Plenty of Fish quick number grabs Vol. 2.Hoe!

big weezy

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
Depending on how good you look in your pictures to them anything positive would work. Again. Depending on how "Appetizing" you look in your pictures. True, The sense of humor is different elsewhere.

Just a heads up. If you choose to start in a interested way to chicks online you may wind up getting a little too "caring or involved" with them especially IF they seem cool. You CAN do the regular questioning their profile routine, but IMO unless you are fully aware of what types of chicks are online and are willing to bounce at the drop of a hat IMO I wouldn't bother with that. Try to change an opener to fit for Europe something off a current event, popular TV show, etc to change up and use.

Don't think that just because you do the interested in your profile routine and the chick keeps responding and gives up her number quick that she isn't responding to other dudes as good looking or better with sexual innuendo and seeting up meets with the "bvlls" who got straight to the point with her.

Even IF she was "cool" and you got into a relationship with a chick offline..They mostly always just hide their profile, and still will go back online at times seeing who else may pique their interest.

If you or anyone on here could be a "fly" in their inbox chat/IM history....You'd see shocking evidence to the contrary of what they'd like you to believe in their profile and conversations with you.

I'm telling you it's a migration of loads of ex myspace h0rs, Adult Friend Finder chicks and every other site. A lot have profiles on several other free "dating" sites too.

Keep aware of that FACT.

There is faaar too many reviews etc. of the types of people who frequent POF. Just see what works for you and for the love of God do NOT entertain the idea of having a relationship with someone you met off of a free dating site especially.

so would you think if i was to send as an opening message of 'interesting profile.. what else makes you different from the other pretty women on pof?'

is this in your opinon a bad starting message? (i plan to follow on with part 2 of your routine i.e. 'so how's the site treating you so far? (my real name) etc it's just the opening message i'm trying to rework so i can spam it.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
big weezy said:

so would you think if i was to send as an opening message of 'interesting profile.. what else makes you different from the other pretty women on pof?'

is this in your opinon a bad starting message? (i plan to follow on with part 2 of your routine i.e. 'so how's the site treating you so far? (my real name) etc it's just the opening message i'm trying to rework so i can spam it.

I always stayed away from mentioning their profile is interesting as a generic opener. As soon as you send that most will reply back (if they like your pics) What's so interesting about my profile? Which then you have to read or have read their profile and it takes too much time wasting talking to a chick about her profile and kindof "qualifying" how much you "liked her profile"/yourself to her.

You might just want to try starting with something like:

Hey you. How's the Plenty of Fish been treating you so far? I'd say good as you are pretty easy on the eyes. =) (Your real name)

See if they start replying to just that.

Then after they reply:

It's going ok for me. I'm mostly getting hit up by the "50 Shades of Grey" (risque) types of women and to be honest I've just joined and am getting bored of the nonsense quickly. I'm not on here much as it

Once she replies then go into:

Well it was nice meeting you (her name *If she gives it.) Feel free to give me your number and I'll give you a call sometime. I'd like to put a voice to the person I'm chatting with instead of playing email ping pong. lol (Your real name)

If she leaves her number. Fine. Call the next day. If not. Delete and move on.

You can tweak the main message to what works more for chicks over there.(Add your own humor that works for them) Same with replies.

***You can always "discuss their profile" when you actually MEET them.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Any reason you suggest calling? I sometimes hit them via text first and so far so good.


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Text works perfect, but I ALWAYS frame the convo like I'm going to call because it sounds better. So, like NN said close the pof convo by saying "...give me your number and I'll give you a call sometime. =) Starrie"

Then if she leaves the number send her a text like...

"Hey _____, this is Starrie. Here's my number, I'll talk to you soon =)". They'll always respond with something and you can break into texting them then or leave it and text them again later on. You can go as far as to setup the first date with text but for sure call before going

Only reason I'm so big on texting is because I learned most chcks in the 21-33 range I was talking to preferred texting and especially with a new guy from the Internet (most likely one amongst many), it made them feel more comfortable at first and gave them the ability to respond without feeling the pressure of answering the phone to a random call from a guy who swooped in and got her number within 3 messages


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
I think with all the posts NN makes about this topic the true foundation of his stategy is making the girl feel attracted an intrigued by you BEfORE she ever sends her first message. Thus eliminating ANY need for small talk or fluff grabage that in the end does nothing but waste YOUR time that could be spent messaging other girls, and slowly kills her attraction and interest level and loses her attention.

