OR: Applying Gunwitch to approach.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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On The Road to Self-Improvement
BacardiGuy said:
Stop analyzing whether or not to approach and just do it. It sounds like you're trying to find excuses not to.

You mean he wrote ALL of THAT and didn't do ANYTHING!?

Good thing I didn't waste my time reading it!


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
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Man, just one 'hi' to a hot girl you don't know is worth all those 29672 pages you're reading and the countless hours you've spent posting here. After the first time you do it, it will become easier for you.

Instead of reading so much and doing nothing, you should spend those energies working out & having many friends. The rest should come easier.

I admire your honesty, because many others would be creating fake success stories and sutff but at least you admit that you are not taking action. Let me tell you, I had a friend in the same situation like you but in his 20's, and many people (myself included) tried to help him for almost 1 year. And whatever we told him, he never approached a girl, and even got mad at us, he was very proud, confrontative, and started getting frustrated and depressed. So, you could end like him, or you could start doing something for yourself right now. Stop reading so much, take a gym membership, join a club, work in your hobbies, take a great job & then you can start considering the "seduction" stuff. Really, people here are trying to explain it to you, and ultimately what course of action you take will depend entirely on you. Just learn to appreaciate the responses more experienced guys are trying to give to you man,

good luck and hope to see you someday as a improved version of Luke ;)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
This evening I went to gym for workout and saw an HB(Asian) in the gym.

Here is the plot lines, as soon as I went in the gym I saw her, but was just 'scoping' around, so I didn't say hi or do anything to approach her. Instead, I sat doing some weights to trace what she is doing in the gym. I saw her pacing back and forth, and eventually going to one of the cycle machines.

Then I thought in my mind, am I horney enough to approach this girl, and decided, I'm not sure, but I may be horney enough to sit next to her, and that I did. I started checking out her body to see if she can really turn me on to see if I could get 'horney' or what vibes.

I ejected and did other exercises, but continued to trace her.

I went to a machine behind her and started looking at her again, and was thinking of changing places. to go to the machine next to her.

When she got off the machine she looked straight into my eyes, and I looked back, didn't smile, say hi or acknowledge her or anything, but just looked back.


Luke, it sounds an awful lot like you were staring/stalking here. When she looked at you, she was probably just getting the vibe that you were continuously starting at here. You definetly should have smiled or something to appear less creepy. Next time dont stare at a girl the entire time you work out.
May 23, 2006
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asdfghjkl said:
Luke, it sounds an awful lot like you were staring/stalking here. When she looked at you, she was probably just getting the vibe that you were continuously starting at here. You definetly should have smiled or something to appear less creepy. Next time dont stare at a girl the entire time you work out.
Great, excellent tip - I'll adopt that into my schema next time. Usually when I smile people dont smile back, but I felt ackward about smiling or waving.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
Yo luke, first off, that guy is right, if she's gonna make eye contact, give her a sexual smile.

Secondly man, gunwitch is alot easier to sum up than to read thoroughly (or you could just read his post). It's about being natural. You see a woman, you think she's hot, you think about what you could do to her, and go approach her. The sexual state thing isn't thinking "alright go into sexual state" it should be natural. I mean for example, yesteday some older lady was literally staring at me as I was walking out of the office in her car (not older like grandma, but like a mother probably), and I looked back and smiled and was kinda fumbling with these books, and she's smiling and laughing having fun seeing me mess around, and I just smiled back, and I realized that the light was green and she was like 20 feet away from the light just staring at me, totally unaware that the light was green. This was all sexual, the laughing, smiling, eye contact, all very "intimate" if you could call it that, it's a natural process for a human to see another desirable person and look and be happy.

It's so simple man.

See girl.
Embrace sexuality

The main part is being comfortable with your sexuality, which is the half good part about your OR, you worked actively on shutting down those mental processes that said it was bad, keep doing that, BUT DONT FOLLOW HER AROUND, that seemed pretty ****ing weird man, I'm not gonna lie lmao, following her from behind and trying to get horny really sounds like stalkerish/rapist, and actually it's got me laughing picturing a guy walking behind a woman and trying his hardest to become sexual LMAO. Good job though man, at least you are working on shutting down those "it's bad to think about sex" thoughts. Keepdoing that and actually approach.

P.S. Luke, I really don't approach that often, and you wouldn't have to either if you had a large social circle man, like I've got so many friends that I meet there friends who are girls and **** and I end up hitting it off more than enough to not have to go out and actively approach just to meet women, so I mean if you are that terrified than your only alternative is to meet a ton of people become really close friends, and then **** people outside of your social circle that you meet through your social circle.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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outing rapport:

today i went to the shops to buy a sandwich, there was an okish looking girl working behind the counter, i said hi chatted a little, bought my sandwich, said thanks and went back to work......now lets break down what happened here! ha ha

and on a side note here is what the girl was saying on the cell phone:

"there is this weird guy sitting next to me, he's been staring at me all the time i've been here and following me round, can you come and wait outside for me because i think he might attack me, is acting so strange and ...*gasp*....oh my god.....he just sniffed me, i'm fooking out of here, come quick!"
May 23, 2006
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today's outing report;

Went to a store, saw a hb(ethnic) infront of me with a Chinese tatoo on her neck. Kept my mouth shut to scope her. Looked like I made the right choice. She was with another older guy, and her belly was fat on pregnancy, as I only saw her from behind, I didn't see that. When I saw this I said, boy, I'm glad I didn't approach her.

