Reputatation, Ego, Image

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jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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Back in those days when when I was to much of a ***** to approach girls.I think one thing that got me back is that deep down I didnt want to accept that I wasnt good with girls I would try to put myself in denial by thinking you dont need girls. Also I was always about getting people to like me or think I was cool and except me. Well after I went out with some so called friends and got ditched something just snapped inside me. Why am i trying to make people except me Why should I lie to people trying to make it as if your a player when you know im not Why should i be popular to except myself. After that day I was just like **** everyone Just because people dont except you doesnt mean you are any less than them I realized that people are bad to you because they are intimadeted by you. Thats when I destroyed my ego I stopped pretending to be something that was even if I would get made fun. I dont know about you guys but I would rather be happy by myself and be rejjected by the rest of the world then hate myself and know im being fake and be accepted by the rest of the world. Thats when I started sarging girls like crazy after you throw away all these pressures like popularity acceptence and **** like that its like The will to talk girls was just went up like crazy I just talked and didnt care what they said back because as long as you know your being yourself and not rejecting yourself then your the man you proved your manliness that is being a donjuan.If she rejects you she's missing out not you. Stop trying to portray a self image unless its truly what you like. Dont do something case everyone else is because that puts you on the path to losing your soul.


Feb 8, 2007
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i went through that too until i realized u dont need to be down with the popular GUYS to get the sexy and most popular GIRLS.

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
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miniPIMPIN said:


i went through that too until i realized u dont need to be down with the popular GUYS to get the sexy and most popular GIRLS.
I can see that. Actually isn't that the basic principle of DJing? Social Proof.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
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In a shorter sense, Jman is saying that by not obsessing about fitting in is a path to happiness.

While true, be careful to not become a rebel.

Similar to the stereotypical Goths, wallowing in the misery of their own clique...admission to unhappiness will not lead to a happy life.

Remember cognitive dissonance (this is going to sound stupid.) If you think, pretend, or relent to misery, you will be miserable.

It's good to be accepted. It's good to work for acceptance. Become fit, charismatic, and downright charming.

These are things that can be learned. If you work for them.

Just be sure that the journey for acknowledgement doesn't mutate you into despondency through either surrender or stalemate.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
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Congradulations on regurgitating information straight out of the DJ Bible!


jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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lol i probably will end up being a rebel not like a goth but i everyone will be afriad of me because i know everyones gonna wanna start with me and im not gonna back down and i wont lose. Lol and naturally you dont need to work for acceptance if they are really your friends they will like you for who you are When you made friends in kindergarden did you work for it know and believe it or not the friends you have in those younger grades were probably the most true friends in the world you didnt have to be a certain type of guy to be accepted their you just have to be yourself lol and we dont need to learn anythign man we are already programmed its natural to have these things when you say your learning them thats bull**** what your doing is trying to mold yourself to fit in so other people will like you well life isnt about that life is about combining your dream and your day.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
While true, be careful to not become a rebel.
Whats wrong with being a rebel rebels are the actual people that start new movements eras and trends so actually rebels are leaders people try to fit in with rebels not the other way around. Here are a few of your word rebels(Martin Luther King , Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington) yea im gonna be so careful not to become a rebel(sarcastic)

Similar to the stereotypical Goths, wallowing in the misery of their own clique...admission to unhappiness will not lead to a happy life.

Whats wrong with being a goth if thats what they like then they are free to do whatever they want you have no right to tell them that what their doing is right You are trying to destroy their dream by doiung so and that is a no no. You said their wallowing in thier own misery how do you know that you dont know them and your judging them already. If they are miserable its because their like you and are puttig their focus on popularity and fitting in rather then doing what makes them happy and doing what they want to do. Their some mad hot goths in my school id **** them wheter their gotths or not and im sure if you saw a sexy hot women that was a goth you wouldnt be thinking about the gothicness.

Remember cognitive dissonance (this is going to sound stupid.) If you think, pretend, or relent to misery, you will be miserable.

I dont even understand the point of you writing that or what that means.

It's good to be accepted. It's good to work for acceptance. Become fit, charismatic, and downright charming.
People are supposed to accept you for who you are if they dont accept you than that means they think theyt arte a better human then you and that is downright wrong their the ones wrong not you. You talk about becoming fit if its because you want to get accepted(its just another phrase for pleasing people cause you think your not good enough deep down) then thats so wrong I was watching the pickup artist yesterday the guy was even talking about how he saw a fat guy at the club pulling in mad chicks. If you wanna be fit for you than go ahead. Charistmatic you just contradict yourself by saying that being charismatic is when people have alot of confidence in themselves what they do These are the rebels you were bashing above. Its impossible to fit in which is basically moldingyourself so people could accept you which is wrong because that basically makes you a slave to the so called cool people in your school lol.

