Transform Your Dating Life in Minutes

If you're looking for a proven system to attract women and achieve dating success, you're in the right place.

Our step-by-step guide is the perfect starting point for any man looking to improve his dating life.

With our expert advice and strategies, you'll be able to overcome common obstacles, build confidence, and start attracting the women you desire.

Thanks for joining us, and I wish you all the best on your path to success!

Notches on the bed post...

How many DIFFERENT girls have you slept with?

  • 0

    Votes: 41 33.6%
  • 1

    Votes: 15 12.3%
  • 2

    Votes: 12 9.8%
  • 3

    Votes: 10 8.2%
  • 4

    Votes: 5 4.1%
  • 5, 6 or 7

    Votes: 9 7.4%
  • 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12

    Votes: 11 9.0%
  • 13-20

    Votes: 7 5.7%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • 31+

    Votes: 9 7.4%

  • Total voters
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
DonJuanPablo: I am 44 years old. That 39 was a quote from someone else whom I told; good some one around my age, too.

If you read the post I had quoted his statement of being 39 and what he said then below I made a comment.

It's nice to see someone around my own age here. I wish there were some players in the Sacramento California area to roll with.

As far as Helter Skelter thanx for the input. Yeah I'm not going to waste my time with small minds like his. And being old enough I do remember the infamous helter skelter as does him. People have wierd quirks when they choose a sn. But it say's alot about the person


Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score

Hey guys,

Interesting topic cos I just spoke with one of my wingmen recently about this: he was commenting on the fact that recently I have slept with a hell of a lot more women than the average guy here in Dublin (thanks this site!! ;)).

Anyways he was saying "Oscar, it aint all about the numbers - they're meaningless at the end of the day".

My counterpoint is this: had I stayed in my last LTR and gotten married, I would have spent the next 30 years wondering about other women. Now, if I decide to get married to the next girl I see, well hell, at least I've been there, done that, banged a whole load of girls and am much more satisfied to settle down. So it's not about the numbers per se, but the fact that you've done your sowing and are ready to settle. I think it's quite important.

Btw when I say a load more than average, I've slept w/ 6 diff women in 4 months. Not a lot for a lot of you guys, particularly in the US, but it's damn good for this area in my group.... ymmv. Thinking about heading to the US for a while - get those numbers up to 6 a week (yeah, those US girls love an Irish accent :)).



Don Juan
Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Hmm... I'm in 8% of the population.

I wouldn't have expected so many red balloons though.

Awww... Innocent boys are so much fun. *grin*

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Can someone less lazy than me throw those numbers in a ss and give us a distribution curve?

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
Nothing wrong with sleeping with dozens of women if that's what your into.

Most people on this board I here to improve thier skills with women and to make themselves an all around better person.

Finding "the one" is the goal for most people on this board from a poll taken not to long ago.

his reason for being here is to lie about his acheivements to impress everyone and to build up his low self-esteem.

Lets review his list of accomplishments:

1) Had sex with over 100 women

2) These women all pay for him on dates.

3) These women also buy him automobiles for the pleasure of his company.

4) On a scale of 1 to 10 in appearence these women are all 10's except for his earlier days were some were 7's

5) These women are all HIGHLY EDUCATED, RICH and BEAUTIFUL

doctors, masters degrees, TV reporters etc. and not that we care, but all these women are also white

Even more revealing, if you take the time to read some of his posts is how he lacks any type of charisma to pull this off. He's bordering on ignorant and likes to refer to his women as ho's

Player Supreme is full of shiit.:D

Player Supreme, regarding selection of a user-name, I chose Helter Skelter because this is a British web site and I'm a big Beatles fan-......diickhead!
Last edited:
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
The only reason I'm responding to you Helter is cause my buddy was reading your **** you wrote and suggested I show you...after laughing I agreed.

1. the used to date 7's was a joke. I don't just date women who are 10's. I look for something you probably never heard of's called spirit. If they are pretty and have a spark then I will date them.

2. the tv reporter is a sista...not all are white. I am even looking at seeing an asian girl right now...they roll in doe.

