Not attracted to Black girls....


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
why? He's actually right

However, if you would open your brain a little and stop being so narrow minded you would see why

It's not because white people are better, it's because more blacks thought the entire world live in provery, well not most, but most countries that are majrority black, espically in africa, live right at or below the poverty level, and when you are stuggling to eat, a high emphasis isn't placed on education

Put an african, a chinese and a european person in the same room, give them the same opprotunties, same living condtions.. odds are, besides some heratary traits that were passed along from their parents, they are going to be more or less the same

Compare the average black person in america with say the average white person in america.. the average black goes to a public school that is there for deceration, family is probably middle class, if that, and if they are they are struggling to pay bills, more emphsis is put on surviving on a day to day basis than on advancement (trust me)

Average white person, goes to a public school, one of the two parents have graduated college, the parents are at least thinking about saving for the kids college fund.

In my family, both sides, my mom is the only person EVER on any one of our family trees to graduate from college.. she might be the only one to go.

Lucky for me, my mom went though alot, made something for herself, so I didn't have to worry about the lights being cut off or living in a bad neighboorhood. I grew up in a high/middle class surburb of little rock for the most part, went to a school that was there was only 7 black people in my senior class.

HOwever, I was RASIED, while my mom was in school in Granite Mountain (think gang banging in little rock.. pretty much where it was shot at) by my grandmother.

I take back what I said about my mom. I have a cousin that went to school on a basketball scholorship at Arkansas, but he is done and didn't graduate.

Like my old oneitis.. I laugh at her, because she has every opprotuntiy in front of her to do something, anything with her life. She is very pretty, she is a great public speaker, her parents foot the bill for her to go to school, only for her to make a C average.. she takes like 8 hours a semister, and you have to make her do that.

Went to a private school her entire life.

Has no reason to fail in life, but will probably be miserable, looking for a man with money when she could have been the one with the money if she got her ass in gear


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by So Many Ways

Yall should know better than this, discussing issues like this amongst outsiders. :D

You're attracted to what you're attracted to, that's all there is to it.

I'm black and I grew up in a white neighborhood, and in all honesty, even though I'm attracted to black females, I do have trouble relating to them, or they have trouble relating to me. I don't act or talk "black", whatever that means. However, if I have the choice between a black or a non-black woman and everything else being equal (both have a petite frame, smart, something going for themselves), I'd choose the black one every time.

One thing that can't be ruled out is the amount of self-hatred that exists in various subgroups in the black community, lighter is better, darker is worse, the whole good hair/bad hair thing, etc etc. It is a problem and it does have an effect on attraction. I grew up looking more towards white females more because that was what I was used to seeing and that was what I was exposed to growing up. When you're bombarded with images of what's beautiful adn what's not, it does affect how you see the world.

The fact of the matter is, American society values European features over anything and everything else, and the further away someone is from having European features, the less attractive they're perceived as being. It's like this in all of American society, and when you look at why Beyonce or Halle Berry or Vanessa Williams are seen as the epitome of black beauty, it's because they have very European features and are probably mixed.

time for a history lesson.

remember what i said about the african women?

Well, one thing I noticed about people from Africa is they.. well.. don't look much like people from America.
their facial features are alot stronger,a hell of alot.

Their lips are FULL, not poudy.

Their hair, with no chemicals in it, is pretty straight

One of the things I have learned because I love history, espically african history is that first of all, everyone, black, white, chinese, alien, doesn't matter, originated from Ethoupia, which is in eastern africa.

You basically have two different types of "black people". Nubians and Ethoupians... Of course all of us come from one place, but Nubians have clearly different features than ethoupians.

Nubians look a lot more like African americans; round noses, big poudy lips, basically more rounder istead of more defined.

I don't know what happened in the eveloution but there is a clear distinction between the two.

Most if not all AFRICAN AMERICANS decnded from WESTERN africa which means that we were all more than likely decents from Nubian people.

All slaves that were taken to everywhere else, espically europe, were from CENTRAL, NORTHERN AND EASTERN AFRICA.

Go to France... Black people there and black people here don't look much alike exepct they are both black.

In other words, white, black, asian's were all the same color at one point in time, white people decnded north, the pigmintation in the skin changed over time. One could make a fair argument that people from ethopeian decent went north.

So of european women developed these features, is it really that damn far fetched to say that most african women already HAD these features?

Look at models, supermodels.. very very few are african american. A hell of alot of them are African.

So my theory, is when someone says they like "european features" what they are really saying,b ecause the media will never say this, espically in the US, is they like Ethoupeain/south african features, because everyone decnded from one place.

of course, it's alot more detalied than that, but I don't have all day to type


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
Very interesting, never knew that.

But, please, dont preach evolution as fact. For being as smart as you seem to be, its hard to believe you still credit evolution as fact.

