There absolutely IS a reason to be single. I choose to be at this point. In fact I've said repeatedly here I am unlikely to remarry because I'm done having kids & I do not want to entangle my assets. I screen dating prospects & most screen out for one reason or another. If men drop me it's because they are looking for quick sex, and that is by design.
I do enjoy male company & prefer (after time & vetting) to have a lover I can develop intimacy with. Intimacy takes time and investment. It is therefore an entirely different goal & strategy than getting the lay ASAP.
Everything adds up fine. Since my divorce I dated a single father with 3 children for almost 2 years. Things developed slowly. When you are dating someone with children & have children of your own the dating landscape is VERY different than when you are single/never married. Things faded (although he does keep in contact) due to a new & horrendous legal fight with his ex post divorce. He remains embroiled in that and I don't need to be any part of that drama.
I've always met really good men. I can afford to screen thoroughly so I do. I got invited out to Vegas recently by an old flame for whom I was "the one who got away" many years perhaps that is worth exploring. I'm thinking it over. He usually dates 22-25 year olds but aside from the sex they bore him silly. If that goes anywhere it cannot be casual for either of us.
Last week I met a new person. Hockey dude
texts constantly (too much really.)
So I have a perspective of being sought after. I know what puts me off & what attracts me, and it's surprising how many otherwise successful men have no clue. I give advice from that perspective as I apparently (as indicated by the market) am the sort of woman men want for something deeper.