3. as you can see I do come from a different plane than you do. The other places I post at are like a den of cutthroats and thieves, (actually pimps & pimp wanna be's) so it is only natural there to reffer to women as ho's. You probably haven'theard this before but when in rome .....

4. Since you refuse to read the post I suggested here is an example of what I do:
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
this is a series of emails in which I taught these young pimp wanna be's how to seduce through just using email contact:

Ok I think I mentioned on another post about having Laryngitis this weekend and I still caught a couple of ho's. Sat. night I met a good one. To teach about getting into their minds I am going to start letting you playa's read our email contacts.

It was a pleasure meeting and dancing with you T. I haven't met someone with so much feminine energy and passion in a long time. I hope we can hook up sometime soon (when I have a voice

I have been waiting to meet someone as sexy as you T. You set my blood boiling and you ignited a deep fire of passion within me. I can feel that you and I are a good connection. I hope you can feel that energy between us also.

Here is her first response to mine:

"Hi C,

Thanks for the thoughtful message. It means a lot to have someone speak with appreciation and sincerity. Last night, I felt that no one else was even around when we were together. Time and my breath had stopped several times in your presence. It really is a wonderful feeling. Honestly, I was starting to feel that I would never experience that again with someone. It is a shame to start to get jaded when it comes to that. Thank you for just being yourself. Even if you never sent me a message or called me I still would have been so thankful for that evening because I feel alive again. Not just existing but feeling alive. The fact that you are man enough to send a thoughtful message makes you even more appealing to me.

I hope your voice gets better soon, even though I did think it was too sexy. <WINK> I could deal with it.

Let me know what your schedule is like. I have a really routine schedule. I work 8-5 Monday thru Friday. I also have 2 beautiful children. My daughter, Whitney, is 9 and my son, Darren, is 6. So they keep me busy throughout the week. You caught me in a major transition phase because my company just moved me back here from Texas 3 weeks ago. I am still not settled in but I am so grateful to be home again. I will have to tell you the story of that trip maybe when we get a chance to meet again. I spent only 3 months in Texas but I learned so much moving away from home.

I feel like I could write you a few pages but I really don't want to overwhelm you with too much information all at once. I have to catch myself because I feel I could lose all sense of time and consciousness with you. I have to finish my laundry and start dinner. So, I will call you this evening.


Ok my goal is to reach her emotionally. Here is the email convo I sent her back:

"Congradulations on having two beautiful children. Thanks for writing back. I think you and I share a deep connection T... We both have a deep passion that sparks in each others presence.

You made me buzz with energy last night. The way you touched me reached deep inside of me. You are a special woman T.... I haven't met very many women with this gift. I can't wait to see how deep you run.

You know how to be a woman in a real man's presence. I liked that! That is what I've been searching's intoxicating and invigorating...and exciting. Your feminity attracted me like a moth....

When we danced there were no others around us dancing except those watching and wishing.....wishing they could share just a moment of what we had...

I'm glad we met...I look forward to getting to know every aspect about you and tasting your passion....

Oh my schedule is kinda hectic right now. The white dude I was with is a tv & movie producer. We are working on a project in the Bay area right now.

I will also be heading down there tonight, so I will not be around until Monday afternoon.

Send me more information about you, so that I can taste your essence. I want to know everything that you are....

Ok. A couple of comments. I had told her last night at the club that she was very feminine and passionate. This made her more open to more passionate dancing. I was able to guide her into a deep state of arousal (Oh Im a mutha ****a on the dance floor), through our dance.

My use of compliments motovated her to follow my lead. Our dance was like a passionate erotic madonna video. It's no wonder so many ho's were gasping as they watched.

If you look at the email I sent her I reminded her of what I saw in her (compliment, not a fake one either). I created a situation where she will begin to fantasize about giving in to the fantasy that I will create. She is obviously open to it. She has two kids, is working hard, just got back to town, has probably not very many friends...even though she had a lot of male suitors after her last night. I caught her eye with an intense look and then did the eye contact sh*t on her fine ass.

