No Fap Challenge Progress


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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im on day 3 or 4. Going ok. I think I have been so damn busy lately trying to forget my ex that I haven't sat still long enough to even think about it. Sounds like a good challenge, im in.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2012
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as a guy that has gone a year with no fapping on a few occassions one piece of advice I will state here is dont get hung up on the number of days you are clean. thats really irrelevant to pretty much everything.

Dan08 said:
Day 1 for me starting now. HERE GOES :)

Also came across examples of benefits dude have been having. A loooong read but worth it if you need the motivation and feel yourself flagging.
I read a few pages of that and it is interesting and good encouragement so i appreciate that post....however it should be noted at least in the first few pages its filled with people that have gone no fap from a few days to 2-3 be clear that hasnt overcome any problem at all.

bear this in mind....abstinence is not proof of overcoming any addiction because you can be locked into a straight jacket and be abstinent and the second you are free you will dive right back into the addiction.

I really would caution against getting hung up on the number of days you are sober....rather focus on the changing of the mindset and thought patterns so every attractive girl you see you dont instantly fantasize about her starring a porno with you. work on healthier habits.

with porn addiction there are really 3 keys

1. changing your thought patterns

2. not entertaining the first wave of other words porn cravings come in waves...the first is the lightest and once its broken you are done for. i cant remember now because its been so long but there are 5 waves and its like going down a tunnel the deeper you go the worse you are so the key is to not get into the tunnel aka dont break the first wave....the second you start getting that temptation deal with that temptation

3. and the reason i failed....and am where I am...maintenance. it really never goes away. you have to maintain you efforts. keep your life in order. dont let yourself get in states of full blown depression. manage your stress. manage your life better.

again days sober is not the key....changing your thought patterns and lifestyle if the key because I can handcuff you and youll be sober for life but youll still be addicted. also bear in mind the first month of sobriety is amongst the worst. the second and most of the third month isnt too bad....then in the end of the third and through the fourth month youll really get a big kick in the pants.

this kick in the pants will be due primarily because the body has to ejaculate and blue balls do in fact hurt. wet dreams which youve been having up to this point havent been all the bad but now that you are sober and your mind is accepting it....when you have semen build up youll really want to release and so this time period will be quite difficult.

after that 4th month or so i say the primary key is point number maintain all your hard work and that is best done by not entertaining the temptation and to stop it at wave 1. your need to ejaculate will be hard to withstand as will managing your life properly so you dont break down again and during times of blue balls maintain your thought patterns so they spiral off into porno land will be hard but key.

Ive seen plenty of folks including myself go sober for a year and crash and burn because they failed to maintain doing the things that got them sober in the first place and its especially tricky because we need to be careful not to kill our sex drives either and its fine line to walk when you see a hot girl in acknowledging that hotness and not fantasizing about her in a porno...a very line to walk indeed.

i apologize for sounding like a lecture but Ive been there and now Im back so I can tell you all about getting free from porn and fapping like a mad man and falling back into it.


New Member
Jan 7, 2014
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The activity of the animal beings has become acutely active everywhere on this earth. Bodies do not get time to booty a blow for a while. With the accretion use of altered gadgets of Gps Jammer, the possibilities of accepting the aboriginal of blow accept absolutely finished. The adaptable phones or the corpuscle phones are some of these accessories that accumulate the bodies consistently in blow with the alfresco world. The adaptable building are additionally accessible about everywhere these canicule and due to this the accessibility of the Cell Phone Jammer has become alike added quick and authentic. Today, you cannot break out of ability of these adaptable building as their signals can bolt your about anywhere. The bearings of bodies who accord to altered business professions has become actual analytical of jammer gps as their authorities bolt them anywhere any moment.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
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A common trend I see on this thread is, day 1, day 1, fapped back at day 1. Reality is most of us probably been choking the bishop since we were 14, and majority of users I feel like are in their mid 20s some older some younger.

