NorwegianDJ's journal of personal growth


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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So fine dude, it's ridiculous.
Yeah, I got tired of wearing my Norwegian Winter jacket for 2 months straight.
Definitely not. However, I have been paranoid since as long as I can remember, when I was smaller I would think that people, especially my parents, were out to kill me and were just looking for the perfect chance. The last few years I've realized the absurdity of such a self-absorbed universe and it doesn't really happen anymore.

As for Norway, it's cool. It's cold currently though. Still warmer than SA.

Proceeded to meet up with 2 friends at this beach. I got there early and explored this trail. I then met three 15 year old chicks and sat with them for a few minutes. Met Håkon, waited for Andreas. He brought this Polish chick with him from their class. She was so fine. Im a bit confused whether she has a bf or not, but I shall conquer her regardless.

We ended up just chilling there for a while, then walked home. Met up with the guys later and watched a movie in town. Chilled days.

Today I've just chilled the whole day. Played LoL with Libertine and found that people on East suck balls. Im such a fcking demi-god when it comes to games (and life). At 4, 2 close family friends came over with parents. Had taco. Nice evening. Now, afterwards, I made some calls and decided to stay home for the night.

I plan to get out fast and meet people. Get contacts, branch out. Everything is social here and the system is closed. One has to get in conciously. Yay.

I also notice that my voice is lighter when I speak Norwegian. Bothers me, so I'll try to fix it.

Also, I just read back about a 30 day challenge that I didnt end up doing last summer. So, why not? It involves Meditating every day and not MBing, for 30 days. I'll make the meditation sessions longer and longer, but start low, so I dont quit.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Im gonna try to remember what I've been doing.

Went out in Marcus' boat and fished a bit. Chilled at his place. Went over to mine with Håkon tagging along. Watched 2 movies.

Went gymming with him the following day. Had my first Kebab afterwards. Was quite good combined with coke.

Today I went to town. Turned out everyone had ended already when I got there. Met Marius and Henrik. Found out about this class reunion party this coming saturday. Saw 'Hottie' from last year when I was with them. Will see her on sat.

Went to McDonalds and ran into the IB kids, so I chilled with them, some friends of mine.

Followed them up to the school I'd be going to if I'd stayed behind. Went through the building and looked around alone. Saw the library and went straight in. BOOM. There's 2 people I know and Nun! She's from page.. 13. This caught me completely by surprise, so I just dumbfondedly walked up to them and looked at them. Sup. When I think of it, she did seem excited, but whatever. She had more makeup and dressed a tiny bit differently. It seemed like she had realized how fine she was. Gave her a short hug in which I had to make her wait 5 sec because i had to remove my sunglasses from my chest, to avoid them being broken. Didn't stay for long. Should've started talking to her immediately, but I just left instead. Met this other chick I knew. Met another outside. Met my good friend Jacob after that and stayed behind in town with him for another hour.

Went home, then chilled with Håkon, Andreas, and Marcus.

Tomorrow is some sort of class party for Marcus' class, which we'll probably join.

Im noticing how girls dont respond as well to me here as in SA. I think it's cause all the guys here look better too. Also everyone is very concious about how they look. 80% of non-europeans dont use wax, 80% of norwegian guys have used wax since 8th grade.
I do notice that girls do give me atleast as much eye contact and it's just up to me to approach them.

I'm constantly amazed by the amount of hot girls in constant proximity.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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You sent me a facebook message but it says Messages arent working right now. I'd prefer not to switch cause I think I'll be in Israel for week 2. I can't approach in front of my parents and theres the language barrier. I'll still try, but itd be a tough week to lead.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Island Class party

LearningSlowly said:
You sent me a facebook message but it says Messages arent working right now. I'd prefer not to switch cause I think I'll be in Israel for week 2. I can't approach in front of my parents and theres the language barrier. I'll still try, but itd be a tough week to lead.
I'll see if someone else can take it, as I can't post on thursday.

Just got back from this class party. Although not too impacting on my night, I still don't understand girls' motivation. They're so weird about their ways.

You know what, let's go through it quickly. It's easier to write now. It's kak late though. 2 am.