Dealing with self-improvement issues on my own - but wasn't really up to it today, but this reinforces the notion to make sure to scope out the girl before you approach. Your lone-wolf may be with someone else, or may be pregnant, look at her carefully.
May 23, 2006
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pooparu said:
Yo luke, first off, that guy is right, if she's gonna make eye contact, give her a sexual smile.
I was thinking about doing something like that at the time but felt to apprehensive to smile in any form. It's likely some timid or salesman smile would have come out at the time if I did smile, not the bad-boy or sexual smile I wanted to convey.

I may as well have just looked at her, stared at her body to make it obvious I was checking her out infront of her face, and looked back up to her eyes to see if she's continuing looking or is offended or something and THEN smile after - then it would likely be right.

Thanks again for input.
May 23, 2006
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asdfghjkl said:
Luke, it sounds an awful lot like you were staring/stalking here. When she looked at you, she was probably just getting the vibe that you were continuously starting at here. You definetly should have smiled or something to appear less creepy. Next time dont stare at a girl the entire time you work out.
That's good - so it's possible to develop some sort of eye rapport before approaching. The point is, she NOTICED me, and stared at me at some point for over 5 sec as she was walking over, not just a glance or anything, and I said NOTHING to her. That's empowering man, because you feel like you are present in their mind when they are doing it, whether it is positive or negative. You dont have to jump like a monkey, or even say 'hi' to get NOTICED. At first she didn't notice me, but later she did - so, in a sence it's going to where I want. I think sexually of her, I stare at her, there is some non-verbal connection - that is 'experimenting with projecting a sexual state' on non-verbal.

Now, I dont 'stare' at people, I may look at them for a while then I look away, because, I'm learning that when you look at people, you start 'connecting' or 'vibing' them, and you feel a bit more comfortable because they are becoming more familiar to the eyes.
May 23, 2006
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Went to gym briefly this morning, left as there were not enough quality targets. Behind me there were no lfs, and if there were any lone-wolfs I wasn't that attracted to them. There was one lf at the side, but I stuck to my own exercise routine and didn't go near her, beside's she was wearing ipods anyway - thought she'd still be there after I completed my exercise routine, but she left. Not horney enough to approach anyone today it seems, except for one person that left the gym or something. Left gym myself in frustration, will return later to see if there are more hb's.

Let's see what happens again later....


Jan 14, 2006
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u dont need an exercise routine, u need to lift weights and built muscle!!! if theres no chicks at the gym, thats a gOOD THING cuz now u can focus on working out and feeling the burn that comes from ur muscles growing!
May 23, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
u dont need an exercise routine, u need to lift weights and built muscle!!! if theres no chicks at the gym, thats a gOOD THING cuz now u can focus on working out and feeling the burn that comes from ur muscles growing!
Yup, just went back and did that. The other exercise routines would just be used as an 'excuse' to sarge there if there is anybody I'm up to approaching.


Jan 14, 2006
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y dont u talk to some beefy guys (no joke) and ask them ADVICE on how to best build muscle. You'll get sound real advice on how to become better looking AND u'll have some social proof.

dont b that skinny weird stalker/type whos eye raping every girl at the gym!
May 23, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
y dont u talk to some beefy guys (no joke) and ask them ADVICE on how to best build muscle. You'll get sound real advice on how to become better looking AND u'll have some social proof.
I've already booked for a personal trainer session next week on that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee

I'll tell you this...it's scarier to a girl to chase her all around the gym and never talk to her than it is to just go up and say your piece. Stop feeling guilty for wanting her. There's no guilt in seduction.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
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Planet of the Apes
What the hells all this 'scoping out', 'lone wolf', not horney enough bs. You need to forget that crap right now.

Imagine you do make a move and talk to a girl, your mind will be so messed in lingo and the correct technique that you'll come across like a twit.

You need to go right back to basics, empty your mind of all that crap you've read and just start saying Hello to people.
Get comfortable with that first...
May 23, 2006
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Yup, looks like I'm going to have to go through the Newbie Mission given the fact there appears too much approach anxiety. I'll have to set some time aside so I'd have a good few hours at a mall or something, or possibly a day and say 'hi' to every attractive woman.

I've tried the Tyler Durden's style of Newbie mission to bump into women by 'accident', that appears to be innocious. So I 'accidentally' bumped into a few people today.

Other Tylder Durden extrapolations would be to walk right infront of a woman as she is passing until she stops in her tracts, if she goes left, you go left, if she goes right you go right, and then you bail out and run.

One of Tyler Durden's famous openers: go up to a girl, and just stand there and do nothing, and spontanous laughter will probably occur at that set-up, and if she says anything, tell her you dont know her that well. Ok, going for Newbie Mission again next week.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Luke....... just..... STOP TRYING TO BE LIKE SOMEONE ELSE!! You don't have to follow a style or a method to succeed. Make your own style. The thing about all these different methods is, they work best for the guy who made them. That's just how THEY did it. Its not the best for everyone, and usually its not that good for anyone. Just do your own thing man. Stop being such a follower. Its not good for you, or your game.