But, I guess that is another discussion all together.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by Prophett
bb, you are confusing being educated with being intelligent. Two different states.
no I am not, you become intelligent by educating yourself.

Everyone for the most part are born with clean slates... it's how you use that slate that determines your intelligene.

My parents aren't the smartest people on erth, but neither is dumb.

At an early age, It was drilled into me the importance of an education, and not just school, just learning in general.

Because of that, i always tried to learn new things.

i wasn't born smarter than anyone else, as a matter of fact I had remedial classes in the 2nd grade becusue my teachers thought I couldn't read (I could, but I slurred and stuttered when I talked and was too shy to speak)


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2004
Reaction score
BB, I feel what you are saying, but unfortunately there are too many variables to put it so plainly.

Think about this.

The majority of teachers in the this world have a certain personality type. Those teachers teach, subconsciously in a way, that only those with that same personality type will learn the best.

So what happens is, you have people, deemed intelligent and educated, not because they are smarter then the guy next to them getting bad grades, but because that is the way THEY happen to learn best, and that is the predominant way of teaching in schools.

Chew on that.;)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by backbreaker
why? He's actually right

However, if you would open your brain a little and stop being so narrow minded you would see why

It's not because white people are better, it's because more blacks thought the entire world live in provery, well not most, but most countries that are majrority black, espically in africa, live right at or below the poverty level, and when you are stuggling to eat, a high emphasis isn't placed on education

Put an african, a chinese and a european person in the same room, give them the same opprotunties, same living condtions.. odds are, besides some heratary traits that were passed along from their parents, they are going to be more or less the same

Compare the average black person in america with say the average white person in america.. the average black goes to a public school that is there for deceration, family is probably middle class, if that, and if they are they are struggling to pay bills, more emphsis is put on surviving on a day to day basis than on advancement (trust me)

Average white person, goes to a public school, one of the two parents have graduated college, the parents are at least thinking about saving for the kids college fund.

In my family, both sides, my mom is the only person EVER on any one of our family trees to graduate from college.. she might be the only one to go.

Lucky for me, my mom went though alot, made something for herself, so I didn't have to worry about the lights being cut off or living in a bad neighboorhood. I grew up in a high/middle class surburb of little rock for the most part, went to a school that was there was only 7 black people in my senior class.

HOwever, I was RASIED, while my mom was in school in Granite Mountain (think gang banging in little rock.. pretty much where it was shot at) by my grandmother.

I take back what I said about my mom. I have a cousin that went to school on a basketball scholorship at Arkansas, but he is done and didn't graduate.

Like my old oneitis.. I laugh at her, because she has every opprotuntiy in front of her to do something, anything with her life. She is very pretty, she is a great public speaker, her parents foot the bill for her to go to school, only for her to make a C average.. she takes like 8 hours a semister, and you have to make her do that.

Went to a private school her entire life.

Has no reason to fail in life, but will probably be miserable, looking for a man with money when she could have been the one with the money if she got her ass in gear
No, I mean intelligence like genetic intelligence. You can also find the same correlation with hair color (black=brown>red>blonde). Yet, you obviously shouldn't judge someone by hair color because they are individuals, not the group. Just like there are keyboard jockeys in the DJ group and some real players in the DJ group. It's not fair to assume you're a keyboard jockey on these forums without reading your posts and judging you as an individual, even though you are more likely a keyboard jockey than a player, belonging to this DJ forum GROUP. Realize that you are not this group and what I said before is based on a number, not you. You are not your race but you belong to your race. Obviously, Oprah Winphrey, MENSA, is more intelligent than say, me. Stephen Hawking is obviously more intelligent than oakraiderz15. If you are wondering, yes I am actually part black. In fact, the average "black" American is actually 25% white. I even read somewhere that there are no more aboriginals, that all their blood has been tainted somewhere, but I'm not sure about that. For the same reason that you shouldn't be proud to be of a race, you shouldn't be depressed about being of a certain race. For the reason that people are people and not groups, you should not judge a person by his race.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by SynTheUnscathed
Very interesting, never knew that.

But, please, dont preach evolution as fact. For being as smart as you seem to be, its hard to believe you still credit evolution as fact.

But, I guess that is another discussion all together.
okay, let's not get into evloution.. I believ ein it, but that's not the point

evelution or not, your body does over time, adapt to the envoroment it's end.. that's why we no longer need tonsils or appendix's, they were needed a long time ago, they aren' tnow.

Even if you believe in adam and eve, that's somewhere around mesoptamia, which is around Iraq/Iran.

