lol, you guys are crazy.
In his original post, he actually saved about 10-15 replies, becuase the first post had he not stated his race would have been "Well, are you black?' I know that's what I was thinking when I heard the post.
And he isn't black.. he's half black/half dominican
The one time my old onieits and i got into a big arguemnt, one of the few, was when I called her a sterotypical white girl, and she is white/columbian.. I didn't know she would take it so harshly, so I can definatly understand where the guy is coming from.
as for is there anythnig wrong? No..
However, I will say this.. there is a reason for everything. It may be subconcious
I actually have somewhat of the same problem. I am black, but I am very attracted to white women.
I've been called everythnig in the book...
I am pretty sure the reason I am more attracted to white women is because I have been watching porn my entire life (8-9) (until like 6 months, stopped cold turkey) and all of the porn I saw as a child (don't ask) was of white women... I mean, when you are 11-12, it's not like you have too much of a choice of varirty, you pretty much watch whatever you can get your hands on, and that's what I could get my hands on. 10-12 years of watching guys bang white women will get to you on a subconsious level after a while.
Now, I am assumign we are talking about physical only
I've always been attracted to black women, the majority of the women I have dated in the past have been black. My ex fiancee is black. But there is a particular look I look for, and not too many black women have it. As a matter of fact, if gave me the choice to have a black women with the exact same features that a white woman has I would choose the black woman every time, assuming both are the exact same everywhere else.. however that's usually not the case.
I don't like.. better yet, I can't Stand fake hair. If you have weave, you can forget it... espically the kind that's ovbious. That goes for all races, not just black women.
I like a woman that dresses like a woman, not a child or a teenager or in A&F like everyone else.
I like long legs and it's a plus but not necessary to have nice tits.
If it's a serious relationship, i.e my ex fiancee, I perfer someone who has had both parents in their life growing up.. not to many guys think about stuff like that, but if one is missing, thought their life, they are usually trying to fill that void (i.e attention *****s, *****s, physco, etc)
I stay away from women that have been raped/abused.. she can be fine as all get out, but that doesn't mean she won't have issues
And probably the most important thing of all, if she has nothing going for herself, she can be helle berry in the looks department.. she has absoutly no chance. Nothing is more of a turnoff to me (besides smoking in bed) than a woman who has absoutly no ambtiion in life.
Halle Berry is not black, she's mixed.
You'd be suprised how many people are mixed these days.
SynTheUnscathed, I feel your pain for the most part. My two best friends, both black as am I, don't date outside their race. One told me "man, I can't bring a white girl home to my family"... so you mean to tell me you aren't going to do what you want, if you want, because of what your family thinks? Your grown!
Then these guys turn around, espically the one I just talked about, and he will have all these girls call him, but never wants to bring them around because well.. they aren't that cute. It's like he talks to girls for the sake of talking to girls
My other best friend has been with his GF, who's from Barbados, for like 3 years now, and to be honest... I wouldn't talk to her if I saw her out.. she's not very.. feminane to be honest with you. And he's always takling about how he has a real black woman and stuff, but everytime I have something extra on the side he asks or wants to know if I can hook him up.. I mean, I don't have a problem with him, or it, but it's the principal of the matter.. both are older than me, however I'm the only one who goes for what he really wants and makes no bones about it, and quite frankly, I really don't give a damn what they or anyone else thinks
perfect example.. One of my friends girls that he talks to who is actaully pretty attractive, came over my house with him one day, and I had a girl who I was talking to over my house.. who happened to be white.
So when the girl I am talking to leaves to go to work, she starts talking **** to me.. in my own crib, about how I need to stick with my black women and how I must have some type of self esteem issues becuase I don't like black women.. i mean, she is really going off.. and I am honestly paying her no mind, because I'm not about to argue with this slut about what I like and don't like.. so she keeps talking about how she has no respect for guys like me and stuff.. It's so bad.. to restrain for loosing my cool and tossing her ass out the window, I leave and go chill over a girls house.. It's not biggie, my two best friends pratcailly live with me anyway.
So about a month later, I am out at the club by myself, and the same girl is there. So i have no ill will, and I say hi to her and go about my way. So she tries to dance with me. So i get a dance in, to be nice, but I really dont want anything to do with her because of what happened plus she is talking to my best friend, I don't roll like that. Then she asks me for my phone number and tells me who she thinks I am really good looking and how I am so much more mature than my other two friends (Which I am, but that's not the point).
So I just look at her and shake me head and walk off.
She has been over my hosue a couple of times since that day, and everytime she is really quiet, and I catch her starring at me from time to time.
Point is, people who talk about you openly are just covering up their own insecurities, so they poke holes at you to make you feel better. I am extremely thick skinned, so crap like that doesn't get to me.. hell I crack on myself all the time.. but I am comfortable with who I am and what i like, because I understand that I am unique, not only in the sense that I am me, but I am man enough to go after what I really want and not what society tells me I want