutes or so.

After that, I bounced and came back home. Didn't number close the girl because I'll see her again soon. I called up the HB China girl and told her to have dinner with me (yea, I basically phrased it like that actually now that I think about it) and she said that'd be fine. She has to look at her schedule and get back with me. I don't see this girl as the flake type... but they can sneak up on you.

Now it's time to fill my find with some biochem. I'm supposed to play the piano and sing with my family for a song at church tonight too. That will be interesting. :woo:


I finished reading The Game by Neil Strauss today. I've got some **** to think about now. I felt like I had more to say when I decided to write more, but I took some Temazepam in addition to my klonopin tonight with 2 benadryll so...

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I got up early and had my meeting with my biochem teacher about staying in the class... and... I will get to stay in the class :rock:

After that, I lifted. Studied. So freaking exciting right?

I went to class and number closed an HB8.5 as described in this thread:

I started reading The Way of the Superior Man.

Went to the first salsa class of the semester and was pleasantly surprised to see that I am much better than I was last semester. Good enough that the girl's I would dance with would say, "Oh, you're the one who's really good!"

I met 4 HB's last night, 2 8's an 8.5 and a 9. Made concrete plans with an additional HB9 Salsa for next Saturday. Called up the girl I number closed last week after my Anatomy and Physiology lab. Left a voicemail. No response. Flake.

Then I went camping.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
I've personally never had success with inviting a girl out salsa dancing, don't be surprised if she flakes. It might just be me though.

I'm super jealous that you go to a good school that has enough competition between the females to make them be attractive. I go to community college. Enough said.


Vice said:
I've personally never had success with inviting a girl out salsa dancing, don't be surprised if she flakes. It might just be me though.

I'm super jealous that you go to a good school that has enough competition between the females to make them be attractive. I go to community college. Enough said.
I've actually never had a girl flake on me to go out dancing to anything, salsa or non salsa... but they flake in enough other areas to make up for that

There are about 30,000 at my school. There are plenty of unattractive women... but also plenty of attractive women, especially among the dancers.


To be honest, I'm not sure all that happened. It was a pretty crappy day. I woke up and did my usual thing, studied some went to school. I was late to my Endocrinology class so I didn't get a good seat or a seat next to an HB for that matter. After class, my teacher recommend in addition to take my protein supplement to build lean muscle mass, I also take 2 grams of L-Arginine and 50mg of DHEA. He said those have enough scientific research behind them for him to give his cautious endorsement. He did not say the same of creatine, and this guy knows his sh$t.

On my way to my next class, I found out the HB I f$cked on Saturday has mono!!!!!! I started freaking out because now would be like the worst time in my life to get it. I ended up leaving my anatomy and physiology class early to go see my dad... he's a Dr. And he drew a mono test and thankfully, it came out negative :woo:

On my way out of the class though, I saw an HB8 I've been meaning to start spinning (as a plate that is) and so now I've got a new girl to sit next to tomorrow. It's large class with about 500 people in it, so hopefully I can find her.

I got diner after that at Subway, but was still a little wired from my mono freakout session. Then I went to biochem and totally bombed out. I am one of those kids who actually answers questions when teachers ask them and missed literally every single one! Even the easy ones. This guy let me stay in the class even though he didn't think I was prepared, and now he's super p$ssed at me and thinks I'm retarded! Oh well, I'm just going to have to step it up.

After that mess, I took out my frustration on the rock wall at the university and did much better than I did Monday night. Got in the hot tub with a Chinese guy and a black guy who had nothing to say. Then I went to dance team practice. Danced with several HBs and described one particular interaction here:

Regarding that girl, I'm getting together to "practice dancing" tomorrow and Friday. I've got some super sexy salsa and dance patterns in general though that will get her super horny. I'm kiss closing tomorrow, and I'll be very surprised if I get shot down. This girl is freaking sexy.

EDIT: I also forgot I got my 4th marriage proposal today. This marks the 4th girl who has sincerely asked for my hand in marriage... and been told... No.


This morning was a big waste of time. I don't think I did anything constructive. The HB I taught a dance lesson to last Friday I found out is only 17!!! 17 and a freaking sophomore in college. Needless to say, her parents aren't going to let her go out with me. I can't believe the rack that girl has for only being 17. I have been no contacting her, I didn't even respond to the message she sent me telling me she wasn't allowed to go. I don't think there's anything to say. But I saw her in my World Civ class and she tried to act happy, but I'm really surprised how much this is all affecting her. She really wants to go out on a date with me and is upset she can't. And under any other circumstances, I would use that energy to get some sex out of this girl, but I'm leery of her age. Yes, the age of consent in the state of Ohio is 16 - BUT - I mean.... that's just not the game I want to play. If I can do this to her, I can def do it to other HBs

Genetics is a barren wasteland for women. I am hotter than the women that are in that class.

Anatomy and Physiology Lab was next, and this is the class with the HB8.5 with the BF. My dad is in the middle of a lawsuit and I was trying to give him advice via text about how to shut down this b$tch attorney he was being deposed by (I was a law student before I decided to go in to medicine, hence my usually "old" age of 24 and still an undergrad) and was actually using a lot of pickup stuff. My dad is a freaking genius, much smarter than me, and got the C & F stuff instantly when I described it to him. He shut the b$tch down like she was his bratty little sister and completely rattled her. His attorney was so impressed by the advice I was giving him, he actually wants to pay me to have lunch with him to explain the social theory behind what I was telling my dad :rockon:

But since I was preoccupied with trying to help my dad get an $80k+ settlement, I wasn't as engaged with the HB today. Not to say I screwed anything up, but my game was set to neutral. I'm going to follow Sexysuave's advice and invite her over this weekend to "study" anatomy. I'll kiss her as soon as she gets here and she either leaves, or stays and gets f$cked.

I came home, studied, left for the main campus and went at the rock wall again and almost completed the toughest course - 54 feet that jets 17 feet out horizontally. Intense. And awesome. I'm also down to 8.4% body fat as of this morning :)

Went to dance team practice again and wasted an hour trying to figure out what music we're going to use for the formation team. May have found a potential dance partner, and this one's frustrating. This girl is a great dancer, but could be soooo much prettier. She has pictures where she's a solid 9, but sometimes she's just a 7. I hate it when girls can't put more in to the way they look when they can look so much better... guys too.

Contacted an HB9 about "practicing" dance tomorrow. Said yes. Golden. She moves her hips SOOOO freaking awesome and has a body that screams f$ck me. And so. I will do as it says :yes:

Time for bed. It feels like my life's been a little more interesting than this, but maybe it hasn't been.
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9/1/11 - 9/5/11

It's been a little while since I got on here. Things have been so freaking busy with school. I'll try and remember everything that happened.

Thursday morning I had an experience with that girl I was supposed to teach dance lessons to. You can read about it here:

I ran Style's 4 questions Jarhari Window routine on an HB in my Biochem class, and things are actually getting better between me and the AMOG. He's still a dumb**** AMOG, but I am either projecting myself better, learning how to deal with him better, or he's just giving me a break. The HB seemed legitimately perplexed by the results of the Jarhari windows and spent most of the class trying to figure out if it was right. Then I ran Style's carrot routine on her, and she focused on six fine and could do the math, but what I'm finding is that a lot of girls think a tomato is a vegetable! So she got that wrong. And then the AMOG started AMOGing me about how I'm just trying to be a magician or something like that.

I went to Swing practice later that night and saw an HB I"m doing a great job of friend-zoning myself with. I'm going to have to actually start gaming her the next time I see her. I went out with 2 of my bros to this bar afterwards and I found out one of the dudes is a total natural - at building rapport and attraction, but then he friend-zone's himself, on purpose I think! So we did some practice on the bartender to prove this **** works to our other bro, and it did. Wonderfully.

Friday I went out with an HB from my dance class and a bro from my dance class for lunch. My bro is also in to this PUA stuff and told me he thought my natural game was top notch and I had this girl. I don't know. He's a legit honest guy, so maybe I'm just doubting myself. After that, I went rockclimbing with my bro and then was supposed to meet up with that HB I taught the dance lesson to yesterday for another dance lesson. I guess she only thought we were meeting once. So I called up another HB to dance with, only, we never ended up dancing. We spent the whole time talking and playing music together. I felt very attracted to the girl, but I was also very bothered, because I don't feel like she's that pretty. She can be freaking amazing when she wants to be, but she's one of those anime girls who doesn't put a lot in to the way she looks.