I am sorry for saying evloution, I didn't necessarly mean that, but that's not the point. The point is, the same features that people like white people for, they originally came from black people, and it suprises me that alot of people have never really seen a true african person to know the difference between the different types.. that's like me calling a Japanese person a Chinese person because they are all asian


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by dirtyvibe
No, I mean intelligence like genetic intelligence. You can also find the same correlation with hair color (black=brown>red>blonde). Yet, you obviously shouldn't judge someone by hair color because they are individuals, not the group. Just like there are keyboard jockeys in the DJ group and some real players in the DJ group. It's not fair to assume you're a keyboard jockey on these forums without reading your posts and judging you as an individual, even though you are more likely a keyboard jockey than a player, belonging to this DJ forum GROUP. Realize that you are not this group and what I said before is based on a number, not you. You are not your race but you belong to your race. Obviously, Oprah Winphrey, MENSA, is more intelligent than say, me. Stephen Hawking is obviously more intelligent than oakraiderz15. If you are wondering, yes I am actually part black. In fact, the average "black" American is actually 25% white. I even read somewhere that there are no more aboriginals, that all their blood has been tainted somewhere, but I'm not sure about that. For the same reason that you shouldn't be proud to be of a race, you shouldn't be depressed about being of a certain race. For the reason that people are people and not groups, you should not judge a person by his race.

You are correct my friend, most black people do have a white relatitve somewhere down the line. I have traced my family tree (another one of my hobbies) back to as far as I could and I have yet to find a white person in my family tree, but I am one of the few I would imagine.. and funny thing is, I'm light skinned

I can honestly tell that any black person that tries to be "white" and i don't mean educating themsleves, talking proper, but actually disowing their race, should be slapped.

Black people have the richest history on earth, just most people are to ignorant to know it.

I am so proud of who I am, I laugh at black people who won't talk to white people or white girls because the media tells them that white girls are better. WE are all equal


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Backbreaker, the theory that life began in Africa is just a theory. It hasn't been proven. Some theories suggest early life forms came from Mars, or a stray asteroid.

Also most Egyptian people are Arabic.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
^There are black arabs.

Most of the sceintific community agree that life began in africa and moved it's way to Europe through the Caucus region.

Whites were albinos(a genetic mutation) who most likley got shunned(wow and exiled then slowly migrated up north.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
1. I said egyptians aren't black, that's common knowledge

2. Okay, however both evlution and the bible both have life starting somewhere around the same place, so even if one is wrong, the odds of one being right is too high.

Plus, realisticly speaking, life couldn't have started in America, at least North, Europe, Russia, Northern Asia or Japan because for climate reasons and becuase in Japan because well.. it's an island

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by backbreaker
time for a history lesson.

remember what i said about the african women?

Well, one thing I noticed about people from Africa is they.. well.. don't look much like people from America.
their facial features are alot stronger,a hell of alot.

Their lips are FULL, not poudy.

Their hair, with no chemicals in it, is pretty straight

One of the things I have learned because I love history, espically african history is that first of all, everyone, black, white, chinese, alien, doesn't matter, originated from Ethoupia, which is in eastern africa.

You basically have two different types of "black people". Nubians and Ethoupians... Of course all of us come from one place, but Nubians have clearly different features than ethoupians.

Nubians look a lot more like African americans; round noses, big poudy lips, basically more rounder istead of more defined.

I don't know what happened in the eveloution but there is a clear distinction between the two.

Most if not all AFRICAN AMERICANS decnded from WESTERN africa which means that we were all more than likely decents from Nubian people.

All slaves that were taken to everywhere else, espically europe, were from CENTRAL, NORTHERN AND EASTERN AFRICA.

Go to France... Black people there and black people here don't look much alike exepct they are both black.

In other words, white, black, asian's were all the same color at one point in time, white people decnded north, the pigmintation in the skin changed over time. One could make a fair argument that people from ethopeian decent went north.

So of european women developed these features, is it really that damn far fetched to say that most african women already HAD these features?

Look at models, supermodels.. very very few are african american. A hell of alot of them are African.

So my theory, is when someone says they like "european features" what they are really saying,b ecause the media will never say this, espically in the US, is they like Ethoupeain/south african features, because everyone decnded from one place.

of course, it's alot more detalied than that, but I don't have all day to type
I appreciate the history lesson but I'm already aware of the fact that Eastern Africans don't look anything like western Africans or Blacks in the US apart from having dark skin.

However that doesn't change the truth about how beauty is dictated here in the United States. I don't know how things are in France or England, I've never been there.

We're not bombarded by images of Eastern African women as being the object of beauty, we're bombarded of images of thin, blonde, blue eyed, European women as the images of beauty. That's the reality and that does affect what is deemed attractive and it is the opposite of what most blacks here in the US look like.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tha Realnezz
^There are black arabs.

Most of the sceintific community agree that life began in africa and moved it's way to Europe through the Caucus region.

Whites were albinos(a genetic mutation) who most likley got shunned(wow and exiled then slowly migrated up north.
No.. the original Europeans have been found to have been brown through cave art AND genetic testing

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
People must be stupid if their perception of beauty comes from the media.

I mean, I'm bombarded by rap music by the media, but I still hate it.