No Fap Challenge Progress


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
I've got an amazing idea, for all those people who think no fap doesn't work and think its stupid: don't go no fap and do stop paying attention to this thread.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Groovy said:
Today is day 11 . I've been jogging every day for 40 minutes and doing a lot of exercise in general. I feel much better then I did before I started doing this. I have more energy, which is always a good thing. I am more confident, I guess. And I feel more like myself! Yeah! I like that!! Go go go! Woohoooo! :)

I've been sleeping 8 hours every day but today I slept about 10 hours... What gives? I think the exercise is the culprit. Opinions on that, please!
In all likelihood, the feelings and energy you are experiencing are the result of your exercise regimen, not no-fap. If you were really interested in conducting an experiment into the effects of no-fap you would keep everything else in your life unchanged (as much as is humanly possible) except for ceasing to fap. If you change too many things at once there's no way you can be sure that any changes are the result of no-fap rather than something else. (This is just basic logic.)


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Groovy said:
That's not as heavy as masturbation + ejaculation, but still a little. I'd say go back to day 1. And go exercise instead of doing it with you pillow! ;) You'll feel better in a while! Just one thing, do you have a hard on in the morning? Because from what you described, your body is ruined from doing it 8 times a week and you can't even get hard at all during sex! :eek: I want to try to help, so pls answer. Not having a boner in the morning could indicate that something's not right.
Guess I'm going back to day 1 then... which will end tomorrow night. For the morning, I'd say that in an average week, half the time I wake up to it soft. It has definitely been responding a little more the last couple days so something was working. But yes, many times during sex, we almost had to 'force' it to stay up. I haven't tested it lately though. Since my breakup, I've lost nearly 30 pounds (I was 300) and I've been taking Pygeum Extract to see if that would change anything. I've been also trying kagels whenever I remember but that hasn't been too often. Honestly, I'd have to say that being successful with a pillow is a good sign.

So, moral of the story today: don't have sex with pillows... you might get them pregnant.

As a side note: I will admit, since I was starting from day 1 again, I decided to let one go. I'm actually really glad I did... it felt amazing. It definitely gave me a reason to shoot for the 90 days now. (There was an overly excessive amount of *** though... most I've ever seen. Kinda scary actually.)

Keep up the good work everyone.

AA, out.

From the beginning
Day 6 mess up?

Starting all over
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Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
csycpr said:
In all likelihood, the feelings and energy you are experiencing are the result of your exercise regimen, not no-fap. If you were really interested in conducting an experiment into the effects of no-fap you would keep everything else in your life unchanged (as much as is humanly possible) except for ceasing to fap. If you change too many things at once there's no way you can be sure that any changes are the result of no-fap rather than something else. (This is just basic logic.)
I did do that. I used to fap every 3 days or something due to blue balls (read some other posts of mines). My resistance was way lower the next few days. :nervous: But I still slept only 8 hours... Now after no fapping for 12 days, I started sleeping 10 hours! Haha. Any comments on that? Maybe the exercise is getting to me? But after exercise, I feel more energetic and can't sleep for like 2 hours! But I wake up after 6-7 hours and am like "ok, let's go a little more". Psychological maybe? I'll try to set the alarm clock 8 hours after I fall asleep tomorrow. I hope my body hasn't stopped making testosterone... If that happened, I will have to do even more exercise! Wooooooooow! :D How many hours a day? I do like 3-4 usually. I'll need like, 5. Haha!

AnimeAddict said:
Guess I'm going back to day 1 then... which will end tomorrow night. For the morning, I'd say that in an average week, half the time I wake up to it soft. It has definitely been responding a little more the last couple days so something was working. But yes, many times during sex, we almost had to 'force' it to stay up. I haven't tested it lately though. Since my breakup, I've lost nearly 30 pounds (I was 300) and I've been taking Pygeum Extract to see if that would change anything. I've been also trying kagels whenever I remember but that hasn't been too often. Honestly, I'd have to say that being successful with a pillow is a good sign.

So, moral of the story today: don't have sex with pillows... you might get them pregnant.

As a side note: I will admit, since I was starting from day 1 again, I decided to let one go. I'm actually really glad I did... it felt amazing. It definitely gave me a reason to shoot for the 90 days now. (There was an overly excessive amount of *** though... most I've ever seen. Kinda scary actually.)

