Post your field experimentation ideas here, and I'll do them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Incog said:
That's further than I'm willing to go. That's a little too far if you ask me.
I understand. However you should really do that thing from the 40year old virgin. Only ask questions and never make statements. That would be hilarious.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
Hows about:
You know how when you are walking and you cross paths with a chick walking toward you and you lock eyes and how things get a bit awkward (at least to me) and you pass each other?

I hear this is not the best way to stop some one to make a pickup.

Here is the idea:
what if next time this happens, you are getting eye contact while she is walking toward you, you stop her anyway by saying something like, "Well, looks like its up to me to break the ice, my name is Incog... and you are...?" and take it from there.

I don't know, it always seems awkward while you are walking toward someone and you get a bit of eye contact from them.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
Okay here's a pretty simple one. Go up to a girl and ask her directions (preferably to her house) and once you're done getting directions say something like okay and sit down next to them or something. They'll be like what the fvck, and you say something along the lines of oh I just wanted to talk to you.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
I'm loving this post and want to try out a few. I'll post a few of my own ideas once i get them.

theres one i want to try out, it requires a deck of cards though and knowing some kind of magic.

basically how it goes down is that i see a hot girl and say

me: hold on, i think i feel a slight connection between us
her: huh?
me: (pull out the deck of cards and pretend to read her mind to find the card)
her: *is amazed*
me: give me your number so we can connect some other time.
then leave


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
This one is better for the party/club type scene.

Go up to a random girl and ask

you- what's your name?
Her- name
you- Don't you know my name
her- ?
you- *lick her face and shout* I'm Rick James *****!

This is more as a joke but does display some extreme elements of C+F haha but watch out if she has a bf there watching.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Alittude said:
This one is better for the party/club type scene.

Go up to a random girl and ask

you- what's your name?
Her- name
you- Don't you know my name
her- ?
you- *lick her face and shout* I'm Rick James *****!

This is more as a joke but does display some extreme elements of C+F haha but watch out if she has a bf there watching.
I'm trying to test new, smooth approach ideas.. not look like a retarded moron.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Alittude said:
This one is better for the party/club type scene.

Go up to a random girl and ask

you- what's your name?
Her- name
you- Don't you know my name
her- ?
you- *lick her face and shout* I'm Rick James *****!

This is more as a joke but does display some extreme elements of C+F haha but watch out if she has a bf there watching.
HAHAHA I'd so pay to see that :crackup: :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
SickAgain said:
Okay here's a pretty simple one. Go up to a girl and ask her directions (preferably to her house) and once you're done getting directions say something like okay and sit down next to them or something. They'll be like what the fvck, and you say something along the lines of oh I just wanted to talk to you.
You seriously think a random girl is going to give you directions to her house? Can I get some genuine approach ideas? This thread was supposed to be for you guys to get reassurance in your approach ideas and see if they work or not before you try them, but it's turning into "suggest a ridiculous stunt." No offense intended, but what's happening to the community? :trouble:

Anyway, I might try DevanE's idea Monday. Keep the good ideas coming in.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Something I do occassionally is disqualify myself, like Juggler reccomends.

Try an approach where all you do is disqualify and put yourself down. The idea behind it is that you're so confident that you don't feel the need to impress her at all.

Like, she asks what you study, you say, "Math, but I never go to class anyway, I don't understand any of it."

Or she asks where you're from, "I'm from (really s.hit part of town) and I grew up in a one-bedroom house with my 6 siblings.

Or she asks where you would take girls out "Probably just to McDonalds and then back to my place"

etc. You have to be serious though, she must think that you're genuinely like this. Try and get the # like this....I deffo think it can be done.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
L777 said:
etc. You have to be serious though, she must think that you're genuinely like this. Try and get the # like this....I deffo think it can be done.
Might give this a shot. Not as an appeal to sympathy, but hopefully as a way of coverty communicating unconditional confidence.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Bump. Have you done any more experiments in the field lately?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
I love the

"I'm jealous of your boyfriend" and the misognistic joke.

How about:

"Excuse me . . . If you were to pay to have sex with me, how much would you pay?"

Do it seriously. As a pickup, not as a teen who wants to get slapped so that he gets labeled as ballsy by his friends.

Edit: I seriously loved the boyfriend approach. I can't get it out of my mind. It's perfect!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Where I be at
LJC said:
I have what I like to call an "above the game" approach, but I haven't really tested it out thouroughly yet. It's very simple and intended to be used on HB 8+ type women in natural pick up places, where women tend to have thier guard up pretty high, like a night club or whatever. I just don't hit those places as much lately.

Basically, it is what it sounds like. You walk up to a "hottie" and start talking like you're in mid-conversation with her (Without interupting rudely), saying something along the lines of:

"There are about 10 guys right now standing around thinking about how they're going to open you. Maybe a little "kino" with some ****y and funny, possibly throw in a little mystery method, or maybe drop a cheesy "did it hurt when you fell from heaven" line or something. So I figured while these guys are waiting to pounce with thier perfect opener, I would just walk up and say Hi, my name is Incog."

Smile, stick out your hand and let it fly.
I like this one, with some improvements. Most girls don't know what Mystery Method, or even kino is. Maybe like:
"Hey so right now, there are about 10 guys standing around thinking about something funny or witty to say when they come and talk to you. Some might be indirect about it, some might get right to it. The point is, while they're all thinking about it, I figured I might as well come up and introduce myself. I'm Supremo, how's your night been?"


