Question PuertoRican Lover's views!


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
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Every Womans Heart
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
The only reason for which I am here on SosSuave is for your development and not mine!!
But PuertoRock,

Does not the master also learn from his students?
You are experienced in the ways of the world and very articulate, but your words are lacking in humility.

For the record, I agree with most of what you say. Except the part about only screwing virgins...not my thing really. I like a woman who has a little freak in her and knows how to express her passion. Your attitude shows why you have not found the One you seek. 18 year old virgins may be fun, but they are lacking the substance and character necessary to meet a man's emotional as well as sexual needs. I dont know what your problem is man. I think older women are sexy as hell!

But as they wisely say, to each his own.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
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Los Angeles
Ahh Religion...

A set of rules to live by.

All great for a society to grow and live with one another.

More importantly control the masses.

Be a good little boy - and you shall live forever.

Control and subdue the masses - whilst controlling all the power and living the life of luxury.

Much like communism.

Do as I say, not what I do.

Yes, religion was a way of controlling your population.

No sex before marrage.... that's unless your porking the alter boy.

Men what to own their women. Chastity belts, commadments and no sex before marrage..... all are ways to control their women.

And don't think for a second that women in history were married as virgins.

lol... right.
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by NewMan
Again very well written by PRL - But he is way off

What is "Natural"? Who defined it? and why was it defined so?

What is "right" - who defines what is right?

PRL's vision of natural and right - is what society taught him. Women should not have sex before marrage.

That my friends is religion at work.

It is not the NATURAL order of things.

Marrage is a man made ceremony. It is not natural.

Men were never designed to be with one woman and one woman alone. Men re-produce. that is our natural drive and goal. to fvck and to produce children.

Societies rules have changed that.
I have said it before - I haven't been to church since I was a child and I belong to no faith - so religion has no bearing on what I state or have stated!!! I do not know the dogmas of any religion!

Newman, as I stated - nature is what it is - we only discover the laws of nature and we do NOT create them! From Astronomy to the biological sciences to mathematical formulas to the physical sciences to music to art - these things exist without human intervention or man's doing.

Can a picture of an ice-capped mountain with a sun-lit sky with animals about in the valley alongside the stream of water be better in sight than the natural sight itself?? The laws of motion still exist whether or not we exist! We, as humans do NOT define nature – it defines us!! We are by products of the conglomerate of natural forces on earth – water, sunlight, air, vegetation and animals (for food and clothing), so on and so forth.

The earth’s rotation and movement of our galaxy are aligned in perfect harmony to sustain us naturally – thus it was obviously created for our benefit. When we think, as humans, that it is by our own doing and thinking that we are so prosperous and knowledgable, then we begin to plant the seed of our own destruction.

Yes, look at nature for guidance to know and determine that which is true and right!

If nature itself abides by and adheres to fixed natural laws and these natural laws work together as a collaborative unit to bring forth a harmonious and productive result doesn’t it stand to reason that since we, as humans, are a by-product of nature, that we too must abide by fixed laws to create a harmonious and productive result? By the way, this is a rhetorical question – the answer is an emphatic “yes”!!!

Just as we do not define nature, we do NOT define truth – “truth” is what it is, regardless of our perspective or perception. We do not determine what a thing is – it is the ”nature” of a thing that defines it!! So truth is closely tied to nature when we speak of our human nature as a man and a woman. And our natures our dictated by natural laws (as mentioned previously) because without law there is chaos and when we go outside of the established natural law there is also chaos; thus, laws and nature are inextricably tied together – you cannot separate the two!! And hence, when we speak of “truth” with regards to our nature as a man/woman then we must speak of nature and laws since we are a by-product of nature and it’s laws.

The natural laws apply to us since we are naturally created elements whose survival is based on the “natural” laws of air, water, light etc. Our survival is not based on man’s law rather we must adhere to the pre-ordained natural laws by which we came into existence so that we can maintain our existence!! ”. The “natural order of things” that I speak of is within this aforementioned framework “Religion” does not control our thinking – “people” do – so don’t blame religion blame people!!