I did NOTHiNG but follow his system the whole time I was on there, and can't begin to explain how successful I was by NEVER telling the girl anything about me and never really finding out much about them.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Starrie: Any reason you suggest calling? I sometimes hit them via text first and so far so good.
If what you are doing ain’t broke. Don’t try to fix it. See Incognitos post below. Once you start texting on the phone after a few back and forths. TELL (don’t ask) them to send you a pic for your cell phones “picture caller ID”. If they ask: What kind of pic? Respond: Something cute and or sexy. You be the judge. ;). You just might find a nice surprise in the next text. Plus you get to see a recent pic of them. If it’s a panty pic? Who’re you or I to complain? Lol. And IF it is a panty pic…You know shes DTF. So set up that meet shortly after within as quick as you can meet up. Good times!

Text works perfect, but I ALWAYS frame the convo like I'm going to call because it sounds better. So, like NN said close the pof convo by saying "...give me your number and I'll give you a call sometime. =) Starrie"

Then if she leaves the number send her a text like...

"Hey _____, this is Starrie. Here's my number, I'll talk to you soon =)". They'll always respond with something and you can break into texting them then or leave it and text them again later on. You can go as far as to setup the first date with text but for sure call before going

Only reason I'm so big on texting is because I learned most chcks in the 21-33 range I was talking to preferred texting and especially with a new guy from the Internet (most likely one amongst many), it made them feel more comfortable at first and gave them the ability to respond without feeling the pressure of answering the phone to a random call from a guy who swooped in and got her number within 3 messages


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Food for thought.

I only message chicks that I know without any doubt are hot, i.e. girls for whom I'd have to put on my Grade A game face in RL. The whole point is to snag the small percentage of nearly-out-of-your-league ***** that is available too you more efficiently than in RL, right? Right. But, I'll sometimes message the off-white hot or 'unconventionally cute' ones too if they're only a few miles away. You know, the chicks who live really close to the edge but are still on the right side of the border separating what would and wouldn't make your d!ck hard.

These borderland girls are low hanging fruit and there's tremendous utility in messaging them. But be careful. Spend an extra three or four seconds closely scrutinizing their photos.

Do not take chances. I've gotten in trouble doing this. If you wouldn't bang the girl in the worst pic, then don't waste any energy make-believing that you're getting the number of the girl in the awesome photos. Trust that you're talking to the cute girl's frumpy future self, the one starting to let herself go in those photos at the end of the line.

Of course you always do a final vetting by trading a few 'now' pics via text before actually meeting, but this is a waste of your time and hers if you find out now what you could have easily ascertained then with a little due diligence, and now you have to get rid of her.

Nobody on POF will ever show up to meet you looking better than her best profile pic. The person you meet will always look on par or slightly worse than her worst pic.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
This works.
I'm getting numbers from "6's" but the hotter birds between 7-10 have'nt been giving me their numbers. They say they want to "get to know me more first"

IMO i have good photos & would rate myself as a "7" in the looks department at least. I also have a good profile.

Thanks for the advice ninja. Much appreciated. I'll keep at it.

I must have mailed about eighty birds & got a lot of replys resulting in about
five numbers.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Rainman4707 said:
This works.
I'm getting numbers from "6's" but the hotter birds between 7-10 have'nt been giving me their numbers. They say they want to "get to know me more first"

IMO i have good photos & would rate myself as a "7" in the looks department at least. I also have a good profile.

Thanks for the advice ninja. Much appreciated. I'll keep at it.

I must have mailed about eighty birds & got a lot of replys resulting in about
five numbers.

Try Daily Insanity's tips too.

And check out GoodLookingLoser's video on POF for more tips.

^^ This is the guide, go there.. the video is for this page!!

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
IsiMan84 said:
If you really want to improve on your results, you'll read this entire post.

I've been reading this thread for a few weeks now, and after finally joining Plenty of Fish and trying out some of the methods, I came to a few conclusions. While this may come off quite long, this is a lot of research I did for the betterment of the community.

First of all, I should give some background. I've been in the game for 8+ years, the last 4 of that spent between Dallas and LA. So I've earned my stripes. That being said, there's a few things I've learned in my time doing this stuff.

If a girl isn't initially interested in you for whatever reason, she's going to give you a lot less leeway for any weaknesses you might exhibit or mistakes that you make. In my case, the "for whatever reason" is my race. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the majority of you guys trying this stuff are white, as I assume with any fellow PUAs I've received advice from over the years.