Keep up the good work everyone.

AA, out.

From the beginning
Day 6 mess up?
Don't do kegels! Trust me. I speak from experience. It will mess up your penis, kegels are good for women and in some cases for old people I believe. If you trust me, a random stranger from the internet, you won't do them. Also, try to stop ejaculating and do what I've been doing, exercising, do it especially since you're overweight. Let's see if you can wake up with boners every day (more exercise = better body!).


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Groovy said:
Don't do kegels! Trust me. I speak from experience. It will mess up your penis, kegels are good for women and in some cases for old people I believe. If you trust me, a random stranger from the internet, you won't do them. Also, try to stop ejaculating and do what I've been doing, exercising, do it especially since you're overweight. Let's see if you can wake up with boners every day (more exercise = better body!).
Okay then.. no kagels.


Anyway, starting on day 1 again after a rough Saturday. Here's the data:

DAY 1 (Again)
Weight - 274.2
Urges - Small ones throughout the day.
Remedy to urges - They were all small enough that I just waited til they passed.
Today's positive side effects - Even though I've failed yesterday, I still feel really good. I'm positive that this is helping a lot.
Today's negative side effects - None

Keep up the good work all.

AA, out.

From the beginning
Day 6 mess up confirmation
Official attempt #2 start

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Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
so close to fapping right now ugh!


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, So after Saturday's breakdown, I had a small issue that I just needed to confirm today before I get any further into my second attempt at this challenge (Trust me, it was a little necessary -.-; ). Needless to say, I will be beginning Day 1 today and will take another serious attempt at this challenge.

AA, out.

From the beginning
Day 1 take 2
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Don Juan
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Everyone,

Today seemed to go by fast. Here's the data:

- 271.5
Urges - None
Remedy to urges - N/A
Today's positive side effects - None
Today's negative side effects - Mild mood swings

Keep up the good work all.

AA, out.

From the beginning
Attempt 2 day 2
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Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
AnimeAddict said:
Alright, So after Saturday's breakdown, I had a small issue that I just needed to confirm today before I get any further into my second attempt at this challenge (Trust me, it was a little necessary -.-; ). Needless to say, I will be beginning Day 1 today and will take another serious attempt at this challenge.

AA, out.

From the beginning
Day 1 take 2
What happened? Your mind is playing tricks on you... And you took the bait, like a rat takes the cheese!


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Groovy said:
What happened? Your mind is playing tricks on you... And you took the bait, like a rat takes the cheese!
Hey Everyone,

Yes and no. Way too complicated to explain. All I know is that orgasm denial suddenly became a thing for me -.-;

Anyway, another day gone. All I did today was bike stuff and a college final. Here's the data:

- 271.8
Urges - None... way too distracted with the final.
Remedy to urges - N/A
Today's positive side effects - None
Today's negative side effects - None

Keep up the good work all.

AA, out.

From the beginning
Attempt 2 day 1
Attempt 2 day 3

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Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Day 4 after maintenance day ( 7 Weeks in )

Urges are back, porn too, but I'll keep strong like before and enjoy being LESS PASSIVE and actually going for **** I want with females again.

From personal my observation after extended amounts of time on NOFAP you gotta get some action one way or another to reset so you can get ''extra help'' from your brain again.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Warning: Super wall of text, more of a mind dump.
I've been doing a lot of exercise, at first it was like 30 minutes of running, then it went to 40 minutes, then one hour, I finally found a kid who wants to run with me- SUPER AWESOME. So we started "recruiting" more people to our "group". So far, yesterday was the first day another person showed up, so we were three, the other guy was CRAZY, TOTALLY HYPERACTIVE. All he wanted to do was sprint and run up and down stairs! We were beaten by the end of 30 minutes. We had also swam and walked 1 hour that day before, not to mention we went to the beach. But at the end of the 30 minutes the guy was like "Ok, enough for today" and we were like WTF? So he said "ok let's go do pushups and stuff", so we did that for like 15 minutes and then he split. Then we went running for more 40 minutes... When I came home I still couldn't sleep due! Haha. I've been having more wet dreams too. I sometimes pop a herbal pill when I'm too tired, but it turns out I am not. I've had a wet dream 3 days ago, yesterday and today too, what the heck? I managed to stop like 50% of it coming out. So, more exercise?