Notice in my first sentence I complimented her on her notice in the end of the 2nd paragraph. I said I can't wait to see how deep. That will start her fantasies of sex with me and inform her that I will be taking the p*ssy and she has nothing to say about look at the next I told her how she effected me, women love that sh* look at the next paragraph...I isolated her to just her and I sharing what the world can't feel or understand...we share a special bond... only she and I can understand...(get it playas?)...look at my last paragraph. I said I wanted to taste her...and look at how I wrote I my last sentence...believe me I ment to put it that way...

Lastly, look at the language she uses and look at the language I am using back on her. Women speak in emotional languages. To reach them you gotta use it back on them. Excite their emotions. I am also doing the withdrawl by telling her that I will be unavailable for a while...this will keep me in her head...I will continue with a few more emails contacts to get her into a high state of arousal then I will take the panties, and begin destroying what is left of her self-esteem...(sorry I sound so cold blooded, but it's pimp or be pimped in this world and I intend to win).

In closing I didn't compliment her on her looks like all the symps that were after her. Instead I found something deeper to reach into and exploit..

Ok I will keep posting on this example...peace
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Well babygirl called me last night around 10pm. She obviously didn't get my email yet. She seems to be falling quickly.
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers

Hi ….,

I only had a few moments at home so I just forwarded your last e-mail to my work e-mail address. This is the last one I received from you and it looked like I didn't receive one today. So feel free to try me here during the day:)

Tonight, I am taking the kids to the River Cats game. Then they will be with their dad until Wednesday. Let me know if you can squeeze me in for a little while maybe this evening or Tuesday. If you ever have time during the day to maybe meet for lunch and talk, that would be great too.

I am extremely busy at work today and probably for the next couple of days because it is the last week for loan signings/closings. Plus every one that works on my team is out this week so the days will probably fly by.

Sounds like you are quite the entrepreneur. That is really exciting and challenging. I spent over a year working for myself in a couple of fields related to finance. I was working as a mobile notary and doing financial consulting which included selling insurance, refinancing, etc. I hope to get back to being my own boss again. It really is the way to go if you have the passion and drive to make the business work. I have been working in finance for 12 years now and I do know that just collecting a paycheck isn't the way to go for the long run. I got a little sidetracked from my goals by taking that job in Texas but I will be back on track as soon as I get settled back in. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help because I know it gets rough with and without support.

I have to run because I am swamped. Hope to talk to you soon.


Ok note here in her email, how she is asking for moments of my time. She is also trying to sell herself to me with her statements in paragraph 4. Note the end of the paragraph the very last sentence for you aspiring macks out there. You want a woman who will have your back and offer everything that she has to serve your cause.

My return email:

T, I would love to squeeze you into my tight time table.... I have been thinking about you today.....wondering again what you would be like on deeper levels....I'm glad you have some time thoughts were returning to Saturday night, dancing with you so passionately and intensely....seemed like there was no beginning or ending....couldn't tell where you began and I ended....

What time are you availible tonight!


Note the sugesstive words "squeeze, tight, deeper, passionately, intensely, beginning, ending" Most ho's will read this and those words will stick in their heads...they may not even understand much of what I am saying except those words above. that is why alot of women have to read and re-read my emails to finally comprehend what I am saying on a conscious level.

At the end I backed away again by demanding her to answer what time she is available. I chose this as a soft introduction to making demands, instead of a harder statement.

Oh you can see the undertones of how she is already offering herself to's just a matter of me collecting when I want...Total investment..just a little time and dinner's...I may have her come over to my place tonight or maybe I will just do phone convo with her....Her instincts are going off like crazy now. Women want a man who can provide for their young...basic programming. They also want that dream of romance and passion. I am providing both dreams with no pay off of course.
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Well I got a fast response to my email and her it is brothers:

<BLUSH> You are toooo much!!! <<<KISS>>>

Well the game starts at 7:05, I think and we should be out of there around 10ish. I can call you when the game is over to give you a better ETA. So...the bottom line is... it may be late and I am not sure what time you get tucked in for bed. I may need to keep you out past your bedtime, if you don't mind <WINK>


And here is my reply:

Nothing would be more intensely pleasurable than to spend my evening with you T...if you can handle the heat....then I'm sure I can rise to the occasion. Gotta get back to my business of busting and breaking these women who want their bodies sculpted....Dam I love my work!!!.

