Pregnancy Announcements Everywhere! Life When Your Blue Pill Social Circle Starts Having Babies


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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Oh shoot, I just opened up my Snapchat and there's one more. Another college peer engaged.

Additionally, a high school classmate got engaged to her BF. This is truly the age.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I've noticed that in the modern day, the order has swapped. A couple gets pregnant, and THEN they get married, instead of the other way around. This seems to be quite common these days. I know I've told @SW15 a handful of stories where this happened.
For the group I've been focusing on this thread, these are married people having babies.

However, outside the group that has been the focus on this thread, I have known men who have gotten girlfriends pregnant and married them after the pregnancy. All of those cases later ended up in a divorce.

I don't think it is a good idea for a man to marry a woman because she's pregnant with his baby. It's probably not going to work. It's even more likely to fail than a marriage that happens and the woman gets pregnant at some point after the wedding day.

I thought my parents were bluffing when they said that most people were getting married and having kids around my age, but that seems to hold true in my era. Most of my peers are getting married and having kids.
The common ages for people to get married around 27-33. If your social circle consists of a lot of 27-33 year olds, expect a lot of weddings to happen and babies to follow within a few years of the wedding day. People with 27-33 year olds in their social circles also tend to be 27-33 years old themselves.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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For the group I've been focusing on this thread, these are married people having babies.

However, outside the group that has been the focus on this thread, I have known men who have gotten girlfriends pregnant and married them after the pregnancy. All of those cases later ended up in a divorce.

I don't think it is a good idea for a man to marry a woman because she's pregnant with his baby. It's probably not going to work. It's even more likely to fail than a marriage that happens and the woman gets pregnant at some point after the wedding day.
I see. Hopefully that is not the case. It seems that that would make life very tough on the child.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I see. Hopefully that is not the case. It seems that that would make life very tough on the child.
There is an idea that children need a stable home life to have better developmental outcomes. This is an idea that makes a lot of men make bad decisions. A lot of men will try to make things work with the woman that got pregnant from them and who also wanted to keep the pregnancy. A lot of these men spend years fighting an uphill battle and it usually doesn't end up working. It delays the inevitable.

We must consider reality as it is and not as we want it to be. The reality is that the current mating environment is not conducive to the success of longer term marriages. Most LTRs and most marriages will end before the first child turns 18, no matter what the parents do or don't do.


New Member
Jan 19, 2023
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Where I live, 3 of my neighbors are over 50 and still making babies. One is nearly 70. The moms are all under 30 though. This wouldn't fly in the U.S., so it all depends on WHERE you are when making these observations.

Yesterday, I was on my Instagram and saw a pregnancy announcement from an acquaintance's wife in my social circle. I don't particularly like her. I find it annoying to be around her the 1-2 times a year I ever randomly see her in person.

Right now, there are 3 women from my local area social circle who are currently pregnant and giving birth in early 2023. 2 other women from the social circle gave birth in the first half of 2022.

I thought Millennials weren't having babies. With the 5 pregnancies mentioned above, I'm now seeing a bunch of mid-30s, upper middle class White women having their "Last Call" type babies.

This is so annoying. I am planning on making more friends who are childless.

I think childless men need to avoid these things. Of course, all these blue pill people don't want a lone wolf sigma male guy like myself around them. I don't fit the mold of living in a suburban house, being married, having a dog, and having kids/planning on having kids soon.

Additionally, similarly aged family members all have children and many have been divorced.

I also think some of the pregnancy announcements on social media are done for the Likes and the Comments.

There is a reason that childless men in their 30s/early 40s are a bit of lone wolves in general. I can't imagine that I'm the only guy experiencing this.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Where I live, 3 of my neighbors are over 50 and still making babies. One is nearly 70. The moms are all under 30 though. This wouldn't fly in the U.S., so it all depends on WHERE you are when making these observations.
I'm pleased to see you making a comment on this thread and offering a perspective that hasn't been offered within this thread.

"Pregnancy Announcements Everywhere" is about a bunch of bougie mid to late 30s men in marriages with bougie mid to late 30s women squeezing out 1-2 babies prior to naturally occurring age induced infertility. There were even some pregnancies in this thread that were IVF assisted prior to the woman's 35th birthday. The people in this social cohort are not even a representative sample in the United States but they are somewhat representative of bougie, bigger city social circles. Household incomes in this thread are in the 70-75th percentile or higher.

In the USA now, it's becoming less common for women with bachelor's degrees to have their first baby before their 30th birthday. Millennials (1981-1996 birth years) accelerated this trend as more Millennials obtained bachelor's degrees by their 25th birthdays than either Generation X or the Boomers did.

