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Notches on the bed post...

How many DIFFERENT girls have you slept with?

  • 0

    Votes: 41 33.6%
  • 1

    Votes: 15 12.3%
  • 2

    Votes: 12 9.8%
  • 3

    Votes: 10 8.2%
  • 4

    Votes: 5 4.1%
  • 5, 6 or 7

    Votes: 9 7.4%
  • 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12

    Votes: 11 9.0%
  • 13-20

    Votes: 7 5.7%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • 31+

    Votes: 9 7.4%

  • Total voters
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score

He sounds like a supplicator.

TTBoy you don’t have a problem with that do you? If you do then you need to study historys great seducers and stop pretending that this site isn’t just about how to get pu*ssy…

I’m sure you will get over it as you get older & more mature bruh…

Helter Skelter:

If in fact you've slept with 31 plus women

I hate to break it to you, but you have herpes.

To protect others from you, please go to this website

Grow the fu*k up and no I don’t have a 14 incher…it’s not the size of the wand but the magic you put into it…Oh no I don’t have herpes…Ive been very luck so far…even though I am a condom fanatic..I know herpes is from skin contact. I'm sorry to break these truths to you...maybe you should find another site to whine on and post at

Moaf: -Your only 16 years old, which means your still a dork.
When you get my age (39) intelligent people don't make those kind of threats. –

Yeah someone from my generation…cool!

Oxide: A true player doesnt need to pay for ****, when women see his worth they will do ANYTHING for him.

Yeah that’s real game coming through…let the others keep taking the blue pills and staying asleep..

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Oh, I don't date bar sluts. Most of mine have been well educated. My current status one has 2 masters and a BA (a graphic artist now), Another is a medical doctor, the 3rd has a masters and a BA, the fourth only has her BA, number 5 is a journalist, number 6 is a TV reporter in my area, (stanford grad).

No I don't deal in trash. I only go for the well educated women who have more to bring to the table, since I don't pay for dates they need a high income. I know this will probably bother you but that's cool don't let it get your panties in a bunch.

I used to not care about what kinda education they had many many years ago when I was just a player trying to score and I must admit not all were dimes...some were as low as 7's. [/B]
Player supreme

I've been following some of your statements including
page 2 on a thread titled RACIST
"I only date white women & I make them buy me Shiit"
Including automobles like a Ford Bronco

You also stated on page 1 of this thread you've had sex with over 100 women.

Since you are this self proclaimed great seducer I'm having trouble finding articles by you in the DJ bible.
Since you appear to have had more women than anyone on this forum wouldn't it benefit for you to sit down with "Pook" and show him a few pointers. I mean he doesn't have women buying him automobles like you do. And you can also show him how you've got the women all paying for you when you go on these dates.

You also have a need to list your acheivements, having a psychology background, only people with low self confidence feel a need to do that. Truly successful people don't feel the need.

To translate that in terms you can understand, it means your full of shiit. You lack any type of charisma in how you write and what you say to be the guy you claim.

Which leads me to believe you've made up most of this bullshiit.

You know how many people like yourself use the internet to create a fantasy world for themselves and for others? I'm not that gullible. You might be able to convince some people but most are going to see right through phonies like yourself. Stop misleading people on this board who seek honest advice. You seem also to spend a lot of time at night on this forum. Where are all your women. Why are you here?

Oh yeah,I'm the real Santa Claus:D
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Helter skelter: Hahahaha very funny. In sleeping with way over 100 didn't know that I'm 44 years of age not some teenager...think about it...thats a long time...I know players my age that leave me in the dust...think about that. I know a girl who is my age and has been with over 100 men and all of them before she was 30 years old...different times back then son.

As for my posts that is why I show proof through email contacts. I back up everything that I say as shown in your copy of my post. You see the email from a rich ***** questioning me if I would like that particular bronco.

It's not big deal bruh...brotha's have been living off women for's what some of us do. I do it for fun since I own my own business and can do for myself if I wanted too.

I guess this kinda stuff makes you madder than a skin head watching the jeffersons doesn't it. Sometimes you gotta step outside of your box and learn something new.

Arn't you the fool who was also posting on the racial thing too?