I don't need to point out the sexual undertone words!...LOL
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

Met the girl this evening...Investment 0. She was there before me and had already ordered a drink, she bought me one too, actually 2 before the evening was over.

I told her she was coming over to my place tomorrow night...she agreed. I did the usuall sh*t of getting her life story and then getting her ready for the next level you*t like that. Spit my contract at her..she accepted it...called me a devil...but feels lucky to of met me...

I just sent her an erotic email to give her something to think about until 8pm tue. night:

This was a perfect evening babygirl...when your lips touched mine....I know you could feel it too....Yes I am bad ...very very bad....and you like it too...don't you...each delicious aspect....

You belong in my bed babygirl...I know you can feel what I'm saying...I know you have thought about my weight on top of you....laying between you thighs...penetrating you....thrusting...our lips tongue tasting yours....that look of the eyes....wanting and hands holding you in my grasp.....the heat of our bodies....moist...and wet....slick.....deep.....I know you can feel my words babygirl....we share that spark that most people do not have......You can still feel my lips on yours can't hand down there touching you....the feel of my hands on your neck....

tonight you will belong to me completely as you have never before belonged to another babygirl....I may be like the serpent in the garden of evil...but you know deep inside how good we can be.....don't you....sweetness.....

I am going to take you into my world when you come to me tonight....I know you wanted to kidnap me last night, but good things are worth waiting you have something to think about all day as you toil away at work.....

Pimp Daddy
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Mission successful. Here is her reply to my email from last night:

"I think I got home on a cloud last night. I had trouble getting to sleep because you had entered in thru my brain and was wondering around inside me most of the night. I was wondering what you found? I do fight these feelings most of the time. But not this time. You better be careful with what you have sparked. A girl is a little fragile no matter what may come out of my mouth. We may have to be inventive this evening because of all of the times of the month to be childless my body is reminding me I am a woman at the moment. Catch my drift, sweet stuff? Patience is something that I continue to get tested in. So patience may have to come in to play again tonight and I will be prepared, I hope. "

I guess I will have to do other things with her tonight....LOL.

Ok, to enter a womans brain you must use their emotions. Getting her emotions activated is a direct route into her mind. A player has to know how to arouse what ever emotion he chooses within his victim.

To tap those emotions you gotta be able to speak the words that causes this arousal. Then use these words within your verbal and writting communications. Words such as:

Naked, stiff, come, wet, hard, climax, deep, urge, thrust, pleasure, abandon, yield, need, release, intimacy, longing, fingers, appetite, arouse, delight, uninhibited, satisfy, oral, moist, mount, suck, enter, touch, breast, erect, hole, sensitive, throbbing, hot, flesh. Passion, passionate, desire, desires,

Appetitie, carress, bed, pleasure, suck, firm, heave, member, tease enterance,
Touch, desire, thrill, erect, excite, bare, delight, flush, intense, tongue, penetrate, gratify,
Mouth, flesh, please, stroke, flesh, moist, eager, throb, feel, satisfy, sensitive.

Getting p*ssy is easy. There is no challenge in just getting p*ssy fella's. Your challenge is in taking total control over her. Sell the fantasy and she will follow you like a jack ass and a carrot.

Not once did you see this one complain as I began her seduction. I used words that were ment to arouse feelings in her head and keep her thoughts on me. Some of you may think my emails were corny but you can see that they do have devastating results. This one will be a sweet pleasure to own for a while.

Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

another one bites the dust!
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

Posting from Flash:
lol, deep shyt, that was nice to read tho... I saw how u used metaphores lol, thats a good way and vocab, yes.
I dont know why but u said she didn't have many friends and must of split up from the father, I kind of felt sorry for her...

If your heart is too big then you will never make it in this game. In this game there is no place for sympathy or emotions like that. That is why I say when your playing the game you play it, not just fake play it cause else it will eat you up.

