The thing I hate about NC in cases like this is that it lets her get away with crappy behavior without consequence... It makes it easy for her.
Totally agree, which is exactly the reason why I'm NOT going NC on this woman I was dating. Basically the same thing as described in the OP happened.
(Edit after reading the whole thread: ) Okay, maybe not exactly as the OP described, because I never treated this girl like a girlfriend and I made her work for my attention.
If this woman wants to reject me, she can do so to my face. Not going to let her go off easy.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not stalking her, nor am I pursuing her like a beta male who can't take no for an answer. I went NC during the holidays, but now I texted her again and invited her over to my place. She replied with "I'd love to come over, but I'm not sure if I have that day off." To which I replied: "Sweet! If I hear nothing I expect you'll be coming over. If you can't make it I'll expect you to
text me a counter offer, okay?". If she doesn't give a counter offer, I expect her to show up. If she doesn't show up, no biggie, it won't fuzz me, I'll simply text "Is it really that hard to just tell me you don't want to see me anymore? Is that how you treat guys you had a great time with where you're from?" and then delete her number. If that happens I don't even want her as a booty call or plate anymore.
Hopefully that will make her feel guilty. I know it might be futile and maybe it might come off as beta to her, but I honestly don't care, I just can't stand the thought of her disrespecting me like that and getting away with it so easily.
Meanwhile I'm trying to set up new plates. Don't worry, I won't let this girl get under my skin, but I won't let her get away with it so easily either. Women should know and realize that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. If they really don't want to see us again for whatever reason, they should just say so. That's what I do with girls too. If I for whatever reason don't want to see a girl anymore, I will let her know by telling her in a friendly but clear way, because I'm a decent human being.