I came to Florida to visit my mother for a while as she has some health issues and needed some assistance. While I was out of town my wife decides to behave like a single girl again. She went out to a bar to see a local band we follow, which is something she does without me sometimes since I work a lot. No big deal on just going without me. Long story short she runs into this woman from my past who has allegedly had a major crush on me for years, but we have never dated. We have been friends only. Her and my wife got into it I guess after a conversation started about me. The friend from the past said "Honestly, I didn't even know you guys were still together. Your wife was not wearing a wedding ring, she had really s|uty cloths on, and she was hanging all over this one guy and flurting with several others". The one guy is a guy who has openly said he likes her, but has acknowledged she is married to me. I asked one of the band members to get another perspective. He couldn't remember the wedding ring part, but he did confirm what she was wearing and said she was being very "sociable" that night with several men. The story is she wasn't making out or fvcking, that anyone saw, but she was clearly behaving like a single girl and getting lots of attention from men. Throw into the pile that she has also removed an app we mutually had on our phones to see each other's locations, that she originally wanted. I finally confronted her on all this. We got into a big fight over
text, and now she is telling me she wants a divorce. She said I am too controlling and she doesn't like not being able to do what she wants. Plus she said "You are gone too much". She had given me her blessing to leave town to take care of my mom. Mind you, I have always told her "Go out without me, it wouldn't be fair of me to tell you you couldn't. " I had no idea she would behave like this. The obviously thinks that me being 800 miles away makes this OK. She has no idea how many people I know who will report stuff back to me. We have only been married for two years. Now I know what the military guys go through. Not sure what she is going to do now, or what I am going to do. I am still out of town.