You try stepping to a gold digger type with this kind of emotional sleeve and you will get played like a dominoe. This girl has been played before and now knows the game as most women do. You have to look deeper into her words cause she chose her words for certain effects also.

The poor little me, please don't hurt me...well turns out that is exactly what she is craving. A N*gga like me to take her on a roller coaster ride like all the others before me have, so she can feel alive again.

And no her father divorced her mom and is now happily married again to a high school sweetheart.

she does have some friends but very few men freinds to call upon.

she is now on my team at the entry level but she performed hard last night. I am also very suprised...she knows what the matrix is...that is my trick question that I ask ho's when I meet them or after I take them.

She is full german so I guess there is a brain under all that hair which goes down to her butt, and that innocent pretty face...with high arched eye brows and chrystal clear skin...very little make up...full soft lips....sorry I tend to start writing in that style. LOL

In closing, you need to decide if you really want to be a player or just a guy who get's a girlfriend. If your hear learning to get a girlfriend then good luck bruh... If other then more power too ya.


there are no victims in the game of love, only volunteers--The art of Seduction, by Roger Greene
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
In Closing of this case I sent this email out: notice the wordings.

My bed is empty and alone...your appetite for pleasure was thrilling....I can still smell you in my sheets....warms and fragrant....I enjoyed how you loved to have your flesh stroked....sending erotic shivers through your body....especially when I put my hands know...

the climax of which there were many last night was your understanding of the matrix...are you eager for more babygirl....

and I just recieved this back:

Eager?!? That isn't the word. I was wondering if I start stalking you now or wait for your permission...LOL. You have left an indelible mark on my soul. I feel like I should be writing a dozen "thank you" notes but I know words aren't enough. You have awoken in me a part that I felt was starting to wither. I was just standing by watching it happen unsure of any remedies to slow down that process but then I met you and what I thought was dying is now blossoming into what I know to be very special. I am glad you can appreciate that part of me.

And sign me up on the waiting list because I know you must have one. I may need to cut in line a little, every once in a while. <WINK>


Case closed all the rest is now private...peace playa's. Women want guys like me in their lives so they can feel alive again. That is what we give them emotional responses in a deadend world. These women are so bored by the time their 25 with the living of everyday life that all it takes is just a slight push to ignite the flame within them again.

Most have lost touch with that spark that they had as little girls and it need to be rekindled and nurtured back to life. That is what we do. We bring happiness to these women not the symps who only offer boredom and sameness. We are the ones who make them feel alive and vital. Eager and yearning for more. We are the ones who help them live again and feel again!


This has been a zen sermon from the mountain of pain and pleasure.
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

this is probably my last is the latest email from my example...exactly 7 &1/2 days later since I met her late last saturday nite.

"I love getting your sweet messages. You know how to put the icing on the cake for me everyday. I can get so used to this. You better be careful with what you have started. I do have to say that it is such a beautiful thing what you and I share. You are so delicious to me. When I leave, I just can't get over you because I can still feel you inside me... I smell you... and taste you... and hear the sexy sound of your voice in my ear. You got me... hook, line and sinker. I feel blessed to know you. Like the heavens opened up and placed you right before me.

Let me know what is a good day for me to cook you a special dinner. If I had my way, I would be cooking for you all the time but I know that I have to be patient on my impulses. But you do deserve to be treated well.

Thank you for yet another beautiful evening. Now I can just float through the rest of the day.


She was responding to some words I had with her and a follow up email. She tried to test me a day ago by trying to stop me from pulling down her thong. I said how dare she block me from my home. she admitted that it was a test. I told her that was her one and only test. the first one isn't free either.

Here is the email I sent her to fruther inbed what I said to her:

" Babygirl. I was thinking about your test today. BAD GIRL! BAD BAD could you test your Big Daddy. I know a woman will always try to test a man to see if he is man enough.

Well I am as I told you., I am the only real man you will ever meet. Deny me my home. Leave me out in the cold...a woman is a man's home where he can come for comfort away from the world. away from all the stress and turmoil....

When I lay with you, I know I am with a woman, and not a child. My manhood responds to you as such. That is why I tell you that you are my woman. With me it doesn't get any deeper than that.