Before you cry foul and say "race doesn't matter," feel free to show me the hordes of profiles where girls say "no white guys." You'll grow a very long beard looking for one, cause they don't exist. Alright so we've established that. Anyways, back to the original point I was going to make.

I read Naughty Ninja's posts and anyone else who's contributed up to this point. Good Looking Loser as well. Multiple times. I did a few weeks of research before even joining the site. Did the "rate my face" stuff, determined which photos would attract the most attention, etc. I've been doing this long enough to know you can't leave anything to chance. It may not be pertinent to the situation, but I look like an NFL receiver so that shouldn't work against me.

So I joined the site, put up my best photos, and went to work. I used NN's opener, spamming that ish to every decent looking girl on the site. Every 10 messages or so I would change a few words to avoid the spam filter.

Imagine my surprise when I got roughly 3 replies the first few days. There were a handful from the UG's who would randomly message me, but not a lot of replies from the ones I sent the opener to. I thought maybe they couldn't get to my message due to all the guys hitting them up. Or maybe it wasn't getting sent b/c of the spam filter. I couldn't be sure.

My friend said I needed to be online more often so that I would show up at the top of the search results. I got a few more replies, but most weren't from the opener. The ones that were, very few got past the 2nd message. Eventually I got a couple girls to give me numbers, but most of them would say nothing after the number request. The majority were calling me out for copy and paste, or saying it was funny and then not replying after that.

So being the scientist/engineer that I am, what I decided was that I needed to make another profile to test my hypotheses. I grabbed a few Facebook photos of a guy from my college, who I would consider to be the 'white' version of me. Similar height, weight, etc. I used only three photos and nothing shirtless. I filled his 'About Me' section with Hangover quotes. I even included the one about not being allowed near a school or a Chuck E. Cheese. So I had literally no actual information about him included in the profile. Just a tall, decent looking white guy with Hangover quotes.

I started messaging the same girls who said nothing to my real profile. Instead of using NN's opener, I just said "Hey those are some (enter adjective here) photos! What's up?" That's it, nothing special.

Imagine my surprise when these b!tches start messaging me back within minutes. Minutes, my friend. Not only were they messaging me back, they were telling me how hilarious my profile was and were completely open to conversation and/or hanging out. Now here's where it got good. I decided since I was getting crazy results I might as well go for the gusto and ask for the number on the second message. Regardless of what they said, I replied with something short and then said "I'm not on here much but you seem like a cool person. Give me your number and I'll give you a call sometime. =)" Completely skipping the "how is the site treating you" part.

These girls didn't hesitate to give up the digits. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was giving up no real information about myself and they were giving me their numbers anyway. As far as race of the girls it ran the entire spectrum: white girls, black girls, didn't matter. And any girl who initiated contact with me, I asked for her number in my first message. Still got the digits. In less than two days I had acquired almost 20 numbers. Twenty! My real profile has gotten two numbers in the past week and a half. This one got 10x as many in 1/10 of the time.

I decided to take a page from what was working for "him" and use it for myself. I literally copied and pasted his profile stuff onto my real one, and mine onto his. He's still getting messages, I'm getting about the normal amount as I was before.

Another modification I made, after conferring with a friend (8+ years in the game as well) was to send shorter opening messages. I came up with my own opener which was only three lines, of which the first line would be something related to their profiles. The other two would be standard copy and paste stuff. I actually started getting more positive messages that way than with NN's opener. What was funny was that some girls who didn't reply to NN's opener actually replied to me sending a one-liner a few days later.

So I came to the conclusion that:

1) Being white, first and foremost, is your biggest asset. You will appeal to a larger segment of the demographic, and you're going to be given a lot more chances if you screw up along the way. It sucks for us minorities, but considering the racial history in this country it's not a big surprise.

2) Being tall (over 6'0" in both my profiles) will not work against you either. It means more girls are shorter than you, which increases your possibilities. Girls who were 6'2" were hitting up the fake profile out of the blue. This has been covered before.

3) Being decent looking is also a great asset. Once again, nothing new. If you're not in shape, then get in shape. The amount of girls I've gotten in real life who couldn't keep their hands off me has gone up since I started hitting the gym more. This will not happen if you have a beer belly or look like the wind could blow you away. You don't have to look like me or Good Looking Loser, but at least look like you give a crap about yourself.

