Ronnin: this series is how I taugh about training your ho:
Getting your ho's to bow down can sometimes be a challenge. I am working with this one girl whom I am trying to break her down. I called her late tue. night and she didn't answer her cell phone. I ignored her for a day to raise up her temperature and yesterday I broke down my game on her about respect. I told her the first words outta her mouth should be Daddy. The following are our email convo's
I hope you had a nice evening....
I can tell that something is the matter with you and the way you
treated me yesterday.....
I feel like you punished me because I did not answer my phone..I was
asleep...usually if you do not call me by 9 or so then you have other
I tried calling you all day yesterday....and you seemed to ignore
We had a nice night on Sunday.......
I hope things are ok...I miss hanging out with is already
Wed. and I feel like we do not hang out that much....
Weekend is almost here and you will be with C*** (my road dogg).......(Iam fine with
this..I am just stating the facts....)
I am going to Tahoe on 07-19-03 for the night and then I will be
I am trying to keep something going between us.......
Take care your kisses..
Her again:
I am not sure why you are avoiding me......
Take care of yourself.......
Her next
message in a long series of which I will show you just a few:
I would like to take you to see a movie some evening when you are
A back rub...head rub....foot rub...feet rub.......hand rub.........
like to take you for appetizers somewhere soon...
I know you are let me know when........
I need ****ed baby.....really bad....are you game.....
Next after I spoke to her about disrespect yest. this this morning:
How is my Big Daddy doing today....hope you had a nice night...
I will talk to you soon....miss you ..what time are we meeting
I want to spend some time with you....I am extremely
My email to her:
The first words outta your mouth should be Daddy, you just don't get it tt. Your kinda slow in the chrome babygirl. I'm taking the p*ssy tonight so get that sh*t ready and yeah I want appetizers and sh*t. I will be done around 8pm.
Her response:
What is slow in the chrome????
My response:
It's the reason why I call you tinitz...your kinda slow babygirl. Hardheaded too.
OH I forgot to post this above in her frantic emails:
Do you want me to always keep my phone for now on????
Would that help....
I took the time to destroy her selfconfidence, I renamed her as Tinitz like a ditz...just to keep her chrome down to earth. She actually likes the new name.
Dam this b*tch is hardheaded:
just got these emails:
How am I hardheaded????
I wrote back:
this is how your hardheaded. I told you the first words outta ya mouth should be Daddy.
A good girl woulda wrote :
Daddy how am I hardheaded?
Her 2nd one that I found just said:
call me....
I wrote to her saying:
A good girl woulda wrote "
Daddy please call me?
A good girl would not of demanded a call cause she would know then it woudn't happen. Like I said tinitz your kinda slow on this game. I think I need to re-think tonights sh*t
Training these *****es aint easy bruh.....I think Ryland says it best with "Pimping online aint easy"
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers.