OMG I just beat the crap out of some guy...

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by zerocelcius
Your telling me to make sense. but you want to kick this guys a$$ for kicking some guy's a$$. The only diffrence is he helped a person and you just want to woop him because...well I don't know why you want to beat him up.

and by your deffinition if you help a woman from getting her a$$ kicked than your a looser. So are you saying it is ok to hit woman?

IF a firefighter helps a woman out of a burning building is he a "captain save a ho"?!!

The situation is the same.
Uh no, a Firefighter won't get locked up for assault and sued for medical expenses etc...

Being "Captain Save-a-Ho" is AFC behavior.

Amazing that some people would be willing to go to jail and get sued over some woman they don't even know, over who knows what.

And probably some woman who always seems to end up with the type of guys who physically and mentally abuse her.

Have some of you not learned anything from this web site?

BTW, ask yourselves this:

If it were two guys fighting, say a couple of street bums fighting over a bottle of cheap booze, how many of you would have jumped in?

The fact that a woman was involved totally screwed up many folks logic and emotions.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I just have a question for you guys.

Some time ago there was a thread in which somebody asked the question: "If you passed a man on the street getting beaten up by four other guys, would you jump in to help him?"

The consensus was no, that's just asking for an ass-whuppin'. However, people said that without a doubt they would jump in if the situation were two vs. 1 and the guy was clearly asking for help or being brutalized.

I'm not saying what Nish did was right, or that the mentality that women shouldn't be hit isn't sexist...but in my opinion just about any given man is at least twice as good a fighter as any given women, so it seems that perhaps the same "2v1" logic applies here.

I just see a double standard, is all.

This post was directed at the fellas who keep spewing this captain save-a-ho crap, not you guys who are telling Nish he went overboard.


New Member
Aug 8, 2005
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Originally posted by Wyldfire
You have a very foul mouth.

There's nothing wrong with someone intervening when they see an assault taking place. Ultimately, that's what this was...a crime. If it were the woman hitting the guy instead, that would be a crime, too and intervening to stop it would have been okay, too.

The problem is that he started swinging before trying to talk...and THAT was where he made a mistake.

listen to this BS, some guy slapped a hoe big ****ing deal, the biggest crime here committed was when this afc chump jumped that dude from behind and knocked him out cold, that is a ****ing ASSAULT right there, that guy should be suing his afc ass right now, the only person who should be going to jail is this mofo, and probably some anger management classes, BUT everybody on here is applauding him for doing such a great job.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by dondong
listen to this BS, some guy slapped a hoe big ****ing deal, the biggest crime here committed was when this afc chump jumped that dude from behind and knocked him out cold, that is a ****ing ASSAULT right there, that guy should be suing his afc ass right now, the only person who should be going to jail is this mofo, and probably some anger management classes, BUT everybody on here is applauding him for doing such a great job.
That's totall bullshyt. The guy was beating on a woman. Women are not as strong as men. I'd have jumped in if it were some big dude whipping ass on a little dude the same way.

I have to admit something. I would readily jump in a fight and protect a woman. I guess it comes from growing up with sisters, and my dad instilling in me that I should protect them.

It might be AFC behavior, but I would not sit idly by while some dude was beating a chick.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by dondong
listen to this BS, some guy slapped a hoe big ****ing deal, the biggest crime here committed was when this afc chump jumped that dude from behind and knocked him out cold, that is a ****ing ASSAULT right there, that guy should be suing his afc ass right now, the only person who should be going to jail is this mofo, and probably some anger management classes, BUT everybody on here is applauding him for doing such a great job.
First of should know that I was quite brutally abused by my ex husband. Not only did he beat me, but he raped me too. I left him back in 1994 and to this day he STILL harasses me, threatens to slit my throat and assaulted our 14 year old son a little over 2 months ago. Please don't minimize the seriousness of Domestic Violence. Although after the first incident of abuse I DO bear some responsibility because I allowed it...I would have attempted to stop the guy from hitting her, too. I would have walked up to him and told him that I am not going to watch what he's doing and if he didn't walk away right then I would call the police. Sure, I would be risking getting my arse kicked, but that would be a risk I was willing to take because it is a matter of principle. I would do the exact same thing if it were the woman assaulting the man. I've gotten in between one of those brawls before, too. Makes no difference...domestic assault is domestic assault, regardless of who is hitting who.