It wasn't until past 3 that I decided to give Håkon a call, as I felt that they wouldn't gonna have me come. Turned out they'd just arrived at Marcus' so I biked over there. Us, with Andreas and this guy, Henrik, head out for Merdø. Arrive there after a quick stop in town.

As we arrived, I felt like a bit of an outsider. I only knew those, Timmy, and Danny, my cousin or something. Eventually I got a bit more into it. We set up the BBQs and ate. We were like uhh 15 people there. I ended up sitting with these people, playing drinking games. I hadn't brought anything, but I kept recieving drinks. Especially from Andreas' ex as of 1 year now. I had seen her from the beginning, but hadn't paid any attention to her. Chatted with her a bit. She gave me a beer and a few sips of this other thing. As we were playing busstop, she kept having me drink whenever she had the choice. I decided she was trying to get me wasted, so I did the same to her. I noticed that she sometimes at the end of the eye-contact would slightly squint her eyes or something, basically challenging me or so.

Almost forgot a few things. Had a little wrestle with her, where she was feeling my abs. Abs for the win.
I sense that I forgot a bit.
2 guys try to do a wheel together, you know what I mean. So I take her and we go try. I grab her ass tight instead of her legs. When we do try, we of course fail miserably, but it was hilarious.

Something I found funny was how I came and sat down at this table with her and her friend. However, Andreas is sitting in between me and her. I see her friend point at me while saying something that I could decode into "shouldnt you swap places to get next to him?" She answered, "Yeah, but Andreas was here first." I found it hilarious and figured that she had for sure chosen me, so I left.

Later I meet her after I took a piss behind some bushes. Her pants are down, but she has that long underwear sh1t on. I pull mine down too and tell her we're racing. I get really into it and manage to destroy my pants so that my zip and button are destroyed, thus I can't hold my pants up. I have her hold it up for me as we walk around and ask everyone if they have a button for me.

Just after this we go see what this older man is doing. She starts chatting to him and I suggest that me and her go explore. The guy is even helping me out, telling how it's really nice. However, this fvcking gay (I mean really gay acting) dude shows up and tries to convince her not to go with me. Then this other chick shows up and I take them exploring. The ex is sitting on the gay guy's back all the way to the top of the island. It's quite nice and cool. We chill for a tiny bit and Im just close with the ex and joking around. Eventually the girl actually makes use of herself and makes us some failed rings. The gay guy actually gets to, "you guys can now kiss the bride", fcking it up. Oh well. Just afterwards, she's sitting down next to them. I push her down. I then decide to get in a pushup position over her. She tells me to do one. I do a tease, then I do it again and kiss her twice. Nothing big. Disappointing. Shortly afterwards, Marcus arrives and we head back. Nothing special to note. I feel like Prokop in relation to me and violet. Meh.

Marcus later goes off with 2 girls. I know he's going for 1 of them, so I run after and help him out. However, the gay guy eventually finds us again and screws everything up. Damnit.

Some time later, Im slow dancing with Marcus' chick. She wants it. I tell her she's not mine to have and I've made this mistake one time too much today already. (Andreas didn't seem to take it all too well, making a few statements about how I was probably out hooking up with his ex and such) I chat with her about Marcus and sex while slow dancing. Turns out he's being too logical, too available and a tad bit too needy (those 2 are my assumptions). He also is not enough of a challenge. Her being able to decode that he was asking if she wanted to have sex today was unattractive and made her feel like she was too easy / a slut. She said that if he'd just lay off for a while and randomly come by and just take her, she'd be down for it. If she met a random dude and he just went for it, she'd also be down for it (hinting to me). I told Marcus this afterwards and we left shortly after. Such a nice boat trip back to his place.

Oh and I eventually got a stick that Im currently using to keep my pants up.

Festival starting on Monday. Oh wow. Martin arriving tomorrow. Jonas shortly after, Sunday or so. Gotta take care of this chick tomorrrow. Exciting times. 3 am. So late.
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New Member
Jun 19, 2012
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Hey, new to the forum

Just wanted to say that I envy your living in Norway for the summer. There was a Norwegian foreign exchange student at my school this year and she was pretty hot. Not to derail; we hung out quite a bit at the beginning of the year but I didn't really know what I was doing and got friend zoned pretty hard. Good Luck!