These are things that can be learned. If you work for them
Lol these thing you already have. them their just oppressed because you find people that think they are better and that your not because your different and you believe them because they make fun off you which makes them wrong. I understand you though its not your fault since childhood we have all been lied to being told this is the way to go and this is wrong well who are they totell you what is wrong and what is right they have no right to tell you that you decide that for yourself. They cant tell you that because their not you. You think those thoughts in your mind aare their for no reason their their so you fullfill them man not hide them because people say its not right.

Just be sure that the journey for acknowledgement doesn't mutate you into despondency through either surrender or stalemate.
Lol journey for acknowledgement (the journey to be noticed, to fit in) Hahahahah this is the journey to ***** hood you have the wrong mindset man stop thinking of what to do to make people like you focus on what you want to do. And if you think you wilkl be happy when people accept you thats wrong. When I was accepted by other people i felt lonlier than ever because i knew this isnt the real me same with girls you wont enjoy it after a while because you know its not you. The more you try to fit in the more your soul will torture you. Being yourself is truly the only path to true happiness man. All those things you got ridiculed for before Do them and do it with a vengeance and you will see how people will react people will try to ridicule you but when they know that you wont budge they will be forced to accept you because you didnt budge in your thinking because you had confidence in your real self. And what is confidence but the key to uniting your dream and your day think about that alkali.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
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jtrain 289 said:
Whats wrong with being a rebel rebels are the actual people that start new movements eras and trends so actually rebels are leaders people try to fit in with rebels not the other way around. Here are a few of your word rebels(Martin Luther King , Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington) yea im gonna be so careful not to become a rebel(sarcastic)
Those are people that revolutionized society for society's sake.

You're just a little bcith who wants to give up on social standards for your own satisfaction.

jtrain 289 said:
Whats wrong with being a goth if thats what they like then they are free to do whatever they want you have no right to tell them that what their doing is right You are trying to destroy their dream by doiung so and that is a no no. You said their wallowing in thier own misery how do you know that you dont know them and your judging them already. If they are miserable its because their like you and are puttig their focus on popularity and fitting in rather then doing what makes them happy and doing what they want to do. Their some mad hot goths in my school id **** them wheter their gotths or not and im sure if you saw a sexy hot women that was a goth you wouldnt be thinking about the gothicness.
Glorifying death and demeaning life isn't something I choose to respect.

If you want to be a little goth then go slit your wrists instead of dragging society down.

jtrain 289 said:
I dont even understand the point of you writing that or what that means.
I'm not surprised.

jtrain 289 said:
People are supposed to accept you for who you are if they dont accept you than that means they think theyt arte a better human then you and that is downright wrong their the ones wrong not you. You talk about becoming fit if its because you want to get accepted(its just another phrase for pleasing people cause you think your not good enough deep down) then thats so wrong I was watching the pickup artist yesterday the guy was even talking about how he saw a fat guy at the club pulling in mad chicks. If you wanna be fit for you than go ahead. Charistmatic you just contradict yourself by saying that being charismatic is when people have alot of confidence in themselves what they do These are the rebels you were bashing above. Its impossible to fit in which is basically moldingyourself so people could accept you which is wrong because that basically makes you a slave to the so called cool people in your school lol.

You're supposed to conform. Society doesn't favor fat people. Get over it.

If you're overweight you're less likely to find work, to get promoted, you basically rub people the wrong way.

The same goes for people who can't socialize properly.

For the record, charisma is not confidence.

You can obviously be a completely confident dumbass. That's not charisma.

jtrain 289 said:
Lol these thing you already have. them their just oppressed because you find people that think they are better and that your not because your different and you believe them because they make fun off you which makes them wrong. I understand you though its not your fault since childhood we have all been lied to being told this is the way to go and this is wrong well who are they totell you what is wrong and what is right they have no right to tell you that you decide that for yourself. They cant tell you that because their not you. You think those thoughts in your mind aare their for no reason their their so you fullfill them man not hide them because people say its not right.

You want happiness? We've been told it's the way to go because it's the way to go.

Ultimately, you're just too lazy to improve yourself.

