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Possible HPD/BPD ex girlfriend? - Not your usual story.

searching solace

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
I apologise for the length of this; it's just been weighing on my mind for a while now..... ** Skip to the 'indications of HPD' part if you don't want to read the back-story.

I’ll start by saying I cared for this girl immensely and still do - our 8 month relationship was stressful, difficult, argumentative, but also fun, sincere and very caring... and i know I cannot get a diagnosis via the internet but i’d like some input anyway.... I’ll try to give a fair account of things. I should state I’m not the most affectionate person and like to move slowly, expressing myself in an introverted manner. She loved me immensely, or so it seemed.

She never dropped me in the usual sense. She only cut me out of her life after 5 months of trying to get me back, and after having met a new guy....

In the end, I broke up with her, mainly because I needed time to myself; the previous months being very difficult. She moved back to her home country - she wanted me to go with her (as did her parents - mainly to supervise her) but it didn’t feel ‘right’. They wanted me to marry her so I could get the citizenship (US)..... We tried to stay friends over the following 5 months but it was too difficult for her as she loved me and it was hurting her. I also pushed her away. But I wanted to keep her in her my life as I didn’t want to hurt her by abandoning her - maybe that was selfish of me.

She has recently started seeing another, much older guy that apparently her mother introduced to her. She was honest about this. Somehow, this really hurts even though it has been a long time since the breakup and she is doing nothing wrong; I just thought it might all work out for us eventually, as she matured. The guy is twice her age, probably can’t believe his jackpot (she is 10/10) and asked her to marry him after a month (she said yes).

It feels like our relationship has been a learning curve for her and now this new guy will be getting the improved version of her. I’m glad she’s happy but I really miss her now......

She was 18 when I met her. She was homeschooled and very protected growing up, yet rebellious at the same time. I put a lot of her behaviour issues down to the fact she was still young and often immature and controlled by her parents. She pursued me quite relentlessly as soon as we met, even knowing I had a girlfriend at the time. She would try to provoke emotional responses from me whilst initially talking; deleting me on social media to provoke a response. I found myself wanting to help her and be there for her (yes, maybe white knight); she seemed quite unhappy but very intriguing, engaging and extremely beautiful.

I broke up with my girlfriend at the time to be with her. She warned me of her ‘psycho’ mother and ‘distant’ father right from the start, and of what I was getting into - (the mother was probably quite sociopathic; she was VERY mean to her own daughter, intrusive, manipulative through generosity and completely controlling). Anyway, she somehow ended up moving in with me within a few days - she told me she loved me after around 3 weeks. Her parents were very controlling of her all her life, especially her mother, but in fairness had always given her anything she’d ever wanted or needed. she was a world class musician and this doesn’t come cheap. They moved around a lot, she never had a true sense of home.

Possible indications of HPD:

- She lied about being a virgin. This really hurt when I found out it was not the truth. Right away, she also mentioned that she had been sexually abused by a family member when she was very young - I’m am not sure whether this is true or not but she made me feel bad about it when I questioned it.

- Huge mood swings and overreactions. She could go from distraught to ecstatically happy within an hour or so.

- We argued far too much over small things - and she could be very offensive in the arguments. It was often that she was upset that i didn’t give her enough attention, love and appreciation.

- Over lunch one time, her parents told me in front of her that they thought she might have been a bit bipolar, and had put her on anti-depression meds the previous year (without her knowing - don’t ask), but concluded she was just a moody musician/artist who had to be handled differently to normal people. She also believed this and that was why she needed someone to constantly shower her with adoration.

- She dropped out of many things - world class music schools, acting academies - she always seemed to let things get to her.

She was often in contact with male ‘friends’, especially when things between us weren’t going well. She had one friend in particular that she had never met, but was very close with him via online methods. One or two close girl friends.

- She would become absolutely hysterical sometimes for reasons I can’t even remember. She’s get me to chase her down the street on numerous occasions, having to persuade her to come back. She also threatened to move out numerous time, packing all of her things into cases, only to either be persuaded not to, or to come back the next day. Exhausting.

