Master Don Juan
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- Apr 8, 2010
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So straight after I posted the last post, I felt myself getting a bit uneasy. No idea why.
So eventually I get there, 30 minutes too late - on purpose. 90% of the people are there. It's a small field with about 70-90 people. Very chilled. I don't know many people. I walked around feeling a bit out of place (It's all about warming up and getting social momentum). I find Michelin and eventually meet some other people I know. Stay in different groups, chatting and stuff. Meet new people.
I catch myself not even wanting to write this report. Needless to say - it was a bad night. I didn't do many of the things I wrote in the post above. I simply forgot. Now that I read them over again, they could've helped me so bad. We simply have so much information available, that it's simply impossible to apply it all immediately. You gotta implement it, internalize it. It takes time I suppose.
I talked to about 20 chicks, there are a few which stick in my mind.
**Currently I just made an event on facebook for watching harry potter tonight. SUCCES. Reading Two Step's journal again, and envisioning myself being sick with chicks. It really isn't as far away as we think. FVCK YEAH!! Like seriously, this is so fvcking hillarious! I'll add some bits from one of his posts: (... = skipping lines)
"I approach these 2 girls and a guy. Open with i need to learn how to Duggy, teach me how to duggy. ... The guy however is getting ****ing pissed. About half way through the set he starts cussing at me and telling me to **** off
COMPLETELY ignore him, so do the girls they are just digging the awesome. The guy gets pissy and starts shoving me with one arm to get my attention. This is ****ing hilarious to me, what a chode. I still ignore him completely just to get him even more mad. I claw both girls and put our backs to him.
He keeps shoving and saying LEAVE, GO AWAY, **** OFF FAGGOT. I then catch his hand mid shove, and act like i just noticed him and shake his hand and go OMG ANOTHER NEW BEST FRIEND. I pick him up and spin hug him. Im a pretty big guy so hes not gonna try and fight me. I put him down and hes ****ing livid. I then say i have to borrow my other two new best friends. He says NO **** OFF NO ONE WANTS YOU HEAR, he is literally yelling.
I then grab both girls hands and walk away telling them how awesome there guy friend is. End up kissing the hotter of the two and number closing. This set made me SOOO happy lol, what a greater chode."
"Time to make this awkward as ****. --- So im still in the car and i announce to everyone im about to go **** a stranger, i do this as i start putting my hands down the one girls pants. My friend is ramping up his make out so i must top him.
I basically mount the girl in the back with me and hump her face into the seat with purpose. Everyone in the car freaks the **** out. The girl herself is in a state of fear and arrousal.
I then make **** with MK ock some more. Tell her im gonna masterbate in her gas tank as soon as she drops me off. Shes getting so ****ing pissed. I tell everyone i **** random girls regurarly and spread stds as a hobby. To add to this i keep making out with the one girl still. IM grabbing her boobs and putting her hand on my **** just to see if i can. Shes telling me to **** off while grabbing my **** and moaning a lil. This is quite silly. We then get back to my friends house."
"I google my kangaroos house, its not very far. I hop on a bike and ride there. I call her and tell her im there, shes like errr okay and comes outside. This is the first time weve seen eachother. I walk up, grab face, make out. Tell her im going to bed and go inside her house. I ask where her room is.
She points and tells me she just wanted to see me, i cant sleep here. I disregard this useless information and go in her room. I take my pants and shirt off and climb into her bed and turn on family guy. She comes in and just stares at me for 30 seconds. I tell her i really love to cuddle, grab her hand, give her a kiss, and gently pull her into the bed. "
"Funniest moment of the night is when I ran around the place with a ninja hood on (my shirt on my head) and grabbed like 10 exed out maniacs and we made a giant person circle and worshiped a glowing beach ball."**
Sorry, I just had to. Okay, so back to the FR. What sticks in my mind.
Generally I had poor conversation skills. Boring stuff, don't talk much. My kino was alright. Did a variation of handshakes, hugs and spinhugs. One chick that I spinhugged was like WTFBBQ!!? and totally freaked out. I had a few failures
More varied and direct kino could've gotten me far tonight, especially the stuff in the post above. I will remember this next time!