Love you for you and be bitter at the world for not loving you too!

jtrain 289 said:
Lol journey for acknowledgement (the journey to be noticed, to fit in) Hahahahah this is the journey to ***** hood you have the wrong mindset man stop thinking of what to do to make people like you focus on what you want to do. And if you think you wilkl be happy when people accept you thats wrong. When I was accepted by other people i felt lonlier than ever because i knew this isnt the real me same with girls you wont enjoy it after a while because you know its not you. The more you try to fit in the more your soul will torture you. Being yourself is truly the only path to true happiness man. All those things you got ridiculed for before Do them and do it with a vengeance and you will see how people will react people will try to ridicule you but when they know that you wont budge they will be forced to accept you because you didnt budge in your thinking because you had confidence in your real self. And what is confidence but the key to uniting your dream and your day think about that alkali.
Then you're a freak. I wasn't an athlete until highschool.

Did I cry about my soul torturing me? No. I developed in to one.

I wasn't great with ladies (or people) until eigth grade.

Did I go, "screw this man, they should love me for me!"

No. I developed.

I can articulate my thoughts excellently now and convey a sense of humour very few people can pull off.

I'm healthier, smarter, and loads better with people because I was not a rebel.

If I want to rebel against something I do not believe in (like the great men you listed)

I'll have the skills needed.

Where as you'll be an introverted nobody for the rest of your life.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
You guys basically saying the same things as each other, both good ideas:) I ve been having a debate in my mind about this and been asking my self if working out and good style is fitting in with the cowd or taking care of yourself, I came up that it could be either or ,and depends on your mindset, and that its good to take care of yourself/heath/clothes if its for you or the girl( at least when your first starting out) but I think eventually taking care of yourself should be done for you and not the girl. SO if anyones just starting off with improving themselves, it could be for a girl, whatever gets you motivate but when it all comes down it should be for yourself and for your own worth...
as for being a charismatic person, what the hell does it actually mean I mean look at the definition"the special virtue of an office, function, position, etc., that confers or is thought to confer on the person holding it an unusual ability for leadership, worthiness of veneration, or the like"
I think we all have are own opinion on what it means mine is that its someone who is a leader and can make people feel good but based on the definition, its says your a leader which means you fit in somehow.
Actually after reading your guys disscussion I realize that you GuyZ are SAying THE SAme thing JuST MISunderstading each other or GOing off an EMotion to win the battle of threads? ALl your points are good, why does everyone on all forms always make arguments with each other? lol(Im doing righ now myself which means I am asking my self this same question, please someone call me a hypocrite) lol


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yep, ego, reputation, image, it's all bullsh*t. Just do whatever the hell you want, don't give a sh*t what anybody else thinks. Be unreactive, don't act different because a particular person is around. I'm improving, starting to not give a sh*t and all those people who care about rep and everything look at me strange, sometimes even say "What the f*ck are you doing?". But I don't care, because I'm just being myself. Like seriously, sometimes I'll just start dancing in a place full of people just to show that I don't give a sh*t. You ever wonder why geeks and dorks don't get laid? Looks? Nah, it's the fact that they just give too much a sh*t about what everyone thinks. They let what other people say affect them. If you care about ego, reputation and image, you're basically trying to impress everyone else and try to be who they want you to be. A high value guy has no need to impress anyone, a high value guy only needs to impress himself. Ever since I stopped caring about ego and just started being myself, TRULY being myself, I've become a lot more confident. People will start liking you more when you start being your own individual self and stop trying to be like everyone else. Most people are actually NOT individual and tend to follow everyone else.

In a stereotypical High School sense I'd break it down like this...

Geeks: People who care so much about what others think about them they tend to not be very social.

'Normal' Kids: Basically followers, they do whatevers cool. The average kids.

Cool Kids: The leaders, the kids who basically don't give a f*ck.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
I think this post is backwards. While it instills all the right fundamentals of being a DJ, it does not take into account...HUMAN NATURE. Especially FEMALE NATURE.

Believe it or not guys, girls DO think about image/social proof/reputation.

Last year when I was in HS, I nailed one of the hottest girls(imo) in the school. Guess how I did this?

I AMOGed one of the "jocks" she hangs out with. After that, she sents some IOIs... I sat back and subconsciously told her "that isnt enough babe".. Next thing I know, she starts coming and sitting beside me in class with THE LAMEST EXCUSES. I would have called her on it if I wasn't interested, but instead I played along. For a couple days all I did was spit some game, then out in the hall after class when she was "lingering", I invited her to come on an adventure with me. She accepted. The rest is history.

Later on that year, one of her close friends was giving me the "eyes". She saw me as a potential, BECAUSE MY SOCIAL PROOF WITH HER FRIEND. Long story short I made out with her in my car after a lunch date in the school parking lot.

I barely spat any game to wheel two of THE MOST POPULAR GIRLS IN MY SCHOOL.