- She adored me and did everything for me. I’m low maintenance so i don’t need a lot of attention / loving gestures. It was sometimes too much, and she claimed i didn’t appreciate the things she did. This may have been true.

- She was a perfectionist, possibly stemming from a musical upbringing.

- On a couple of occasions, she made dramatic public scenes which were embarrassing, such as screaming at me in the street, jumping into public fountains (when drunk) and storming off. This was usually caused by her perceiving me as not appreciating her enough, not loving her enough, and not giving enough emotionally to the relationship. I chalked this down to me maybe not showing her enough affection and her being young and immature.

- One day she was very distant. I was out of town. The previous day, she was looking for some work and i found a job ad for a guy making a short film. I said she should enquire. She met him but there wasn’t a role for her as she was too young I suspected she might have arranged to meet a guy. They smoked weed together. When I was out of town for the day, she was very distant in her communication. I got back and she had left a note saying she was going for an interview at 7.30pm, yet she was still there at 8. I didn’t believe her. I heard her phone go off and I had to check it (shouldn't have but knew I needed to). She had been texting the guy all day, asking him to spend the whole day with her. She said she was lonely at home and I wasn’t giving her enough attention (I was working full time while she was at home), and that it was partly my fault for putting her in touch with him.

- Once, we were watching her favourite film which was very special to her. It was clear I wasn’t enjoying it at all and she got very angry. I got angry in return and she stormed off. Again, maybe my fault, but she seemed to overreact.

- Once I began to research HPD, i must have left a page open on my computer; she saw it and was obviously hurt, yet intrigued. She began going through the ‘characteristics’ and pretty much checked them all off herself. Got angry.

- Took around a $1000 of my cash as she was getting her hair done in an up-market place and wanted the salon to see she had money and have ‘face’ - cultural thing. She said it fell out of her purse on the way home. We searched but we couldn't find it. She swore this was true and I forgave her stupidity, but her own mother didn’t believe her story.

My parents really liked her and didn’t see much wrong with her. She stayed with us for a while.

I initially broke up with her because she lied to me and her Mum was making things so difficult and stressful - I couldn't see it improving if I moved country with her (them). She used to take harmful weight loss pills which exacerbated her mood swings. She promised me she’d not take them again. One day, her mood was strange and her mum warned me to check for the pills in the apartment. She swore to me that she had not been taking the pills but I didn’t believe her. I told her I’d break up with her if she was lying and that she could salvage the relationship by telling the truth straight away. She continued the lie. Later that night I found them hidden in a perfume box. Even found out, she continued the lie, claiming her Mum had planted them there to cause problems between us - this was not true at all. She mentioned jumping off a building. It was all too much and I broke down.

I still care for her immensely, miss her and it hurts to know she is now with another guy (already engaged and possibly moved in), even if it is after 5 months of breaking up. I just hoped she would mature and become more stable over time and I wonder if I made the right decision to hurt her and break up with her.

I think she just likes his adoration and AFC (desperate?) puppy dog attitude he provides. I think she might hurt him in the long run. But maybe I'm wrong, and they’ll be good together. Maybe she needs someone like him, rather than someone like me, who didn’t put up with her shlt (for too long) and constantly put her on a pedestal. She still writes about me......

I would be very glad to hear any thoughts..



Don Juan
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
I suspect in a relationship like yours the good times were great and the bad times were awful. Break ups are difficult, but I suspect you will be much better off without her.
I mean, this woman lost/spent $1000 of your money....

I can appreciate what you are saying wrt her new man having the "improved" version of her, my bpd ex seems much more balanced now and not really like the person I was in a relationship with. However, this is just me looking in from the outside, I suspect quite a few aspects of her bpd personality still remain, but whatever, good luck to her.

Start reading the DJ bible, and start making your own goals and working towards them so that you aren't fixated on getting back with this histrionic woman. Plenty more fish in the sea bro and plenty of opportunities for a young single guy like yourself. Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
I've read a lot about BPD and HPD on here and other sources, she most likely has BPD.

