Pay for Dinner?


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
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East Coast USA
Francisco d'Anconia said:
I'd be curious on what the cost consist of beyond the venue. As for loveequation's point it does come into play whether you present yourself as either a provider or as a lover. You're more than likely dealing with women who only know of providers. They are looking for what a guy can do or provide than who he is. It'll make more sense when you get to a point of spending $50-100 each time you go out with a woman.
Yeah, the venue is a downtown hotel, so that would be pretty pricey. Besides that, I think they just want to make some money. And I hope I never have to spend that much each time I go out...I really do lol. Incidentally, I see you're from Minneapolis. I'll be coming there this fall for college.

So how can I make it so that she sees me for what I am rather than for what I can provide? I suppose just keep working away at her...letting her see more and more of my amazing charm.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
ARrocket said:
Yeah, the venue is a downtown hotel, so that would be pretty pricey. Besides that, I think they just want to make some money. And I hope I never have to spend that much each time I go out...I really do lol. Incidentally, I see you're from Minneapolis. I'll be coming there this fall for college.

So how can I make it so that she sees me for what I am rather than for what I can provide? I suppose just keep working away at her...letting her see more and more of my amazing charm.
Nowadays if you eat somewhere other than a drive-thru, expect to pay around $15-20 a plate for dinner. Add another $5-10 per drink. Then there's parking and heaven forbid you decide to go to a club or movie. You'd be lucky if you get off at spending just $50 a shot. Now, consider if you are good enough to go out on more than just one date a week? That's $6000 a year just on dates. Hello Mr. Provider! :cheer:

The key is not to believe that you can change a woman from that mindset. You'll just end up posting frustrating threads in the forum about going out on three dates with a chick, spending $150 and being pissed that you haven't gotten laid yet. So you go out with her a couple more times so as not to have wasted the money you've already dropped and still, no lay. Women are smart, they know things will change once they give into you; Why lay the pizza delivery guy if the delivery is free?

The key is to find women who just want to be with you no matter where you are or what you are doing. They'd just hang out with you playing Halo or taking your little brother to see the latest Spongebob movie. This isn't to say that you don't take these girls someplace nice every once in a while but at least allow them to do something to deserve it first. That's the lover's way. :up:

Oh yeah be forewarned, the majority of the co-eds here are use to providers. There's an abundance of AFCs here who are willing to pay for a woman's attention from day one. Understand that if you have style and charisma you'll be able to get a lot of curious interest from women if you play your cards right.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Alright thanks. As soon as this prom BS is over, time to do some qualifying ;)

And yeah, I'll look out for those


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Nowadays if you eat somewhere other than a drive-thru, expect to pay around $15-20 a plate for dinner. Add another $5-10 per drink. Then there's parking and heaven forbid you decide to go to a club or movie. You'd be lucky if you get off at spending just $50 a shot. Now, consider if you are good enough to go out on more than just one date a week? That's $6000 a year just on dates. Hello Mr. Provider! :cheer:
Which is exactly why so many men are choosing hookers...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
DonGorgon said:
Which is exactly why so many men are choosing hookers...
Cheaper and better service! :crackup:

But when I was a "nice guy" I had no problem getting dates but I was spending $600-700 a month easy on my social life. It would be different if I could have written it off. HEY, anyone know if taking women out could be written off your taxes as a gambling loss???!!!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Holy sh1t, I think I'm onto something... :nervous:

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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sav said:
there is always alone time if both of you want it ;)

seems to me ur a confused little *****... think u have the game down by being hardcore and badass... pay for her ****ing dinner... be a man and create alone time.... stop being a *****...
I don't think i have "game", but i am a little confused since this is my first time taking a girl to a dance.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Crazy Asian said:
I don't think i have "game", but i am a little confused since this is my first time taking a girl to a dance.
Same here. I went to 1 dance before, but with a group of friends.

