Post your field experimentation ideas here, and I'll do them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
There's a scene in Casino Royale.
Bond made her laugh, then-
Bond: What about a drink at my place?
HB: Your place? Is it close?
Bond: Very.
8 second starefest.
HB: One drink

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Incog is long gone from this site. Solid thread though! Definitely a must read for guys with approach anxiety.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Hello all my fellow pimps out there! I'm back.

Reading through this thread brings back some awesome memories of my undergraduate college career. This entire thread was a blast to do. From the slick ideas to the straight up outrageous ones, I can honestly say last school year (I've been away from the forums for about a year) was the most enjoyable one out of my college years.

Do any of you think that, a year later in retrospect, I regret any of the suggestions that I attempted which resulted in rejection? Of course not! In the same way, there is no one rejection that will matter to you in the grand scheme of things. The rejections that I received while experimenting with your ideas were some of the most hilarious ones I've ever gotten. Keep things in perspective at all times, and you'll have fun.

An update since I last posted: After I faded away from the forums I continued to approach chicks on campus and kind of "experiment" on my own. I wish I had been frequenting the forums at the time because you know that I would have given you day-to-day updates on each approach I tried and the results. I have my go-to approaches of course, and some of the ideas that I've tried in this thread I still use to this day (for example, my 5th experiment that L777 suggested). I am now attending graduate school at the very same campus and although I am much more vulnerable to time constraints, I'm thinking about starting this baby up again. How would you guys like a part 2?

EDIT: I want to give a shoutout to Randallpink83 for his tic-tac-toe opener idea that I used early on in this thread and I loved it. It's been one of my main weapons ever since.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
I've been waiting my whole life for this moment. Okay so like 4 months. How about a part 2, part 3, and part 4? This is probably one of the best threads on the site, considering everybody asks all the same "does she like me" or "what does this mean" type questions everyday. At least this is something creative and people actually have to come up with something. Plus the keyboard jockeys are almost rewarded for being jockeys haha. Hell I'll even participate (just moved to a metro of 6 million+) since these kinds of actions are right up my alley. I don't know about you but I'm ready to roll son!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
IsiMan84 said:
I've been waiting my whole life for this moment. Okay so like 4 months. How about a part 2, part 3, and part 4? This is probably one of the best threads on the site, considering everybody asks all the same "does she like me" or "what does this mean" type questions everyday. At least this is something creative and people actually have to come up with something. Plus the keyboard jockeys are almost rewarded for being jockeys haha. Hell I'll even participate (just moved to a metro of 6 million+) since these kinds of actions are right up my alley. I don't know about you but I'm ready to roll son!
Yeah, last time around a lot of DJs wanted to get in on this so maybe this time there could be several of us trying these different approaches out. I'm curious to see what awesome ideas everyone will come up with.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
Solomon said:
^^where did you move too? I see your location says Iowa
I moved to the Dallas area from Iowa. The city I lived by was maybe a little over 100,000 metro, and DFW metro is about twice the population of our entire state. My town was the type of place where everyone knew everyone, the same people went to the same places, and any failed pickup had long-term effects. I didn't realize I hadn't been on here since I moved, I'll update that soon.

Incog said:
Yeah, last time around a lot of DJs wanted to get in on this so maybe this time there could be several of us trying these different approaches out. I'm curious to see what awesome ideas everyone will come up with.
One of my friends found a PUA meetup group in the Dallas area and they schedule a few get-togethers every now and then to talk about the same type of stuff we do on here. From what he tells me some of those guys need work too. But apparently they are planning to sarge at one of the Dallas malls next Sunday, so I might have to accompany him and see what these guys are all about. Could be a good chance to use some of those experimental approaches too. Have you proposed any new ideas, or are you looking to use the same format you did in this one?


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Well here are a couple openers I'd love to try but I don't know if they work:

-It's my birthday! Can I have a birthday kiss? (Is it really your birthday?) No, but how about a kiss anyway?
-Do I know you? (delivered with ****ed brow- yes it's cheesy, that's the point)
-Are you single?
-Wow. (After looking at her up and down)


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
I probably could have pulled off the first once since my 'half birthday' was yesterday, but the rest would probably require some work. I haven't heard anything from Incog about his plans yet though.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
my favorites so far are the tic tac toe, S&A, and the boyfriend one. keep up the good work.

Off topic but what kind of setting are u in now. And will u have the opportunity to do it in your setting?

I'm in my last year of college right now and im considering trying some of these but the bad thing is. My school is 60-40 male to female. and the pop is about 20,000. I'm good looking and 5'11. i mainly go after asian girls, but they're so scarce at my school. i've gotten with a few though. I'm not sure how this would work on asian girls since our cultures are very conservative but who knows. I've had no problem talking to girls of any race maybe except some latina girls they're the most stuck up. i've had a gf of almost every race, u think it'd be a problem for an attractive asian male to use the shock and awe approach?


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not sure if you're asking me or Incog, but I'm in a suburban setting outside Dallas. Not many my age in the neighborhood, but pretty much all the people that go out to the clubs are. As for him, he's in grad school at the same school.

James Dupri

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
Incog, you've got great writing skill. Even though your posts in this thread were pretty lengthy I actually read them all (which I rarely do). Do you write as a career?


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
Wow yea okay...he hasn't been on here since last year and neither have I until right now. If I didn't get the email saying you said something I'd still be doing other things. Anyways, I would just write him off as gone forever at this point.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score

Sorry to leave you all hanging for 2 years! I decided to swing by the site and see what everyone was up to. First off, I must say I have slowed down considerably from the guy that originally posted this thread, who was willing to try just about any approach idea for the hell of it. I swam through my fair share of women in college, and as fun as it was while it lasted, I know I couldn't have done that forever. I'm now devoting a heavy amount of time to my new career, which explains my absence from the forums. Ironically, meeting women has never been easier. I put very little effort into it. The passion I have for my career is extremely attractive to women..not to mention when I tell a girl the career itself (I'm a police officer), I can feel them getting hot for me..haha.

Boy, this thread was fun to do. I am honored to have inspired a few of you out there to step out and try new things when it comes to approaching women. Reading this thread in retrospect, years later, I had forgotten about every instance of rejection I posted about here, while I had accurately remembered several of the hook-ups resulting from approaches in this thread. What does that tell you?

I don't know how often I'll stop in to check up on you guys (I hope it's not another 2 years), but let me leave you with this..

Never, ever be afraid to approach a woman.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
Soooo I take it you aren't in Fullerton anymore then? So much for finding a competent wingman near or around campus...