Then I left that interaction for a diner date I was 45 minutes late to. I was a little confused about this one too, because the girl wasn't extremely attractive, but she's got a beautiful face and a radiance about her that kept me interested. Later that night, she texted me and asked if we could do it again.

Saturday I went to a Big 10 college football game. Made plans to actually dance with the girl I was supposed to dance with but spent the whole time talking and playing music with the day before. The football game consumed the entire day. I played a little game with a waitress at a restaurant we went to on the way home, but the game in general did not present a lot of natural opportunities that day. I was surrounded by a bunch of dudes who may or may not have had a 5 year old daughter with them. So I followed a rule I read in one of the books I've read along the way (what a terrible sentence) - Forget about getting laid and have fun. And I did.

Sunday we had a family picnic for labor day. No game there, obviously. Sunday night I got together with the HB and we actually danced.

Monday I spent literally most of the day studying. The time I didn't spend studying, I spent on a bike ride with my family.

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.




As I've been sitting here typing, I just realized I almost burned my oatmeal. I haven't felt well the last few days and think I may have had a transient virus or something. The only productive thing I did yesterday outside of the Stylelife challenge and class was lifting. I asked a girl I have been sitting next to in my Endocrinology class about studying together, and in a nice way, actually said no. I planned on sitting next to a specific HB from my anatomy and physiology class, but she didn't even show. And I totally bombed the questions we had in my biochem class. I didn't go rock climbing. But I did lift. I went to dance practice and owned quickstep and rumba.


I started Neil Strauss's 30 day challenge from his book Rules of the Game. It started pretty lame, actually. It wouldn't have been lame if I've never done anything like this before, and I suppose what he wrong was a good review for me, about how a woman I approach probably isn't going to beat me up for wanting to talk with me (there's a part of me that would really love a great burnout story like that though. I'm not wishing for one. I just think it would make a great story).

I had to make small talk with 5 strangers today.

Stranger 1 - the guy sitting next to me in my world civ class. We talked about how boring the class is and how weird the prof is.

Stranger 2 - Some guy next to the printer waiting for his crap to come out after mine. We talked about that, our next class, and college in general.

Stranger 3 - Some girl, also waiting next to the printer for her crap to come out. We have free printing privileges at my college, so I was printing up a new PUA ebook I got, and it obviously wasn't just a few pages. I decided to do this in between classes and apparently some people waited till the last minute to print their class papers :eek: Anyways, this girl was one of them and she started getting edgy with me about using the printer like I was, and I don't remember what I said, but I said something negative back to her. I'm not sure if this interaction counted, so I made sure to do an extra one.

Stranger 4 - The dance team was supposed to have formation team practice tonight, only they didn't. And didn't tell me or my partner. I had forgotten about this approach thing, so as we were leaving the building, the first person I saw, I walked up to him and asked him if he hated it when people made plans, canceled them, and didn't tell you... but you still showed up. He was a little bit of a tool, but he talked to me for a few minutes.

Stranger 5 - By this point I just wanted to go home, so my partner was talking to these 2 guys and I asked them if they knew where to find a good psychic in the area. There's an exercise later in the book that suggests we go visit a psychic, so I figured I'd start looking now. And they didn't know.

Stranger 6 - To make up for the fact that Stranger 3 may not have counted, I walked in the food court to a new restaurant and stood next to this girl. I asked her if the new place was better than the last place. She was a freshman and didn't know. We actually talked for a few minutes and I probably could have number closed her, but I didn't want to.

After class got out today, I had texted an HB from college about going to Borders together due to their phenomenal liquidation sales. We went and I found some good books about evolutionary psychology, NLP, and pickup I hadn't read, all 80% off. After that, we went to the dance practice that wasn't actually dance practice. I went to the union to finish my Stylelife challenge. And then the HB suggested we go back to her place and watch a movie. We were with her friend, but still. As far as I'm concerned, this is a huge IOI. I said something about getting something to eat on the way back to her place, and she offered to go by a food store and cook something for me. Another big IOI.

There's only one problem.