4) Your opening message should be shorter. Considering the fact NN's message is three paragraphs long, they obviously know it's a copy/paste opener. Chances are they're not telling you because they think you look good enough, and are letting it slide. But if they're not that interested in you or your photos they definitely won't take the time to read it or will call you out. Nobody likes to read something that long if they don't have to.

5) Something personalized in the message doesn't hurt. I still do a copy/paste but I add something specific to them in front of it, which prevents them from disregarding it as spam. That way they'll actually read the whole thing. And if it's funny/clever enough they'll reply, which leads to a better response rate. Plus it's not that much work. This is a good chance to work on your PUA skills and ability to think on the fly.

6) Exposure, exposure, exposure. Being online A LOT will improve your results in every aspect. If you have the smartphone app (I don't), you can log in and just leave it on. You'll always be near the top of search results if you are recently/currently online. This makes it more likely for a girl to see your profile on her start page when she logs in. Having a lot of interests will help too. Also, if you're online you'll show up on her 'My Conversations' bar when you send her a message. Being the quick thinker I am, I figured out a way to help myself since I don't have the app. I downloaded a Firefox app that refreshes a tab of your choice. I log in to the site, set the app to refresh every couple minutes, which simulates me being at the computer, which keeps you logged in indefinitely. I've walked out the door, left the browser open and come back to a few messages.

Welp I think this is a good place for me to stop. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the matter.
You should try this experiment with an ugly white guy who is only 5'6" in height and see what happens. Of course being white helps but does it trump being ugly and short? I doubt it. We often forget all the other factors and assume white = swimming in p*ssy.

If ugly, short, broke, white guy loser still beats out good looking, tall, successful minority.. well... that's some serious racism.

Its like me picking a busted, fat, gross white girl over a smoking hot Black or Asian girl. Makes no sense.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
I'm trying out this POF thing and created an account 2 days ago and so far, I'm doing much better than expected as far as responses go. I am a 6'4 220 lbs black guy who is a university student with his own place though it's on campus and with a roommate who's usually not there at night, though if I want to smash at the crib, I can just work it out with him so that isn't a problem. I'm pretty aesthetic, my bf % is somewhere in the teens so I do have an obligatory shirtless pic up (not as my default of course) I have used a few of your intro lines and have received a few responses. However, what seems to work for me moreso is when I start trolling women.

I will record my results as I get the hang of this. Especially since you need to perspective of a good-looking minority. :D

What's funny is that even though I'm getting a handful of messages and a few women want to meet me already. I can imagine what the white version of me would have gotten. Haha

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Funny thing is.. I remember reading an article about a year ago on a blog about a guy (WHITE guy) who conducted the exact same experiment with Online Dating that IsiMan84 above did. The difference was.. rather than changing his race, he changed his height.

He had two identical profiles with the exact same pictures of him. The ONLY difference was his height. His real height was around 5'2" so he changed it to 5'11". It was like night and day. He got ZERO responses with his height at 5'2" but loads of responses with his height at 5'11".

So for all the minorities feeling bad.. guess what? Its not just race that can f*ck you up. YES.. a tall good looking white guy with muscles is supreme on dating sites. But take away "good looking" or "tall" and being white isn't the cake walk everyone thinks it is.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
Funny thing is.. I remember reading an article about a year ago on a blog about a guy (WHITE guy) who conducted the exact same experiment with Online Dating that IsiMan84 above did. The difference was.. rather than changing his race, he changed his height.

He had two identical profiles with the exact same pictures of him. The ONLY difference was his height. His real height was around 5'2" so he changed it to 5'11". It was like night and day. He got ZERO responses with his height at 5'2" but loads of responses with his height at 5'11".

So for all the minorities feeling bad.. guess what? Its not just race that can f*ck you up. YES.. a tall good looking white guy with muscles is supreme on dating sites. But take away "good looking" or "tall" and being white isn't the cake walk everyone thinks it is.

That's what I figured. As long as you're at least tall and good-looking, you'll have some success on POF regardless of race.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
I have only had an account for roughly 3 days and I'm killing it on POF. I see why NN loves it so much, this crap is too easy. You don't have to be a tall, good looking white guy to be a stand-out on this site.

Then again, I am a tall, good-looking aesthetic black looks still do matter in this case.

I'm getting some dates lined up for hopefully this weekend and will bring in updates as they come.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
I'm having a really high response ratio (80%) but the problem is getting their number. I use your first message, then I send the following:

“I just joined a few days ago. I’m not on here much. You seem like a pretty cool person. Give me your number and I’ll give you a call sometime. =) (Hydrak)"

Most of the chicks just responds by writing; "haha no!" or "I dont give out my number that quick".

