Personal DJ Bootcamp

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Alright I've done the "living in the moment or mindfullness mission"so far. I like that one, it really puts things in perspective and allows you to stop frontin over "does this girl like me" and trivial stuff like that, really calms my nerves and lets my brain focus once it come back to earth in a sense.

The one thing I'm going to improve is my 1v1 rapport skills because I'm used to saying ****y/funny remarks in a group of chicks but when it boils down to one on one I'm revert to that afc who is lost for words. So when I see that chick by herself, I am going to pounce on it.

Oh just relooked over the thread and I missed a mission "day of spontaneity"(sp?) Anyways. I"ll do that tommorow and maybe I'll update you maybe I won't (being spontaneous, lol)

Since you guys have been talking about things you see with chicks I'll add my two cents
Some body language observation I've noticed:
A "not so subtle if you looking for it" thing is when a girl gets in your peripheral view a lot more than average and then she might slows down when she is there. I think this is related to that whole "if chicks like you they will linger" saying... but they only stay for so long, so act fast if you like her


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
nicee Mikelo2k , i know what you mean man, its probly better that your living live rather than coming on the boards alot, aha but yeah ... OHH youve seen the body language in the seat also!! its crazy it happens alot, or maybe its just over observing, hahah

Microphone Fiend , nice to see that your in this also! but yeah that living in the moment excercise it does take away most of that innerlanguage thats always in your ear. ahh,

hey i think i have seen that body language your talking, but wait is it when you get in her peripheral view or when she gets in your peripheral view , usually im walking down the hall right i walk really slow , usually a chick will look over her shoulder at me and it seems as if shes slowing down, is this what you mean, kinda, ?

but yeah yall keep it up , and keep it down haha wtf

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
yea Rawkin they slow down for you. They are begging for an approach sub-conciously.

Well I didn't get any rapport and I wasn't too spontaneous, but I did enter the personal space of a couple chicks and kino'd one chick (wasn't too fine tho :()

Going out to the mall tommorow to try and get some more of these challeneges done...


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
awhh man the mall,NICE... have fun man

this week that has went by was pretty cool , i really was relaxed and that did make everything feel natural so since that worked im going to srtick with it, All these ****ey funny lines came out of my mouth i dident know i had, and my level of comfort around chicks is high. There is some uncorfortableness in my approach but i gues i can work on it.

I was observing these 2 kids that sit near me in my classes, i dont want to label them as AFC because thats kinda crude, il just say they had AFC traits about them right.

So the first kid sits next to a girl, shes pretty but shes a hi tempo attention ***** you know , thoes chicks that can be soo sweet and have voice or she could be rude as hell. A more than often she has fits in class with the teacher. She just has an attitude right.

but this kid that sits next to her shes nice to and gives him the cute voice, so i started to observe them more. First of i observed their communication , the main subject was the girl most of the time , either she was talking about how she woke up and forgot to put on her eyeliner or the kid nex to her was talking about something relating to her.

she was nice to him and said things like , your my favorate guy friend, haha, so basically the focus was on her.

Then i observed the body language, the guys body language was always , i mean always open to the girl , his whole body faces towards her . when ever she would call him he would jerk to her and reject what ever he was doing to respond. He also did aot of leaning towards. The chick was more relaxed and calm , she the only one that initiates kino by playfully hitting him , and his response is his body language backs of a little. She would drop a pencil and he would pick it up faster than light rails, but i saw he drop a pencil and she dident even notice.

im not saying this is wrong. maybe this kid really wats this girl just as a firend you never know but if he ever wanted to go further , hmm it seemd the chick was in control.

