That's because the men that women are highly attracted to don't intentionally do it. They treat women like 5hit but have those moments of being "sweet". The woman in turn justifies her attraction toward this total d1ckwad by saying she can see the good person deep down inside of him and that he's "misunderstood".
I was that woman AND I also believed I rode their highs and lows and tolerated more drama than I would have preferred because of deep love and a desire to be supportive when they were living through challenging times.
Doing this has become somewhat automatic for me, so I don't really think about it anymore. I'll ignore her
texts for a couple of hours to get her wondering what I'm up to, make her laugh when she's upset, suggest something sexual and then leave her with nothing but a wet puzzy, slap her on the ass once in a while unexpectedly, start nibbling on her neck in the middle of the grocery store, etc etc. It's all about making a stagnant environment more interesting. However, what I've noticed about myself is if I'm not actually genuinely interested in the woman, I either won't have the desire to do it or I'll just treat her like 5hit by default.
I appreciate the reality check here. It is not my preference. I appreciate you telling me how it is.
This is something that men don't genuinely understand. A woman's mind is always working, jumping around, and experiencing multiple tracks of things at once. I saw this earlier today on my Facebook, and it really gives a good idea of how a woman's mind works:
I am a woman, I don't even know what to make of that. LOL
While women's minds are running on multiple tracks, men's minds generally run on one track. We're not experiencing all that stuff at once. We're usually in one frame of mind at a time. Take that list above, pick only one subject, and we'll be focused on only that.
I am not sure if it's that we are running on multiple tracks. A great way I have heard it explained is that women have diffuse awareness and men have focused awareness. A woman walks into a room and she perceives all that is happening in that room, from large to small, to people, to the order or disorder of things, and more. While men have a single pointed focus as it's been explained to me. I man watches TV and is not necessarily also aware of all the other things happening in the room at the same time, with the same intensity a woman might. This is explains why women have to consciously stop themselves from talking to a man while he is busy with something and check in first for his attention. I understand other wise it is perceived as an interruption to a man, where for a woman it's all already happening at once, or so I have been told.
That's not emotional fluctuation, although if you do it when the man is in a bad mood, then you have a good example. If he's had a lousy day at work and you go put on something sexy and climb on his lap, then you're taking him through an emotional transition. However, most women follow their man's lead and their emotions will drop to the same level as his. When he has a lousy day, his woman's day becomes lousy.
I personally believe relationships are healthier when each party takes responsibility for how they feel and insuring they are not blaming others for their feelings. I think it would be awful to have a horrible day and then come home and be blamed because by default your woman now feels awful too. That's not a relationship ride I would want to be on.
It's not managing them, it's leading her into a different mood or injecting something that causes her emotions to jump around. If a guy you were attracted to told you "I could love you some day", you're going to start your multitrack thinking about that statement, and it's going to haunt you. Coming up with a simple statement like that is easy for me, and it does so much for a woman.
I get it. I've experienced more deceit and manipulation than I knew possible. I see the hook. I understand how it works. I find the idea of being toyed with so unattractive. I value authenticity which I correlate with strength. It's hugely attractive to me. I feel like the games come from insecurity and weakness. It's 95%
a turn off to me.
If a man wants to keep the relationship alive, the answer is never. If he incorporates the things that cause emotional fluctuation into his existing personality, then he can easily "let go" and just "be himself."
I love when both people have no hesitation and can just let go and completely be themselves. I get many people "like" certain facades better. There is a gloriousness in sharing life, uninhibited, with another as well, or so I believe.
...unless he does it all the time. I did that with the woman who drove me to this site and she dumped my ass. She got tired of being treated like a princess. I firmly believe that a woman is 100% happy when she's not 100% happy.
I appreciate that was your experience. I am not questioning that it was. I cannot speak to the princess experience because it has not ben mine. I personally cannot conceive of deeply loving a man and being turned off because he was consistent in his loving of me. I do not even know what to say about that. I get that some people like the emotional spikes and intensities and maybe that's how they feel alive and passionate. I cannot even really wrap my head around your 100% theory. It's so odd to me.
I believe women can feel a stronger love than men, but men can feel a consistent love better than women. You're never going to feel love for him 100% of the time. That feeling is going to bounce up and down like all your other feelings do. Here's a graph of how a woman feels love:
With this I strongly disagree, for myself. Other women I have no idea. For myself, once I love someone, it's the full package deal, there is no off switch, end of story. What your graph reprints to me is "liking" my man. There are days when I like him more than others, or his actions more than others. The loving is ALWAYS present, for me.
Here's how a man feels love:
She will feel see that when she's experienced emotional fluctuation with the man. If there is no emotional fluctuation, she sees him as a "nice guy who can get any woman", but it's any woman except her because she doesn't genuinely have that overall feeling of attraction for him. She can only get that feeling of attraction if her mind is racing and her emotions are jumping. That's the best way I can summarize it.
I hear that. I find it sad then that it appears men rarely if ever feel truly seen and loved just for who they are, as they are.
It's not about a growth process, it's when he's in turmoil about something. He's suddenly in deep debt, a close friend or relative dies, going through a divorce, lost his job and is having trouble getting new employment, etc etc. Growth is improvement. There is nothing boring about a man who's improving himself.
It seems in your explanations that you feel women expect men to be their entertainment in some way and when the entertainment is no longer doing it for them, women simply change the channel. Maybe that is the norm these days. I wouldn't know. I do know that is not how my relationships have been. I also know that I do not subscribe to staying together for the sake of staying together, because you've been together for so long already. At that same time, I think when you love someone, there is an inherent desire to be supportive through their growth times.
I know you made a distinction about growth vs. turmoil. I personally see that turmoil causes growth in one way or another. That's my nature. The idea of leaving in the middle of your partner's hard time because it's boring is a new level of cold and heartless to me.
I really appreciate you sharing!!!