You dumping her is the best thing you could have done with her. All she would have done to you is cause you grief and drama- which is no attributes of a relationship. The only reason why you're so obsessed with her is because you sir have fallen victim to attractions manipulative tendencies at its finest; from a BPD. I'd say rip up her number and never contact her ever again- for your own good.

That guy she's with is going to be in for a hell of a ride. The same thing you went through he'll go through, let's just hope he will react similar and get out of there. Take this breath of fresh air to improve yourself and learn some new red flags for any possible confrontations in the future. Nearly all of the suspicious behaviors you listed are all red flags in my little book.

In sorry to declare this but most BPD/HPD's never even get diagnosed. And the ones who do have a low chance of actually recovering. That childhood trauma is like declaring bankruptcy; a giant red mark on your records that you can't really remove. Just remember, not all women are like this.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
She will extract your soul if you let her. At this point its about damage control, make sure it doesn't get any worse.

The sooner you stop any and all contact, the faster you will move on, heal, and enjoy your life again.

It's not your fault this happened, look at it this way it will never happen to you again.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score

She lies.

She stole.

She cheated.

And she's a wackjob, cluster B for sure.

Dump that HO man, there's nothing good for you here.

Johnny Alias

Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Got to echo these sentiments... she's cluster B for sure. As some of us have said before DO NOT try and peg her as one or another. It's pointless. All cluster B's share different traits at different times.

This honestly reminds me of my friends regarding mine. EVERYONE knew she was abusive and bad news. They'd seen her get drunk and scream at me on more than one occasion. I'm telling you that EVERYONE who reads your post knows you need to RUN and NEVER speak to this broad again. EVER. But you can't see that because you're addicted to her and her drama and the idea that you can somehow fix/change her...


She will always be like this. FOREVER. She is a HURRICANE. A force of nature that knocked your self-esteem and identity down like a house of cards. You cannot reason with a storm. You can't change it. You can't help it. It's a storm!!!! It's doing what it's supposed to do. What's in its nature!!!!!!!

It doesn't matter what caused this be it sexual abuse, brain issue, neglect... do not care. DONT. She's dead inside and this happened a LONG time ago. Cluster B's are RARELY fixable and they have to want it much like an alcoholic wants to get sober. For a cluster b to have any amount of reflection winding up with the conclusion that they need help is UNICORN rare. It almost NEVER happens.

You got out of there without kids, losing your home, getting put in jail, or fighting another one of her lovers. I'm serious dude. That's the road you were headed down.

She never loved you. She doesn't love ANYONE especially any new guy she's with. Everyone's a toy that can be played with, abused, and thrown away at a moment's notice. Don't kid yourself.

Cry about it. Grieve. Move on. Hurricane's over. Time to rebuild your house. Start spinning plates and working out. Make sure EVERY minute of your day is filled with something to forget her... but do. She's forgotten you... except maybe someday when she needs SOMETHING from you.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
listen to what the people on this forum are telling you...

i myself was warned by many people on here, to run the f@ck away from my ex... and i did not listen to them at first... now i am free from her... i escaped

not sure if she was BDP but defo in the cluster b catogary... also strong narcassit traits

mate be glad you never married, lived together, kids etc etc

mine might be f@cking some other dude right now... but you know what, i don't give a ****... that dude is going to be in for a ride soon enough

what is more important is, that you get away from a woman like this... heal & find someone healthy


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah man Johnny's right, cluster B's rarely get better. I just ended things with mine a while ago. She loved me dearly, she really did. But she just could not control the DRAMA, constant DRAMA. Trust me you are better of without her.

Johnny Alias

Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
You know it's funny... mine would do a lot around the house. She would. She'd clean and make dinner and take the dogs for a walk. That's all really nice... but I wanted her to get a J-O-B! I can hire a maid easy!!!!!

That and she thought that these efforts on her part made up for the screaming tirades and crap she put me through. It wasn't altruistic. It wasn't to be nice. It was so she could have a clean house and hold it over my head later.

searching solace

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Wow. Well that was a reality check. I thank you all for your input and advice, sincerely.