I could give you an email link to a site where what I'm talking about is no big deal cause all the fools up there are doing it or learning how to do it...but by posting the link it will get me banned and they are very particular about who get's to the pimps are what's called a symp, over there. They hate symps...

Don't hate the player and definately don't hate the game. Oh take a moment to read my live example of email seduction under the talking dirty post or dirty talk's all the proof that you need .

Here is a copy of a post that happened today at the other place which will tell you who I am or you can skip to the email contact at the end..

I had to the posting down cause it had too many characters. I will post a follow up but you probably don't really care...oh the discussion was copping during this posting below

****************email from new ho****************

"The feeling is so mutual. Honestly, if you would have ****ed (dang cursing software left out Fu*ck) me and moved on I still would have cherished it. Seriously. Because you sparked something in me that I was thinking had started to die or at least was on it's "last leg". The only thing I have to address is the "almost" in your words. What are you missing that I need to satisfy? Ask and you shall receive. Lead and I will follow. Your wish is my command...<WINK>"

This is what I mean by copping ****. Honeys email back to me after I told her I shoulda just ****ed her and moved on and now I am tweaking her ...I reflected that I was almost satisfied....notice her questioning what she needs to do to get better?....

Now is this a strong cop or not. It doesn't make any difference who approaches as long as you got game....sure if a ho approaches then your chances of copping are ok if your game is weak...but if your game is skrong (black spelling for it doesn't make any difference...cause a pimp is gonna handle his business like a pimp...a mack like a mack...a player like a player....


Now helter you tell me if I am full of shyt. Oh I don't know Pook, I have heard he is a good player who wrote some posts a long time ago but doesn't come here anymore.

Sometimes Helter you gotta let your racial problems lay to rest and accept game for game not the color it came from.
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Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Helter here is the first part of that posting as promised. One of the younger players at the other site was asking me questions:

I have been in private emal contact with one of our members discussing copping, here is some of my answers on that subject and others that I think will help some of the younger pimp-tights, although my way may not be the correct way it works for me:
1. Do you always approach a hoe? Do you sometimes call them over?

**Both. I call them over and or approach them.

2. Do you give out your number or take phone numbers?

**Both. I will pull out my celly and take her number first. I will hand her my card in return. I am the aggressor at all times though as is a man's nature. When the pn fools said reverse the game they went too far and reversed themselves and became women

3. When you start talkin on the phone with a hoe do you have her always call you up initially?

**I will wait 3 or 4 days before I call her. Usually they will of called before then. But remember I am the male here not her.

4. When on a date who pays for the meal and how often?

**I rarely pay for anything. I have paid for movies before in the initial start of something, don't get me wrong. But usually the first date is at my place to watch a movie which we never get through.

5. If going out with a hoe do you drive or do you have her pick you up?

**I don't go to her, I do make her come to me. If we travel after that I will drive her car. I will start by walking towards the cars and say let's take yours...and then as we near her's I say give me the keys...women respect real men who take charge.

6. Do you ever bring a woman to your house or do you prefer going to her house?

**I prefer my home cause it is my place of power. They are on my territory and it takes a lot for a women to come to a mans home. This tells me how badly she wants to be with me.

7. Do you kiss/**** etc. on the first date? and why?

**I don't believe in waiting 3 contacts for dates(*****). Why wait when your going to do it anyways. I wanna see how good she can be in bed as soon as possible, that's what we met for in the first place, why pretend anything different. Some ho's will try to say they don't **** on the first date but I enjoy seducing them anyways. I am 95% successful once they are in my home. In the last year I have only had one who got out un "****ed". That
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
was back in May I think but she is coming over this Wed. I ran into her at a club. ***** has been choosing up real hard evertime. She knows she blew it by not taking down the panties...she was in my bed bumping & grinding but didn't want to seal the deal....I think it was her period and she was embarrassed to tell I put her on hold.

8. I think we talked about this subject briefly : If you notice that she is fat or something and you want to change her appearance how do you go about this?

**I don't hate against fat chicks (thick). I don't hang with obese ones though. I have found slightly big ones to be very satisfying. They work hard to please. My last relationship was with one whom I put on a diet and she lost quite a bit and blew up in fine'ness. If they are naturally fine but carrying a little weight like my new one is but beautiful, I know I can work with this cause I am a personal trainer by trade.

