I agree that your training in any particular martial art does go out the window in a street fight. However, I think the point everyone is missing is that if someone has the warrior mindset of adaptability ( the same used when working with women) and has trained his body in movement and fighting, then the martial art goes out the window...it is only the fighter now. It is only an expression. In fact, in a true warrior mindset..victory or failure has nothing to do with your actions! That my friend, is the ultimate goal of a fighting system. To train you so you can destroy it again.
Most martial systems are catagorized ways of teaching what others have done before..but each person is different..So is each fighting style. The problem is most styles don't train to fight people who don't fight like them.
I would like to see a predatory street fighter with no training have the reactive speed of a well trained fighter..not happening. However, it is the mindset, the complete unwavering WILL TO FIGHT, that makes these untrained fighters dangerous to warriors in training.
By the way, a warrior is not only someone who fights. It is a mindset that applies everywhere. There are some great stories pretaining to this concept.
But, depending on your goals:
If you want to not be hurt - diffuse the situation with words or run.
If you want to risk the possibilty of even being killed - fight..but fight with absolute mental authority. Fight as if it was the last thing you'd ever do. (BUT: This isn't me saying anything like some people's macho "Finish him!" b******t.)
From extensive experience..gratuitous violence is a terrible and disgusting thing. However, I do believe that to be a man, you should learn how to fight so you never have to.
Through the process of training, one of the most valuble skills I have learned is to evade attackers by using easy and simple footwork. Sure I could take them down or basically kill them, but that's generally not on my to do list. I don't want to be put in prison because I had no control and ON TOP OF THAT..why ruin someone else's life? They have something to do on this planet just like we all do.
Also, telling an inexperienced guy to TAKE THEM TO THE GROUND is irresponsible. Being on the ground has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages for a non trained man are too much.
Good luck! Find some training...all of you!!