My reputation and image and of course a small dose of game.


So come on guys... While having a little circle jerk about how image, social proof, and reputation don't matter is fun and all.... It will not help you get laid.

The way I see it now, they are all just useful items in the DJ tool box.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
But guess what man, you have good game and you won't NEED a good rep/image to game girls. If you have good game and confidence, you could have literally no rep and get one of the hottest girls. Bad thing about rep is it's what OTHERS think of you and it can get to your head and you'll feel like crap if you ever lose that rep. Just don't let your rep define you.


Later on that year, one of her close friends was giving me the "eyes". She saw me as a potential, BECAUSE MY SOCIAL PROOF WITH HER FRIEND. Long story short I made out with her in my car after a lunch date in the school parking lot.
Yes, because of social proof, not your rep. Rep has nothing to do with being social. Your rep may have helped you get social proof, but still, it wasn't why you got it. It's because you were SOCIAL. A guy with absolutely no rep, can lay the most popular girls if his games really good. You don't need a rep to be social and you certainly don't NEED a rep to game girls. That's why you can lay girls in places you've never been to before if you have good game.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
If you have good game you'll have reputation. It's that simple...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Not neccessarily. You could have no rep at all and have the best game out there. Then again, you could actually get a BAD rep for being good with girls because some might label you a player or something. That's why, good or bad, you shouldn't really care about rep.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
ok alkali your the little ***** actually people that defy society for their own saitisfaction were the bravest people of all. They chose to do what they wanted to do insted of what other people wanted so i suggest you shut the **** up and dont ever write on my posts again. You to scared to talk to girls on your ****ing cruise. Adn what you said about death i still agree with it Id rather die on my feet then live on my knees. Those guys did not do **** for societies sake they did it for their sake. From all the things you say and all your posts i can tell your pathetic you probably kiss all the popular peoples ass in your school. Faggot who made society wasnt it men like us are those men in any way better than us they basically just embraced their ideas so i guess their selfish *****es to then right. Know your facts you ****. Your not a dj your what pook calls a boytoy you live your life for other people not yourself. Keep that ****ing mindset of yours your well on your way to getting used and discarded like a ****ing tampon.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hahaha alkali. about what you say about satisfaction lol what do we come to earth to do we come to satisfy ourselves. I dont care what parents ****ing say about treating others well and all that crap its just sometrhing they tell you to make you feel guilty when they want you to satisfy their ****ing need. What wrong with satisfaction b nothing then id rather be a ***** dont call me little because ill break you son. I dont improve myself your a ****ing retard you dont know **** i dont talk about myself when im posting i just give examples. I improve myself for myself because i want it i dont improve myself so other people want me to . I dont even wanna argue with yoou anymore bro you need help more than ever all those things that your wrote back to me are things that girls like your mom any female relatives, female teachers probably said to you all your life . Your still on the otherside of the lace curtain so you wouldnt get the poitns im making. All those things that you wrote are kind of what girls use to make their bf's or husbands do what they want . You got read some pook stuff man it'll help you alot. Forget about the bad stuff i said im just mad but then i realized its you that needs the help. you can call me a ***** idc as long as im happy and i do what i want to do and im not part of society im happy being called anything after all the greates rebels were labeld gay crack heads so whatever man. You called me lazy but i say why work for something you already have. Being unpopular in highschool is basically like being a bachelor now everyone sees you as wiered cause you dont conform to society when everyone in society is faking and pretending to be happy when their living a lie. Id rather be a ***** that works for my own satisfaction then live a lie because i want to be part of society. I guess im a bad guy. But actually i like the villains more than the super hero's.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
jtrain 289 said:
ok alkali your the little ***** actually people that defy society for their own saitisfaction were the bravest people of all. They chose to do what they wanted to do insted of what other people wanted so i suggest you shut the **** up and dont ever write on my posts again.
Did I not go over this very slowly for you? They did it for society's sake.

Every single person you listed. You're just a little baby that can't handle criticism.

jtrain 289 said:
You to scared to talk to girls on your ****ing cruise. Adn what you said about death i still agree with it Id rather die on my feet then live on my knees. Those guys did not do **** for societies sake they did it for their sake.
I didn't even understand the first half of this stanza (it's a poem, right?) I've never even been on a cruise.

If you're talking about Hawaii then you did see the part where I got their number and a little action, right lol?

Anyways, no. You're wrong. About everything.

Lincoln didn't revolutionize american society so that he could be free.

He did it for a better world, a better society.

MLK could be painted as a selfish, egotisitcal, and self-motivated demagogue.

