You take this red pill stuff too seriously. Stop thinking about statistics. Start worrying about your game. Are you going to let some statistic hold you back? I'm short and short guys supposedly don't get women.
The videos I've referenced on this thread doesn't say that 5-7 normie tiers can't get women, they just need game/smooth game in order to do that. You might have a really great face, or maybe a pretty boy look that some women are into, etc....
Young OG said:
But, my track record says otherwise. I've had more lays then thousands of tall guys out there. I even have a friend who is tall, good looking, dresses good, and makes 70k. He doesn't get any women because he is afraid to approach and he doesn't know how to talk to women.
Like the video says on the graphs, even Chad-lites that are Autistic or have zero game can not get girls. With those types of guys they need a "don't mess it up" game but they still have to show up. If you have smooth game or even competent game then you would beat a chadlite with zero game.
Again, people need to look at all of the videos before coming to a conclusion. I don't normally make threads about blackpills or incel. Usually you have
@MatureDJ, and perhaps some other posters that do that. I normally see them as fakecells who can just JBW and get an Asian gf but want to stay within their own race.
I make a thread about the videos because the videos actually present a balanced perspective that's not disrespectful to red-pill thinking. In fact, arriving at the truth as to whether one is a blackpilled normie, or a true incel-tier would be helpful in coming to some sort of understanding about how you are in the overall scheme of things.
As the videos say, if you are a normie-5 then you do have hope but have to learn some really smooth/tight game in order to be successful, and you have to use cold approach since OLD would not work. If you are normie-5 or above (which I 100% believe you are based on what you've wrote), then of course you will be successful with women based on the videos I've just watched.
Young OG said:
Any mention of looksmax is straight up incel crap.
That is just ignorant because again you have not looked at the videos. You just sound triggered. You are probably have reached your looksmax potential so that is already working for you. If you had a deformed face, if you were not white, or something pushed you further down, then the according to the video its unlikely your game would still be effective the way it is right now. You could be virtue signaling and may be oblivious to the other little factors that are keeping you just above that borderline of looks so that your approach and game even works.
Young OG said:
If your going to watch any videos, then watch videos that actually focus on approaching, conversating, and
texting. If you keep watching videos like the ones your talking about, all you will do is become more angry and jaded towards women.
Again, the videos also says that people don't like talking about the blackpill because other people will say they are angry and jaded towards women. If you want to at least disprove or argue against the video you shouldn't be a textbook example of what the videos are trying to say about how people would respond to that type of mindset.
In essence, you can't have an opinion, because if you have an opinion that's not popular, feel good, and sugar-coated then you sound bitter and jaded. I can assure you the videos are more entertaining, especially the way they tore down a famous PUA and claimed he was a 3, etc....
At the moment, I'm not watching any further videos. That stash of videos looked very interesting, and I wasn't disappointed. Remember, someone was arrested and went to Jail in the UK for doing approaches. You could be charged for harassment if a woman doesn't want to be approached. That's because he was a sub-5 ethnic.