The main thing i noticed out of both of these guys i observed, is When its a really nice guy the chicks try to defend the guy, like their trying to save him . The chicks would say things like hey leave him alone , he dident do anything to you. They start acting like the masculine ones . And the other thing is these guys are passive, they never make the move for kino ,maybe conversation but thats not much concidering the chick is spilling out information all about her.

i dident go into much detail about the second guy i just wanted to show you all what i saw, it was pretty much the same

it seemed as if the chick was in control over the guy

ahh but yeah


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
new mission

alright heres the new mission --- ok first thing is were going to dedicate ONE DAY to smoothness, on this day SLOW everything down. NOt just some things... everything you do . From blinking , to walking , to talking , to typing, to turning your head to look, everything. When you eat, chew on your food every 3 seconds or so , try to slow your blinking down. You might find that its sort of hard , especially when eating because most people eat really fast, like when i eat chicken im always thinking about the next bite so i finish the bite that i have so quickly , haha. But just turn everything into slow motion. Pick things up slow, run slow, . Pick a good day to do this , dont do it on a day that you know theres gong to be lots of commotion. What i find that helps is slowing your breating and matching your movements to your breathing.

next thing were going to do is approach chicks. but this is the thing... the moment in your head when you hear " dayum shes hot " or shes cute" the moment when you know you want to approach .. thats when you approach. Dont have ANY set things to say or do just trust your self , and know that its going to be alright no matter what . Dont think of an opener just simply walk up with nothing rambling in your head. This mission is to try and get us to trust our instincts. Dont think of anything , just KNOW that your going to have fun with this approach. If you hesitate at first , its cool but dont act on your hesitation just do what you wanted to do in the first place approach the chick. Remember , dont expect a number, dont expect for her to diss you , just have no expections clear your mind and approach the chick with what ever comes out of your mouth first. Trust It


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
California, USA
Cool, this whole BC thing is pretty interestin, ill be glad to join in with u guys.

I also would like to know where each of u r from tho if this is not too personal, cuz i was wondering if the girls in highschool or whatever will vary by location.
I'm from Diamond Bar, California. It's a pretty calm residential city, mostly wealthy or RICH people live here and we only have ONE High School in our City that is in a good district where all the parents would want their future hope to attend to.
Moreover, we have about 4500+ population in our school and each class is about 1000+ :mad:!! One more thing, we have about 50% of the student being asian and 35% white, 5% black, and 10% whatever.

Also I'm a sophmore in High School, age 15, 16 in DECEMBER. W00T!!

Okay, that was about the background of ourselves, now on my own concern:

From my own observation, it seems that everyone in the school are comforted in their own peer groups and that the bigger/cooler group it is, the more HB there will be. But unfortnately, i dont belong in those groups, and most of those groups' member have known each other from middle school, i feel it will be hard for me to fit in with 'em, or even meet them in school! Maybe it's my convo skill, or my own wussieness, or not knowing more ppl, they are some problems i need to work on.

Awaring of my own problem, I've been triying to make changes in my own school life. I tried to talk to ppl i dont used to talk to much more, and I try to stay with my best buddies less and try to see what else is out "there".

Anyway, I'm not sure what i'm talkin about, but hi, lets keep this BC thing up!!

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Welcome to Sosuave Beyond Blue (try not to type in any color other than black unless it is a mission, as to not confuse the readers)

Alright, I'm from a school that is ok.About 20 people in my entire year. In my class about 1/5 of the people are white.Everyone else is black.(includin me) I'm 16 goin 17 in dec.

Anyways the mall was a minor disappointment. I got eye contact from couple chicks, but I never approached. I still have that doubt right after the EC. I'm gonna try and put that "damn she's fine" approach in as it is basically 3s rule and knowing when to do it.

Yea Rawkin I sued to sit back and observe everything in the room and it was so obvious who liked who, and their body language. I try to stop it now because I start to overanalyse and it stops me from approaching, cuz in the end I could care less who likes who, so don't observe too much!


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
hahaha yeah maybe im observing way to much , lolz

but hey Microphone Fiend like when you get that doubt right after the EC whats preventing you to go a step further? im just curious to see if its similar to what prevents me sometimes.

usually what prevents me is that i think theres something wrong with me, either im not comfortable or i have no set thing to say, thats around what stops me sometimes, is it similar? But yeah its cool enough that you got to get out im kinda stuck where theres a cemetery town.