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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NorwegianDJ said:
Me: yo yoyo yo cutiepie (I just dont give a fvck, do I)
Her: I am not cute.
Me: neither are you a pieI don't know why but this **** cracks me up every time! And it's genius. hahahaha


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Hove 2012: Monday

Nothing interesting to note in the days prior.

Don't know where to start. I'm reaaaaally tired and been drinking (mind, fluids) for the past few hours now. So thirsty. I probably wont use my shoes again. My legs hurt. And I sat a new record (which is prone to be broken shortly).

Jonas arrived from oslo on sunday. We went up and pitched our tent shortly after. We were lucky to find a decent spot. However, the next day it turned out overnight that our tent was the nucleus of the muddiest area in the camp.

Managed to get alcohol on monday. Retrieved our stuff from the dumpster and went on our way to Hove.
Arrived around 4. From here.. I can't remember too much. Me and Martin walk around a bit and eventually sit down with some people he knows in their party tent. We pop a cider each. Im randomly handed a beer. It starts thundering and raining as someone dressed up as Thor runs past and apologizes.

Eventually the rain subsides a bit, so I run to some toilets as I have to pee so badly. Take a godly piss, then I talk to some people just outside. Share an umbrella with this guy called Patrick. He introduces me to Mats, who's very open minded and a real cool guy. They're all like 21. Meet and greet their party tent. I take a hilarious picture with Patrick. I spot a chick I know and follow her and her 2 friends for a tiny bit, take them to the tent and introduce them. One of them looked quite good. Huge tits, skinny body. Amazing. I hit the bathroom again, when I come out, I laugh at this guy who I think looks like a tent. Start a convo with him and a girl and before you know it, we're 2 guys and 4 chicks. Just as I start occupying them for a bit too long, Mats comes and carries me up the stairs to the toilets as we scream, "To infinity, and beyond!"

I then take Mats for some exploration of the 'bible camp' ahead. However, we are astounded by some guitarplay, this guy playing wonderwall. I take over his guitar and finish the song and play 2 more while he goes to the toilet. Chill there for a bit, then I quickly check out the bible camp. Got 2 free pieces of pizza somehow.

From here, everything is just mush. I'll mention the interesting stuff that comes to mind. I'll just skip to it actually.

Jonas eventually arrives, so I start walking around with him. I also have this glass of mojito and got this dude to put some 40-70% stuff in it. Not much. Took a piss in the woods at one point. Stole a beer while I was at it. Gave it to Jonas.
Anyway, so we start walking around. My sister has requested my mankini, so we head there. I meet this chick I was really close to getting with at her party last year. I hug her and quickly kiss her. I give them the mankini and chill a bit with her good friend, who gives me some wine.

I forgot about this one girl that was completely over me when I saw her. However, I didn't pull as she wasn't hot. Should've though. It's all about getting the momentum going.

We walk further and meet this chick I used to go to school with. When I think of it, I still have a mark from her cutting me with a scissor. She takes us to the other chicks from my old grade, one of them being 'hottie' from last year. Hug her and give her a quick kiss. I found it funny that they had chodes sitting around with them. I'm then greeted by a good friend of them that went a grade below. She's into me from point 1, so I just hold around her and shizz. Eventually we start walking, so I stop her for a second and hook up with her. She was into it, but seemed surprised. She tasted pure lipgloss, so I cleaned her mouth and left.

uhhhh... I saw this chick I hooked up with and liked on the friday last year. I hid my face in shame due to the awkward facebook message.

Met up with Genver and Andreas and his ex. Was fun. She's still into me, but I'm unsure about how to play it. Got Andreas' number, but he like blurted out when I asked him for his number that, "but I dont wanna talk to you". Whatevs. We still cool, cause I remember laughing with him at something and telling him I'd see him today sometime later last night.