Some of you may be critical of me for this, but I don't care. It represents where I am and what my beliefs are. On the way to borders, she told me she is a witch. Like a pagan witch, and very serious about it. Even though what I write on here may make me sound like the type of Christian that makes most people hate Christians, I believe in Christian spirituality. I especially believe in the dark bi-pole of Christian spirituality, and while this may sound crazy to some of you, also believe that especially since I'm not living a spiritually congruent life right now, having sexual intercourse with a witch would put me at an increased risk of some sort of unfavorable spiritual transaction occurring.

But I went over to her house anyways, because there is something about her that I'm really attracted to.

I picked out the movie, and it was an awesome movie. Her friend left. And it was so obvious she wanted me to make a move. It hurt inside it was so obvious. I couldn't even bring myself to hold her hand, because I knew if I did, it would be harder than I would probably be able to control as far as the physical escalation goes.

And then I left.

I really didn't know what to do at all. So on the way home, I sent her a text "That was fun. I don't feel like my trip to *** was a waste anymore, and not just because I got all those awesome books :)"

She replied "Glad to hear it :p"

So I don't know what I'm going to do about this one. I think she was little deflated that nothing happened, and I don't blame her. I could feel it in her hug when I left. I am really conflicted about whether or not I want to do something with her again.... but I know if I do, I'm going to have to make a move. I can't keep going over to her house just to tease her.



This will be the 3rd time I try and write this. Hopefully the computer won't spas out this time.

Today was day 2 of the Stylelife Challenge. I found 5 new strangers to meet, this time all women (not a requirement) and I was supposed to make enough eye contact to notice what color eyes they had.

My day was pretty ho-hum until Swing class started, and I ran in to the HB I taught the dance lessons to and tried unsuccessfully to kiss close. I just pretended like nothing happened and got right back in to the game. The chemistry was back and I was better than ever. After dance was over though, I made it a point to show her a different side of myself.... all she had ever seen me do was neg her, playfully hit her, tease her, and so on. She had made the comment that she feels intimidated by me (which, I like to hear) and so I wanted to show her that I was more than just some guy who could sexually make fun of her. I walked her back to her dorm room (campus and the city is a very dangerous place, as you'll see later) and had an attitudinal shift during our walk. I didn't have as much to say, but was very strong in the way I physically led the girl. The biggest message I wanted to convey to her was safety and protector. I gave her a few compliments, which I feel like she earned, and gave her a kiss on the head when I left.

I met up with 3 of my bros at a bar downtown and my great bro made sure I sat next to a lone girl there. He knew I had 2 more girls to meet, and is really in to PUA. He's a legit natural though (claims I am too, but he is definitely the master), but has also read a lot of PUA literature. I ended up finding out the girl I was next to was a bartender who just got off duty. She was sooooooo beautiful! Easily the most beautiful girl there. I got her to show me some pictures of her dogs, ran Style's 4 questions routine on her, and by then she was totally mine. Nothing has ever worked so amazingly well before ever. It was going so well in fact, that even though she kept saying she had to go, she never left. One of my bros (not a very good one) was getting very jealous and even upset because I was being so successful with this girl, and tried AMOGing. He failed every time, which just made him more upset.

Long story short, after all that I used some NLP techniques on the girl to eliminate some serious limiting beliefs she had and she's legitimately serious about quitting her job and going back to school to study what she's always wanted to do now. She looked at me like I was a God and kept asking me questions like "Where do people like you come from?, How can you know these things about me so much better than I do?, ect." It was a great feeling.

She gave me her number and was insistent that I call her after she gets off work Monday so we can get dinner and go to a salsa class together. I actually had to tell the girl to leave and go home and she really didn't want to. She said goodbye to me at least twice.

We stayed a little longer and then went down a hookah lounge a few blocks away. I'd never done that before, so it was something new, but I felt like it was a big waste of cash. Great bonding time though, so there is something to be said for that. I ended up leaving about 2:30, cashed out and started walking to my car.

All of a sudden I hear a "POW POW POW POW POW" and realize there's a gun fight going on between 2 rival groups about 50 yards away. One guy falls on the ground. There was quite a bit of people out for it being so late and a Thursday night, and pandemonium quickly ensued. I got the greatest adrenaline rush I ever felt in my life, ran the fastest I've ever run to my car, peeled out and drove home to the sound of automatic weapons going off and multiple police cars lights and sirens in the background.

