Personal DJ Bootcamp


Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Da Glorious N.Y.C.
Damn Rawkin....Im impressed....Fo real..

Ya know, this boot camp may be what this forum needs to comeback to life. This forum needs more experience. Too many are always on the comp (im a victim of it in some cases)not doin' ****.

Smooth Day....Sounds tight...

Y'all needed more people....well I'm in.

Lets do this sh!t, y'all.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
NIce man, welcome Da-OnlyX

yeah sometimes this forum falls back but ahh its cool, tide rises and tide falls right , haha


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
whats up you guys, ahh maybe you all are not here but, i had to take absence from the computer for a week . It was like a personal goal kind of think, i was getting kind of attached, so i had to dissconnect my comp and put it in the box so i wont get tempted.

Its cool though ive been trying to work on my smoothness and just livingin the moment, but i slack to much. I guess it takes time to get out of the habits but ...

ive been having much more fun lately accept for one day when i was really thinking about something.

usually when im around people i act really happy , i want to give out a positive vibe so i can be approachable you know but its like when im alone , ive very depressed and fustrated, its kind of like i put on a front when im with people and i dont like this front, but at the same time maybe being depressed and fustrated is a frot also, ahh when im around people it really feells fake. like im trying to do something

i wanted to know , do any of you all know anything about the SAD CLOWN THEORY? if you do reply


Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
damn, I know how you feel here too. Mostly the reason I'm so down when I'm by myself is because I'm regretting something I should have done, or I know deep inside I can do better.Because even when something doesn't go as well as I had hoped as long as I try, I feel a lot better afterwards. (Is the sad clown theory a theory where all clowns are sad IRL but they draw smiles on their face to make everyone laugh?)

I know the front feeling, where you feel like you need to be happy in front of everyone but you aren't really that happy. Maybe you need hobbies or something worthwhile to pass the time better so it doesn't feel like a front. Before you talked about magician tricks, maybe you should go into that a bit more. Last year I stopped playing soccer and I really thought too much in my spare time and overanalyzed. This year I got boxing 2-3 times a week, so my mind doesn't just replay the same scenarios and I feel generally more upbeat.

IF you feel fake around people, try dpoing stuff out of character or something. IE for one day speak in Pig Latin or something stupid like that. You'll get a kick outta the people cursing you off and looking at you weird.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Hey this is my first time reviving this thread from the dead. Yeah! :)

Anyways, the best thing I like about the thread is how everyone gave their insight on any kind of sitution they had been in, not just the thread title like most other threads. So to keep the tradition going I'll talk about something girl-related.... Girls that stare

Many girls stare and they don't even know they are doing it. Those times you feel eyes on the back of your head and you turn around just in time to see a girl quickly divert their attention to how interesting the floor is ;)
The reason most girls stare is because they want to be caught staring, even when they look away on EC. They may not come out and tell you but that is what they want deep down. A good example would be the Alicia Keys video "You don'y know my name" She is obsessed with the dude, but is content on "playing it cool" She sheepisly looks down on EC only to look back in a couple seconds to try and regain his attention. Staring likely signifies a girl is into you, but unaware or too shy on taking things to the next level.

Another reason girls stare at you is because they want to see how you are in life. They wanna see how you interact with your friends and treat other chicks. This is why you need to play it cool, even if you aren't with that HB10. So a good tip is when you feel like you are being watched,(and can't approach) do something like help someone with their hw, read a book or something else which displays character. You don't always have to tell people of your skills in life, it is much better if they can draw a conclusion to it.

Girls that stare all do it for 1 main reason
THEY WANT YOUR ATTENTION BUT AREN'T GETTING (enough of) IT. If girl is constantly staring at you, go up and converse with her. Don't feel shy. If she had the balls to stare you down you should have no problem striking up a conversation about something


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
resurrected !! haha

but yeah man, im feeling you on the eye contact thing, that make it sooo obvious, i was thnking maybe they want to get caught also, haha.

I was at the mall the other day, brushing up on my approached and i noticed chicks are really passive, or maybe im just ugly , haha but the only thing i noticed was chicks giveing me lots of eye contact. They would stare and then look away really quick. Or heres one that they think their really slick with , ill be walking and they will be stationary standing , and they will look in the direction im walking to make it seem like their not looking directly at me but when i pass im right in their view, so they can check out my ghetto booty, hahah maybe im wrong but you never know , ive seen this to many times, haa
its is probley kind of a test man, like they stare at you and if you look down also they have intentions that your weak, or your hiding somehting, but if you look directly at them with a " i know your little eye games " look , then they might have the intentions that your confident and can control your self?hmm

i went to the mall the other day , it was crazy , it was a crash and burn fully but i wasent doing that on purpose, haha, i just had a suckey day. i was just a little insecure and i think it really showed, i would approach and their body language would be facing totally away , but i still insisted , maybe i looked a little desperate, haha i approached this one chick she was about to call someone on her phone, and i hate that shyt when people go to the mall just to talk on their phone , so i go up to her and say , wait dont pick up your phone, im was going to kinda call her out on it like neg hit sort of but she iggnored me with a " get outta here " look , haha then i was walking next to a chick with a load of bags, i say hey , and she starts walking sideways away from me, then i say " where are you going maybe i can helo you with thoes bags" and she mumbles no no im fine. then i said **** it and threw in the toweli was woar out from 3 other chicks i got shunned by, i started busting out my card tricks, i amazed a couple people , then i see some cuties and i go up to them, telling them have they seen magic, and they say no and i say would you like to see some, and they shake their head, i approach people alot with my magic and usually they say no becvause the dont know what im doing, people think negative because they dont know me so i just said , it will take one minute, then i hear a " yo " its a cop behind me shaking his head, ahhbnut it was fun, adleast i was put there, haaa i found out i stil had fear of not having anything to say , and insecurity about my voice, i approached some people and they dident even hear me. fun times


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
alright man i cleaned it out,


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
hey lets do some random missions gorilla style!!!