OK, well I decided I need to change my strategy a bit. Right now, I'm still very awkward when I approach, and I put way too much emphasis on approaching one hot girl, and talking to her in the perfect way, and getting her number, and yadi yada. I need to take things slow, and learn the basics; the first step is to be able to open any girl, without being scared ****less. No attempt to number grab for now, because as soon as I think about that, I over think things
And furthermore, I found a way to keep myself motivated. My ex is a social butterfly, everyone (and I mean everyone) loves her. She can warm up to someone in minutes. I can't. I'm the opposite, I'm quite the introvert. Hence, that was one of my goals when I took my decision to approach women. To be able to warm up to people easily, to grab attention easily, etc.
Every time I open up a cute girl, I feel like I take one step forward towards my goal. Every time I don't, I feel like I'm taking a step backwards. Being a competitive guy, I decided to think like this:
Every time I chicken out from approaching a girl, or find a lame excuse, my ex wins the breakup. I do NOT want her to win. Hence, I need to keep track of my approaches VS my chickening out (or finding excuses, or whatever).
Right now, I will stop putting focus on the result, and rather think in terms of successful openings (as in, not chickening out).
Without further ado, I went for a walk today. However, it's very cloudy (on the verge of raining) and rather cold, so there are not many girls. I saw three that I deemed cute. I chickened out on the first one. The other two, I opened. My opener sucks right now, but I don't care, as I want to be able to hold a small conversation, fluidly, without appearing awkward. I will, very shortly, modify my opener to make me step away even further from my comfort zone.
Right now, my opener is along those lines: I'm doing a sort of rat race, and I need to ask for five phone numbers, but here's the twist: I need to be rejected those five times. So I will simply ask you for your number, and you can give me any excuse you want not to give me my number, and that's all there is.
And from there I proceed to have a brief conversation, after the rejection. I'll be very comfortable with this very fast, and I'll change it up a bit, either by not mentioning the rejection part, or if the conversation is smooth, say "I changed my mind, I would like your phone number".
So far, 2-1 (as in, I opened twice, chickened out once)