Yesterday was meant to be a sort of disciplined day off, but it turned into a bit of a binge. What I've learned for next week is to stack the house up with good stuff from top to bottom. So to get rid of the coco pops, white rice and bread completely, and bring in some brown rice, bread, sweet potatoes and bran flakes, even though i'll only be eating them once a week, so i have no choice but to remain consistent.
Diet & Exercise:
Omelet with green and red peppers and onions, and one slice of brown bread for BK.
Drank 2l water and a lot of green tea by the end of today as well.
Played sports for 4 hours on an empty stomach, no lunch. So afterwards, went to McDonalds and had a cheeky milkshake. That is my last visit to McDs as long as i am on this forum.
For dinner will have chicken and veg. Its 8.30pm now.
All you other journal people keep it up, i am reading all of yours too!
Diet & Exercise:
Omelet with green and red peppers and onions, and one slice of brown bread for BK.
Drank 2l water and a lot of green tea by the end of today as well.
Played sports for 4 hours on an empty stomach, no lunch. So afterwards, went to McDonalds and had a cheeky milkshake. That is my last visit to McDs as long as i am on this forum.
For dinner will have chicken and veg. Its 8.30pm now.
All you other journal people keep it up, i am reading all of yours too!
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