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Experiment #5
Date: 11/26/07
Idea: Disqualify myself, with an added twist of rebellion (I added this)
Idea by: L777
Target: HB 7, White

I started up again on Monday (the 26th) after Thanksgiving break. I've been pretty busy with school so sorry about the delay in the updates. Now, I liked this idea, but I figured I'd change it just a slight bit. I went in with the plan to add a rebellious twist to the "disqualification" attempt. So, my original idea was, let's say she asks what my major is, I'd say something like "Psychology, but I really don't know a thing about it right now." I planned to act like I really didn't care about anything. (Psychology is my actual major).

Anyway, I've seen HB 7 several times in one of my classes but never bothered with her. Blue eyes stood out. This time, I sat down next to her in my Physical Geography class. Keep in mind L777, I didn't know exactly how much disqualification I should be participating in, so I just went with the flow. This may have been more or less than you intended when you posted the idea. As I sat down I greeted her and we exchanged names. Sandra (or Sarah?) was her name.

Me: What's the quiz on?
Her: (Geography talk, blah blah)
Me: I'm screwed. Didn't even buy the book.
Her: Well, just remember that (blah blah, a couple geographic points relating to quiz material)
Me: (I cut her off) It's cool. I really don't care.

I smiled as I said that, and she smiled back, but with a hint of confusion in her expression. The quiz was short, so as we turned them in, she asked me how I did. I shrugged and said something like "Whatever," and then the question I expected came.

Her: Don't you care about your grades?
Me: What's the point? Just more stress. I'll take the class again if I fail.

She laughed and kind of shook her head. She asked for my major, I told her it was Psychology, but then I told her I might switch it. "To what?"... "Don't know," I said.

This class period I didn't take notes, although normally, I do. She, of course, thinks notes aren't my thing. I leaned back in my chair and watched the lecture. Then here we go with the questioning again, mid-lecture:

Her: Why aren't you taking notes?
Me: Not a very good note-taker.
Her: Oh my God.
Me: What's up?
Her: You don't do anything!
Me: I'm a visual learner.

Next, during her vigorous note-taking which I began poking fun at, I took my pencil and crossed out a sentence that she wrote. She hit me on my arm and said "Hey!" I knew I was going for a number close, just had to decide how. Then I had it....

I pulled out my phone and slid it to her on the table. She looked at me. "Put your number in," I said, and she did.

Reaction: I saved her number as Sandra in my phone, but she only told me once at the beginning and it could be Sarah for all I know. Talked to her twice on the phone since, and I still haven't figured it out. :nono: As far as the results, they speak for themselves. There are a lot more elements to game than simply an approach idea. Confidence resonates in your ability to close and play situations by ear. I feel I did a fairly good job in doing this. Thanks for the idea, 777!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
SamePendo said:
How about:

"Excuse me . . . If you were to pay to have sex with me, how much would you pay?"

Do it seriously. As a pickup, not as a teen who wants to get slapped so that he gets labeled as ballsy by his friends.
Love it. This is coming Monday, since I don't have classes tomorrow (Friday). Expect it!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Experiment #6
Date: 11/28/07
Idea: Put on my best gay accent :)cheer:), then abandon it and go Don Juan.
Idea by: DevanE
Target: HB 9

Two things I hate about this:

1) The idea doesn't have a close to it. Which wouldn't be that bad, but..

2) This chick was HOT AS HELL!

But, this was the idea I had in mind to use, so I was sticking to it. For the idea I headed into our school's shop, which has a bunch of crap including books, clothes, etc. It's a two-story shop, so it's pretty big. I was checking out sweatshirts (ironic because this would totally be something a gay guy would do) when HB 9 passed by me and tried on a hat (near the sweatshirts).

I can impersonate a gay voice pretty well. It's the body language I was worried about. Would she fall for my phony homo attitude?

I turned around and she was facing my direction so I busted the lisp out.

"Oh my God, that hat is so cute" were my exact opening words. Slight lisp, not exaggerated or anything. I took it off of her head and put it on mine. "What do you think?"

She was laughing hard, fellas. She was so hot, God..

I hit her arm and said "You're speechless huh?," still sticking with the gay voice. She laughed some more but finally said, "No, it looks good." By the way, the hat was baby blue. LOL

This is what kills me, folks. I took the hat off myself, put it back on her, and said in a seductive tone with my normal voice, "It looks better on you. Now you have someone to think about for the rest of the day," while smiling and holding out my hand. She shook it, looking like she just got hit with a math equation she didn't understand, and I turned around and walked off. That was so ridiculously difficult. :cuss: Hardest thing ever.. aside from my penis at that point.

Reaction: No reaction. I'm pissed that I didn't close, but I realize the approach would have been a much different one had it been with the intention to close. I am hoping I see her around campus, but I never have in 2 years here, so I don't know. Maybe I'll frequent the shop more. Oh, and I was pretty surprised she didn't call me as I was walking away. Anyway, good times.. :up:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Note that Tuesday I didn't do any approaching, and the same goes for today (Thursday). Yeah, maybe I'm slacking it a little, but finals is a few weeks away. Keep the ideas streaming in though.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Supremo said:
I like this one, with some improvements. Most girls don't know what Mystery Method, or even kino is. Maybe like:
"Hey so right now, there are about 10 guys standing around thinking about something funny or witty to say when they come and talk to you. Some might be indirect about it, some might get right to it. The point is, while they're all thinking about it, I figured I might as well come up and introduce myself. I'm Supremo, how's your night been?"
I tend to stay away from approaches that involve talking too long to start the conversation. I have found, in my experience, they aren't as effective. I try to keep it to under 2 sentences. I like to give them a chance to say something, and with approaches with scripted (even loosely) sentences, that doesn't give them the opportunity until you're completely finished. Just my 2 cents.