Most of my sets were mixed sets.
Some b1tch-drama broke out, good fun. Entertainment of the night.
I approach a 4set which contained to of my friends and 2 chicks, one being a tall 9. I ask them who their friends are, we stand up and I introduce myself. Should've done handshake to thumbwar. We talk and normal stuff. My game was not spot on at all, but she gave some IOI's (I don't look for them much, but I have really internalized looking for them. It's both a bad and good thing.) I think I hugged her a few times. She's 17 years old and I teased her about it. She eventually tells me she has to leave, feels up my arm and says she'll be back later. Good stuff.
I see these 4 chicks taking pictures, so me and my friends run up to them and we go CRAZY PICTURE TIEM. One of the chicks is small and horny. She was extremely compliant with kino. (I've noticed that all the chicks that respond my kino with immediate kino in return are almos ready for it.)
I lift her up and take pictures. I eventually put her down and go do other stuff.
I spot HBCloud and talk to her a little. I can definately get her when I have good game (More experience/better state/more social momentum). As for the social momentum, I gained more and more over the night. I did stupid stuff etc, but I'm much more in my head than I am when more in state.
I spot the small chick again, lift her up and carry her towards the woods. She's like "Okaaay.
" "Where are we going?" First I'm like.. "I dunno" , but then I quickly say "Adventure!" Good thing she's easy. So I find a house and carry her in. I see people making out and stuff. I put her down and look for a room. I take a look at her and have a realization... SHE'S UGLEHHH, BELOW MY STANDARDS! I quickly make my escape.
Soon later I see the tall 9 with some chicks. I walk up to them, grab the legs of another facesmashed chick and lift her up. I immediately notice that I didn't hold her right, I was like way down on her legs. Poor girl falls forward and is scared ****less
For some reason I didn't care, and went on like nothing happened. Set stales very fast and I eject. I think I lost her interest here, as she avoided me the next time I approached her and her friends.
That's about it. Stayed completely sober the whole night (apart from 1 shot 30 minutes before I left).
I know what I have to practice and internalize. - Social momentum is all. Self-Amusement is a biggie I'm putting to practice.
Bad nights give good experience.
So straight after I posted the last post, I felt myself getting a bit uneasy. No idea why.
So eventually I get there, 30 minutes too late - on purpose. 90% of the people are there. It's a small field with about 70-90 people. Very chilled. I don't know many people. I walked around feeling a bit out of place (It's all about warming up and getting social momentum). I find Michelin and eventually meet some other people I know. Stay in different groups, chatting and stuff. Meet new people.
I catch myself not even wanting to write this report. Needless to say - it was a bad night. I didn't do many of the things I wrote in the post above. I simply forgot. Now that I read them over again, they could've helped me so bad. We simply have so much information available, that it's simply impossible to apply it all immediately. You gotta implement it, internalize it. It takes time I suppose.
I talked to about 20 chicks, there are a few which stick in my mind.
**Currently I just made an event on facebook for watching harry potter tonight. SUCCES. Reading Two Step's journal again, and envisioning myself being sick with chicks. It really isn't as far away as we think. FVCK YEAH!! Like seriously, this is so fvcking hillarious! I'll add some bits from one of his posts: (... = skipping lines)
"I approach these 2 girls and a guy. Open with i need to learn how to Duggy, teach me how to duggy. ... The guy however is getting ****ing pissed. About half way through the set he starts cussing at me and telling me to **** off
COMPLETELY ignore him, so do the girls they are just digging the awesome. The guy gets pissy and starts shoving me with one arm to get my attention. This is ****ing hilarious to me, what a chode. I still ignore him completely just to get him even more mad. I claw both girls and put our backs to him.
He keeps shoving and saying LEAVE, GO AWAY, **** OFF FAGGOT. I then catch his hand mid shove, and act like i just noticed him and shake his hand and go OMG ANOTHER NEW BEST FRIEND. I pick him up and spin hug him. Im a pretty big guy so hes not gonna try and fight me. I put him down and hes ****ing livid. I then say i have to borrow my other two new best friends. He says NO **** OFF NO ONE WANTS YOU HEAR, he is literally yelling.