But only someone as silly as you would believe that.

Do you see a difference here? None of them went "WAHHH, screw society, WAHHH, love me for me!"

They yelled, at the top of their lungs,

"Society is flawed! Help me make a better world so that we may benefit from an efficient, equitable world!"

jtrain 289 said:
From all the things you say and all your posts i can tell your pathetic you probably kiss all the popular peoples ass in your school. Faggot who made society wasnt it men like us are those men in any way better than us they basically just embraced their ideas so i guess their selfish *****es to then right. Know your facts you ****. Your not a dj your what pook calls a boytoy you live your life for other people not yourself. Keep that ****ing mindset of yours your well on your way to getting used and discarded like a ****ing tampon.
Some people might argue that kissing the pretty girls in school isn't so bad.

In fact, that's the major goal for most posters. So wtf are you here for lol?

Boytoy lol. God bless Pook. I live my life for me.

If I didn't want to kiss pretty girls and be number 15 in my class then yeah, I'd be like you.

But I like the sound of success.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
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jtrain 289 said:
Hahaha alkali. about what you say about satisfaction lol what do we come to earth to do we come to satisfy ourselves. I dont care what parents ****ing say about treating others well and all that crap its just sometrhing they tell you to make you feel guilty when they want you to satisfy their ****ing need. What wrong with satisfaction b nothing then id rather be a ***** dont call me little because ill break you son. I dont improve myself your a ****ing retard you dont know **** i dont talk about myself when im posting i just give examples. I improve myself for myself because i want it i dont improve myself so other people want me to . I dont even wanna argue with yoou anymore bro you need help more than ever all those things that your wrote back to me are things that girls like your mom any female relatives, female teachers probably said to you all your life . Your still on the otherside of the lace curtain so you wouldnt get the poitns im making. All those things that you wrote are kind of what girls use to make their bf's or husbands do what they want . You got read some pook stuff man it'll help you alot. Forget about the bad stuff i said im just mad but then i realized its you that needs the help. you can call me a ***** idc as long as im happy and i do what i want to do and im not part of society im happy being called anything after all the greates rebels were labeld gay crack heads so whatever man. You called me lazy but i say why work for something you already have. Being unpopular in highschool is basically like being a bachelor now everyone sees you as wiered cause you dont conform to society when everyone in society is faking and pretending to be happy when their living a lie. Id rather be a ***** that works for my own satisfaction then live a lie because i want to be part of society. I guess im a bad guy. But actually i like the villains more than the super hero's.
Ugh, first off, it's you're.

That's the form you wanted for the majority of your post.

Secondly, you're awfully quick to size me up.

I'm no AFC, I like having a good time with minimum commitment.

Hell, I'm like everyone else.

But I'm better than most.

Know why?

Because I value, understand, and shape myself around the things that will make one a success.

To have money, you generally need an education.

Good grades are all-important.

To have girls, you generally need to fit their social standards.

Good looks, toned condition, and a well-developed humor are omnipotent.

What else is there? Self-acceptance?

You can love yourself when no one else does.

But I won't need to. Everyone else will handle that for me.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
Lol you fool you just said you dont want to be free that your glad to stay a slave. The only way to make society better is by making it more free lol. I can handle critiscm its just your such a retard. Lol your just like what pook calls a crusty philosopher hahah your good at academics and **** but you cant even read your own soul. If society limits you then it is bad your the wrong one. Your just a little ***** thats afraid to express himself. What started the American revolution you dumbass it was the want for freedom they wanted freeedom to practice the religions they wanted you dumb****. Cant you see lol you said yourself The only way to improve society is to bring in your own ideas and do waht you want to do and expand it for. People like you destroy society by keeping it in the same state. If people like you lived on this earth in the when the american revolution started we wouldnt be free right now. If people like you were here during slavery i wouldnt be free. You fool. Hahaha you waste your time saying bad things about me because you know im calling out your insecurity. The only way to improve society which is basically making it more free and lineant is to bring in your own ideas do waht you want to do with confidence. Lol your idea of success is already a failure i can see it haha Changing your self for a girls approval You are the biggest fool if you lived back when these great levels did what they wanted to do you be the little ***** you wouldnt satnd up for your rights if you are black you would gladly be a slave. you would gladly stay im britain you pathetic peace of ****. The great rebels were alwqays called things like you are calling me hahaha. you will never succedd at life you will always live for other peoples satisfaction. Its impossible to not do anything for societies sake you jackass. When you have an idea and you express you just improved society you just gave room for more freedom. Bettering society is the same as freeing it.
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