With all that being said...YES, he did go overboard and he feels bad about that. In all honesty, for all he knew that may not even have been her boyfriend. Maybe it was an ex that was stalking her and her life was in danger. Maybe he was trying to mug her. Maybe he was going to rape her and kill her. In a situation like that you don't really have time to sit back and analyze the situation. You have a split second to decide if you are going to take action or not. He took action. A lot of other people would have done the same thing. Imagine what he would feel like right now if he woke up the next morning and saw the woman's picture on the front page of the paper under the headline "Woman Found Dead in Alley".

Everyone giving him grief needs to lay off and everyone banging their chests calling him a hero need to lay off, too. He's just a guy who saw someone getting hit and he did what he thought was the right thing to do at the time. Nothing more, nothing less.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
First of should know that I was quite brutally abused by my ex husband. Not only did he beat me, but he raped me too. I left him back in 1994 and to this day he STILL harasses me, threatens to slit my throat and assaulted our 14 year old son a little over 2 months ago. Please don't minimize the seriousness of Domestic Violence. Although after the first incident of abuse I DO bear some responsibility because I allowed it...I would have attempted to stop the guy from hitting her, too. I would have walked up to him and told him that I am not going to watch what he's doing and if he didn't walk away right then I would call the police. Sure, I would be risking getting my arse kicked, but that would be a risk I was willing to take because it is a matter of principle. I would do the exact same thing if it were the woman assaulting the man. I've gotten in between one of those brawls before, too. Makes no difference...domestic assault is domestic assault, regardless of who is hitting who.

With all that being said...YES, he did go overboard and he feels bad about that. In all honesty, for all he knew that may not even have been her boyfriend. Maybe it was an ex that was stalking her and her life was in danger. Maybe he was trying to mug her. Maybe he was going to rape her and kill her. In a situation like that you don't really have time to sit back and analyze the situation. You have a split second to decide if you are going to take action or not. He took action. A lot of other people would have done the same thing. Imagine what he would feel like right now if he woke up the next morning and saw the woman's picture on the front page of the paper under the headline "Woman Found Dead in Alley".

Everyone giving him grief needs to lay off and everyone banging their chests calling him a hero need to lay off, too. He's just a guy who saw someone getting hit and he did what he thought was the right thing to do at the time. Nothing more, nothing less.

I can't believe I actually agree with you :eek:

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
One more thing: Ask any veteran cop which calls they consider the most dangerous.

If you said "Domestic violence" calls, you're correct.

When emotions and tempers are elevated, stupid s*** happens.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Originally posted by fuzzx
Much to learn have you....

If she was actually in 'big' trouble then she would have done what any sane person in distress would do and call for help. POLICE, HELP ME, POLICE! SOMEONE CALL 911! Girls that date guys like him get into situations like this ALL THE TIME. Ever watched an episode of COPS? The real world is alot worse.

She put you in some serious trouble by not doing the proper thing. What if the dude pulled a gun on you. Look man I am seriously into martial arts. I've taken over 10 different styles and if theres one thing I've learned from ALL of them, its to NEVER EVER EVER use your power unless YOUR life or the life of a LOVED ONE is in danger. He is NOT a monster and you are NOT a hero.

Basically you took the junior-cop approach to things. You went a little AFC, channeled your anger and wanted to test your martial arts skills... you broke a big rule there. We practice martial arts so that we can excercise self control in a violent situation and NOT FIGHT. I think your more mad at yourself for LOSING SELF CONTROL. You would only have been 'justified' if she had asked you verbally for the help and from what you said she didn't get a chance to. Yeah it was a bad move on your part but don't get upset, just remember not to do it next time. Learn from your mistakes.

Nothing strikes me as abnormal in this situation and buddy if you had come at me from nowhere and used some bj punches & grabs, I would have broken your neck and probably your arms and legs (just to be sure) and left you for dead because you had come with an intention to maim, disfigure and cause bodily harm, you are very lucky your not dead or in jail. What you did was EXTREMELY STUPID.

You'd better hope this guy wasn't part of a gang or a wanted criminal or a psycho. This guy might be looking for you right now. Seriously, if you didn't kill the guy, theres a good chance he will be looking for you later, with friends ,weapons and a justification to kill. If your not in the police force I would seriously consider it at this point, I would also carry pepper spray or a tazer from now on.

Additionally lets say you had asked about the situation before you struck him, and he said "She just shot my dog and gutted him and ate the entrails." Might you be more inclined to walk away at that this point? Maybe you actually beat up the victim?
Scary thought.