What a night. I approached 5 strangers. And unless the girl flakes, beat the Stylelife 30 day Challenge. I will continue with it though throughout the next 28 days. Picked up the hottest bartender I've ever seen. And left as a gunfight began.



I was totally exhausted when I woke up this morning. I think I only got 4 hours of sleep last night, but when I got up, I felt the most defining sense of purpose and life energy I've felt in years. It feels really good to experience death without actually having died.

I went to ballroom dance class and was totally unengaged. I stayed to help out for the less advanced class and made note of 2 HB's I will meet next week. My great friend who winged for me last night knows one of them and is going to work on an introduction.

But ultimately, I just needed to go to sleep. On the way home I met my parents at a Chinese place and had lunch. Then I went to sleep. I got up, ate diner and left to pick up whoever was coming out to salsa dance tonight... which turned out just to be the HB dance partner and 2 other girls. So we went up to the salsa club together and it was awesome, because I was the best dancer there for a while. It was nice to sip back on some warm brandy again.

It was also different, because I have learned how to project my presence and sexuality better. I had girls asking me to dance with them! I wore a black dress shirt with the top 3 buttons undone and my chest exposed. And since I've been working out a lot, I look great.

I ended up leaving early and taking the HB dance partner home and we had some good conversation on the way back. I'm not sure about her at all, not just because she's a witch, but because I think I like her. Platonic feelings are definitely there, but I feel like there's more.

If I had felt better and wasn't leery after my experience last night, I passed an epic looking party on the way home I thought about crashing. But I have to get some sleep and get studied up for my endocrinology exam on Tuesday.

I basically spent most of today sleeping and dancing.


The Rest of September

I haven't been keeping this journal updated. I can make excuses and some of them would be legit (like school), but some of it has been laziness. That and for some reason I thought I didn't need to keep up what with what I was doing. I got arrogant. And then I got bit in the @ss.

I had an experience with an HB I could have F'd but chose not to. Those inclined can read about what happened here:

and here:

It may sound counter-intuitive to some of the guys on this board, but I'm really glad we didn't have sex. She was a very low quality woman as Scars pointed out in the second post I wrote about and even though I've only had sex with 2 women, I don't want to ratchet my number up with a bunch of trash. Subsequent to me breaking things off with the girl, she's melted down and actually quit the dance team and hasn't left her house in about a week. She's nuts. I know that even though I've felt really rattled lately about my abilities with women, when I'm on, I'm very good. I have been able to demonstrate to myself over the last few months that I have it within me to succeed in this area of my life, and that's been extremely positive.

I have an ex who's been a good friend for a while who's been expressing more romantic sentiments.... she's an ex for a reason, but nevertheless, has been a kick@ss friend. And I don't know what to do about that. She seems to have made some major changes in her life, but she'll have to prove herself to me, which could take a loooonnng time if she ever wants to be in any sort of romantic relationship with me.

I read some books this past month, way too quickly to get what I needed to out of them, and thus, will read them again.

My exercising has been great, I've made huge gains and this week was my off week for the month. I could really feel my muscles starting to get tired from lifting and rock climbing 6 days each week. I had my dad (a Dr.) draw some blood on me to check my cholesterol levels and they were balling good. Less than 120 total, but my HDL is too low at 37. And I do take fish oil with a good DHA to EPA ratio. My dad said it's probably because my exercise has been totally anaerobic and told me to cut the weight lifting down from 6 days per week to 3 and use the other 3 days to do cardio. This sounds a little ridiculous to me, but that freaks me out a little because I hate cardio, especially since I take prescription stimulants for my ADHD. I'm worried about being one of those anomaly statistic cases of people who take Ritalin and suddenly die in the midst of exertion. Some of this is because of the experience I wrote about in my very first thread about my emergency room visit while I was on Adderall, but I have to get over it. I'm still alive and by all measures modern medicine uses, am in great health. I'm either going to start swimming or cycling because I really hate running.

If anyone has any other good cardio activity suggestions, let me know. Since I am a dancer, zumba might be a good choice too.

On the female front, nothing spectacular has happened. I went out this past Thursday sarging with a new wing. We're trying to train in the Venusian arts together and actually weren't so bad for our first shot at night game. I've always been a day game guy. That experience is documented in a rather discouraged story here:

I haven't met many new people I've been interested in. The ones I've met have either had boyfriends or I've found out they have some other issue.