I don't think that she had actually cheated - she had arranged to meet the guy, but for some reason, didn't. But they had been texting all that day. She never shared any intimacy. What bothered me, was that before I knew for sure that they had been in contact/arranged to meet, she got so upset and angry at me for not trusting her and for accusing her unfairly....

There were many moments when she was genuinely sweet and caring and loving, and I seem to hold onto those moments and forget the bad things that happened; making me regret my decision to end things.

The reason why I didn't believe she was cluster B was because she never really 'blamed' me for anything, sure she got upset at me, but she never hated me for the way she felt (although she did say it was me that made her 'miserable' on more than one occasion.)

Again, thanks guys - sometimes you just need to hear it plain, simple and unbiased. You echo the advice my best friend gave me.

Johnny Alias

Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
You bet man. Hang in there. There are always a few good moments, but the degree of the bad moments matters just as much. How a woman handles disagreements, conflict, and mutual respect is KEY to any LTR. If those three are in doubt in any way we all need to walk. Life is too short to be trapped with some one who doesn't relate to SOs properly.

searching solace

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Johnny Alias said:
You bet man. Hang in there. There are always a few good moments, but the degree of the bad moments matters just as much. How a woman handles disagreements, conflict, and mutual respect is KEY to any LTR. If those three are in doubt in any way we all need to walk. Life is too short to be trapped with some one who doesn't relate to SOs properly.
Thanks man, but for some reason I really miss her today. And for some unintentional reason, I still hold a sliver of hope inside that we may still get back together one day and that she would be in a better 'place' to be in a serious relationship. And now she's engaged and most likely moved in after barely 2 months with this chump who's twice her age.

I just hate the thought that someone lucky b@stard is getting the best of her now. He wont be getting the brunt of her parents every day either, like I did. I only really realised the extent of my love for her, AFTER she got a new guy. And now she's gone.

Apologies for whining, and I know all of you said that I am lucky to have gotten out... - I just can't see it yet, and I just hate the way things play out sometimes.

A few days ago, she wrote about her new guy on her tumblr (which he doesn't know about) - 'how he's a safe bet, and that she feels she still deserves more, that she's not as excited about the engagement as she should be, and how she's not ecstatic about any 'aspect of his relationship with her' - funny how she phrased that.... this was probably just a mood and she probably changed her opinion of him the next day.

searching solace

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
You should be out at the club at this hour not posting here.
I'm currently working in Asia, it's mid afternoon. Plus, not sure about the quality of women willing to pimp themselves out in a club...


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
searching solace said:
Thanks man, but for some reason I really miss her today. And for some unintentional reason, I still hold a sliver of hope inside that we may still get back together one day and that she would be in a better 'place' to be in a serious relationship. And now she's engaged and most likely moved in after barely 2 months with this chump who's twice her age.

I just hate the thought that someone lucky b@stard is getting the best of her now. He wont be getting the brunt of her parents every day either, like I did. I only really realised the extent of my love for her, AFTER she got a new guy. And now she's gone.

Apologies for whining, and I know all of you said that I am lucky to have gotten out... - I just can't see it yet, and I just hate the way things play out sometimes.

A few days ago, she wrote about her new guy on her tumblr (which he doesn't know about) - 'how he's a safe bet, and that she feels she still deserves more, that she's not as excited about the engagement as she should be, and how she's not ecstatic about any 'aspect of his relationship with her' - funny how she phrased that.... this was probably just a mood and she probably changed her opinion of him the next day.
Dude are you insane? You really think anyone else she meets is going to get a sane girl? He is getting exactly what you got... EXACTLY. Maybe not at first, this is why he moved her in so quick. She is being nice to him now, trust me most of us here know how awesome a cluster B can be in "nice mode". They make you feel like a god. Just wait till she gets bored of the situation and the nonsense starts in again. He will surely be regretting his haste then. Remember these people DO NOT GET BETTER. Read about cluster B's educate yourself before you find yourself married to some psycho taking care of some strangers baby thinking it's yours.