**I will tell them that I am getting ready to start one of my diet programs and I want them to join me. I'm not rude about it I just suggest that they join me on my quest and let's do it together. This empowers them and I've helped quite a few of my ho's lose 5, 10, 15 pounds that their bodies didn't really need.

**Unfortunately being black I do prefer them thick, but them hanging out with me makes them want to lose wieght since I'm a trainer & **** I always end up being dissatisfied with what most men would love to have....the irony of it funny.

**Like I said if they are too fat then that shows poor habits. My buddy is dealing with one right now. Fat folks are lazy for the most part. When they are giving you head there rubber arms get tired fast, they start whinning and ****... only good thing is you can hit it harder with them than skinny chicks whose bodies tend to break if your kinda big....LOL.


3. When you start talkin on the phone with a hoe do you have her always call you up initially?

**I don't enjoy phone contact as much as email contact. I will always try to get an email address after the first phone contact.

4. When on a date who pays for the meal and how often?

Here is an example email from a ho as an example of #3 phone contact ****:

"Just writing to ask how your'e doing. Do you feel any better?

I am blown away right now and felt like talking, so ur the lucky listener...and since u don't do the phone g/f is dying. I'm still in shock, she has cancer...."

I know what you mean when you say the pn reversed the game and can sometimes appear feminine in some aspects ;But If you had a full stable like a girl for example a girl for every day of the week wouldnt you want the new " applicants" to choose you hard, when you give out the number and not take theirs i think its testing them to see if they dig you and that way you know if your wasting your time or not. I'd rather have a strong copp.

**I am still old fashioned in my approach. I don't accept anything feminine in my energy. I do do the beckon and I do prefer when they approach....actually recently I am tired of them approaching. I had one ***** take my drink outta my hand friday nite and expect me to dance with her ass. I am not a ***** that masculine women can come and take....that ho played herself too hard. sure I woulda had a strong cop...but what makes a strong cop is the game you spit when you make your contact. Your buying that ***** **** too much bruh....that **** works mostly for faggots like ****.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
I do both too, it usally depends on whether or not they are in my environment, am i likely to run into them again? etc,, Heres what i thought about one of the things you said. If you **** them early on aren't they gonna say to themselves " ok i got what i wanted, imma move on now?" i dunno perhaps you give them the time of their life.. lol but thats what i have experienced if you give it to them too early..

**Here you got that pn **** twisted too. You gotta think black bruh when your thinking pimpin. Brothers we **** the **** outta *****es. We spit our game in their ears while we do...that is how old school pimps rolled. This if you **** them early on is for white folks...they don't do it like us nigga's so it seems cool. If you wanna be pimp you gotta go to the old school. And yeah, ****ing is my strongest talent. All it takes is one hit and they are hooked. I even warn them before hand how they will get hooked. I have one ***** who counts down the hours & minutes of the week from 3am days before I let her come over for her next hit. I studied how to **** since 1975...every book I could lay my hands on...every article....

**If your game is weak in bed why would a ***** even do anything for you.....what good what if you wear nice clothes and drive a nice car...when your trying to be pimp-tight....(she pays for ****). If you don't know how to rock her body soul and mind in bed then you will never truely cop a *****. The fools on the pn got that copping **** twisted. * I edited out some of my replys as being too racial**.

So you pay in the beggning for dates to get things started and then you let her do the rest? did i read it correctly?

**No I make them come over to my place. I have in the past paid for coffee dates...actuall I show up early and get mine and wait for her to get there so I don't have to pay...Once about 9 months ago I took a ho to a resturant, but she didn't order and only I ate.... 99 percent of my contacts occur in my home. That is why I put them in my bed...cause that is where your real copping proccess starts....and it's not the size that matters but how you stimulate her strongest organ (her mind).
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
**let me add to this that about a year ago I took a few first contacts out on mini dates for the first time, after that I made them take me I don't even bother with that since it's really not neccessary. I prefer going to the movies now alone or with my buddies. Unless a ho wants to hang out with me then I will tell her to go to her bank account and get some money out for the event. (I don't ask her to, I tell her too, big difference)

If you are on a first date and the girl is super prude but seems like she has good potential do you dismiss her?