So again – we do not define truth (the nature of a thing), we only acknowledge and need to adhere to truth (to the nature of a thing) to be in harmony with the natural order of things. We need to adhere to the natural laws of existence for us to create a harmonious and a productive result in our society as humans – it is only when we go outside of our natures (truth and natural laws of humans) and the natural order of things that chaos and destruction results.

“Marriage” – the union of the male and female, has nothing to with religion – those who say this are misguided – the ceremony (act) of marriage is only an acknowledgement of that which takes place naturally!!! It is only natural for the male and female to come together and unite and become a unit to procreate and continue the cycle of our existence as a species (nature knows what it is doing!!!) – UNIFICATION IS “THE” natural law of the man and woman!!!

Einstein and scientists need to look no longer for the “unified theory of all” in the physical realm of our universe – the natural laws of the unification of the “man and woman” is at the root of his (Einstein’s) question of “What unifies all”. Einstein and scientists looked at the mathematical, physical/material level for their answer – they are overlooking the obvious – the answer to their quest is not in the physical rather their answer lies in the metaphysical/spiritual realm of man and woman. If you study the forces that gravitate the male to the female and the female to the male you will then begin to understand that which unifies all!! IT IS THE SAME LAW that applies to all! You heard it first on SoSuave!!

Newman, society’s rules have changed but not the rules of the man’s and woman’s nature (natural laws are constant) – this is why the Hor/Homo agenda is a corruption of the natural order of things because they go against that which is natural and thus right as it relates to human interaction and function on earth!

I never said that men were designed (by nature) to be with one woman but it was designed that a woman to be with one man Men reject the offspring of another man’s sperm and have total disregard for it’s well-being thus this goes against the survival of a species (men kill babies who are not the doing of their own loins in times of war). On the other hand, the man tends to feel a natural belonging to that which he produces but when he is in doubt or knows that he parked his sperm in the womb of a hor (a non-married woman) then he sees her only as a vehicle of pleasure and had no inclination of having offspring with a street urchin so he rejects the child solely based upon the reflection of the horishness of the mother – he only wanted sex and not an eternal tie to the hor which produced his offspring – thus a unwanted and unloved bastard is born!!!! Welcome to America!!!

Is it natural for a woman’s womb that is designed to bring forth life to be a diseased pool of germs that creates death or retards birth (Aids and other diseases)\??? That which is created for life (the womb) now brings forth death through disease and pollution of many men’s sperm all vying for existence in her inner sanctum!! That which was and is “naturally” designed for life now brings death? HUH??? What caused this? I’ll tell you, since you don’t know or pretend not to know – it is the woman’s wh@redoms which is at the root of this “UN-NATURAL” order of things”!!!!

YES, it is the man’s nature to pursue the woman (this is known), and we have consistently followed the dictates of our nature as men – but what has changed in the most modern of times is the acquiescence of the women – the woman has the final determination to accept our wooing advances or to cast them aside in hopes for a greater affirmation of her womanhood from another man!! \Women (hors) of today have no shame and give them selves readily to all, or most, or some, or one she sees as desirable regardless of commitment or loyalty or vow!!! She (the hor – the unmarried woman) wants satisfaction of her carnal desires without consequence of the womb – but again, we cannot deny the natural law that dictates the action of the sperm and egg!!!

Truth is embedded within the natural law and thus life (a baby) will spring forth regardless of the emotions, intents, or commitments of the parties involved. Birth is predicated upon action (the union of the male/female) regardless of intent (birth is predicated on natural law to create offspring which is good and right). It is assumed by the sperm and the egg that there was consented intent in their union and it was the doing of the two opposite sexes for the purpose of creating life ---- the sperm and egg follow natural law and thus are consistent in their function regardless of the “intent” of the two parties involved in the sexual act of procreation!!!!!