searching solace

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
SgtSplacker said:
Dude are you insane? You really think anyone else she meets is going to get a sane girl? He is getting exactly what you got... EXACTLY. Maybe not at first, this is why he moved her in so quick. She is being nice to him now, trust me most of us here know how awesome a cluster B can be in "nice mode". They make you feel like a god. Just wait till she gets bored of the situation and the nonsense starts in again. He will surely be regretting his haste then. Remember these people DO NOT GET BETTER. Read about cluster B's educate yourself before you find yourself married to some psycho taking care of some strangers baby thinking it's yours.
Thanks and I do get what you're saying. It's just the part of me (the non-rational part) that is still emotionally attached (and jealous) which is making me feel like this. I could probably get her back if I were serious.

And I'm not 100% sure she was/is cluster B; she was never professionally diagnosed. She'll probably get bored of this guy pretty quickly; she's already hinted that she's waiting for something better. But she won't get bored for a while - she is shooting a movie soon and she'll need him for the support and adoration.

Guess I just have to man up and get on with things.

Again, thank you.

searching solace

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Well, over 2 years later and here is an update. Not even sure if it'll get bumped back to the top or if anyone will see it but here goes.

She left her fiance after 3 months (back in Jan 2014), but not before making sure I was still definitely there for her and willing to take her back. Which I did, more or less. It was her prerogative to leave the engagement though, I wasn't going to ask her to do that. I loved her and was weak. She broke off the 'engagement' quite suddenly, showed me emails as proof (the poor guy was obviously quite shocked that the girl he was so happy with for 3 months suddenly did a 360 in a matter of days). She told me should we even try and keep the ring (which she said cost around $20k) so she could use it to rent her own place instead of having to return to her controlling parents. Not sure if he ever got it back but it seemed like a cruel intention.

Her parents even contacted me and my own parents asking what had changed since the last time we were together. Her Dad was alarmed she was leaving a stable man (twice her age) with a very big income to go back to her ex boyfriend who had a much lower earning potential. He didn't seem to understand that she just didn't have feelings for the guy and showed the he just wanted to offload his troublesome daughter to the nearest guy who would take care of her, not considering her happiness. But I understood their concern. I want to be there for her and make it work, despite the difficulties that I would face.

She moved back home and flew out to see me in China a couple of months later. She stayed for around 4 weeks and it was great to have her back. However, after everything that had happened, I was reluctant to call her my girlfriend and give her commitment. I was worried about our (and my) future, her family, sometimes her mental state. I wanted to take things slow. This hurt her and she often withdrew as she wanted commitment. For the most part, it was great to be back in each other's company and there weren't too many problems. I felt bad about not committing to her straight away and I admit my fault in hurting her in that way, especially since she flew out to see me. I just didn't feel comfortable to commit again so soon after everything that had happened.

She returned to the US but the fact I didn't commit wasn't enough for her. She was very hurt and seemed to withdraw a lot. I was visiting the US with my family that summer (coincidently) but she decided to cut contact with me which was tough for her, and me. A couple weeks later, before I was due to fly out, she emailed me and said she wanted to see me when I was there. I said the same but I didn't want to hurt her by doing so - said it was her choice. We met, rekindled things, she stayed with my family for a bit, it was good. But I was still hesitant to commit to her given the circumstances.

She had just gotten into a very good music school and I promised that I'd come to visit her. Fast forward a few months - she moves to start her degree, I get depressed in China, start missing her, she starts to like someone new there and makes me jealous. It's very turbulent and stressful and I get even more depressed and anxious, she says she wants nothing to do with me, that I treated her badly, I tell her that I have to come and see her and make things OK (I know, I know). I quit my job (was going to leave China anyway) and fly out to her. She's living with her mother but her mother (who thinks I am good for her daughter) kindly leaves to let me stay. We make up and I commit to her. We have a great time but this whole experience has made me very insecure and I still find it hard to trust her. I develop massive jealousy issues and question her a lot. I move back to my home country and find a job there.