In the United States, it would be very uncommon for a 50-69 year old man to be having a baby with a 20-29 year old woman.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Fertility Rates: Declined for Younger Women, Increased for Older Women (

Fertility rates of younger women fell substantially: There were 116.40 births for every 1,000 women ages 20-24 in 1990. In 2019, there were only 66.59 births to every 1,000 women in that age range — a 42.79% decline. This contributed to the overall decline.

During the same period, the fertility rates of older women rose significantly.

In 1990, there were 31.50 births for every 1,000 women ages 35-39. In 2019 there were 52.72 births for every 1,000 women ages 35-39 — a 67.35% increase. But overall fertility rates declined because the jump in birth rates of older women was not enough to offset declines in birth rates of younger women.
This quote shows the trend of rising "Last Call" babies, something I've seen in my bougie, urban Millennial social circle.

One factor impacting the birth rate is the age at which women first become mothers. And the mean reached a high of 27.3 years in 2021, up from 27.1 in 2020.
First time mothers are getting older than ever. In some ways, this is good, as having kids too early in life poses often creates social and economic problems. However, the trend of postponing motherhood has gotten too extreme in the United States and most other Western nations.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2014
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Houston, Texas
Two of my old classmates have gotten married, I'm just waiting to see what's in store for the summer now.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Two of my old classmates have gotten married, I'm just waiting to see what's in store for the summer now.
I attended a recent social circle gathering with both friends and acquaintances. These are the men who have been half of the equation of all of these recent pregnancies/births that have been detailed in this thread. It is rare to get the majority of this main group together.

This social circle gathering was all men. None of the wives and infants were there.

All of the men were unhappy to various degrees. Some were more vocal about it than others. At least 2 of the men were vocal in complaining about their sex lives. All of the men seem controlled by the pregnant wives/wives with newborns.

I gained a greater appreciation for my bachelor lifestyle. One of the men with a wife who gave birth recently told me that he thinks I've made the right choice in having a bachelor lifestyle with a lot of freedom.

I think this gathering was enlightening. The path of the childless man is a better one so long as the childless man isn't an incel/MGTOW man.
There's a good chance that they will start to act more pussie whipped. This will get worse over time. Often times, it will appear like their wives have a figurative electronic dog collar on them.

I have quoted Post #80 in this thread for your convenience. This is an example of when I got together with 4 married men and one engaged man who was about to marry. 3 of the 4 married men had infants and the 4th married man had a wife who was 7-8 months pregnant at the time.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2014
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Houston, Texas
There's a good chance that they will start to act more pussie whipped. This will get worse over time. Often times, it will appear like their wives have a figurative electronic dog collar on them.

I have quoted Post #80 in this thread for your convenience. This is an example of when I got together with 4 married men and one engaged man who was about to marry. 3 of the 4 married men had infants and the 4th married man had a wife who was 7-8 months pregnant at the time.
Thanks, I'll keep note of that :lol:


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Thanks, I'll keep note of that :lol:
Your relationships with your married male friends will be strained to some level if you're an unattached guy. They live in a different universe than you do when you are unattached. If you have an exclusive girlfriend, the worlds are a little bit closer.

Married men with children aren't very available in friendships with unmarried males. The friendships suffer to some degree.

Captain Rizz

Don Juan
May 1, 2024
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Babies are good. Redpill thinking is for bitter, sad dudes. It will hold you back by making you angry at women.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I was upset about the process that led to my lack of an invitation to the wedding, but not upset about not going to the wedding itself. There were multiple posts in the thread about this. Posts #90, #98, #100, #103, #105, #114, #119 mention this event.

I predicted above that they would be next pregnancy and my prediction has come true. Less than 6 months after the wedding in which I was excluded, there is a pregnancy. I guess that's what happens when the woman is 35. It's a "Last Call Baby" type event.

That's 9 pregnancies in my local area social circle in less than 3 years.

I still have not gotten together with that male friend since the wedding exclusion happened, but we are on talking terms and are scheduled to get together.
This post (#139) has an update.

I have been on good terms with that guy. His pregnant wife did give birth.

Right now, there are no current pregnancies in my primary local area social circle. I have heard some chatter from some couples I know less well and are outside this primary social circle about possible forthcoming pregnancies.

There are still 35-38 year old women in this primary social circle who had their "Last Call" baby/babies in the 2022-2024 range that might even still have another "Last Call" baby.

Despite my primary social circle acting like it is the 1950s Baby Boom, the USA as a whole did not have a impressive birth rate in 2023.



Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2014
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Houston, Texas
This post (#139) has an update.