Do you see how the acquiescence of “modern’ women (hors) against the natural order of things have created havoc through so-called ‘unwanted pregnancies”, “abortions”, “man-made disease”, and “one-night stands”, “Boyfriends”, “LTR’s, STR’s”, and “Pimps” ???

If a woman accepts many men and invites and acquiesces to their sexual advances then what incentive is there for a man to embrace and dedicate himself to her offspring??? She is a hor and no one special – the man views himself as the next pimp in line and the newborn child is the result of “someone else’s sperm that led to this “accidental” birth. All sane men deny being the procreator of the unmarried hor’s offspring! This is the natural and correct response!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
PRL you said:

“Einstein and scientists need to look no longer for the “unified theory of all” in the physical realm of our universe – the natural laws of the unification of the “man and woman” is at the root of his (Einstein’s) question of “What unifies all”. Einstein and scientists looked at the mathematical, physical/material level for their answer – they are overlooking the obvious – the answer to their quest is not in the physical rather their answer lies in the metaphysical/spiritual realm of man and woman. If you study the forces that gravitate the male to the female and the female to the male you will then begin to understand that which unifies all!! IT IS THE SAME LAW that applies to all!”

Let me add:

In this search for unification Quantum Physics is proving the existence of a natural order in the universe. Your statements are almost on point. You are a bit off when you said:

“Is it natural for a woman’s womb that is designed to bring forth life to be a diseased pool of germs that creates death or retards birth (Aids) {I left out and other diseases}”

It is the Homo who bought the black plague of the new century to our doorsteps. It started with them and it shall hopefully end with them when the last one dies it’s hideous death.

It is man who bought this plague to woman-kind. It is the homo man who spread this plague to all of mankind. Let’s give credit where credit is due.

It is the male who is out of sync with the natural order of life that bought this plague upon us.


Look to nature for the answer. When a certain element becomes to strong nature must trim it back. If you look at the rise of homosexuality in the world you can see why nature needed to create a disease to slow this down.

Also look at the level of promiscuity among us normals. It also needed to be slowed down. What better way than to use nature to fight against us and remind us that we are products of life on this planet.

You know me PRL by my words. You know I speak from the source. Homo’s are worse of a problem than the hor. At least the hor will contribute to the flow of life. The homo comes here and gives nothing back. Sure they have given fine arts, but art is a human thing of appreciation and has nothing really to do with nature.

In nature there is no greater art. “see the lilies of the field, even Solomon in all his splender was not as finely clothed as they” –Jesus of Nas.

I’m not sure what happened to you in your life, but many of your points are very very valid and on point. You are correct is your statements about woman as being made for one male. This is why women have a element in their brains that will cause a bonding to the male who penetrates them. This is why if the seed of a foreign male hits their vaginal area many will develop yeast infections due to the ph balance becoming off.

They are programmed to be with one male at a time. In our history, man had many wives. We traveled in nomadic tribes. We fought and killed over little pieces of game territory. We bred and we flourished.

There was no place for the homo-man. Because all men were needed to breed. You and I are out of place, because the homo-man’s time is here due to this invention of man called society.

In a society we no longer have to hunt or kill. Mankind can allow the oddities to exist. Mankind can allow that which is unnatural to co-exist with that which is natural.

But we don’t have to like it!


Jan 19, 2005
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I am Christian, and marriage is the union of a man and woman by God. It seems that this board is teeming with atheists. You do what you want, but don't bad mouth FAITH. Which is entirely different than organized religion.
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
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The determining factor of what is real or natural is all in the human mind. Y'know, kinda like how it is in the Matrix. Seriously though, that movie did point out some interesting issues, even though it's just a movie.

Movies aside, some people who have experienced brain damage or some serious form of mental illness might see reality in a different way. Even children with less developed brains see reality differently compared to adults.

