Crazy Asian said:
It's for Prom.
I already paid for the tickets.
I wasn't planning to pay for the dinner, but my friends freaked out when i told them i wasn't paying.
This made me think that maybe it's ok to suck up to the girl a little since it is their special night.
Are you going alone or with friends? Anyway, don't pay... You already payed to much (her ticket), but for now its comming of as a gentlemen (PERHAPS), start paying for everything and you come of an idiot that has to buys his girls... You're 16 years old, meaning you don't earn money, you lack money, meaning
if she doesn't pay for herself,
SHE LACKS RESPECT towards you! And if she asks you to pay for her dinner, say no and ditch this women! She's a leech and just proven it, don't be naive... You already shown good will: you spend money on the tickets and that already proved you're a good guy. Don't be an AFC...
I had my prom 2 weeks ago, didn't pay any girl her dinner, just acted like a gentlemen. (giving up my seat in the car and walk to the bar, wait with eating before the rest gets his food)... I had 3 girls behind my tail that night, I ended up in a HB8 her place... (Not bad for going dateless to the prom IMO... But in belgium it isen't a must anyway, you guys have your traditions so whatever) All in all, I wouldn't pay cause you already gave up alot of money:
If you're going with friends: then theres no question about it, you won't only come off an AFC towards her, but to your NON-afc friends too (towards your the AFC friends you'll come off as the man ofcourse... but then again, having a girl with you already proves to them you're "the man")