OR: Applying Gunwitch to approach.

May 23, 2006
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Ace of Flames said:
Luke....... just..... STOP TRYING TO BE LIKE SOMEONE ELSE!! You don't have to follow a style or a method to succeed. Make your own style. The thing about all these different methods is, they work best for the guy who made them. That's just how THEY did it. Its not the best for everyone, and usually its not that good for anyone. Just do your own thing man. Stop being such a follower. Its not good for you, or your game.
I've already started a bootcamp, and have officially dismissed the Gunwitch operandum. Now it's bootcamp.
May 23, 2006
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Tackling My Own 'asexual' Shields.


I keep on putting these asexual shields on, and it seems I cant take it off.

So, I'm thinking of putting a special 'routine' to counter-act them whenever I'm out. I'm going to say something to ANY female that's going to express sexuality - first soft-core stuff, then hard-core afterwards to get the kinks out.

For example, saying nothing, and making neutral statements is asexual.

That's a NO-NO. Just say ANYTHING to convey any form of attraction. I must learn to express myself sexually or express attraction - then I'll try other more advanced techniques later. If I fail to do this, I'll restart my bootcamp where I left off, and it's as simple as that.

Saying 'Nice hair', 'Nice XYZ' - or some archaic compliment shall be a first step towards expressing something that's sexual in a soft way, or even 'your cute', or 'I like your xyz' ANYTHING to exercise the muscle.

Every person I interact with, that I like I'm going to try to express attraction, or it's back to the bootcamp for me.


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Krassus said:
What... the... FVCK?! This site is starting to scare me. Listen, Gunwitch is 1) Overweight 2) Unemployed 3) Not getting laid. Ok? STOP READING HIS SH1T! In fact, stop reading ANYONE'S sh1t! Get your ass off the chair, GET OUT THERE, STOP THINKING AND START MEETING WOMEN! The way you think is fvcking creepy, because the way these so-called seduction masters think is fvcking creepy. CLEAR YOUR MIND, STOP BEING SCARED OF WOMEN, AND GO ACT!
And yet you felt compelled to steal his material, reword it, and pass it off as your own?:rolleyes:


"Make the ho say no" is Gunwitch's catchphrase for f**ks sake!


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
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Belle Vernon, PA
Luke Skywalker said:
today's outing report;

She was with another older guy, and her belly was fat on pregnancy, as I only saw her from behind, I didn't see that. When I saw this I said, boy, I'm glad I didn't approach her.
You should have walked up to her and said:

"So... How'd you get pregnant? Tell me about it."

Then give your sexual smile.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
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Slevin said:
"Make the ho say no" is Gunwitch's catchphrase for f**ks sake!
Uh... i heard it from Player Supreme years ago. *shrug*
May 23, 2006
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Dannyrt34 said:
You should have walked up to her and said:

"So... How'd you get pregnant? Tell me about it."

Then give your sexual smile.
Yuck. She was with another Black guy anyway, either her father, or the child's father.


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Krassus said:
Uh... i heard it from Player Supreme years ago. *shrug*
So... you were really plagiarizing Player Supreme? How is that any better?:rolleyes:

Edit: Also, I wasn't just refering to the catchphrase.
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May 23, 2006
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Saw a couple of hb(blacks) with my dad, and again all I could do is just helplessly look on and feel like emasculated, asexual or like a quarter of a man or something. In utter self-frustration I'm resuming my Jedi bootcamp, I'm unable to express my sexuality and am programmed to be asexual.

My dad is not a c0ckblocker, and even said that eating a bag of chips in the store wildly doesn't look good. I accidentally 'bumped' my left arm on the shoulder of the hb and pretended like I was eating chips or something. It ended up my dad having to give advice, show me some nice looking girls, and staying back so I could talk to girls. Normally, I would just go in and out and do my business and be obvlivious to women - I cant help it, I'm just programmed that way. My belief set is that sexuality = trouble.

Going to Italy from next Sunday -- where I'll be in another likely 'asexual vacation' with my parents for three weeks. Another three week asexual zone. Fvck it -- resuming bootcamp here until end of week.

But on the other hand, what do I actually expect to do with these girls. I mean, ideally I'm just going to contact-close them if I'm successful - but then what?

I have to elicit information to see if their living situation to see if I can go to their place, and if they are living alone or with someone, and eject if there is something funny about their arrangement while making excuses that they cant come to my house. So, obviously, I'm not going to even attempt a number-close if I want to go for a f-close if she's not living on her own, but if I find out she is living on her own, then I'd contact close.

In essence, this would be an indirect expression of the Gunwitch style - that is, sexuality is expressed by ascertaining a girl's living situation.

Let's see a bootcamp program would establish eye-contact, smiling, saying 'hi', getting over approach anxiety, and eliciting information about her living condition - if she lives alone or it's possible to go to her house, then a number-close would be done under a pretext of going to her house later - if a g-close comes out of it.

I need a routine to just elicit her living condition. Anyway, better just go back to the program - resuming Jedi bootcamp. I'm just going to work on getting comfortable with approaches and rejection in general.
May 23, 2006
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Ok, here is a DIRECT APPROACH routine.....approach - natural opener - fluff talk -- ask her if she lives around here -> which will lead to: if she lives with family or who she lives with (look for any cues of her volunteering any information about her living condition and pounce on that) -- if she lives with parents, or someone whose usually at home most of time --- EJECT. If she's good, then have the EXCUSE rap planned up and go for number close.

