You have gotten a decent quantity of partners through tech methods, but you had to dumpster dive to do it in many cases AND you also haven't done well retaining the partners you've gotten. It's debatable if that is success.
Dumpster diving via tech methods is a common tactic men use to get pussie.
Dumpster diving is a bad tactic for a lot of reasons. I do not dumpster dive for pussie.
This forum has had 2 good college sex threads. Both of these college sex threads happened long after you graduated from college.
I thought I'd share this as someone who went to a party school and was in a fraternity there as well. Not wanting to give too much about myself but I went to UGA and graduated a few years ago. While Athens has its hot girls, I do feel like the quality got worse every year due to the admission...
Looking back at it, I am amazed at how big the hype around college truly was. Maybe my boy @CornbreadFed and @SW15 could speak on this but I speak with so many guys who seem to have peaked in college and don't realize how beautiful life can get after it. FWIW, I was in a fraternity in college, a...
College is a phase of life when a tech method for dating should not be necessary. The typical male has far more proximity to women on a college campus in real life than he would have at any point in his life in the working world. Men usually resort to tech methods when they are in the working phase of their lives. Men who work jobs typically need to go out of their ways to meet women organically in real life. On a college campus, a male is surrounded by females. He has options with females in classes, options with females randomly on campus, options with females at off campus parties, options with females as a result of participating in Greek Life (if he chooses that), and options with in various campus extracurricular clubs.
If a man is using tech methods while he's on a college campus, that's a very poor sign. Even in the 2010s-2020s with more dependency on tech, it's still not needed on a college campus.
Tech methods did exist when I was in college from 2001-2005. There were online dating websites that existed in those days. Online dating websites go all the way back to the early to mid 1990s as a concept. Facebook and MySpace had launched by my senior year.