You can always argue that this is how it is. That young children are naturally created with less developed brains. That if your brain would to be damaged, you'll probably see things skewed. It's obvious that the brain controls all these things.

If you all agree that the brain controls all these things, then seriously, reality and what is natural is all in the mind. It is a construct of the human brain. All humans have a brain, and thus, all humans are natural, regardless of how they choose to use it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by California Love
I don't recall having ever disagreed with you kevin, but that is just pure horsesh1t. Sex after marriage was used to control the population, especially those of the lower classes to prevent a rise in street urchins + abandoned kids, whom would simply be an unnecessary toll on the economy. Religious doctrine was used to control the masses in medieval Europe; whether you wanna abide by them now in the 21th century is totally your choice, but teachings such as this are definitely not conventional wisdom.
Why don't you explain, then, why marriages are going to hell now compared to how they used to be?


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Wow for a second there I thought PRL made some posts without "hor" in it.

Fortunately, I was proven wrong as they continued :)


Jan 19, 2005
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By the way, PRL cracks me up


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Originally posted by MetalFortress
Why don't you explain, then, why marriages are going to hell now compared to how they used to be?
people marry the wrong people?


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by penkitten
people marry the wrong people?

Wrong, Women are just bigger HORS than they used to be~~~~~~ LOL


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Marriage” – the union of the male and female, has nothing to with religion – those who say this are misguided – the ceremony (act) of marriage is only an acknowledgement of that which takes place naturally!!
PRL you are way, way, way off. It has everything to do religion. Marrage is based on religion. You of all people should know that religion has crafted society as we know it today. America was founded by religious zealots who were originally thrown out of the UK several hundered yrs ago. The Catholic church is one of the most powerfull organizations in the world - if not the most powerful.

Please - you are not fooling anyone. You cannot use the word natural - when society and people thoughts - your thoughts - are governed by religion and your upbringing.

What is natural anyway? something PRL defines?

I never said that men were designed (by nature) to be with one woman but it was designed that a woman to be with one man Men reject the offspring of another man’s sperm and have total disregard for it’s well-being thus this goes against the survival of a species (men kill babies who are not the doing of their own loins in times of war).
Really? where in nature does it say this? Becuase barring a few execptions, nature (as you like to quote) dictates that the female be with the strongest MALE - whoever that male is.

Female's have multiple male partners in many, many examples of nature.

Please tell me when men have killed babies that were not theirs? In which society today is this prevelant?

The problem I have is that you define any woman that is not a virgin a ho. And you are way, way, way off the mark with this. In your world, sex is just for pro-creation. have a nice life!!!!....

I know ho's and I know women. I know the difference.

Of course your not going to change - and that is fine - I am just warning people on your miss use of the word ho in many (but not all) situations.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I don't hate PRL....

He's a big boy - I'm sure he's well capable of handling this dicussion....


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
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I'm most concerned that there is only one person here who actually sees with any lucidity. Truly worrying:eek:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry Newman but PRL is correct on many accounts, even with his over-zealous hatred of nonvirgin women and the homo-male.

As you might of read I stated that women do indeed have a biological agent in their brains that causes them to bond to one male, as well as in their vaginas.

I believe the correct word is Oxytocin. Look it up, I'm not sure of the correct spelling. Nature has equiped mankind in this fashion so that, yes the female will look for the strongest males but also will bond to that male which penetrates her.

It is only the modern woman who is able to ignore this signal from the brain, thanks to in part the feminist movement (dykes) of the 60's and the current trends in modern society.

I'm sure you can find ways to discount my argument but I implore you to give it some thought.

Modern man seems to be less and less in touch with his inner nature, thus clouding his connection to Nature. Look at the men who come here who can't do what is natural for a man to do, which is go get a woman.

If half of these guys got in touch with their inner man they would drop all of this nonsense and just go find a female to co-habitate with. That man wouldn't put up with any of the modern womans bull*sh*t either.