During some concert, I did some approaches with Genver. We're both international kids, so we pretended to be american. Our first approach we tried to use the word vagina as much as possible. Too funny. After that, we hooked a good set, but Genver took over mostly with the one chick. I somehow lost him, so I opened another 2 girls that seemed very open. First chick initiates a thumb war. I think the told me she had to show me something, but seemed like it was where we were. I told her the same and kissed her. I then had thumb war with the other chick. She was a lot closer to me, so I simply pulled her in quickly.

At one point I met the skinny chick with huge tits from earlier. She was super into me and obviously quite a bit more drunk. Should be interesting to see how that develops.

I then proceeded to get another free piece of pizza from some people. Didn't ask. I entertained them a lot. They told me I should go outside and see if I would get some there. I proceeded to do so. Sat down in the middle of 2 chicks, sharing some chips. I started speaking english with them, but they busted me cause they belonged to that 2nd party tent. I managed to entertain them a lot somehow. The one on my left was a lot more receptive, so I simply hooked up with her eventually. Hooked up for a few minutes, but she was boring. Left with free chips.

Met up with Martin and had to wing him trying to get this hot chick. Im not allowed to go near her. I danced like a god with her friend for 10 minutes.

After this, me and Genver start doing American approaches again. When you speak english, you're entitled to do anything you please. Some girls convinved me to pick a girl up by saying "Do you wanna cuddle with me tonght?" in Norwegian. Of course I had lived into my role completely and thus walked up to a norwegian hottie and said it in a complete norwegian accent. Lol. She just walked past.

Found a bank card. Sent the owner a message on facebook.

Did some more approaches in the night and proceeded to go to bed in the tiny tent with genver and Jonas. Longest 4 hour sleep of my life.
Woke up and have had tonnes upon tonnes of water the whole day. Still tired and dehydrated. I'll head out again in a few hours for complete madness.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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DanZy said:
That made absolutely no sense
Some of it made sense.

What was this festival you were at? Why did that guy not want to talk to you, since you hooked up with his ex?

That was pretty beast, but easy on the alcohol, part of the challenge this week is going sober.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hove 2012: Tuesday

DanZy said:
That made absolutely no sense
Blow me. I wasn't sober as of writing.

It was just something he blurted out. We're on good terms.

Yeahh.. It's part of the fun too though. I feel like I don't fit in if I walk around sober too. I don't have much either. It just doesn't take much to get me drunk.

I shall now try to recall the events of the day that was tuesday.

That means its wednesday today. Wow.

I can't quite remember how yesterdays adventures took place. Me and Jonas made our way back to the festival. Had a cider, mixed with some vodka. Ended up sitting down with our neighbors. Cool group of people. Had this one chick on my lap. Made good friends with them. They made a beer bong, so I tried that out with another cider and vodka. Had to rush to Lostprophets just after.

In the line to enter the festival area, I get to know Joachim, a 24 year old, cool guy, and his friend. Go with them to the concert. Scream my heart out and join some moshpit. Lose Jonas in the crowd. End up walking around with Joachim afterwards. Some chicks walk past us at the camping area. I give one a hug of something. End up hooking up with her. Don't ask me how. Some of these girls are way easy.
We proceed to ask different groups of people who they think is oldest of us. Most people thought I was the older one.

We join forces with Genver and Mats and some stereotypical german dude. However, we can't enter the festival area with drinks. They have 500 mL vodka and a beer, so we share them. I had a sip of the vodka and I couldnt take more. Some of the others chugged it like water. WTF.

Enter Rise Against: The Greatest Concert of My Life. Me and Genver go quite far in front. Meet Nikolai, who's with that ex chick. I greet him excitedly and hold around her for a minute or so. They start playing a song I don't know, so I rush further in with Genver in look for a moshpit. We find something like one and the fun begins. It started small but evolved into 2 huge and barely seperated moshpits. I'm telling you, I was the king of that moshpit. I knew every lyric, every beat. I walked around there like I owned the place. I hyped people up; Sat on vast amount of shoulders; spread joy (it was amazing to see how no matter how rough, almost everyone cared about the wellbeing of everyone else in the moshpits). Met some people afterwards whom referred to me as, 'the king of the moshpit'. Didn't really get injured either. Bit sad that I didn't try to pull more than 1 or 2 chicks, when I owned the place.

