Jeffy show notes + Misc
Jeffy show
-"Desire without attachment"
-Defined by action
-May not be pleasant.
The peak moment, and the times of growth, comes when you challenge yourself.
Charactheristics of state
-Reasonable criteria for success. Progressive desentilization
-No reason for the interaction other than the interaction itself. It seems automatic. Concentration.
-Clear goals. Begind with the end in mind. Constant calibration.
-Total emersion, all else is forgotten.
-Sense of control. You are thhe cause not the effect of yuor social feedback (Beare of addiction).
-Time flies.
-Ego concerns disappear
What prevents good state
-People react predictablity to society's rewards and punishments.
-Gradually break free and make your own rules.
--This doesn't give you the right to be a jackass.
---Based on your code.
Jeffy's code of conduct
-I am a giver of value.
-Im social, Im cool, Im a good guy.
-Im energetic, vital, fit and healthy
-Im loyal and honest
-Im ambitous and productive. Im constantly taking steps to better myself.
-Im a winner; im persistant and flexible when it comes to achieving my goals.
-Im playful and fun and i bring this out in others
-Im an inspiration
-Im confident and assertive
-Im an intellectual
-Im generous
-Im a forgiving person.
-Im a student of life, and ultimately Im just a guy.
Not human doings; human beings.
Right here, right now.
Be in the moment.
Approach anxiety
-Irrational response
-Not in the moment
Life is what happens when we're busy making other plans.
You can only process so much.
Be selective to be effective.
You attention should be a lazer to the goal.
Keep your focus EXTERNAL.
Only focus on what's relevant.
Physical challenges:
-Become independent of the body
--Social pressure.
---The anterior cingulate cortex (brain)
----Area responsible for error processing.
-----You can build a tolerance to it, by repeated exposure. Hard situations -> opportunity to train your mind.
Emotional fitness
-Ongoing edeavor
-Easy to fall back into disempowering thought patterns.
-Reevaluate goals
-Look at your progress
"Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in a decade."
"What am I happy about?" Questions in the morning.
-Chodes diss self-help, then complain about inner game.
Choose meanings
-We choose how to react to things.
-One guy chodes about, the other sacks up and goes
--Assigning different meanings to what's happening.
---Challenge, game, learning experience
---She said this, this is scary, so many lights blah
-This ability to assign empowering meanings seperate success from failure.
-What "game" is.
-Love for the game.
Clearly defining your values
Being present.
Physical and emotional challenges
assigning empowering meanings.
The role of looks + money.
-Zero factor whatsoever.
"I dont need my car to be the ****; Im the ****."
-Stop criticizing yourself.
-Be intelligent about your growth and go for it.
We're going in
What is your most important piece of your game?
-Vocal projection.
--Talk loud; and you get laid.
Punching through the wall
-Assume success
-100% belief
-What you expect to be true, generally will (Pygmalion effect).
-Step up like a bomb going off.
-Plowing (Plowing thru a response you might not neccesarily like)
--"Give them a chance to give you a chance."
-"The best are psychotic and delusional."
Congruence tests/**** tests
-The most important thing is to remain unreactive, and dont flinch.
-A sub-set of social pressure.
-You can train yourself not to flinch.
-Say weird ****, and move on.
-"Your mom."
Avoid qualifying yourself.
-Bragging, complimenting, TRYING for rapport.
-Its very tempting to brag about your accomplishments.
-Value of brevity; less is more.
On the wings of love
-The chode crystal.
-Look for the hook, but dont step on his game.
-"Wtf is this, you guys hitting on my BF?"
-"Hey dude, have you seen Sarah?" no "Im gonna go look for her" Guy grabs you, "Meet my friends."
-Never contradict your wing.
-Most importantly, ITS OUR PARTY.
-Have low expectations of your friends.
-"We dont define other people with our judgements, our judgements define us" - Wayne dyer
Dont get played.
"Hey, do you like douchebags? I am one, wanna be my friend?"
-No free lunch.
-Chipping away at your life.
-Lowers your criteria for what it takes for you to be happy.
Four levels:
--"Like pornography; I dont know how to describe it, but I know it when I see it."
---Will get attention, bad/good state
The walk-up
-dont be a lingerchode...Go in hard.
-Dont think much.
-No flinching.
-Imagine them as little children.
-Master the command "Look!"
Opening for douchebags
-Straightforward. "You're sexy as ****. I wanna meet you."
-Yes or no switch. High risk high reward.
-Opinion, information
Overly elaborate
Going dummy
"Im stupid as ****, will you be my friend."
*Lick her face*
-Vocal projection
-assuming success
-congruence tests
-Qualifying yourself
Karaoke revolution.
Take your passion and make it happen
The "Routines" issue
-Allows you to give strong statements of intent
"You are so adorable, its ****ing sickening."
"You're like the coolest girl I met, but you're a ****ing wierdo."
Future adventure projection
"I wanna take you to a romantic date." Elaborate, burger king, beach, blahblah "Or I can **** you up the ass in the bathroom." Shifting sands.
-sexual undertone
-Any time the girl says something that can be interpretted as she wants u, flip it on her.
Elastic snapback
-Over the top things
"You suck"
"I hate you"
-People have a tendency to chase breaking rapport.
-Done on a high point
-Removing yourself from the interaction.
-Use with caution.
-Mini takeaways
--Take attention away on a highnote.
--Start looking around.
"Yeah, so today I"
-Elaborate a ****load
The friendzone
-Not escalating
-You have to make things sexual from the beginning
--Adopt a flirtatious tone
--kino from start
5 variables
-Body language
-Owning the interaction
-Being the right man for her
You should form some kind of connection
Shifting gears
--playing with hair, fiddling, gazing intently, touching, laughting at your jokes
Trust your feelings, dont look for signs.
-Qualifying on the close
-Filling in the canvas
-Photo routine
-Venue changing
--Oversell the **** out of wherever you're going.
"A person's name is, to that person, the sweetest, most important sound in any language."
Dealing with interlopers
-Its BF 20% of the time max
-Ignore, ignore, ignore
-Cut off and talk over
-Derisive laughter, dismissal
-Total eclipse of the chode
Ozzie styles
-Banging the chodes
-The chode parachute
-The chode throw
-Psycho openers
-stories as a showcase
-the friendzone
-5 variables
-shifting gears
-Dealing with interlopers
Bringing it home
Dealing with groups
-Alone = there to get laid
-engage everyone
-Eye contact
-Win em all over
-Play the host
-Sacrificing the virgin (pawning)
--Blowing out a girl in front of the girl
Phone phollies
-The flake dichotomy
--You can mitigate, not eliminate them
-Call next day
-Leave a message
--short n sweet
-Weeping air supply call back teq.
-Story of that day.
Texting Jeffy style
-Why dont I say the most ****ed up **** I can think off and see what happens?
End game
--Have toilet paper
--Fumbling around for a condom will trigger LMR
--If you freeze out, you really have not to care.
Dicipline and intent
-"Without discipline, we can solve nothing. With only some discipline, we can only solve some problems.
With total discipline we can solve all problems."
-The ability to delay gratification is the key to maturity.
It makes the difference between being proactive and just floating along.
-Problems will not go away of their own accord just because you went to some seminar and heard some chode with a pseudo-mullett talk.
Threesomes & tandem pickup
-When with a girl, you open easily
-A lot of alcohol
-Both must attract them.
-They have to implicitly make her understand whats going down
-One team one dream
-You are one unit when pulling
-Female mind translator
-Girl AMOGs
-Ground rules
"Us vs him" mentality
-Like a bike
-Phone game
-End game
-Discipline and intent
-Threesomes & tandem hunting