OR: Applying Gunwitch to approach.

May 23, 2006
Reaction score
This evening I went to gym for workout and saw an HB(Asian) in the gym.

First thought process went as follows:
- Am I horny 'enough' to approach this girl.
- Is she a 'lone-wolf'
- If she is a 'lone-wolf' what is path of least social resistance in approaching her.
- What 'vibes' am I getting from her.


Here is the plot lines, as soon as I went in the gym I saw her, but was just 'scoping' around, so I didn't say hi or do anything to approach her. Instead, I sat doing some weights to trace what she is doing in the gym. I saw her pacing back and forth, and eventually going to one of the cycle machines.

Then I thought in my mind, am I horney enough to approach this girl, and decided, I'm not sure, but I may be horney enough to sit next to her, and that I did. I started checking out her body to see if she can really turn me on to see if I could get 'horney' or what vibes. However, she had ipods on, and I didn't get good vibes like she was open to an approach. She also used her cell phone to call someone, meaning, that could have been her boyfriend to pick her up from the gym or something.

I ejected and did other exercises, but continued to trace her. I went though internal struggles, like it was wrong to look at her, but then realised, that it was only my natural sex drive, and I besides, I really didn't do anything. I should be comfortable with my sex drive. So I'm trying to deprogram myself into thinking it's cool to look at girls in a sexual type of way, rather than think I did something wrong or evil or something.

I went to a machine behind her and started looking at her again, and was thinking of changing places. to go to the machine next to her. There was another guy a couple of machines to the left of her, also staring helplessly at her, probably also wishing to approach.

When she got off the machine she looked straight into my eyes, and I looked back, didn't smile, say hi or acknowledge her or anything, but just looked back. I didn't know what to do.

The remainding time, I just noticed she was in different parts of the gym, she did what she had to do, and I did what I had to do.

So far:
- she was a 'lone-wolf'
- I'm getting 'mixed vibes' - I think we are at least getting some 'eye' rapport.
- did I like her or am I driven by ego? I'm not sure - and this factor alone is part of the introspective calculations on a Gunwhich model - didn't have a clear focus on her, so an approach could not be made.
- As far as overall horniness - I find when I look at her, I feel a bit horney, although I didn't feel hot enough, or within that 'sexual state' to really do an approach - but you dont need a high threashold of horniness to do an approach, as that would normally build as you are trying to make rapport. So, perhaps the Gunwhich model could also be used to make 'excuses' out of some approaches since it's dependent to a great extent on internal states. Again, he'd say, if you are really horney, you'd just approach someone - so I'm really trying to phase that in.

Based on Gunwhich model: - which I think sort of justifies 'eliminating' approaches - I think I was justified in eliminating this approach, although she was a hb(asian) because:

- I do not feel I was 'horney' enough to have enough focused 'sexual energies' that would override normal approach anxieties and uncertainties.
- Did not get any IOI's, and didn't get great vibes of approaching her, especially as she was on ipods.


Saw another hb in the gym, but I didn't like her period in any way, maybe someone else would, but not me.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
Stop analyzing whether or not to approach and just do it. It sounds like you're trying to find excuses not to.

If you were in some 'target rich environment' where you could've approached a more receptive woman, fine, but if there's a limited selection the idea of passing shouldn't come up.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Luke, you think too much. I don't need to think if I'm horny, my balls take over and my brain no longer needs to work. ;)

Be an animal, go up, sniff her and say hi.

(don't make the sniff too obvious)

If you're sarging, you have to be sexual. If you're not in that frame of mind, then do your own thing. But never over think it, if you want to meet people, you need to be a social animal, not an analytical dude.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
BacardiGuy said:
Stop analyzing whether or not to approach and just do it. It sounds like you're trying to find excuses not to.

If you were in some 'target rich environment' where you could've approached a more receptive woman, fine, but if there's a limited selection the idea of passing shouldn't come up.
I thought this was the Gunwhich model 'if you are not feeling horney enough to approach then don't - but I see your point - as long as you are sexually attracted - even minutely to a girl in a target-poor environment, then an approach attempt should be made then, but on target rich environments, more scoping and instrospections should then be made to find out who is the 'path of least social resistance'.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
rocky_mtn said:
Luke, you think too much. I don't need to think if I'm horny, my balls take over and my brain no longer needs to work. ;)

Be an animal, go up, sniff her and say hi.