Afterwards I started to get fairly worried about Jonas, cause I hadn't seen him the whole time. Can't quite remember what we got up to. Nothing special I believe. Went to knifeparty. Was decent.

By this time I was quite worried about Jonas. I'd talked to some guards about how I'd go about reporting him missing and such. However, as me and Genver went to the tent to get some bacardi we got cheaply earlier, he randomly shows up. Hahaha. We walk around the camp a bit and decide to finally head to bed.

However, on our way to bed, this little cutie, Tine, shows up. She asks us for a cig and I just take her under my wing really. I chodedly tell her that we're going to go find a cig and lead her on. Simultaneously Jonas and Genver casually keep their distance, like real fvcking wingmen. I take her towards my tent while we ask different groups of people for a cig. Walk past the tent. I finally ask someone instead and get a cig on my first try. Some damn menthol ****ing **** nigga.

Meanwhile, Jonas and Genver took the bacardi and went chatting and drinking by the football field. I take her back to my tent. Turns out the neighbor has a lighter, so he lights it up. I have no fcking idea what Im doing. She takes a puff, I tell her to pass, or perhaps 'transfer' in english. I kiss her and transfer the smoke. It's too fun. Do it again shortly after and start hooking up with her. Yay. I'm sure I could've pulled her into our tiny tent, but alas, I was indecisive, thus she said she had to go find her friend. But, I HAD to call her tomorrow. I 'contemplated' it and asked her what was in it for me, she said she'll give me everything. That was a good enough answer for me. Kissed her goodbye and went to find Jonas and Genver.

Found them next to the soccer field. We sat and chilled. Chatted about chicks and sh1t. Eventually we decide to perhaaps approach some chicks. Just sitting ahead of us are some chicks, so I for no reason take a small piece of pizza and try to feed it to the guy sitting next to them. I think he got mad so he got up. I found it hilarious and had to confirm my hilarity with the girls. Started talking and such. Meanwhile, as me and Genver are chatting with these two chicks, Jonas sits down with this bombshell and starts talking with her. Apparently it went quite good, but he didn't get her number due to an inconvenience with his phone. Also forgot her name. She clearly was not important enough for him. He did realize that girls aren't that hard to approach though, and that they only put up a b1tch front to weed out the losers from the studs.

Went to bed with Genver in some chick's tent. She'd left though, so it was only me and Genver on an air mattress. Yay. We all slept well and were happy ever after.
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Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Sick job. None of your approaches count for da challenge though. I felt awkward at first when I stopped drinking, but it's like anything. You adapt. If you don't at least try it you never will.

I CHALLENGE YOU TO BEAST SOBER FOR ONE WHOLE WEEK. You can sesh if you want to though. Just no drinks.

Seriously sick tight report. Mosh. Make outs. Awesomeness. Needs more Shirtlessness.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hove 2012: The Rest, Endings Yet To Come

I'm not in a state to write this. Atleast my memory isn't. However, I have a feeling it won't improve, thus I'll get it by as fast as possible.

Damnit, I can't remember wednesday for sh1t.
I'll take it bit by bit.
Briefly talked to some chicks on the bus. That's seriously all that I can remember with accuracy for the next few hours.
Didn't have much to drink at all. I think.

I was in a good mood though, but not as great as the previous days. Was walking around with Jonas on our way to some beach camp. Spot some chicks sitting on a roof. Just as I start talking to them, I see 2 chicks I used to go to school with for like 8 years. They're both like 7's, but they're boring, so I'll make it 6. Whatevs. Turns out one of them has to change clothes, so I take her into the forest. Hook up with her on some mountain. Walk around again. Hook up with her in some ditch. She be boring and I got tired of it. 2 guys walked past and were like WTF. We left and saw the same 2 guys hooking up.

Left her at the Ed Sheeran concert and went to Jonas. This is where my mood was rapidly dropping. Don't ask me why. I did notice a common theme between wednesday and thursday - I didn't approach chicks from the start, thus didn't really approach any until I took control. I didn't develop the ease I knew I could develop.

I remember I met one chick that I'm keen on and she responded quite nicely to seeing me. Just after some dude yelled my name and it turned out to be someone in my family that I couldn't remember.