You are my pleasure in life. You are the feminine energy that makes me a man....and behave as a man....

A woman takes care of her me that means she is always open to him...nourishes a mans soul....recharges his goes deeper than meer sex...infinitely deeper....stronger.....more powerful than just sex....

I see in you what I have been searching for, for a long long time, rarely touching upon, but desperately needing to complete who I am...I want to bury my strength in you...give you my essence of all that I am....and together it will make us stronger.....

One test is all you get babygirl....then we can get on with what will be...I can't wait to taste the food that you prepare for me....made with your own hands....and heart...."

I used this email to nail home what I told her in person and stoke her fires to an even higher level. I did not slam her for her attempt to test...I had been waiting for it...they all do it.

There is an old saying. "Pimp with your mind not your hands" Be stern, but use sugar too.

This girl is now on the team and working hard to please me. It's that easy fellas. I caught 3 new ones this weekend, but my plate is kinda full again. Sometimes I start messing with as many as 8-10 women and it brings ya down. I now plan to handle 2-3 top performers on my team. Go for the quality instead of the quantity.

Good hunting bruthers. It easy getting pus*sy, but much harder keeping it and making it dedicated and devoted to your happiness.

Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

Training gettin done:

You are to much, Daddy!
I can feel you touching me as I read every word you write. This day has been a long one for me because I have been looking at the clock counting down the hours until I can embrace you again. It is true I don't need any drug but you. You intoxicate me every time I look into your eyes. I have some important things I want to talk about with you tonight. Don't be scared but don't let me forget because sometimes I just lose all consciousness with you. Forgetting where I am and even the time of day because nothing else matters. You put me at ease and make me feel safe and cared for. You were molded with precious tools with the most wonderful attention to detail I have ever had the pleasure to enjoy. Where did you come from and who put me on the creator's "good list"?

Your Babygirl

b*tch is gettin used to being called babygirl and calling me Daddy. I must teach her to uncapatalize the babygirl though by breaking her ass down a bit.

I think the b*tch has found out some sh*t about me from another playa as I posted on the Neo's example. I will have to keep my pimp brain in gear to pimp this situation.
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

With your fresh cops you gotta sell the dream. Put them in a state where all they think about is you. Here is my new ones latest email to me:


How is it that I could possibly be so blessed to meet someone and connect on all four critical levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual? It is truly rare. I want you to know how much I appreciate the man that you are. I have met and connected with others on two or three levels but the magic is in the complete intensity of all four. I know you feel it too. It is something that neither of us could deny ourselves. Can you see inside me? Can you feel that my soul has been searching for you? I refuse to play around with something so special. SomeONE so precious. It has been two weeks and though the world around us may say it is impossible, you and I know how we compliment each other. Did I just awake from a dream? Or has the dream just begun? It is all in the perception of that which isn't real. Does it matter? All I know is the harmony that is cradling my heart and the contentment I feel in your arms. Some things are impossible to put into words but I think you know what level I am working on. I told you last week to be careful with what you have started and eluded to my fragile state. I truly am not afraid. I know you are aware of my needs and desires. I know that your soul and heart warms in my presence. There is nothing I would deny you. So I offer my heart and soul to you willingly and without reservation.

Your babygirl,

You want your words to put her mind to sleep and sow seeds in that brain of hers. This ho only took 2 weeks to reach an extremely attracted to me state...hell f**k be copped. Now am I an ******* for posting her shyt up here like this? NO!
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

honey is almost fully copped. Unfortunately she has two kids. I don't feed off a working mom. Her only place on my team is for my own personal pleasure. I will not mack on her. It's hard enough for a young mother to make ends meet without some vampire sucking her life blood away...

