Hello, Pete (
Call by first name for stronger rapport);
this is Rob Roberts over at Smile Copywriting (
speak name and firm clearly and slowly). How are you today? Super! Just a quick call to introduce myself and my firm: We are a boutique copywriting company located in Manhattan, NY.
The reason for my call is to schedule a free 15-minute consulting session with you at your place of business, where I will review all your company literature; that is: website, technical manuals, scripts, press releases, catalogs, billboards, brochures, postcards, sales letters, and other marketing communications. Following my review and analysis, I will provide viable recommendations to increase your marketability via simple revisions, organization, and clarity of your existing marketing literature.
Many dismiss copywriting as something that ad agency people do. Truthfully, all of us need to pay close attention to copywriting if we want to achieve our business objectives.
Via my methods,
my clients can increase annual company revenue between 50% and 200% (
Speak slowly).
Again … this is a free consultation at your place of business. I will need about 15 minutes of your time. What day and time is good for you?
Not Interested ==> Good, now proceed:
Pete, do you like the idea,
does the idea of increasing company revenue by over 50% make sense to you? (
Say slowly with conviction)
<Yes> Of course it does!
If I tweaked specific language in your marketing campaign, and resultantly increased company revenue minimally by 50%, would you be happy?
<Yes> Exactly. (
Repetitive, but now, according to him, your idea makes sense and prospect would be happy. Two affirmatives increase the likelihood of his acceding to your next close)
<No> You mean to tell me that if I came into your place of business, revised your marketing literature, and increased company revenue by over $500,000, you wouldn’t be inviting me to your company’s Christmas party?? <=
State with conviction> Come on, now! <
Frame adjust>
Look, Pete … you don’t know me from a hole in the wall. So let me take a step back and reintroduce myself. Again,
my name is Rob Roberts, and I am the CEO of the firm, Smile Copywriting. < =
State clearly, slowly, with conviction> … And I did not get to my position by being wrong too often or by losing my clients money.
What I am asking for is 15 minutes of your time at your place of business to incorporate proven, field-tested marketing ideas to increase your bottom line by $500,000+, via simple marketing revisions. You have absolutely no downside to such a proposal. Give me the 15 minutes that I ask. Believe me … you will not be disappointed. Now is that fair enough?!
Not Interested ==>Good, proceed:
Pete, are you familiar with what subliminal detraction (
insert your own industry jargon along with supporting explanation here if you wish; this is my concoction for you) is? Subliminal detraction is when your potential client, while reviewing your company literature, is deterred by its content, and resultantly makes an unconscious decision not to do business with your company. What makes this occurrence so frustrating is that the deterrence is unconsciously derived, manifesting as a choice not to do business with you.
Simply … if your company literature fails to incorporate key, proven marketing concepts, you may be unintentionally pushing a great percentage of clients away (
Say this slowly). Make sense? Are you aware that this condition is prevalent in 70% of businesses today? Accordingly, it’s no wonder why most businesses fail!
Look, my normal consultation fees range from $500 to $5,000 per session (DHV), dependent upon the client. But I am not asking you to spend one dollar. My consultation to you will be provided for absolutely no cost, and with no expectation in return.
I am looking for a long-term relationship; I am looking for you to send me a dozen referrals down the road after you recognize the value I bring to your company.
You have absolutely no downside to a free consultation. Worst-case scenario, if you are not interested following our meeting, we can part as friends. Now is that fair enough?!
Can I Call You Back?
I appreciate that you want to call me back. Although this may be your genuine intent, you and I will never speak again. Not because you don’t love me or the idea. Simply because, you, like myself, are a busy professional, and have little time to entertain ideas outside the call of duty.
Pete, I am not selling you anything, nor am I asking you to mail me a million-dollar check. At least not yet.

I’m simply asking for you to be receptive to a free consultation in how to increase your bottom line. Fair enough!
Need to Talk to My Wife
Pete, you and I both know that you did not become a successful businessman by consulting with your wife for every business decision. Women are emotional thinkers; we are logical … and this is a logical decision!
Hey, does your wife call you from the supermarket asking you what size melons to buy? LOL. Come on, now!
Give me one shot here; a free consultation. You will see that the only problem you will have is that you didn’t know me and that you didn’t hire me sooner. Now is that fair enough?!
I Am Already Working with another Copyrighter
That’s great to hear, and I’m not looking to interfere with your current relationships. However, no copyrighter, including myself, has a monopoly on all the diverse marketing methods. I can guarantee you that I will introduce new marketing concepts to incorporate within your literature that your copyrighter has not introduced or touched on.
Hey, it’s a free consultation to hear all my ideas out. I am asking for one shot here. Give me 1% of your confidence, I will earn the other 99%. Now is that fair enough?!
Send Me Some Literature First
Pete, I can send you enough literature to choke a horse. However, only the printing company would be getting rich—neither you nor I. The best way to learn about me and my firm is with a face-to-face meeting. I guarantee that by the time I leave your place of business, not only will you know every aspect about my firm, but more importantly, you will also understand what to reconstruct within your own company literature to improve marketing efficiency.
Let’s set up the consultation. Believe me, when I tell you, I am that good!
Shotgun Ice-Breaker
John, when you see I’m not just right here--but exactly right-- and your business revenue skyrockets, we are going to fly down to the Caribbean, drink margaritas, and grab a couple of hookers. What’s your preference, blondes or brunettes?