Anyway, I remember leaving the concert with Martin and checked out some tattoo stuff. Met HBWife. She was surprisingly stoked to see me, but she mentioned her BF (whom she easily would've cheated on) and I left with Martin. Briefly checked out The Shins. Nothing special. Left it and entered the camp I believe. Visited some party tent and some girls were being b1tches, so I took some spirits from them. Like 300 mL caramel vodka. B1tches need to learn.

Checked out Lana Del Rey shortly. Was better than expected. Wished I'd spent more time there.

Checked out Flux Pavillion. Was almost in front, thus I just spent the whole time getting crushed and not being bothered to conform with the crowd, thus I left and went to bed shortly at 1:30.

And I remember I got a tiny bit of 96% and talked about threesomes with this tent.
First day that we were at the festival the whole day.

Woke up at 9 and had an icy shower. Brushed teeth. Sat down with neighbors. All of us went and got pizzas. Got a free tacoloff for sharing from some chick.

Eventually sat down next to the field with Jonas. Had a beer and brought out the spirit from above while we watched people and the football games. He had twice as much as me, thus almost got drunk at 4 in the afternoon.

Walked around and chatted with some people while Jonas was sitting down with some friends. Found another bottle with like 200 mL mixed jaegermeister.

Fast forward past a lot of bore. Walked into Nikolai and Henrik, and made our way down to Labrinth.

Afterwards we went back to their tent and shared some tequila. Hah. Horrible stuff.
Me and Nikolai then went on to scavenge something like a coke or a beer to flush down the jaeger with. We eventually find it and have it. Enter Wiz Khalifa. I meet my other friends there and pretty much lead them around the crowd. Was cool. Had fun.

Went a bit early from Wiz for Dropkick Murphys. Turns out they've already started and halfway through The State of Massachusetts. We run into the crowd and shortly find a moshpit. It over time evolves into 3 moshpits, then the 2 biggest moshpits I've seen in my life. HUGE. Eventually retire from them with an injured knee and a belt I managed to fix again. Was extremely close to lose my shoe. In the process I have taken off my tshirt, thus walk around in an open jacket. Meet my old economy teacher. Was kinda weird.

Enter the moshpit again, have this huge dude pick me up and I fvcking crowdsurf the sh1t outta the crowd. I am then thrown over the fence and am taken firmly by two dead serious guards, whom release me back to the concert. Find a group of 20 people Irish Dancing in a circle. Join them, then I join River Dancing inside the circle. Such vibes.

After the concert I'm simply too tired to enjoy Snoop Dogg, so I leave for the camp after 2 songs. I walk around in the camp and go towards the toilets. At the toilets I meet 2 girls and a guy. They seem to be speaking english, albeit poorly, so I join in and pretend I'm from South Africa. The conversation is quite excluded from me, but I just stick around. Somehow (Oh, I wonder why, pfft) one of the chicks are quite into me, so I kiss her as she enters the toilet with her friend. I then chat to the dude. It's so boring to listen to his poor english. The chicks emerge again and we start chatting. We did persist it a bit. The girls say something about 'gay', thus I turn it on them and tell them to prove they're gay. They start making out and I'm like, what the hell, I'll join. Hahahaha. Was fun. After the short sesh, I quickly hooked up with the original chick. Noticed she had a tongue piercing. Her friend then dragged her away for Snoop Dogg, which I found fair.

Afterwards revealed to the guy that I was Norwegian and such. Somehow I got half a beer and like 30 mL 50%. Cool. Managed to find Genver somehow and gave him his phone. Sat down at Camp YOLO and chatted with some chick. Ran to Snoop Dogg, then back to the camp. Ended up having a pizza with him, martin, and Jonas. Nero started earlier then expected. We decided to bring some pizza boxes to earn some money. In the queue to deliver them, we met some hardcore b1tches. I ended up being like, "fck this" and threw the boxes into the place and said "Screw the damn money." I still did my deed.

As we were to enter Nero, my sister calls and tells me we are leaving now. Proceed to drive home with her, Sabrina, and Jonas while listening to Bieber. There's been tonnes of rain tonight, should be interesting. Heading out to camp just before skillex today, as it's my dad's birthday.