**I don't deal well with prude's. Too me she doesn't have potential if she is prudish. This is a sign of hang ups. That is one reason why I never date Jewish girls. No sense getting something that isn't going to work off to a bad start and a terrible ending. why waste the time, just cause she seems nice? I am not looking for a good girl..atleast not right now. when I settle down again then I will look for a prude (good girl). freaks are what I deal in.

Hey I like tall voluptuous girls too, i love to get them to strip for me in high heels. I kinda have a fetish for that i think. lol

I remember you said you like woman in a certain age group and that the younger ones arent as exciting anymore or something like that right? What do you see in the certain age groups that you like that another one doesnt have?

**Over 30 they have a life, a house , a car , a nice job, are settled in, can take me on trips,
Kids: just getting outta school. low income, stupid, no life experineces. Cant talk about **** with them, most wanna have kids right away...or only wanna drink and party...different life experiences, not too much in common...also arn't very passionate. I am a passion freak....I hate boring passionless women....and I'm not teaching anyone this **** anymore...I hate teaching young girls how to **** and be passionate. Mostly all they wanna do is **** and get a nut...**** that *****. They have nothing to bring to the table of zen...feel me.

In closing: I am a real man. I love passionate sex. I am old fashioned in my approach to the pimp game. I am not a pretty dandy who sits like a ***** and waits for a ho to appear. I know the only real way to cop is by the game you spit, that means how well you get into that chrome of her's... the strongest path way in is through sex...cause she is emotionally open to your programming then.
****end of post***

the actual ending is in the first box I ended with my email that I recieved today...

So maybe you need to revise your opionion about my validity punk. Oh I regualarly post at 2 other sites where I have tons of articles & postings. Of course I can't mention them on this posting board otherwise the moderators would nut up, I would be happy to re-post a few for you if you'd like


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
hmm, great tip on driving her car.
I just thought about this : you go on a date and chick is a *****, you can always take her car to 6500 RPM :)

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
Player Supreme:

That is the longest most boring load of bullcrap listed above I have yet to see on this forum

The e-mail proof, I don't know if that's real do I?

To answer some of your questions

I'm not mad, I just said your full of shiit.

You mentioned that I posted on the racial thread it was to ask a question not to make racial remarks like you.

read the thread.

You don't know what color I am do you?

Let me see the proof. I don't want trash talk.

I'd like to Next you:eek:


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Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Helter it's confusing cause your only allowed so many characters and I had to split it up. I showed you my todays email contact first which is the actual ending of that post.

then I showed you the entire post, to show were a young pimp wanna -be, was asking me questiions about my lifestyle. I think my answeres to his questions which I high lighted with (**) should show you what I am about.

Oh you said what email...dam are you blind it's in the first post marked ****email from ho*****

I don't care what race you are, I know your not black, so it doesn't matter. Another brother would reconize game and shut the fu*ck up and listen and wouldn't diss another of his own race so don't try to say your a brotha.

Oh don't say love to me...I'm not one of these new types of men. If you read my post you would see I am from the old school son.

cool, now I hope my explanation will clear the light for you. If you don't understand my post now then I guess it's just too bad

I do oppologize if I mixed you up with one of those others on the Racist thread.

Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
1 more thing Helter: look up the dirty talking thread. I outlined a series of email contacts there where I taught people how to seduce women just with emails. That should be proof enough for even you. there are about 10 email contacts back and forth from the girl who's email I posted above. You will see how I went from first contact to total seduction just with using words alone.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Player Supreme,

I'm not going to touch on the issue if your full of sh*t or not. Personally i dont know you, so i cant comment. Some people have laid tons of women, and if you have, then good for you.

I just want to comment on one thing actually..would you say your confidence comes from all of these women, doing your every whim? If so, then that is not confidence, IMO. Its a self validation needed for this type of situation....where a Man feels more like a MAN..because hes got his woman in control.

I dont want to control my girl like that dude. If she does nice things for me thats great...but IMO, whatever SHE does shouldnt have an effect on WHO i AM. I believe a REAL man is made through self improvement, learning to deal with your inner self and changing for the better..rather than being directly influenced on your relationships with the ladies.

