I personally dropped college to emerse myself into entrepreneurial ventures to follow my passion to learn how to effectively run businesses and develope the abilities crucial to becoming highly effective as a human being that they dont teach at college. The drum of ambition kept beating louder and louder which droned out my school studies. Eventually I got mononucleosis which forced me to drop out that semester. I haven't been back ever since. That was about a year and a half ago.
You may ask why? The reason being is being weighing in the pro's and con's WHICH BOTH HAVE. The necessity for college in regards to what I want to do simply does NOT make sense. In fact I believe a college degree can trap a person in mediocrity. After meeting countless people upon people interested in entrepreneurship i keep seeing the same thing over and over.
Why does college not make sense to me. Maybe things can be extricated from this:
- I dont need a diploma to start a business.
- I can run a successful business without having to sit in a class and get a piece of paper. Its proven, in fact only 10% or less of the self mades billionaires in this country have any kind of degree in business. Most have lib arts degrees about 30% are college dropouts. The percentage of drop outs goes higher as you look at the top 20 self made richest in US. Dont believe me go to
www.forbes.com and study the list.
- If i need to educate myself on a subject to get an understanding of it I go and DO IT! I go to the library, I go to the bookstore and I actually DO things involved in it. This is the information age!!! There is no secret knowledge hidden away at a college somewhere that I can only get in a secret college textbook. Why should I pay some self righteous arrogant liberal professor to spout **** to me in the reading almost verbatim. I dont need someone to hold my hand to read a book. (but generally at the younger ages, discipline hasn't been developed to do so and in some cases never developes)
(On a sidenote, most of the best lesson i've learned have been through DOING and taking risks, esp in sales)
This is something most people lack that CANT be taught in college, most people aren't going to pick up books and study on their own initiative in a very intense way. Usually it takes pressure from family, friends, being graded by others, fear for them to pick up books and study. College is a great way to force motivation, but once you get out, what then?
This takes personal initiative to develope and can't be taught. Initiative seperates leaders from followers.
- I only see a job as a means of raising funds FOR MY BUSINESS VENTURES. Therefore looking at college as an investment to create money. If i spend 50-100k on college 4 Years. Looking for the highest payin job Engineer/business management. I will come out of the gates makin 25-40k and really no more for a few years. THEN I will have my tuition fees to contend with.
OOOPS forgot about grad school that's another 2 years and more money.
Whereas if i needed to raise funds through a job I can simply get a real estate agent license, car sales, high end service sales and apply my initiative/ethic I have DEVELOPED and realistically be able to make 60 - 120k even more within 2 or 3 years. (yup i can work 14-16 hour days, 6-7 days a week and a love it)
Even as a union electrician I can make 40k and above within about 4 - 5 years. I'll have a pension fund starting. And won't have outrageous tuition bills to contend with.
- Every wealthy businessman I know does not have a college degree. For example - my step cousin is making a killing real estate investing in cali.
And my father's uncle created a multi-mill advertising firm, invented things etc without one.
- Every person in college or with a degree I know that seems extremely enthusiastic about entrepreneurship can';t bring themselves to act. I've networked heavily and notice that there is no action especially in the younger individuals.
You can't teach action, you can't teach risk in school. These people are trapped in cush lifestyles they can't pull themselves away from. They've got their tuition bills to pay, bills for the nice toys they bought with this newly found money they were never taught to handle. If they jump from their jobs, their risking their career as an employee, looking like a consistent worker, essentially wasting the use of their degree.
P.S. Most of these people look to me for advice and business education and knowhow and try to partner with in businesses left and right. Yet I'm the guy who has 2 semesters of community college education and almost failed out of high school. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
I think one of the main reasons college is counter productive if you want to be FREE and able to have that "ummphh" to go out and conquer the world is this:
"Caesar wanted to conquer Britain. So he took his troops to Britain, burned the ships behind them and said to his men, “Now it is win or perish, we have no choice”. They won."
I refuse to give myself a tempting second choice. Because even if the second choice is great I will live a life of regret of coulda shoulda woulda.
- Even at Babson "the entrepreneurial college" as they call themselves. Only 15% of the student body ever start a business.
- As for the networking concern: I've had no problem developing networks with the best and brightest of the young in the boston which most are basically going to be very successful 10 - 15 years down the road. (Including A-Unit) We all are. Including in-roads into all the networks in the colleges.
Pay 20-30k a year, just because i dont want to develope enough chutzpah to go out there and network myself in the colleges and their entre clubs without attending them??? Highly not worth it if your willing to face your fear and have self confidence.
If anyone can prove me wrong please do. I wasn't indoctrinated with self righteousness and black and white right/wrong that college and testing will influence you with. Everything is in shades of grey and has pros and cons. So i love to proven wrong because that's the only way i can grow.
A reason to join college where I'll be able to have a multi-million dollar company more swiftly with a college degree. I've already found the market opportunities so no need there.
Anyways I'm done here.