But welcome BeyondBlue!!!, yeah try to keep off the colors unless your stating a mission, ahh OH wait, im in a color. hahaha

alright here we go

yeah man its cool that your joining,

From my own observation, it seems that everyone in the school are comforted in their own peer groups and that the bigger/cooler group it is, the more HB there will be.
thats crazy ive noticed it also, haha that tells something about them.

But yeah dont feel like you have to compleate anything at a certain time just go at your own pace, missions change often to check the post out , maybe adleast every 3 days . but not exact

Right now im in Burlington NJ, its sort of a town in the boonys, lots of fields, you absolutly need a car to get around or prepare to walk miles to see people. MY neighborhhood is like a desert . Rarely anybody is out.

So places like the mall and all that are packed with people.

What ive noticed about the guys is that they use lots of C & F on chicks its almost played out here that i dont need to use it much to get success.

The chicks here dont have much groups , really the chicks dont like eachother, cliques are really small. The school is like majority black and white equal . there are other nationalitys but not much.

mosts of the HB looking chick hang with chicks that dont have looks up to their level , ahh i dont want to say it like that but, for example theres lots of cute chicks hanging with chicks that dont get much attention from guys.

mostof the chicks that get alot of attention from the guys are really sassy always playing games, but not to label all of them there are some cute chicks that seem like their not displaying games on people .

Ahh but who cares, me and my analysing, hahaha

Im going to do my smooth day tomorrow ill tel you all how it goes


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
California, USA
ooh the color, oops.

Anyway, today is Sunday and tomorrow is Monday. DUH! But I'll start to try more DJing from now on since i have this BC to committ to, which i hope will help me push myself to work harder(on whatever.. i ono what im talkin bout).
And should we come up here to post everyday or just days that r special? =/


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
anyday you feel like you have something to write, but again missions might change so ... trust your instincts when they tell you to come on , hahaha


Don Juan
May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Woah, I haven't been here FOREVER!

Jeez! Well things look good around here. I''l start on that mission tomrrow Rawkin. Sounds like fun :D.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
hey whats up everybody , whats going on ??????????????????

i mean really , what is goin on? WHEW

WELL just to give some results on my past days , they were pretty bangin! i dident get to approach any chick directly like chicks that i dident know but i did approach people. I do card magic and this week me and some friends went and did some street magic on people. I found out approaching peop;e on the street doing card magic had the same concept of approaching chicks.

you need to be relaxed or you will look like a noob woth your cards

you need to know what your doing or you will be unorganised

you will get rejected at times but it doesent matter because your the one with the card magic. There the ones that are missing out on it.

It was pretty fun .

I dident approach any chick in school ( i really dont like to , chicks are fools in high school ) haha not to make any excuses but lol but i did get approached , i kept my mystery and that made them kick and scream even more.

A chick was like " whats ypur name " i give them a stare right in their eyes and i say ., LORD, and they laugh and then they say NO REALLY and i keep playing with them.

I found out also that when guys see me playing with chick they want to prove their manness and they try to hit on the chicks as well, ( literally ) im taliking to this chick and a guy comes over to us ( he has rapport i guess ) he comes over and he slapps her ass. Im like uhhh, i laugh it off though.

right now im playing with this one chick . shes a black grl right, and she has one hell of a racial issue, she doesent like anything other than her race, so im new to her class and i see from signs that shes digging me, i pay no other attention to it, untill she tryes to talk to me,. I observed her from the beginning and saw how racial she was, so i dident speak i just gave facial gestures, she kept on egging me on to speak, and i wouldent, i kept n doing weird **** like pointing and , hahah it was funny, then finally one chick i know comes near me and i start speaking to her, shes white and this makes the other girl enraged, hahahah she starts trying to get me to speak by touching me and shyt, ahh so fun.

see with high school chicks i dont really like to spit serious game on them i just play around because most of them suck, that my opionion though , not to generalize but ahh

i hope yall are still here , dayum?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 20, 2003
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
o_0 Well I havent done much approaching really... but i do live-in-the-moment kinda thing and if I feel like doing something, i will do it :)

Good stuff Rawkin, u really are 'rawkin' the ladies ;p I like the CARD thing u spoke of. You gotta be relaxed, you gotta be organized... sometimes you get rejected, but always remember that YOU are the one with the magic cards, their loss :)

Maybe i'll have something useful to say one of these days :p

Mikelo2k :D


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
NICE thanks for replying man, but ay no rush on anything just go at your own pace, i still havent approached, but when the time comes for it ill do it.

did you all see this post

it seems pretty cool, i always like to try shyt like this, haha

do any of you want to try?