I got pretty good photos in my profile. I look about a 8 on them. Yet it seems like some guys here picks up several numbers pretty much every day. :box:

Anyone got any advices on this? Perhaps it's the swedish chicks who loves their integrity, lol.


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
2 messages is too quick

It may not seem like much, but that 3rd message makes a big difference.

message 1 - copy/paste

message 2- hows the site been treating you so far?

message 3- Im not on here much give me your number...

3 messages is enough for it to feel like a conversation, and make the girkl comfortable giving her number. 2 messages is too rushed and asking for the number on the 2nd message will feel too soon for the girl. Some even suggest using 4 messages, but I think 3 works just fine


Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
good tip for having the meet me app send out meet me's on POF automatically

1. Download iMacros for Firefox and install it, restart Firefox etc
2. Go to POF and click on "Meet Me"
3. Press F8 to open iMacros
4. Go to the "Rec" tab
5. Press Record
6. Click on "Yes" on the Meet Me page, do this several times
7. Click Stop and then save the macro
8. Go to "Play" in iMacros
9. Where it says "Repeat Macro" in the "Max" box set it to 5000 or something high
10. Press Play (Loop)

Now you can go do whatever... the "viewed me" bit is full of different people now.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
Right, I'm not going to say being white is the end-all to getting laid in online dating, but your white counterpart will do vastly better just due to numbers. Also he's going to be less filtered out by girls who are searching, since they decide all of a sudden they can be super picky online.

Location is a big deal too. I am in the heart of the Bible Belt, which isn't exactly what I would call liberal. Guys like me would clean up on the east or west coast, but you play the hand you're dealt. Having girls push me aside for an average white guy, only to complain he was boring and gave them average d!ck. Well...duh?

You should have no problem getting girls of your same race if you're a good looking guy, that is a given. If you're looking to cross those lines then being white is going to be your best bet.

When I went on as the fake white guy I was getting responses from girls of every race, and generally the hotter ones. When I went on as myself I was getting the usual overweight black chicks hitting me up, but couldn't even get the same good looking black girls to reply to me that replied to him, much less the white ones.

As far as what you consider "killing it", I guess that's all subjective. I created a new profile for a friend (6'2" run of the mill white guy) and got him 25 numbers in two weeks. No resistance getting those numbers whatsoever. Same as previous white guy account, except this time I was going to actually have him meet up with them. I even provided him the service of telling him what to text to girls on the phone to set up dates, and they were loving it. I think he managed to meet up with at least 10-15 of them in a three week period. He was literally going on two or three dates a day some days, combined with girls he was getting elsewhere. And banged ZERO of them. The real version of him is not so exciting and extremely inept, so I know it's not my skill or lack thereof.

I went and joined again last week just to see if anything had changed, especially with my improved skill with when to contact them, etc. Compared to last time I'm "killing it." I believe I've gotten two or three numbers of decent looking chicks in five days or so. Haven't met up with any of them so far. But still running into trouble with getting numbers of chicks on the better looking end (they want to keep talking well past the script's duration), and still getting the messages from land whales.

That said, I had a bar pull over the weekend and am meeting up with four real-life chicks this week: two from bar game, and two who I've known for a little while. It could be more than that but there's only so many days in a week and so much time. So I'm not hurting in that regard. POF is at best going to be a supplement, since I don't expect much for results compared to real life.


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
New message testing. So far three replies in five minutes from some pretty hot looking chicks..

(Tweaked from a message I'd made up a while ago.) Hey frig it I'm bored..

Copy and pasta below:

OMG! We have absolutely NOTHING in common. I am not worthy! But hey, that besides the point. Congratulations are in order here...

If I ever meet the owner of Plenty of Fish I'm going to DEMAND he pays you for your profile! I'm going to print it out, wrap it up and open it on Christmas as the bestestest present EVER. Thank you and keep up the good work you adorable lil cutie! Ciao bella! ;P


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Naughty/Humble Ninja,

While I salute efforts to fine tune "the universal opener", you are not going to get very far with those messages. You may get tons of responses, but they will mostly be from from bored b!tches who use POF for an ego boost and little else. They may be amused by your openers but that's about it. It's like the first time I saw a beggar with a sign that said that he was too ugly to sell himself for sex. Did I chuckle when I saw the sign? Yes. Did I give him money? No.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
