You pay taxes, but did you decide how and where your taxes are spend? No, you didn't. Do you put money/wealth over human lives? I don't think you did. Even the fact that you think about the blood on your hands shows that you're a moral person. Yes, you voted, as is your democratic duty, but you're not a legislator. You didn't wilfully intend for your (mandatory) taxes to fund a war.
Brian Thompson was
instrumental in making health insurance profitable by wilfully and intentionally using illegal and highly immoral ways to deny/delay claims that caused millions of people to suffer needlessly and even caused patients to die (or die sooner).
All these products are subject to free choice. Even addictive substances like tobacco. People choose to poison their bodies with tobacco and processed foods.
And you say you 'worked', so past tense. Why don't you work for them anymore? Is it because you grew a conscience?
Let me put it this way:
This report is part of a project on drinking water contamination in the United States produced by the Carnegie-Knight News21 program. PHOENIX – In Ringwood, New Jersey, Ford Motor Co. dumped more than 35,000 tons of toxic paint sludge onto lands occupied for centuries by the Turtle Clan of the...
Industries don't keep to the laws around environmental protection and wilfully put toxic industrial waste in the drinking water.
Who decides to do that? The government? The workers at the factory? Or the CEO that decides that dumping the waste in the river is cheaper than using the safe but expensive waste disposal?
We could argue that the CEO is only 'doing his job' by increasing the profits for the board of directors and the shareholders, but 'with great power comes great responsibility'. Knowingly causing suffering and death is immoral.
Now people's loved ones get sick and some even die because of this toxic drinking water. The illegal dumping of toxic waste is discovered and the concerned citizens warn the government. The EPA is put to the task. From the article linked above:
Let's be positive and assume the EPA actually do their job and the company gets charged for breaking environmental laws and endangering the public. However, with all their money, the company can afford lawyers who drag out the court case and meanwhile the company keeps ignoring the law and keep dumping their toxic waste. The smiling CEO fills the company's coffers and all the other greedy muppets clap him on the back for doing such a great job. Here, have another bonus.
When that happens, who is surprised when someone decides to shoot that slimy CEO? I think that anyone who puts greed and avarice over human lives deserves to be removed from society. I would prefer incarceration, but if the law cannot get to them?
Does killing the perpetrators solve the problem? Probably not, but at least the whole world suddenly understands that the situation is more dire than a few people getting diarrhoea from drinking tap water.
Only a lunatic would shoot the CEO's secretary for denying and delaying health insurance claims.
Only a lunatic would shoot the CEO's secretary for toxic waste dumping.
Only a lunatic would shoot an ordinary tax payer for funding a war.
Then again, America has a lot of trigger-happy lunatics itching to be vigilantes, so maybe you'd want to invest in body armour.