That being said, I see ive totally went and derailed the topic, so yall carry on, i just had to rant. lol

Player supreme, know that im not raggin on your game or anything like that, i'm just interested in your input.


Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
Player Supreme

You say you know I'm not black?

I think you insult african americans when you say that.

because I don't talk your jive?

A lot of people in this world have moved forward in life, it's obvious you haven't.

I think we've both wasted too much of our time on this thread.

I have date tonight for one thing.

How's about some peace.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Slicker-than-average: thanks for the comments

I just want to comment on one thing actually..would you say your confidence comes from all of these women, doing your every whim? If so, then that is not confidence, IMO. Its a self validation needed for this type of situation....where a Man feels more like a MAN..because hes got his woman in control.

I dont want to control my girl like that dude. If she does nice things for me thats great...but IMO, whatever SHE does shouldnt have an effect on WHO i AM. I believe a REAL man is made through self improvement, learning to deal with your inner self and changing for the better..rather than being directly influenced on your relationships with the ladies.

I don't derive my confidence from women. I never said anything like that. It took me years to learn to have confidence in myself. I learned self confidence the hard way...

As far as my style of life and's what ever works for you. I am an admitted control freak in control freaks annonymous also LOL...

A real man controls himself first.. then his environment and all who touch that....

Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Helter Skelter: I never said it had anything to do with Jive talking. If you read my words I don't write very much of it either. Look at how I structure my sentences and how I punctuate...

I stated my reasons as being due to certain things like, if your were you would shut the f*uck up and listen and not try to diss another brotha.. Real brotha's recognize game and show respect for obviously don't...that is what gave you away.

Judging by your poor english you live in another country than America (I'm looking at your last statement) when I say this. Unless I have made you emotional and choked up, then that might account for the poor vernacular in your last sentence before your closing.

Also your choice of a screen name. Only a fool would choose something with such a negative connotation as that. Someone not from where I live.

"A lot of people in this world have moved forward in life, it's obvious you haven't."

1. well that depends on what your criteria is for moving forward in life.
2. how do you know about my life are you psychic or something?
3. bold statement coming from a closed little predictable individual

"You mentioned that I posted on the racial thread it was to ask a question not to make racial remarks like you."

1. if you study my threads on that link I didn't make racial remarks except to show the originator how stupid his post was.
2. my attempt was to educate not humiliate

Your right too much time wasted on this. You can lead a fool to a table but you can't expect him to use the tools present. I promise you I will not waste another moment of my time with you ever again.


Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast

"How's about some peace"

Was me lowering myself to your street language so that you would better get my drift. It was intentional brotha

Your posts in response to my opinion of you, have succeeded by boring and confusing the hell out of anyone who try's to read them.

I'm still waiting to see your posts in the DJ bible I doubt very much I ever will.

I would rather see readers of this forum read the bible then listen to your BS.

I still love you sweetie.

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
By the way, Helter Skelter is a Beatles song refering to a sliding board in England. So don't diss me on that.
This is a British web site

I live in the good ole US of A

I know about Charles Manson, most kids on this board do not. That was over 30 years ago.

I will change my screen name if it bothers you, but only if you change yours to:
Player "I'm full of Shiit" Supreme
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Don Juan
Dec 26, 2002
Reaction score
Discussions are fascinating.

Helter Skelter. Get out. You're methods might have won high school debating competitions, but this isn't about scoring points. Your mind is very closed and this is not a competition. It's a real shame the moderators don't ban you.

Player_Supreme, I have found your input useful and interesting, and it is good that you haven't just started playing the "No YOU Are" game. It is hard to keep cool when you get these situations.

"Argument is the great equaliser, and the fool knows it." - Can't remember who this quote comes from.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2001
Reaction score
Player Supreme: Just a question, why are you 39 years old in one post and 44 in another?

When you get my age (39) intelligent people don't make those kind of threats. –
you didn't know that I'm 44 years of age not some teenager

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
This thread is no longer about methods or beliefs

It's about someone who comes to this forum and lies.

Believe it or not, their are people in this world who lie to try to impress others