Academically, I've dropped the ball some. I aced my biochem exam, but got B's on every other exam I've gotten back. And that's totally unacceptable for me. Especially because in 2 cases, I rushed through filling out the scantron and missed problems I knew the answer to. But what am I going to do about it? Do better next time!

But that's really the whole of what I have to say. I am reorganizing my life to make school my highest priority, and I think I'm going to drop out of the competition portion of the ballroom dance team. I will keep learning with them, but I don't think I'm going to compete. I will make the formal decision tonight. I still want to keep my life interesting enough to write about, but I really really really need to make school my top priority.


Field Report from Last Thursday

This is a partial account of what happened. I don't remember everything and this is an edited version of an email I sent to my wing addressing how everything went, so it may read a bit in-congruently. You weren't there. I was. But I'd like to document as much of my story as possible:

1. Multi Set 1 in B's Pub (the bachelorette party)

My wing opened this one. I think we did a pretty good job on this one all things considered. I feel like I talked too much and we made a mistake in all of our approaches... no false time constraint! I don't remember a lot of what was going on with this one besides that girl licking the penis sucker and her friend rubbing the penis straw across my exposed pecs (I was wearing a dress shirt with the top 3 buttons undone, no undershirt). I know in that situation, I should have said something to her like "hey, a lady doesn't do things like that in public!" And she'll respond with whatever, it doesn't matter... either agreeing or disagreeing. And to whatever she says I'll tell her that I'll let it slide if she puts down the straw and starts using her hands. Something like that.

I feel like we didn't get as much out of that set as we could have. We left when they started taking the picture of themselves. I made a mistake by losing my balance a little (I'm a bit uncoordinated!) and rocked in to the picture and the girl told me to stand back. More like... "GET OUT OF HERE! LOL OMG XOXOXO". That's when we left. But they were taking pics of us a few minutes later while we were playing pool, prolly to show to their girlfriends these hot guys who tried to "pick them up". I think we should have reopened the set in retrospect for practice, maybe seen if we could get them to bounce somewhere else with us. They did end up bouncing. If we would have reopened them, it could have been with us. Doesn't Mystery say something about how when you open a set, leave, and reopen, it creates a time distortion thing since you've already previously opened them and they feel like they've known you longer?

2. 4-Set on the way to the R Club (on the street)

I opened this set with some question, maybe about where a club is? I don't remember. The only attractive girl in the group was a 6. I think that's a problem right there, and she was a *****y 6. I think we need to start making ***** shield synonymous with neg. Negs are the only thing that brings those down, and the stronger they are, the stronger the neg needs to be. I already sent you a text about the response to their statement about "picking us up". [The girls made a comment about how they "picked us up". I said we should have said in retrospect something like that they are way too late in the game for that... we've already had 6 other groups "pick us up"] I think that's big DLV, that we let a set say they picked us up. I think I am at least going to make a new rule, that when I'm in an interaction with a girl like that 6, and she is continuing to be a ***** to me for more than a few minutes, I'm ejecting with a forceful neg. I think one of the biggest problems with male society today is that they do not assert their personal boundaries (particularly respect) with women and as a result, women ignore them.

3. 4-5 Set on the way to Club L(on the street)

These girls actually opened me. One said I looked really familiar and if we knew each other. I didn't know what to say. These girls were *****es. Plain and simple. But when that girl told me she thought I looked familiar, that was both an IOI and potential opportunity for DHV. I tried to get the DHV out of it, but totally missed the IOI. I have been wondering what the best way to respond to a girl who says you look familiar is...

Another point with this set that sticks out in my mind is that girl who said she'd already been in the club but wouldn't wait with us in line. She needed negged in her place. I'm trying to figure out whether it was DLV to even suggest that, and I think it was. I think the better way to handle it would have been to have done something to make her want to stay rather than to ask her to say. And I am not sure what that would be.... maybe a strong neg to get her to start qualifying herself (those *****es are all insecure) and even though we’re replaceable, if we genuinely made her feel like we did not like her or there was something wrong with her, that might have been enough to get her attention and have her stay to qualify herself. I don’t think there was enough time to run standard game on her to get the rapport necessary for her to want to stay. Think about this too… she was such a *****… she left her friends to stay in line while she went inside.
Secondly, I don’t think we gamed her friends in line very well. They had ***** shields raised high and were closer to 8’s than most of the other girls we saw. We did not neg appropriately. We also ran out of things to say and had way too much silence. That’s a problem with me sometimes because I have no idea what to say. But we can’t let the conversation die, that’s DLV because it shows that whatever they’ve done has affected us.

4. The 2 set on the way to Club L(on the street – on a side note, this is kind of weird… in retrospect, most of our approaches were on the street!)

I opened these girls with the Jealous Girlfriend Opener. I think these girls were weird. I also don’t think this set went extremely well, and I’m not sure I remember what we even said. I didn’t feel very talkative and couldn’t come up with anything inspired to say. I tried the jealous girlfriend opener, you saw how that went, tried to neg the girl off her pedestal by explaining to her that she was really just insecure. But that wasn’t a good strategy.

5. The Club L in general.

The whole atmosphere in that place is geared towards DHV for girls and DLV for guys like we talked about. I think we need to field test my theory sometime. [I'll write about this when we field test it this weekend] This is a challenge for me, because I feel like there should be a way to game in that environment and we just haven’t figured out how to.

6. The multi-set in The Club L (21st Birthday Party)

This girl's friend opened me, asking me to buy her friend (the b-day girl) a drink. I said no, buy me a drink (classic Mystery). I knew she wasn’t going to, but I wasn’t going to buy her a drink. It was at this point that I should have started a new conversation stream, but I didn’t and got stuck on the “buy her a drink!!!!” thing. A new conversation stream would have kept the set going longer.

7. The 2-set at B's Pub (21st Birthday)

I think this one went really well at the beginning, except that the girl was not pretty. I would say she was the least prettiest girl I talked to that night. I started to screw the set up by not moving, isolation, and sexually escalating. I got stuck on something and hung on to it for too long. You can’t do that with women, as a lot of them are overly ADD worse than me.

I would say things to consider for next time would be:

-Creative negs designed to break through a ***** shield.
-Perhaps other ways to break through a ***** shield.
-Responses to the statement “Do I know you?” or “You look familiar”
-Being more conversational and eliminating dead space.
-Trying out my dance club theory. If it fails, develop a new one.
-Finding good canned routine stacks and using them until we get comfortable with them. Once we achieve comfort with canned material, we can start going more natural.
-False time constraint!!!
-And I think we did this, but always keep in mind that this is something meant to be fun. Fun is addictive and we need to be the guys we want to be around. If we are those guys, people will want to be around us.
-How to respond when a girl negs you for the way you're dressed

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
A good way to disarm the ***** shield is to casually mention something sexual about them. Like: "I see your shoes match your bra". I usually just make an observation about how they tried their best to look good. It's always fun to approach women like that.

Edit: I'm not telling you to give a compliment. I mean an honest observation. This puts women on your level and takes them off the pedestal.

Then when it comes to women claiming they know you....

There's 2 scenario's.
1. Either they met you before and you don't remember.
2. They're making up a bull**** story.

I usually just tell them I don't remember and I tell them to tell me all the details in order to refresh my memory.


@Chamber: Thanks for your advice bro. Haven't been getting a lot of feedback from what I write on here. I will impliment your suggestion Thursday when I go out again and post the details here.

1/10/11 - 4/10/11

Is it really the 10th month of the year already? Really?

I realized I'm going to be 25 years old in like 4 months. I'm not ready to be that old. I feel like I've wasted a lot of my time. But there's only one thing I can do about that until I invent a time machine - stop wasting time. I made a statement in a journal entry I wrote in my physical journal on Jan 1st 2010 about things I've learned over the last decade... and I would have to say that of everything I wrote down, this has been the biggest sticking point for me:

Regret is infinitely worse than remose (or rejection)

I have known people who have already died and when I think about some of the things I do, it makes my life feel like an effort in frivolity. So. Time to stop being that way.

I went out Saturday to a girl's house who made me dinner. She's a very good cook. This is the ex I've mentioned who has said she's changed and I don't really believe she has. In any event, she makes very good lemon broiled chicken. I spent about $300 at Express due to their sale.