Here is her most recent email...she is totally mine now:

Hey Daddy,

I just got your e-mail and your woman is at home taking care of her children like a good woman is supposed to do:) But I am missing you something fierce too. I feel like I need to keep that in check and make sure you have your space too. Cuz if it was up to me I would be all up in your ass like it was a religion or somethin...LOL. I could start one. You just let me know. I could see myself bowing to your ass daily. <GIGGLE> I will call you later. I have to finish cooking for my little ones.


here is my return email to stoke her fires alittle hotter:

Welcome to the church of Zen. I am your master, lord, Daddy, lover. father, mother, sister, brother....everything you have ever wanted in a man. I am your soul provider...midnight lover. night school preacher....I know what is in your soul babygirl. You belong to Daddy now....enter my home and taste my bread....taste the heaven on earth we can make.....taste what is in my heart and soul.....feel what I am....take me deep into you!

just alot of abstract phrases connected together. We as men don't understand it but women feel the essence of what you write.
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Player_Supreme you are a little thuggish for my tastes but I think I could definitely benefit from some of your experience and knowledge.

Definitely keep posting your email exchanges with this "ho" :p - also you talk of some other sites that you post on -can you divulge the names of those sites?
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
So you little fool if you want to respond email me: I will not respond to you anymore, I'm getting ready to go camping in lake tahoe area so grow the f*uck up. Not everbody comes from your simple plane of existance.

Some of us have had sex with more than 31 women in our lives, just cause you are in that 35% catagory. You should meet the people I them Im just a I see you as.

There are quite a few people who enjoy what I have to spit so that is why I keep coming back...for my own ego self gratification. But atleast I am honest about it. What I will not do is re-read another posting again and respond. Like I said if you want to say something to me email me.

In the real world when you challenge a pimp he will respond with his proof...try it ...find a local track if you dare and go up to one of them sitting in the car off too the side and challenge him...tell him he ain't got no ho's....just joking...don't do that boy.

Oh....I'm not in the pimp game so don't even try any hateration.

Just leave it at this and if you want to learn something...shut the f*uck up and listen to someone with game other wise nerd boi...just shut up..either choice is open to you.

It's obvious you want some kinda public display and that would be playing your game....I won't sorry. If my buddy handn't of challenged me after we quit laughing at you then I woulda just let it roll....
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score

I was just getting ready to sign off and I saw your post above...
yeah my message is kinda thuggish cause of the environment that I post in. But if you read the structure of the words I am writing right now you will see that it's just a way of communicating.

No I can't publicly (wink wink) tell you where else I post at, cause the moderators would ban me.

And yeah my methods are rough and real as f*uck. It's a real world out there off this internet thing. Women are eating fools like helter as scooby snacks. Women have more intellectual skillz over us guys by a long gotta be cunning to even the score...LOL.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Player Supreme you rollin Sac?

C-Webb is a d*ck but i want them kings to win!

Anyways sorry for that tangent..carry on carry on.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
You guys can actually keep track? I lost count after about 75. ;) To be honest, I can't remember. I remember the first, the best, and the last 2. But, I am 35 and it's been nearly 20 years since the first.

Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Ronnin: this series is how I taugh about training your ho:

Getting your ho's to bow down can sometimes be a challenge. I am working with this one girl whom I am trying to break her down. I called her late tue. night and she didn't answer her cell phone. I ignored her for a day to raise up her temperature and yesterday I broke down my game on her about respect. I told her the first words outta her mouth should be Daddy. The following are our email convo's

I hope you had a nice evening....
I can tell that something is the matter with you and the way you
treated me yesterday.....
I feel like you punished me because I did not answer my phone..I was
asleep...usually if you do not call me by 9 or so then you have other
I tried calling you all day yesterday....and you seemed to ignore
We had a nice night on Sunday.......
I hope things are ok...I miss hanging out with is already
Wed. and I feel like we do not hang out that much....
Weekend is almost here and you will be with C*** (my road dogg).......(Iam fine with
this..I am just stating the facts....)
I am going to Tahoe on 07-19-03 for the night and then I will be
I am trying to keep something going between us.......
Take care your kisses..