That's easily a decade of fapping, going cold turkey would take a huge amount of mental toughness. I find best way to do it is to taper off, once every other day then once a week for awhile then once or twice a month. My longest to date is 3 weeks and I was a walking hornball wanted to bang anything that walks. Best luck guys.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2012
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YurilyDawood said:
The activity of the animal beings has become acutely active everywhere on this earth. Bodies do not get time to booty a blow for a while. With the accretion use of altered gadgets of Gps Jammer, the possibilities of accepting the aboriginal of blow accept absolutely finished. The adaptable phones or the corpuscle phones are some of these accessories that accumulate the bodies consistently in blow with the alfresco world. The adaptable building are additionally accessible about everywhere these canicule and due to this the accessibility of the Cell Phone Jammer has become alike added quick and authentic. Today, you cannot break out of ability of these adaptable building as their signals can bolt your about anywhere. The bearings of bodies who accord to altered business professions has become actual analytical of jammer gps as their authorities bolt them anywhere any moment.
the fvck???


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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YurilyDawood said:
The activity of the animal beings has become acutely active everywhere on this earth. Bodies do not get time to booty a blow for a while. With the accretion use of altered gadgets of Gps Jammer, the possibilities of accepting the aboriginal of blow accept absolutely finished. The adaptable phones or the corpuscle phones are some of these accessories that accumulate the bodies consistently in blow with the alfresco world. The adaptable building are additionally accessible about everywhere these canicule and due to this the accessibility of the Cell Phone Jammer has become alike added quick and authentic. Today, you cannot break out of ability of these adaptable building as their signals can bolt your about anywhere. The bearings of bodies who accord to altered business professions has become actual analytical of jammer gps as their authorities bolt them anywhere any moment.
That's exactly what I was thinking


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2013
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Day 5: in the books :)

Watched Don Jon, wow, that was me 5 days ago (minus the hot chicks he was banging). Porn + fap was my biggest time waster.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2011
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Day 2 for me, although I did have a dream involving not sure if that means I have to restart.

For me internet porn was always a fallback thing on days where I didn't have much to do, so I'd just put the pc on and fap. It's amazing how much of your life you are wasting by doing this day in day out...


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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no fap day two completed. Day 3 is today (wednesday).

My mind gets very tricky after a few days. It's hard for me to stop looking at porn or any type of sexy pictures online. So after a few days...i'll look at girls in bikinis or topless pics and be like "okay, well i wont masturbate"...then i'll talk myself into touching myself a little...then i'll say "okay i can edge, but i wont get off"...And then pretty soon i can't help it and i get off....

Sorry if that's too much information, but it's crazy how i start to rationalize it once i get horny. I'm trying to put a stop to looking at any type of girlie pictures online, and hopefully focus my attention on real girls


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2013
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gravityeyelids said:
no fap day two completed. Day 3 is today (wednesday).

My mind gets very tricky after a few days. It's hard for me to stop looking at porn or any type of sexy pictures online. So after a few days...i'll look at girls in bikinis or topless pics and be like "okay, well i wont masturbate"...then i'll talk myself into touching myself a little...then i'll say "okay i can edge, but i wont get off"...And then pretty soon i can't help it and i get off....

Sorry if that's too much information, but it's crazy how i start to rationalize it once i get horny. I'm trying to put a stop to looking at any type of girlie pictures online, and hopefully focus my attention on real girls
check out

For me, I feel it's more important to quit the internet porn over the fapping. I think fapping is natural, healthy thing to do OCCASIONALLY. No daily, not even weekly, but once in a blue moon, it ain't going to kill ya. So my goal is to stay away from the internet porn, TOTALLY, and then not beat myself up for fapping once or twice in a month.

Onto my 3rd attempt :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
JohnChops said:
are you guys atleast getting laid whilst doing this challenge?
Good question lol. Not right now. But no fap should light a fire under our arses and make getting laid a must rather than some optional bonus.

I can EASILY tolerate a long dry spell while fapping. Even a year is no big deal. I've gone as long as two years. BUT, I've NEVER tried a dry spell with NO fap.

I'm guessing that with no phap I'll be aggressively seeking some real action (sex) within a month. This should get very interesting very soon :).


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2013
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Interesting thread…
So can you join in/ would you benefit from the No Fapping challenge even if you get some tail regularly (at least once a week)