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
tried to take on too many things at once, and got nothing accomplished... I'm not rushing or anything. I just keep procrastinating. Gonna start all over, first off improve one thing about me :1 on 1 convo. I'll report back sooner or later....

As for the high school experiment. It does look interesting. If I get the time I'll probably give it a shot.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
Microphone Fiend i know exactly what you mean, i dont know but it happes alot to me also , sometimes i just feel like i need to kinda start over, and work on the foundation, its cool though because were the meanest DJ in the planet! muaah haa haa

i dont know but the oast days have been some of by best , well ill just say it feels good, even though i havent approached that many chicks it doesen't really matter anymore because im more relaxed than ever.

i think the main thing that helped that was not caring that much about much! i just accept everything as it is. I wanbt some more Dj action though , ive been slackin on that tip. Every chick i come in contact is all verbal sometimes i bust some kino but its very subtle their sub concious probley only knows, ha but im been workin on my verbal stuff , c & f hella

hey Microphone Fiend

if you read this , why dont you lace us with the nest mission, come to think of it i dont think im going to do that high school experiment, to much set things to do take away the fun kind of.

alright peace


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
yeah i guess!!

i just flowed with everyone else and they seemed to mello out

oh well fun while it lasted

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Hey , I'm still doing this! I'm just not going online as much cuz I think I waste too much time thinking instead of acting. Anyways
I've gotten into a couple one on one conversations but I'm still getting better each time.

After feeling a bit down over the week-end, I read a couple threads on the site, went outside into my yard and just chilled doing the "living in the moment" and I finally realised everything is just a game. Live it for what it is worth and don't let some chick dictate how you feel each day.

I'll put some thought into that mission, I want it to be good, and help people but I can't think of one right now. I didn't do the HS experiment either cuz I have trouble sticking to plans and guidelines. Any recent observations in school on females Rawkin?


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
oo nice Microphone Fiend your still in this, haha thats great, hey when do you usually come on because i think its just you and me, ahh who knows, haha

but yeah man that sounds really nice, i do the same thing when im feeling down , like go outside and just relax, then usually ill find some answers. Its hard though , i want to do it more but things are so hectic , plus its FREEZING out side, haha but are you still like not shur about things or is it starting to become clear? its like sometimes ill go and think about things and then something comes to me that i think will help me and then ill still be confused, ahh but who knows

but yeah man, things have been alright, i havent been doing that living in the moment stuff that much because i forgit sometimes, i will start remembering, lol whats really helped me though was magic, it helps me on my approaches, i use my magic and it brings my confidence up, plus chicks really dig it. i try to mix in some kino and conversation also so i can work on it. BUt not using magic i approached a chick just a low key approach , just asking names and then we got interrupted but its cool, just want to get comfortable.

ohh some more things i noticed was how i can tel chicks that dig me sometimes you know weather its body language or eyecontact, and i find out the really cute ones or hmm chicks that might get more attention than others. They never try to make the initiation to talk with you , but what they do is they use things thats happening around you to make excuses to talk to you , this has happened alot, like ill be sitting in back of this chick , she always has her body turned towards me looking at me while im working, finally im talking to my friend and she buts in trying to join our convo. Then i might be working on something and she says what are you working on, but me and her both know she doesent really care about what im doing she just wants some interaction. I found these are nice times to use c & F.

theres acouple more things ive observed but while i was writing this i forgot, haha

hey Microphone Fiend stay up , i feel you on that acting and not thinking soo much