And for christ sake, your an indian, you know that **** goes on ALL THE TIME in the world. Men treat their women worse than dog ****. Bride burnings and beatings are normal. I know I've seen ALOT worse than a little slapping and hair pulling from couples who 'love' each other.
Have to totally agree with this post, and Derek Flint's. The original poster said he felt bad, and would probably not done it, he admitted it was AFC, and people here are praising him;

Nobody is asking wether or not it is ok to beat up women. The all or nothing response that are posted here are just like the "if you're anti-war you're anti-american/anti-troop support" arguments that can't separate things; apparently a lot here are not smart enough to know the difference. fuzzx and Derek give great breakdowns of this situation, yet get the least response.


New Member
Aug 8, 2005
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Originally posted by jprjrjr
That's totall bullshyt. The guy was beating on a woman. Women are not as strong as men. I'd have jumped in if it were some big dude whipping ass on a little dude the same way.

I have to admit something. I would readily jump in a fight and protect a woman. I guess it comes from growing up with sisters, and my dad instilling in me that I should protect them.

It might be AFC behavior, but I would not sit idly by while some dude was beating a chick.
man u da ****, this site is full of mentally challenged, sexually abused ppl like u and wylde, u so ****ed up u can't see whats wrong here, this guy knocked someone out cold, to save some ***** he didn't even know, there should be charges pending against him for assualut, violence but noooo u morons don't see that, if everybody starts being mr right all the time than we don't need cops, and the law, the ****ing police is there for a reason.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
2 weeks ago, in some apartments a friend of mine stayed in, this guy got into an arguement with this girl and was hitting her around. The next door neighboor, instead of calling the police, went in and broke the door down to protect her, then the guy left.

The girl called her friends over for support, and 2 hours later, the BF came back with a Shotgun and killed everyone in the house, then killed himself, including the next door neighboor.

killed eight people not including himself

And, this is also true, the reason she was getting the **** beat out of her was because she gave her BF's cousin a *******.

Now, this guy that got killed had 2 little girls and a GF of his own . Tell me wha'ts DJ about getting killed over a girl that for the most part had it coming to her?

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
yes backbreaker

so many Don Juans....

so little brains


maybe she stole $500

i had an ex gf steal a mobile / cell phone then run after i broke up with her

i caught her just as she got to her car

i reached into the car and took her keys from the ignition

she jumped out of the car and started yelling HELP ME

6 guys walked over and she ran up to them and told them i was trying to hit her

the guys walked over to me so i jumped in my car and drove off


i had 2 pizzas ordered and paid for

i drove 40 metres to the police station

walked in and explained she stole my phone

5 cops doing nothing jumped up

i said WHOA no no it's not that bad

i just need you to help me get my pizza and avoid the 6 guys

so 2 cops follow me down there

one of them was a woman

they ask my gf about my phone

i walk inside dominos and get my pizzas

my gf starts yelling at the cops

they tell her to calm down

she hits one of them

they grab her and throw her kicking and screaming into the back of the police patty wagon


i say oh look there are her missing keys on the ground and hand them to the police then drive off

the police come to my house


i said i just wanted my pizzas and you got my phone back right ?


but i can prove it's mine !

the bastards let her keep it to spite me because i drove off

the 6 AFC faggots that came to her aid had left before the police arrived


so many of you are so stupid

you know NOTHING about women if you think they are all sweet little angels

Lost In Translation :D



Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by HalfAddict
NISH don't listen to the haters

haters apathy leads to death.
Actually...I'm not listening to any of you. Not a single one of you. None of you were there. None of you know how severe (or not) it was. None of you can pass judgement (good or bad) on whether it was the right or wrong thing to do. Why? Because on top of the fact that none of you know what really happened, all of you are just regular people who are just as imperfect as I am. And all of you have made mistakes.

Granted, by posting this here I opened myself up to judgement. I can live with that. Go ahead, keep judging me one way or the other if it makes you feel like a bigger man to feed off of someone elses problems by talking down to them, or living vicariously through them for a supposedly "good deed". But really, the only point of this thread was for me to vent somewhere about something that I did that was very, very uncharacteristic of myself. Simply because the only person that really has ANY say in the situation is ME.

You can all mouth off all you want about how I occupy the lowest rung of the human socio-economic ladder, or about how I am some "heroic" (yeah right) dude who saved the day.

I could give a crap, because all of, every last one who passed a highly emotional judgement on this topic, whether good or bad, has little to no information to go on, except what I told you. You know nothing.
We are all just a bunch of internet jockeys attempting to visualize something that happend, represented by text. Text is simply symbols that stand for actions, ideas, thoughts and happeningw.
Hell, we can't even hear the inflection of voice in the telling of the story to judge any type of severity, let alone get an accurate visual picture of what happened.

So in other words, you can all (even the ones that "support" me) screw yourselves. You have no idea how bad an experience this was (or wasn't) for me, of course, since that's the case, in retrospect I shouldn't have even posted it here.