Holy crap, 3 more hours until prom :nervous:

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
DonGorgon said:
Cave men were on to that too.. hence why its called "the oldest profession":cool:
Tax collection???? :confused:


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Crazy Asian said:
It's for Prom.
I already paid for the tickets.
I wasn't planning to pay for the dinner, but my friends freaked out when i told them i wasn't paying.
This made me think that maybe it's ok to suck up to the girl a little since it is their special night.
She could have paid for her own damn tickets...and you for both dinners.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Crazy Asian said:
This made me think that maybe it's ok to suck up to the girl a little since it is their special night.
It's your special night too, don't forget that. You're not there to serve & wait on the princess.

I'm fine with paying for both, but before I fork out my hard-earned cash, I'd be asking myself the question "What has she done to deserve this?".

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
The key is to find women who just want to be with you no matter where you are or what you are doing. They'd just hang out with you playing Halo or taking your little brother to see the latest Spongebob movie. This isn't to say that you don't take these girls someplace nice every once in a while but at least allow them to do something to deserve it first. That's the lover's way.
Yeah. I love those relationships. The problem is if the girl's got options she's probably not receptive to that kind of exclusive dating. On the other end, it seems like the desperate girls are willing to settle down and marry you after a first fvcking date. The only fulfillment comes from a girl who's loyal and not desperate, and those two traits tend to coexist.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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look you freaken nerds.

pay for the damn dinner, you damn cheapskates

Geezus, look at yourself, hell I'm a guy and I fnid you repulsive, imagine if women read your thread.

Paying for dinner is not AFC or whatever the hell you geeks are thinking over tehre, Its called do what you want, You can do anything you want, take women out for dates, take them to 5 star resaurants, take them to the street corner hotdog stand

as long as you do it without expecting anything in return or to increase her attraction to you.

That should be done through talking, everything you pay, do , is only to strengthen the memory you two have together with lots of experiences (experiences usually costs money )


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
The Deacon said:
Yeah. I love those relationships. The problem is if the girl's got options she's probably not receptive to that kind of exclusive dating. On the other end, it seems like the desperate girls are willing to settle down and marry you after a first fvcking date. The only fulfillment comes from a girl who's loyal and not desperate, and those two traits tend to coexist.
If she has a ton of options she's focusing on needs which are more common.
  • Each of these guys have a car, which one has the nicest
  • Each of these guys are willing to take me places, which will take me to the best
  • Each of these guys are popular, which one is the most popular
Notice that each of these things are based on his external image (something a lot of teenie-boppers hold in high regard) more than who he is. Until you find one who you describe as loyal, your time would be wasted dealing with these other women.

But you need to understand what will make a particular woman want to be loyal to a guy and whether or not you are willing and able to give those things to her. Just because a woman is willing to be loyal to you doesn't mean she's the right one for you. Men do have choices too.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
jcap said:
as long as you do it without expecting anything in return or to increase her attraction to you.....
Until someone with more money comes along. You'd be better hooking up with a prostitute if the only way you can get a woman to hang out with you is by buying things. The stupid thing is that just buying dinner doesn't promise you a thing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Just pay for the damn food man. You obviously have not ran enough game on this girl to get her jumping thru your hoops by now. It's just prom.... if she's just a "date" (just someone to go with so you don't have to go alone and look like a looser) then just be nice. If she's your girlfriend and you plan on getting laid and you already have set the frame of being "afc boyfriend" don't pick her prom night to try to grow some damn balls. Just pay for the food and move on with your life man. It's prom night, they expect to be treated special. Don't be a chode. Be fun, and let her have fun. Later you can practice all your DJ **** on her.

I paid for the prom and dinner (and some wine hehehe) and got laid on my prom night by my girlfriend of two years. Of course we were madly in love at the time and couldn't keep our hands off each other anyway. :)


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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Mavrick said:
Dude, it's prom. Just pay. It's not a regular date. Just give the girl a special night because Prom is all for the ladies.

i think this guy nailed it. its really not a regular date.
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
You're the guy and you are having a special night with a girl.... Don't be a wuss and split the bill 50/50.. it will make you look like a douchebag.

Anything like that, I believe the dude should pay... we are the providers, and show your lady that you care about her friendship more than money..
If you get married or whatever, then no, if she wants to get the tab then no problem. You are at the prom with a girl right now,so,Pay for the dinner, me.