(don't make the sniff too obvious)

If you're sarging, you have to be sexual. If you're not in that frame of mind, then do your own thing. But never over think it, if you want to meet people, you need to be a social animal, not an analytical dude.
Yup, it appears my balls did not take over here, and that's why I did not approach. That's the logic of the Gunwhich thought - if your balls dont take over - then your approach wont be smooth, as you'll feel fearful and uncertain.

In this case, I'm not sure what frame of mind I was in here, I thought the asian babe had a hot body, but it didn't connect totally for some reason. I'm not masturbating (over a week now) or looking at porn (last time was one instance over a few months now) - other than the weather or late time of night, I'm not sure why I didn't get like super horney on her.

What is this visualisation thing in Gunwhich, maybe I should have imagined some sexual imagery with her and me or something, and that would have induced a strong horney state or something perhaps?

There is still a 'conditioning' - I'm worried she'll go crazy if I express my sexual interest, or would not understand -- I have lots of conditioning stuff to work on as well I suppose.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Luke, also just going up and introducing yourself, getting her name, and asking her a couple of questions like 'how long have you belonged to this gym', or 'what other gyms have you belonged to' and so on.

Then you know her, next time you see her, you can say 'hi (hername)' and ask her a couple other questions like 'how was your weekend?' and 'what do you like to do on weekends?' She has seen you a few times, so its like she almost knows you. Then after some rapport is built up, then you say 'I like doing (that) on weekends too, we should go out and do (that) this weekend'.

Its low impact sarging, where you just say hi, introduce yourself and exchange pleasantries, then that is it. Now you know some girls who work out at your gym. And you will most likely see them again. And build up a group of women that you know. THEN see which chicks start going after you.

if you start to get 'popular' at one place, then when you say hi to one chick you met, and theres another chick there, she will take notice. And nothing makes girls want someone is when another girl wants them, they are like little kids.

So just a suggestion, don't over think it and don't think that every chick has to be the full deal, just get aquainted and go from there, much less pressure and no reason not to just say hi and get their name.


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
In the Star Wars movies, Luke Skywalker didn't analyze, he thought about it and then went with this feelings. Such a disservice to the true Luke Skywalker, I bet the real Luke would want you to change your nickname to something like RoboDJ or something.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Luke seriously bro, read the dj bible and stop posting so much crap, the answers are there.

Let me break it down for you in caveman talk.

You see girl - you like girl - you want to fcvk girl - you talk to girl - girl likes you - you ask for number/date - If girl dont like you next the b!tch !!!

Let me break it down further in the animal world the male of the species doesnt think twice about anything he goes in hard all the way, sometimes he wins sometimes he doesnt, all in all he gets knowledge about the interaction.

Your an animal give in to its needs or it'll make your life hell.

As the nike ad says "just do it"


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
I swear the term "OR", which didn't even exist when I was most active on mASF, was invented as a way of ligitimizing the posting of stories about outings in which there were no approaches. Don't do this, it lacks content and is of little value to you or anyone else. If you didn't think you were well positioned to make an approach, that's fine, we don't need to hear about it.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
I agree with SexPDX. Sosuave is not your personal journal, where you write every little thing that happens to you everyday, unless every little thing that happens to you everyday is picking up chicks, which is impossible.

What is an "OR" anyway? Observe Report? Who needs to read about you looking at chicks and not doing anything about it? I see girls all the time, as does every other user in the forum. If we all wrote about the girls we saw and didn't approach, it would all be the same thing. "Hot chick looked at me today. What do you guys think? Should I have made a move?" It doesn't even matter, its over with. You can't go back and change it. You should have just done it the first time.

Really, this is useless. And depressing, too! I don't care that you wussed out. Go out and get a number, then tell me what happened and how you did it. Maybe I'll be interested then.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Does anyone else picture that scene in sci-fi movies where they show the first person perspective from a cyborg or whatever and there's the computer display with a HUD and everything with data and numbers, whenever Luke posts a report of any kind? Or is it just me? I can see Luke probably visually such a display in his mind.

Luke, I'm no expert DJ, but if you think the girl is cute, either utilize the 3 second rule to introduce yourself, or if the girl is in the middle of an exercise when you spot her, casually monitor her activity while doing your gym thing and introduce when she's in-between machines or whatever. Talking to girls is not rocket science no matter all the "theories" and methods that are out there.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
U didnt apply gunwitch.,...and following her around the gym was NOT matching her state, that was just STALKING

i tried to help u, u dont listen, ur a creepy old man
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
OR is an abbreviation for 'OUTINGS REPORT', a term found in the back of the book 'The Game...." by Neil Strauss - in addition to other reports, such as 'field reports, fvck up reports, lay reports'. On the advanced seduction site, outings report are commonly posted.