I have been on good terms with that guy. His pregnant wife did give birth.

Right now, there are no current pregnancies in my primary local area social circle. I have heard some chatter from some couples I know less well and are outside this primary social circle about possible forthcoming pregnancies.

There are still 35-38 year old women in this primary social circle who had their "Last Call" baby/babies in the 2022-2024 range that might even still have another "Last Call" baby.

Despite my primary social circle acting like it is the 1950s Baby Boom, the USA as a whole did not have a impressive birth rate in 2023.

Think it will be another baby bust this year?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Think it will be another baby bust this year?
More than likely. While there might be momentary 1-2 year blips with increased birth rates, the longer term trend is lower birth rates. I expect that to continue.

One of the most frustrating things about this thread is that my primary social circle has gone against the whole media narrative and a lot of the broader statistics out there. It can be confusing when what you're seeing on the ground isn't matching up with the broader statistical trends. I have had to remind myself many times that my primary social circle is a non-representative sample. However, I believe my social circle is representative of a bougie segment of the broader population.

The mating environment has become more difficult over time. @sangheilios and I have both acknowledged the idea that if many Boomers males were born during the Millennial birth years of the 1980s-early 1990s, they would not have been able to reproduce with women. Plenty of 60-75 year old Boomer males were able to get first wives or get divorced and re-marry easily in a more favorable environment when they were younger. Boomer women were more likely to appreciate more average Boomer males and marry/have children with them. Millennial women have rejected a lot of more average range Millennial men. As Rollo Tomassi has said "the average woman of today is not interested in the average man of today".


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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@Redwood and @SW15

The fertility rate in the U.S has actually been BELOW replacement since around the 1970s, so this is nothing new. A huge reason this really wasn't all that noticeable though was because of people living longer and the largest generation, the baby boomers, having a near replacement fertility rate. Millennials are a very large demographic cohort of the U.S population, but after this things are not looking too good. Gen Zs are relatively smaller, as they are children of mostly Gen X, a small demographic group raised by the small "silent generation", and some older Millennials. Millennials and Gen Zs are going to have a very low fertility rate, a trend that will continue to develop overtime.

We can get into an all day debate as to what has caused this, I'm not interested in repeating the same things over and over again on here (social media, dating apps, economics, etc.). A growing trend that you will see is that many women are NOT getting married and having a child with a man that they are not that serious with, basically something like we've seen with Black America for decades now. Another interesting trend you will find is women that have "last call" babies as they start getting past their mid 30s and approaching their 40s, or even past this lol. I'm expecting the use of sperm donations to be a growing trend in the coming decades, especially since many women deem huge numbers of men as not acceptable.

On a demographic level, things are not looking good.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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On a demographic level, things are not looking good.

The fertility rate in the U.S has actually been BELOW replacement since around the 1970s, so this is nothing new. A huge reason this really wasn't all that noticeable though was because of people living longer and the largest generation, the baby boomers, having a near replacement fertility rate.

Millennials are a very large demographic cohort of the U.S population, but after this things are not looking too good. Gen Zs are relatively smaller, as they are children of mostly Gen X, a small demographic group raised by the small "silent generation", and some older Millennials. Millennials and Gen Zs are going to have a very low fertility rate, a trend that will continue to develop overtime.

many women deem huge numbers of men as not acceptable.
Yes. This is a trend that got started as Millennial women were coming of age in the early to mid 2000s.

Feminists have been promoting the idea of "Never Settle" since the 1960s but it took until the Millennial generation came of age for this message to truly sink in.

White, middle class + Millennial women are fussier than middle class + women of previous generations.

Another interesting trend you will find is women that have "last call" babies as they start getting past their mid 30s and approaching their 40s, or even past this lol.
Yes. This whole thread is about White Millennial women with bachelor's degrees or higher having their "Last Call" babies.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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It's becoming more common here also

In my primary social circle, the age gaps are very small and there are even some couples where the woman is even slightly older.

I can think of 1-2 bigger age gap couples I know outside of this primary social circle but even these seem less common.

I think there's a lot of hype around big age gap couples where the man is substantially older but it doesn't happen all that much.

I did enjoy one date I had where the woman was 10 years younger.

What's unusual about the video you posted is that the guy has a wife 30 years younger but he was not rich.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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I think there's a lot of hype around big age gap couples where the man is substantially older but it doesn't happen all that much.

Far from ubiquitous, but it's becoming more common, and likely will continue to do so. Modern men have to spend a larger portion of our early lives on training and education, then becoming financially solid than our forefathers did, while even Woke-ish young women like this chick


Still desire kids and husbands in their 2nd decades of life