Man is the creator of this society, not woman. We made 99% of the inventions that this world enjoys not woman. We are the creators of cars, trains, planes and our current technological advancements.

We are the initiators. That is what nature designed us to do.

If these guys here listened and acted up that, they wouldn't need to read up on all these techniques and magic acts to get a date.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
As you might of read I stated that women do indeed have a biological agent in their brains that causes them to bond to one male, as well as in their vaginas.
I'm not denying this statement.

All I am saying is - that labelling a chick a ho, because she's had 3 LTR relationships - 2 of which failed - is incorrect labelling.

According to PRL's views, if a woman fvcks someone before she is married - she is a ho.

Marrage in this day and age is not 100% (that is a whole other issue).

Marrage is a religious institution. Before the eye of God - and all of that.

Put one and one together.
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
Let me first state that I do not hate homos or hors - I do not hate people, but I do hate that they see their homo and hordom actions as wholly natural and good and try to convince others to come to such a warped conclusion.

Newman, the founding fathers were not Christians in the true sense of the definition - if you look at their actions and not their words you would see the mayhem that their actions caused on people - they were opportunists who overtook a land from a militarily weaker and divided people. I don't want to turn this into a political thread but I do want to point out that religion has no power only people have power - if people want to accept the dogmas of others rhen that is their right and they do so voluntarily because they have that mindset. By the way, Wall Street (monied men) and the US President have more power than all the religions combined – wake up!! When world War 3 comes, you’ll see that I’m right!

Regarding a woman having many sex partmers this is not natural - if they had sex with 16 men how would the man know he is the father aside from the modern day tests that were NOT available since the beginning of time - all her sex partners would deny that they fathered the child and they would flee - as they ALWAYS have - turmoil for the woman and child is the result!! This is not natural because there needs to be a loving father involved who will sacrifice himself for the benefit of HIS family.

And yes, it is “natural” for men and women to put limits on their actions and create moral standards (religious or not) for the good of all in society – individuals cannot do whatever feels good because it creates havoc upon society – thus this is the world in which we live in! Also, our thoughts and upbringing does NOT take away from us being men - our nature remains in tact, but our “behavior” can be influenced and corrupted by outside corruptive forces if we allow them to – hence the hor and homo agenda brainwashing our youth through mass media dictating the “cultural norm” and masculating the female and emasculating the male!!! However, they can NEVER change our natures as men and women!!!

I don’t call all women “Hos” but the MAIN ingredient in the definition of a hor is SEX – “Why”, you ask? Because you cannot call a woman out of her true nature as a woman without her performing the sex act outside of marriage because it is not the sex act that is wrong but rather how it is used! NO ONE ever calls a woman a “Hor” if she is having sex with her husband – I never heard it!!! Can you call a virgin a hor? No! A woman not performing sexual acts cannot be called a hor! So, this is why the sex act must be the main ingredient in calling a woman out of her true nature because she has acted outside of her true nature as a woman and thus it is only appropriate to call her for what she is – men no longer see fit to treat her as a woman but now see her as a hor to be used for sex only; thus, the abundance of fatherless children who flee when their seed comes to fruition – hors are having their babies – run!!! Also, different sperm in a woman’s womb is unclean and unhealthy and disease is the result – this is clear and known! Please look at our current societal condition to see the evidence of what I say

The problem with the younger generation is that they are falling in love and getting emotionally attached to these modern-day masculine hors (which is unnatural) and the men are acting outside of their nature and taking on the feminine role and characteristics (as evidenced by the many threads on SoSuave). So we tell young men nowadays “BE A MAN” – meaning, “act out your true nature as a man and quit being other than that!!!” When we have to tell men to be men then you know they have been corrupted!!!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by penkitten
cant we all just get along ?
Kitty, it's all good - let the big dogs handle this - this is no place for kittens unless you want to get devoured by the dogs!!:)