Over the next year (2015), we do long distance. We meet in Europe, she visits me, I visit her. It's hard but seems worth it. I go to visit her in October for a couple of weeks. Her Mum is there almost every day which creates arguments. I meet her friends, get along with them. She's uncomfortable when i go to lunch with one of her guy friends alone without her. She has orbiters. One of them had stolen her credit card and had apparently hit his ex and got in trouble with the sex offender police earlier in the year. She's friends with him again. We get in a big argument about her Mum towards the end of the trip and I go to a hotel. Things are rocky but OK. I leave to go back to my home country.

Fast forward two months, I don't give her a lot of attention, busy with stressful new job, she said I don't make her feel like I care of that I love her. She says it's not enough. She causes a fight over text and ends it with me, then proceeds to block me on her phone so I cannot call or text her. I was angry but a little received. I know she wants me to chase her (email, skype, through her friends etc) but I don't as it doesn't seem fair. I assumed she would come back as she always did. I don't really think about it much and 2 weeks go by and I suddenly find out she got intimate with a guy she's known for a while (snooping). My heart breaks. We talk, she says it's over. I'm very upset, I can't believe it's happened and I regret my complacency with her - I should have chased her and made things OK but it's too late now. Every time I call, it makes her angry, I get pathetic, push her away, she asks to be left alone. She's a different person. My feelings for her intensify as her apparently diminish. She has no remorse over what has happened - she's done nothing wrong. She doesn't care about the pain I'm feeling. I should have appreciated her more, it's too late now. She blames me for everything. She brings up the past and how I didn't commit to her when she flew to see me - how could I treat her like that? I remind her I had been committed to her for the past year now. I say I will leave her alone but I break every few days, worried about who she might be with or what she might be doing. It pushes her further away, but I can't seem to help it. I feel like a shadow of myself. This massive subconscious emotional bond for her that I have, but was unaware of, makes itself conscious and it's killing me that she's moving on so easy. She says she had really learnt her lesson this time. She would always come running back to me like some fiend, but never again.

A few days later, her mother sends me an email by mistake that she meant to send to her husband (WHAT THE F*CK). It outlines that she's spending a lot of time with the guy who has previously stolen her credit card/got in trouble with police and that she's worried for her daughter. Her mother confronted him and threatened him but she continues seeing him. What's going on? My heart breaks further. How is she choosing him over me? I figure she must have lined him up. I ask her about him. She denies it, says they are just friends, and gets very angry and defensive. She blocks me again so I cannot talk to her or explain myself - I'm fraught. We exchange a couple of emails - she's angry at how I acted. She's done and I don't hear from her again. I am beaten.

This was over 3 weeks ago. She's since removed her tattoo of my initials, I see a picture on her blog - she spent valentines day with this guy, think they went somewhere together. As I'm over here completely distraught and hoping she calls, she has apparently moved on very quickly and is absolutely OK. She seems to have forgotten about me already. A big part of me is STILL hoping she calls. It feels like the last 3 years meant nothing. I understand her actions and I beat myself up about it. I have regrets. I should have made plans to move to be with her sooner. I should have talked about the future with her. I was just worried about her controlling parents and the effect it would have on my life.

I realise I have some issues, too. It' not just her. I am wondering whether to try and get her back one last time or just to try and truly let it go at this point. I can't see the situation from the outside. After everything, I always hoped things would work out. But she has really gone this time. And she is not coming back again.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2015
Reaction score
You have only yourself to blame. You didn't want to listen to the valuable advice the others gave you. You'll probably try to get her back anyway, no matter what sort of advice you'll get. Get over her by spinning plates.

searching solace

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
You have only yourself to blame. You didn't want to listen to the valuable advice the others gave you. You'll probably try to get her back anyway, no matter what sort of advice you'll get. Get over her by spinning plates.
Yeah, I accept that. I have to take responsibility for the way I am feeling. It's just so difficult to remove yourself or walk away when you are emotionally attached and have been through a lot with a person.

I will definitely head the advice this time.