And everything else I did was either studying or procrastinating from studying. But not in vain... I believe I hit a homerun today on my endorinology exam!! Now I'm crashing from staying up most of the night and blowing through 70mg of Ritalin.

As soon as my biochem class is over, I'm going to sleep.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
The word I was looking for was OBJECTIFY.

I don't know why, but I objectify women. It's a good way to disarm them for me.

Edit: It might be a better idea to just stereotype them. objectifying might not always work out well.


Field Report


I went to the mall after class today. I need to stop buying clothes! Nothing out of the ordinary happened before I went to the mall.

I was just planning on getting some shirts. I saw this couple, it really drives me nuts when I saw really beautiful girls with AFC guys. And this guy was a total AFC! They were holding hands and she threw his hand away. She walked away from him, he chased her. He supplicated to her. Told her how lucky he was to have her as he ran after her. Rinse, lather, repeat. I really wanted to AMOG him for about 5 seconds, but decided against it for 2 reasons: Success for me would have meant getting somewhere with a girl in front of her boyfriend, and I would never be able to trust her because of it. I would also have also probably ruined some poor guys day/week/month/life over something I would have not pursued. And I don't feel like that would be acting as a good steward of my power as a man.

I went in to American Eagle and bought a couple of T-shirts. The cashier was very pretty, and I don't know what it was about her, but I felt really attracted. I especially noticed these feather earrings she had on... she kind of reminded me of a really beautiful hippy :crazy:

HB: Did you have any problems finding what you were looking for today?

Me: Everyone always asks me that. Are there really people who say not o that?

HB: Haha yea, actually there are. Some people can't find their size, ect ect ect. Can I see your credit card?

Me: I don't give that kind of information out to strangers (with a little smirk on my face)

HB: Laughs again, well, I need to see your credit card if you want to buy these things!

Me: Okay, okay, you're a demanding little thing!

HB: Asked for something else.

Me: You sure ask a lot of questions!

HB: Haha yea, bla bla. What's your email address?

Me: Is this the last one? Gave email address.

I haven't conveyed it very well in here, but there was a definite vibe going on here. I thought about asking the girl for her number and I DON"T KNOW WHY I DIDN"T!!!

But I didn't.

I texted my wing and asked him if he could come up with a good strategy to open the girl again without DLVing myself. I went and played the piano in the food court for a little while so I could think and to see if any cute girl would walk buy. That's always been a pretty sure thing, but I didn't see any this time. Nothing from my wing. So I decided to go with the only thing I could do. I felt like I had to go back for myself, because I let myself down when I didn't go for it.

So I went back in and had to wait in line, she recognized me.

HB: You're back!

And I just smiled at her, didn't really respond.

After the people in front of me were done, she asked me why I came back. And I told her with a dead pan serious face there was a problem with my order. She said was like, "whatttt?? You JUST bought that! How could you already have a problem with it??" And I just ignored that and said you just won't stop asking me questions! Now it's time for me to ask you a question. And she said okay. And I told her to give me her number.

And she smile for a second and acted like she was going to, but said she couldn't because she had a boyfriend. I didn't feel like pursuing it any further than that (giving the whole "good for you" line about having a boyfriend and misrepresenting my intentions, ect). But she kept talking with me. I feel like the girl was genuinely attracted to me but felt a higher level of commitment to her BF. That's very unusual. And maybe I'm wrong, but I'm very good at reading people and that's the vibe I got. We had a really good conversation for about 10 minutes until the next customer came to the register. And I left.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Don't set high expectations for American Eagle girl. If you frequent the mall, it's going to be very awkward when you're sarging in the store and you see her working in there. Those people get comission, and they're also hired based on their looks as well. Try to avoid "hired guns", because they get hit on ALL the time, and it's not worth your time. I'm happily biased against them though, mostly because I've never had success with them.

What I've seen work though is to just talk to her and vibe with her, and let HER make the move on you by asking for what you've got going on later, or for your number, etc.

But if you're never in the mall, I'd say go for it since you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's not like you'll see her again.

Your time would be better spent on the girls SHOPPING at the mall, not the ones WORKING. I usually use the ones working as a way to warm myself up socially.

On a side note, I also love the feather thing, it's really cute and I wish more girls would wear them.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