Sure, no approaches or weak approaches where there is no attempt of a number close would go into an 'outings report' category. Since most of the process leading to an approach or not an approach starts with the mind, then the thought processes are relevant, especially when following a Gunwitch model that seems to emphasis scoping and sexual states - which are all 'internal stuff'.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
U didnt apply gunwitch.,...and following her around the gym was NOT matching her state, that was just STALKING

i tried to help u, u dont listen, ur a creepy old man
Whatever. I didn't follow anyone around the gym literally, I just scoped and saw her and where she was going to ensure she was a 'lone-wolf', and an optimal approach opportunity.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Wow. Just wow.

Why are you even involved in this? Seriously, i'd like to know. Are you here to A) Get girls or B) Waste countless hours on reading worthless sh1t, then going out there and using it to justify doing NOTHING, coming back home and writing about it online? Can you seriously not think of a better use for your time? A normal guy would have just walked up to her, smiled and said hey. You spent a year of your life reading garbage, did nothing, and are now writing more garbage for other people to waste their years on. Do you see now why you're even ON this site? THIS is why. Get all of that GARBAGE out of your head! STOP USING YOUR OWN MIND TO SCREW YOURSELF!


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
to ensure she was a 'lone-wolf', and an optimal approach opportunity.
What... the... FVCK?! This site is starting to scare me. Listen, Gunwitch is 1) Overweight 2) Unemployed 3) Not getting laid. Ok? STOP READING HIS SH1T! In fact, stop reading ANYONE'S sh1t! Get your ass off the chair, GET OUT THERE, STOP THINKING AND START MEETING WOMEN! The way you think is fvcking creepy, because the way these so-called seduction masters think is fvcking creepy. CLEAR YOUR MIND, STOP BEING SCARED OF WOMEN, AND GO ACT!


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Hitman10000 said:
In the Star Wars movies, Luke Skywalker didn't analyze, he thought about it and then went with this feelings. Such a disservice to the true Luke Skywalker, I bet the real Luke would want you to change your nickname to something like RoboDJ or something.
"Hmm... should i fire and destroy the Death Star or just fly around a bit... alright, let's see... you know, if i fire, i could miss and everyone would think i'm an idiot because... oh wait, everyone would be dead. Great! See, if i fire and miss, everyone's gonna die! But if i don't fire... everyone's gonna die anyway. Oh boy. But wait, then it wouldn't be my fault! Aha! See, at least this way, even though they'd all be dead, no one would come along and say "It was Luke's fault because he missed!" Oooh, but then they could say it was my fault because i never even fired! Ohh mann, what would Obi do? Alright, think. What would Obi do? Would he fire, or just fly around a bit. Oh look, there goes Vader flying past me and waving, all excited! Why the hell is he waving? No, i think he's pointing at something. Oh SH1T...i think the... i think the planet is gone. SH1T! I knew it! I knew this Jedi crap doesn't really work! Oh well, time to go write an OR."


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Dude, you think too much before doing the approach.

Then I thought in my mind, am I horney enough to approach this girl,
What does horniness have to do with approaching? Just count to three and go. Work at shutting off the logical part of your brain when you see a woman and you begin contemplating the approach. Just start walking toward her.

and decided, I'm not sure, but I may be horney enough to sit next to her, and that I did. I started checking out her body to see if she can really turn me on to see if I could get 'horney' or what vibes.
I never really got into Gunwitch, but if this is what you're learning from his stuff, dump it. You're using horniness as an excuse NOT to approach.

However, she had ipods on
Then you smile and wave at her like an idiot, and she'll take them off.

and I didn't get good vibes like she was open to an approach.
You've been getting bad vibes for 30 years. It's time to ignore them.

She also used her cell phone to call someone, meaning, that could have been her boyfriend to pick her up from the gym or something.
Who cares who she was calling? Women love the phone, and they talk on those damn things a good half of their day. They don't care who they're talking to, as long as they're talking.

Quit thinking so damn much, and start focussing on taking action. Once you get your feet moving toward a woman, there's no turning back. Getting those goddam feet moving is the most difficult thing to overcome. Then, it's saying something to her. It doesn't even have to be a greeting, you could just open with a statement or observation, "Hey, that's a pretty cool xxxx you're wearing. Where did you get that?" And voila, you've started a conversation.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score

wat hot girl wants a 30 yr old virgin who is super skinny/weak, lives with his parents, and acts like a total dweeb??