Her again:
I am not sure why you are avoiding me......
Take care of yourself.......
Her next message in a long series of which I will show you just a few:

I would like to take you to see a movie some evening when you are
A back rub...head rub....foot rub...feet rub.......hand rub.........
like to take you for appetizers somewhere soon...
I know you are let me know when........
I need ****ed baby.....really bad....are you game.....
Next after I spoke to her about disrespect yest. this this morning:
How is my Big Daddy doing today....hope you had a nice night...
I will talk to you soon....miss you ..what time are we meeting
I want to spend some time with you....I am extremely

My email to her:
The first words outta your mouth should be Daddy, you just don't get it tt. Your kinda slow in the chrome babygirl. I'm taking the p*ssy tonight so get that sh*t ready and yeah I want appetizers and sh*t. I will be done around 8pm.
Her response:

What is slow in the chrome????

My response:
It's the reason why I call you tinitz...your kinda slow babygirl. Hardheaded too.

OH I forgot to post this above in her frantic emails:

Do you want me to always keep my phone for now on????
Would that help....
I took the time to destroy her selfconfidence, I renamed her as Tinitz like a ditz...just to keep her chrome down to earth. She actually likes the new name.
Dam this b*tch is hardheaded:
just got these emails:
How am I hardheaded????
I wrote back:
this is how your hardheaded. I told you the first words outta ya mouth should be Daddy.
A good girl woulda wrote :
Daddy how am I hardheaded?
Her 2nd one that I found just said:
call me....
I wrote to her saying:
A good girl woulda wrote "
Daddy please call me?
A good girl would not of demanded a call cause she would know then it woudn't happen. Like I said tinitz your kinda slow on this game. I think I need to re-think tonights sh*t
Training these *****es aint easy bruh.....I think Ryland says it best with "Pimping online aint easy"
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
nd the training continues...some of these have my reply inside the box:

Daddy..please call me....

That's what I want to hear babyg

Daddy ...rethink what........

Your doing it babygirl tinitz...

Daddy......pls call me Daddy...

Now that's more like it babygirl. This is what I want from you.
Daddy...I am confused......
Why are you confused babygirl. All you gotta do is be a good girl and you will get taken care of. I told you I was a pimp once. This is just my pimp mind set re asserting itself. It's the real me. Are you game or not? Do you wanna play or not...
Daddy...what am I doing.....I can play this game...I just need to know
the rules....

for starters b*tch her's a brief run down:
1. you belong to me
2. you will always call me Daddy first
3. that's my p*ssy baby and you know it
Daddy are you trying to turn me on...


Daddy..of course I am game with you.....anything you want....

I am going to back in 30 minutes...

Daddy...will you tell me what I am going to get from you tonight...

This nuckle head still doesn't get it, but she is getting better. she doesn't get that she isn't getting anything from me...I am giving to her...allowing her the pleasure of my attention. It's a subtle shift in thinking, but makes a big difference.

Tinitz thinks I'm playing games with my sh*t, like I told her and you guys she is kinda slow on the uptake. She is a smart woman. Has a Masters Degree and BA, but kinda blond vacume effect on reality I think, and it's cool with

Control is the key you playaz gotta control your *****es. You gotta tweak their emotions and heads. Play with their minds...keep them confused and desiring you.
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
These are the final 3 emails that I recieved so far...I will just post them with no blocks in between

Yes...Daddy..I do feel nasty and this is making me extra horney...

Yes....Daddy..I want you....I am getting wet down there.....

Yes..Daddy....I need your strengh....your hard body.your eyes...your
hands.....all of you...

Women need those chromedomes stroked. This girl has a Masters degree and a BA and works as an accountant. Bean counters come from the wrong side of the brain. She is extremely conservative and prudish, but with the right strokes even she will open her head up.

End of Transmission from planet Mack a Vallei
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.

How it's rolling:

Hey Daddy,

I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that I am thinking about you today. I decided I might need to kidnap you soon so keep looking over your shoulder<WINK> .......(I edited most of this out) You helped to be a good distraction from those emotions. I hope you are enjoying the time we spend together as much as I do. It is like a breath of fresh air to be around when you can squeeze me in:) You may have done a little damage to me yesterday or this morning because I feel like the inside of my body might have been ripped a little. YOU FREAK! LOL It was worth it though.

I hope you had a good day today. I will try to call you later, if you aren't busy or I will catch up with you tomorrow.
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.