By all means though, keep posting your misinformed thoughts, they are very entertaining!


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Big Eee Zee
No, lol isn't a valid response to that. He raised a good point. Just because you are supposedly well rounded and can claim many accomplishments doesn't give you the right to take people on like that. You can't just laugh off logic 'cause you don't like it. I don't think what you did was terrible and you are a bad person, but I do think it was irresponsible.
First of all, me stating my accomplishments had NOTHING to do whatsoever with granting me "special privileges" or whatever you were talking about. That wasn't the point. The point was simply to say that you dont' know me. So it's not fair for you to judge SO harshly.

You're basically just reiterating everything I've already said, and confessed to. What do you want me to do? Feel worse about it? okay I do. What else do you want me to do? Apologize to myself again? Reiterate how I feel like it was the wrong thing to do yet again? How many times should I say this to satisfy? How many times should I ask for forgiveness?
What's a good number? 1? 5? 15?
Here, I'll say it again and again, and then maybe it wil lbe good enogh.

I did a bad thing that is very uncharacteristic of myself. I learved a valuable lesson that day. I lost alot of respect for myself. I'm not happy about.


I did a bad thing that is very uncharacteristic of myself. I learned a valuable lesson that day. I lost alot of respect for myself. I'm not happy about.

I did a bad thing that is very uncharacteristic of myself. I learned a valuable lesson that day. I lost alot of respect for myself. I'm not happy about.

I did a bad thing that is very uncharacteristic of myself. I learned a valuable lesson that day. I lost alot of respect for myself. I'm not happy about.

Or will you keep telling me the things that I've already said in harsher and harsher terms, and not be satisfied till I'm feeling like absolute dirt, so there's no way that I can recover respect for myself. Would that be enough?

Or perhaps you're just judging me to stroke your egos. Here I'll help you with that.

You guys who would have acted differently than me in this situation are BETTER MEN THAN I. I owe you all more respect than I can muster, because I don't deserve the respect that you men do. I'm a worse person than you guys.

Is that enough?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
Stop the self pity. Pick yourself up and move on.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by LowPlainsDrifter

the psychological reason many of them stay in abusive relationships is that
they are addicted to the danger/relief cycle that the abuse brings on.
fcuk the weak.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by fuzzx

'Then as the argument heats up, he starts pushing her against the wall repeatedly. And I dont' just mean like wuss like. He's pushing her likes he's trying to start a fight with a guy. At that point, you could see she was like "oh ****, I have to get out of here". So she trys to walk out into the street. but he won't let her. He grabs her and pushes her against the wall and continues to push her and now starts tugging her by the hair. At this point I see they were arguing about something pretty trivial.
So the girl finally sees me and gives me this "Oh my god" look. I'm still waiting a little longer to see if she can get away by herself. Then out of nowhere, the guy ***** slaps her HARD across the face.'

I've had rougher sex than this. You never stopped to think that maybe she gets turned on by that? I had one girl yell at me, scratch the **** out of me and bite my face. I pulled her hair back and she screamed before going nuts and the two of us getting busy on the club couch while a ton of people looked on thinking we were fighting.

Some girls like to be treated rough.

A good friend of mine and his long time girlfriend who both happen to be bouncers fight like cats and dogs. He's bounced her head off the wall and she's punched him in the balls but at the end of the day they are getting busy like they do on the discovery channel.

Some girls like to be treated rough.

The reason I'm here at sosuave is cause I had a girl a few years back that would hit me (Hard... think bruises) and call me all sorts of names but when I would try to be nice to her and show her that not all guys are abusive jerks she would get turned off. She eventually dumped me and went back to a guy that beat the crap out of her. What have I learned from all this?

Some girls like to be treated rough.

Does that mean that the next time I'm out with my girl, I have to be on my guard because you might see me treat her like she wants to be treated and from out of nowhere jump me. Thats why you need to have SELF CONTROL and THINK before you do things. If I were you I would stop BJJ and get into Aikido. Its a thinking man's martial art and thats what you need to practice most... THINKING MAN!!!!!
If she "liked it" then she wouldn't be trying to get away from him. I suppose you think people and kids who get raped "asked for it" and "liked it" too...

No one likes being intimidated and hit. Do you like that? Yes, there are some people who have a sick need to be treated badly...but believe me, they still don't enjoy it or like it when it's happening.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
If she "liked it" then she wouldn't be trying to get away from him. I suppose you think people and kids who get raped "asked for it" and "liked it" too...