I feel sorry for not having called that chick. Will do tonight.
Burn all female contacts.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Derp. Friday isn't really worth noting. Celebrated my dad's birthday. Got tipsy on wine. Went back in time to see Skrillex. Before it started I ended up chilling with some people i met. Got a beer from a cool guy. Skrillex started and we were like... MEh. Went for a piss with the guy, then went to skrillex. Skrillex was tonnes of fun even though I was alone. I don't really dare go with it with chicks at concerts, due to having to stand next to them afterwards. However, this is just a poor excuse due to how us humans enjoy consistency and unchanging environments. Ended up walking around with Martin, getting crunk off my ass. Really. I met this 24 year old chick sometime on thursday, had a nice convo with her and good vibes. However, I met her again now. Started talking to her and mentally pushed the interaction. You know, proximity, voice, eye contact and such. I made a joke and she got pissed and took my bottle (96% and 7up) and poured it out. She held it so thight that I couldnt manage to take it. I gave her such a fcking staredown after that. Sometimes girls deserve to be shown that they can't just fvcking parade around.
Went to bed unintentionally in Martin's tent at 7:30 AM. Woke up 2-3 hours later and left the camp with Jonas.

I haven't really done too much to note in the past days. Been sick. Went to driver's licence classes or whatever. Went to the dentist and hospital yesterday for visa and such. Finally had a blood test after like 7 years of abstinence. They had to hold me last time. I even tried taking it myself.

I just figured that I got 1850 on my SAT. My essay got a 7/12. Should be able to get 2100 in 2 months?


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Forgot to mention in the last post that I walked out a few nights ago and hooked up with this chick from Wednesday at Hove. So boring and so not worth it.

I started a habit of doing 5 SAT vocab words a day, to further prepare for the SAT.

Bought some clothes. I also got a GoPro. Videos soon, perhaps?

Also restarting a no mb habit seriously. Day 2 or so.

Perhaps I should try meditating more.

Today my family had a dinner party thingy. This girl from last summer was there with her family. Her sister followed around everywhere, but we managed to get alone for a moment and shared some kisses.

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Why in the name of DON JUAN isnt this thread updated for a while? I smell a lazy norwegianDJ!

Get in there man, i love reading your posts!


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I'm lazy as fvck these holidays, that's the problem. In reality, after Hove, I haven't done too much of interest. Been a couple of times with friends. Had a friend come down for a 1 night stay. Basically 3 weeks of nothing.

I did go to that chick's house and hooked up with her for like an hour. We recently had a chat where she said that she was confused about me and my intentions and told me to have a nice summer. I laughed. Girls.

I've been failing my no fap challenge and realize that I MUST get onto that again in order to break away from this cycle. Everything has been "later" these past weeks.

I found a site, , which helps you keep responsible of your healthy habits.

Had a party yesterday. Nothing intersting to note. Half the people I expected to show up ended up showing up. Super chilled vibes.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
Reaction score
Yo DJ,thought you were gone bro! Anyway awesome vacation you had! Mine sucked balls...But made up for it.(Pulled two chicks now that I'm back.A ex-fling and a new girl,possible LTR)But would appreciate your comment/opinion on my journal bro.



Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I've found myself again. The past weeks or months, I feel like I've been some lazy mother****er, doing jack sh1t about his responsibilities and only giving in to his short-term pleasuristic desires.

I stayed over at a friend's house for a LAN and hit the sack at 6. I realized something while being there, which I can't remember. It was while watching Project X. Just afterwards now, we went to see the new Batman movie. The endings made me realize how I'm not living correctly. I'm not to live selfishly, trying not to lose. I am to show true compassion and sincerity. I must smile with that spark in my eyes that I achieve. Everyone wants to be happy. Help them out. I'm feeling light and I smile automatically. I've missed this. Everything is doable. I love everyone. I hope this persists.

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
HI HERO. Welcome to the road of the good guys;). You will now have your hearth broken mutiple times, girls will friendszone you and you will feel like you cannot fvk girls even when you have the chance to.