I'm going to be trying this a few times on hb's that I see, if I get passed the fluff talk. The bar of interaction will be constantly challenged and upped with the bootcamp process.

Now that I have a solid GOAL of interaction - the approach should be smoother as there is FOCUS. Simply ELICIT and either EJECT or go for CLOSE.

Here we go again...Take Two..Action.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2006
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i cannot believe what i'm reading? is this for real? or is this guy a troll?
May 23, 2006
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BingoBango said:
i cannot believe what i'm reading? is this for real? or is this guy a troll?
I've read through all your 50 posts, and have determined that your reason for being her is to quit jerking off, other than that, I haven't seen much further posts about your id or why you are here or what you are trying to accomplish here. You have not been involved in any bootcamps, so I guess you dont need them or something. Well, you may be a DJ, that's fine by me, but please respect those who are trying.
May 23, 2006
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See, when I get frustrated, I tend to snap like I just did above. Now you all know how frustrated I can get sometimes when I miss these hb's.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Gunwitch is NOT a "model". Gunwitch Method is just being horny and doing what comes naturally. The very fact that you're putting THIS much analysis into it suggests that you don't get it at all.

Most of the girls I've hooked up with, I've used something in line with the Gunwitch Method. 9 out of 10 of those hook-ups, I couldn't even TELL you what I did, what "tactics" I used, what I felt, what indicators she was giving me...honestly, I just let my d!ck act for me. THAT is what Gunwitch Method is about.

Until you can embrace and rise above your anxiety, allowing your sexual self to show through, Gunwitch Method is useless to you.
May 23, 2006
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Yup, anxiety levels are too high to utlilise the Gunwitch method, so I'm sticking with the bootcamp for now.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
Luke Skywalker said:
I've read through all your 50 posts, and have determined that your reason for being her is to quit jerking off, other than that, I haven't seen much further posts about your id or why you are here or what you are trying to accomplish here. You have not been involved in any bootcamps, so I guess you dont need them or something. Well, you may be a DJ, that's fine by me, but please respect those who are trying.
****ing ripped by Luke, nice.

Luke you need to USE your emotions instead of trying to suppress them. When someone disrespects you, USE that anger. When you get horny, USE that horniess. Just totally accept all your feelings, what you need to do is when you get any tpe of emotion that stands out, happy, sad, angry, etc. Don't let it stop, indulge yourself in it deeply. And then realize that EVERYONE has these, its not wrong or unnatural to be angry, jealous, horny, upset, etc, you WANT to feel these emotions. Once you get that you're going to start seeing some huge gains.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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As much as Luke's posts seem to be like a bad car accident, you don't want to look but you can't help to keep looking, he's trying hard and sort of on the right track.

Luke, decompress yourself and just be who you are with out thinking about it. You have all the right intentions and a good heart, let that show, women will be attracted to that. Don't over analyze or think things through too much.

Take a moment and think of three good adjectives to describe yourself, and then go out and be those three adjectives with all you might.

Listen to your "e-friends" they are giving you some good advice. (well most of them)


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2006
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Luke i respect u coz ur here. seriously, ur in the right place... as am i, i'm an rAFC. i dont post anything in particular here, just the odd comment, because i believe the only ppl who should offer advice are master DJs or ppl who have spent A LOT of time in the field and really know what they're talking about. Yeh i havent done a bootcamp here that's true, i will tho. But, i just did the "stylelife challenge" which was AWESOME! (it's was like a bootcamp)

Why do u care about me? why did u read all my posts? i'm just another random guy learning this stuff like u, concentrate on ur own game a bit more man. i've been serious about this game for about 8 months or so, i've got 2 gf's out of this, and one f-buddy. Not great, i'm an rAFC, but i'm keen to improve. All i can say is that this stuff works.

Why did i say what i said? I was shocked that someone with like 500 posts was talking like the most AFC of AFCs. To me u just seem really behind in inner game.

But i wish u the greatest success. All i can say is listen to these ppl who have gone thru this and become successful. That's what i'm doing. Cheers
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
For example, saying nothing, and making neutral statements is asexual.

That's a NO-NO. Just say ANYTHING to convey any form of attraction. I must learn to express myself sexually or express attraction - then I'll try other more advanced techniques later.
I couldn't have said it better myself. What my honorable friend Luke here is saying is that if you think having the "too cool to like you" mentality works, you absolutely have no idea of what you're talking about. Seriously, if anybody says "don't sound like you have an attraction", if anybody gives this type of advice, it is Ace of Flames posing in a different screenname, because only somebody as awesome as him would say that. As a matter of fact, only a NON EXPERIENCED VIRGIN would say something like "girls will dislike you if you tell her you feel a strong attraction"


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2006
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Luke i dont think u should worry about the advice given to u on sosuave that much.

I think u should do the following:

Watch david deangelo's "Advanced series", his "master series", and possibly his "Approaching women series" (this one is free on google, for some reason, like 10 hours of material).

Then u should read mystery's "venusian arts handbook"

Then any other supplementary methods, like "Juggler's" ebook, and "Gunwith" method.

Then u could re-read "The game" by neil strauss.

Then u can go out into the field. Doing all the above is good coz it fixes up ur inner game. And inner game will give u the right frame for ur mind, so u can successfully approach. The reason why u should learn from the above PUGs is coz they are professionals/experts - they know what they're talking about.

Many of the ppl on here are amateurs/trolls/rAFCs, so asking them for advice without u already having solid inner game, may not be ur best option.

That's my 2 cents, i hope it helps.