I then grab both girls hands and walk away telling them how awesome there guy friend is. End up kissing the hotter of the two and number closing. This set made me SOOO happy lol, what a greater chode."
"Time to make this awkward as ****. --- So im still in the car and i announce to everyone im about to go **** a stranger, i do this as i start putting my hands down the one girls pants. My friend is ramping up his make out so i must top him.
I basically mount the girl in the back with me and hump her face into the seat with purpose. Everyone in the car freaks the **** out. The girl herself is in a state of fear and arrousal.
I then make **** with MK ock some more. Tell her im gonna masterbate in her gas tank as soon as she drops me off. Shes getting so ****ing pissed. I tell everyone i **** random girls regurarly and spread stds as a hobby. To add to this i keep making out with the one girl still. IM grabbing her boobs and putting her hand on my **** just to see if i can. Shes telling me to **** off while grabbing my **** and moaning a lil. This is quite silly. We then get back to my friends house."
"I google my kangaroos house, its not very far. I hop on a bike and ride there. I call her and tell her im there, shes like errr okay and comes outside. This is the first time weve seen eachother. I walk up, grab face, make out. Tell her im going to bed and go inside her house. I ask where her room is.
She points and tells me she just wanted to see me, i cant sleep here. I disregard this useless information and go in her room. I take my pants and shirt off and climb into her bed and turn on family guy. She comes in and just stares at me for 30 seconds. I tell her i really love to cuddle, grab her hand, give her a kiss, and gently pull her into the bed. "
"Funniest moment of the night is when I ran around the place with a ninja hood on (my shirt on my head) and grabbed like 10 exed out maniacs and we made a giant person circle and worshiped a glowing beach ball."**
Sorry, I just had to. Okay, so back to the FR. What sticks in my mind.
Generally I had poor conversation skills. Boring stuff, don't talk much. My kino was alright. Did a variation of handshakes, hugs and spinhugs. One chick that I spinhugged was like WTFBBQ!!? and totally freaked out. I had a few failures
More varied and direct kino could've gotten me far tonight, especially the stuff in the post above. I will remember this next time!
Most of my sets were mixed sets.
Some b1tch-drama broke out, good fun. Entertainment of the night.
I approach a 4set which contained to of my friends and 2 chicks, one being a tall 9. I ask them who their friends are, we stand up and I introduce myself. Should've done handshake to thumbwar. We talk and normal stuff. My game was not spot on at all, but she gave some IOI's (I don't look for them much, but I have really internalized looking for them. It's both a bad and good thing.) I think I hugged her a few times. She's 17 years old and I teased her about it. She eventually tells me she has to leave, feels up my arm and says she'll be back later. Good stuff.
I see these 4 chicks taking pictures, so me and my friends run up to them and we go CRAZY PICTURE TIEM. One of the chicks is small and horny. She was extremely compliant with kino. (I've noticed that all the chicks that respond my kino with immediate kino in return are almos ready for it.)
I lift her up and take pictures. I eventually put her down and go do other stuff.
I spot HBCloud and talk to her a little. I can definately get her when I have good game (More experience/better state/more social momentum). As for the social momentum, I gained more and more over the night. I did stupid stuff etc, but I'm much more in my head than I am when more in state.
I spot the small chick again, lift her up and carry her towards the woods. She's like "Okaaay.
Soon later I see the tall 9 with some chicks. I walk up to them, grab the legs of another facesmashed chick and lift her up. I immediately notice that I didn't hold her right, I was like way down on her legs. Poor girl falls forward and is scared ****less
For some reason I didn't care, and went on like nothing happened. Set stales very fast and I eject. I think I lost her interest here, as she avoided me the next time I approached her and her friends.
That's about it. Stayed completely sober the whole night (apart from 1 shot 30 minutes before I left).
I know what I have to practice and internalize. - Social momentum is all. Self-Amusement is a biggie I'm putting to practice.
Bad nights give good experience.