Maintenance... that's alright I guess. blind, so, do you work out? I think it's super important with no fap... if not, you'll get the side effects of too much enegy (testosterone). Especially at our age. AnimeAddict, you are the one who needs exercise, you jacked off a lot. Looking back, I see you've been biking and have more determination. Wonderful. Also, no offense, you're 29, that's a little older then we are, could that affect the recovery? Maybe. You did years of fapping every day, right? So I suggest you pay extra attention to your diet + sleep. How are you feeling tho? Glad to hear you stopped the kegels!


Don Juan
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
United States
I fapped at midnight today and then did it this morning. Jesus, this sh!t is hard. Ugh!

Day 1 tomorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
i cracked

tomorow starts day 1 again


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Groovy said:
Warning: Super wall of text, more of a mind dump.
I've been doing a lot of exercise, at first it was like 30 minutes of running, then it went to 40 minutes, then one hour, I finally found a kid who wants to run with me- SUPER AWESOME. So we started "recruiting" more people to our "group". So far, yesterday was the first day another person showed up, so we were three, the other guy was CRAZY, TOTALLY HYPERACTIVE. All he wanted to do was sprint and run up and down stairs! We were beaten by the end of 30 minutes. We had also swam and walked 1 hour that day before, not to mention we went to the beach. But at the end of the 30 minutes the guy was like "Ok, enough for today" and we were like WTF? So he said "ok let's go do pushups and stuff", so we did that for like 15 minutes and then he split. Then we went running for more 40 minutes... When I came home I still couldn't sleep due! Haha. I've been having more wet dreams too. I sometimes pop a herbal pill when I'm too tired, but it turns out I am not. I've had a wet dream 3 days ago, yesterday and today too, what the heck? I managed to stop like 50% of it coming out. So, more exercise?

Maintenance... that's alright I guess. blind, so, do you work out? I think it's super important with no fap... if not, you'll get the side effects of too much enegy (testosterone). Especially at our age. AnimeAddict, you are the one who needs exercise, you jacked off a lot. Looking back, I see you've been biking and have more determination. Wonderful. Also, no offense, you're 29, that's a little older then we are, could that affect the recovery? Maybe. You did years of fapping every day, right? So I suggest you pay extra attention to your diet + sleep. How are you feeling tho? Glad to hear you stopped the kegels!
Hey Everyone,

I don't believe it is effecting recovery. Don't forget, I probably stumbled onto internet pron around the same year everyone else did so I have been doing it the same as the next person. I still have been exercising a lot but I believe that's now from the fact of wanting to lose weight. No need to diet here... I've lost my big appetite two months ago and just can't eat as much as I used to. Lately, I've just been too distracted with everything since school will be starting in two weeks (Just finished summer courses). All I have been keeping up with is proper sleep and exercise. Its been doing well.

Here's today's the data:

- 270.9
Urges - None
Remedy to urges - N/A
Today's positive side effects - None
Today's negative side effects - None

Keep up the good work all.

AA, out.

From the beginning
Attempt 2 day 2
Attempt 2 day 4

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Don Juan
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
bcolon said:
I fapped at midnight today and then did it this morning.
I'm not sure if you noticed, but this is a NO-fap thread.

Three weeks for me. A few intense urges but I stayed strong. I'm slowly beginning to notice an uptick in my sexual desire, which frankly had been languishing for longer than I cared to admit.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Everyone,

This must just be a weird moon cycle or something. Last time, I was getting a lot of urges everyday. Now, I've got nothing. I dunno.

Here's today's the data:

- 271.2
Urges - None
Remedy to urges - N/A
Today's positive side effects - None
Today's negative side effects - None

Keep up the good work all.

AA, out.

From the beginning
Attempt 2 day 3
Attempt 2 day 5

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Don Juan
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
Im on day 15 and got laid last night. Not sure its because of not fapping, but definitely dont think it hurts. Stay strong guys, save yourselves for the real thing.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Everyone,

I've been working like hell on my home business these last few days and I thinks its effecting my urges. Since I'm constantly thinking about business, it distracts me just enough.

Here's today's the data:

- 272.7
Urges - None
Remedy to urges - N/A
Today's positive side effects - None
Today's negative side effects - None

Keep up the good work all.

AA, out.

From the beginning
Attempt 2 day 4

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Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
i didnt know fappin had side effects lol when i do it i still feel good and same energy maybe it affects everyone diferently?