No one likes being intimidated and hit. Do you like that? Yes, there are some people who have a sick need to be treated badly...but believe me, they still don't enjoy it or like it when it's happening.
There was no indication by the story that the argument between the guy and the girl would have resulted in him beating her up. The girl run away without even saying "thank you" which tells me that she was more scared of what nishbuk did to her boyfriend then what her boyfriend did to her.

If the police would have arrived to the scene instead of nishbuk, they wouldn't have arrested the boyfriend. They would have asked is everything alright and if things weren't alright they would probably tell the boyfriend to hit the road unless the girlfriend was willing to press charges?? for what?? for temproray restraining her during an argument? does this thing even makes it to court when it is so minor especially during an arguments between lovers???? I doubt the girl would have even pressed charges.

If the police would arrived after nishbuk kicked the living snot out of the boyfriend, he would be charged for aggravated assault causing bodily harm. The law is not on nishbuk side even if he thought at the time his actions were right. You cannot second guess the law. I heard of cases were people were charged for adminstrating CPR in order to help someone in distress, only to be charged for causing them more harm then good because they didn't really know CPR and injured the person. Does that make it right even if their intentions were good??? no, but that is the law.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJDamage
There was no indication by the story that the argument between the guy and the girl would have resulted in him beating her up. The girl run away without even saying "thank you" which tells me that she was more scared of what nishbuk did to her boyfriend then what her boyfriend did to her.

If the police would have arrived to the scene instead of nishbuk, they wouldn't have arrested the boyfriend. They would have asked is everything alright and if things weren't alright they would probably tell the boyfriend to hit the road unless the girlfriend was willing to press charges?? for what?? for temproray restraining her during an argument? does this thing even makes it to court when it is so minor especially during an arguments between lovers???? I doubt the girl would have even pressed charges.

If the police would arrived after nishbuk kicked the living snot out of the boyfriend, he would be charged for aggravated assault causing bodily harm. The law is not on nishbuk side even if he thought at the time his actions were right. You cannot second guess the law. I heard of cases were people were charged for adminstrating CPR in order to help someone in distress, only to be charged for causing them more harm then good because they didn't really know CPR and injured the person. Does that make it right even if their intentions were good??? no, but that is the law.
If the police had of arrived and saw the guy pushing the girl against the wall, refusing to let her leave and hitting her hard in the face like nishbuk saw they would have arrested him on the spot. The state would have pressed charges against him even if the girlfriend didn't want them to. That's how it works in the US.

If they saw nishbuk beating the guys arse and he told them he did what he did because the guy was hitting the woman he might get taken to the police station, but would be released as soon as he told his story. He would only end up going to court if the guy who hit his girlfriend pressed charges. It's unlikely he'd press charges because in order to do so he would have to explain why he got his arse kicked in he first place.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
Originally posted by Avon

I had my mobile phone stolen the other week (with all my naked hottie pics on it!), and I chased the guy shouting at passersby to stop thief. No one did anything, they watched me chase him when they could have at least slowed him down. Luckily some undercover cops saw the chase and caught him.
aw man, I thought it was gonna end like spiderman. Where one of the passerbyer's uncles gets killed and they feel bad for not helping and want revenge so they start crime-fighting......but that's a good ending too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
Originally posted by Lost In Translation
yes backbreaker

so many Don Juans....

so little brains


maybe she stole $500

i had an ex gf steal a mobile / cell phone then run after i broke up with her

i caught her just as she got to her car

i reached into the car and took her keys from the ignition

she jumped out of the car and started yelling HELP ME

6 guys walked over and she ran up to them and told them i was trying to hit her

the guys walked over to me so i jumped in my car and drove off


i had 2 pizzas ordered and paid for

i drove 40 metres to the police station

walked in and explained she stole my phone

5 cops doing nothing jumped up

i said WHOA no no it's not that bad

i just need you to help me get my pizza and avoid the 6 guys

so 2 cops follow me down there

one of them was a woman

they ask my gf about my phone

i walk inside dominos and get my pizzas

my gf starts yelling at the cops

they tell her to calm down

she hits one of them

they grab her and throw her kicking and screaming into the back of the police patty wagon


i say oh look there are her missing keys on the ground and hand them to the police then drive off

the police come to my house


i said i just wanted my pizzas and you got my phone back right ?


but i can prove it's mine !

the bastards let her keep it to spite me because i drove off

the 6 AFC faggots that came to her aid had left before the police arrived


so many of you are so stupid

you know NOTHING about women if you think they are all sweet little angels

Lost In Translation :D

wow, women can do just about anything they want nowadays and get away with it...... now why in the hell would they want EQUAL rights?