Nino-Tk's Journal of Women


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
sucks about the wisdom teeth but it happens to nearly everyone. have a quick recovery. PS... loving your journal. I've been lurking for a while now. keep at it


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
Hope you recover rapidly from the wisdom teeth buddy. I think it's time to be your buddy's wingman. I don't mean just with girls now that he's single, with life. Help bring him back up and guide him into being a better man than he was before. Help him grow stronger from his situation.

Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Thank yall very much guys, its been a week now and for the first time I ate solid food today and damn I really appreciate the juicyness of meat right now, its so flippn' scrumptious! Ah...

Excuse the excitement but yall can't blame me, anyways holmes, my gurl HB Butt was around town for a while and I kinda didn want her to visit me, I kinda don't know why, and she sensed this and called me out in an sms. I still havent responded though, Man im bad sometimes.
I guess I didn't want her to see me like that cause for a while my face was fvcked up swollen, so PES 2011 is the company I preferred.

But anyway, today I recieved an sms from a lady bud I have known since 9 years. Let me explain it shortly, when I was 9 my daddy kicked my moms outta the house and we rented a place at this girls house, lets call her HB specs.
We lived there till I was 14 when my mom finally bought a house(Love ma mama)
Anyways, she would only visit in holidays and sporadically on weekends. We became quite close, she is 16 I think. But I haven't seen her in two years now, and my mom told she been speaking with specs mother and it seems she has now turned into a rebel.
I wonder...she used to be one of those prudish uptight christian girls...Now, she doesnt sleep at home sometimes and parties like a...Hmmm

Aight enough about the foreword. She just sent me an sms telling me she is coming to my house at about 12(heck I wake up at 12!) anyways, I am gettin' ideas now...Im a man afterall.
Yeah I guess we will see what happens.
Awe my brothers.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Nino-Tk said:
Thank yall very much guys, its been a week now and for the first time I ate solid food today and damn I really appreciate the juicyness of meat right now, its so flippn' scrumptious! Ah...

I guess I didn't want her to see me like that cause for a while my face was fvcked up swollen, so PES 2011 is the company I preferred.

Not looking forward to Monday...


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Lol why not?
Anyways Specs, came at about half 12...we spoke alot the past and just talked. I don't know but I just couldn't bring myself to make a move. No not because I am Afc, hell nah! But I see her more like a sister man I know her too damn much.

So at about 4pm, she leaves to go some youth choir, I send my hommie a message on Facebook saying we should hit the streets and hit on chicks.
He agrees, he is Troy by the way. So we walk around and see 3 girls, two are flaming! The other is abit meh, we greet and we get those "What tha hell u doin" kinda looks. But we persist and thanks to humour, we broke em down.
So we are walking with them and two other girls appear from the corner and instantly my hommie went for em...He left me all alone with them, so I just made em laugh and got their digits(Yeah!)
So my hommie calls me and asks where Im at. I then bid these girls farewell.(I am totally gunning for the short one with the phat a.s.s!) her name is HB kat.
So we go to extention 2, and see another lone cutie, we hala at her. She seemed nice but she didn't want to hand over the digits..who needs her? She probably a lesbian.
So yeah we just walk and spit game to eachother, he thanks me showing him that cold approaches aren't "Hard"...sure maybe that adrenaline pumps up but you gotta get used to it.
It is really a shame its winter here, there were hardly no more chiques. So we called it a day, and bought some dagwoods. Ate and appreciated the buns and burgers.
That was me day.
Happy fvckin'.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Ah yeah finally I return...I had to deal with some really hectic ish at home, which I originally thought would take a bloody long time to resolve, but its all good now yeah.

Let me update yall on the women, I hope yall still remember specs, if you don't, then just read up. Anyways, I ended up making out with her at my place about 2 weeks back before she was about to leave. Her being on periods meant I couldn't get a lay.

Schools re-opened two weeks ago in South Africa, so its been kinda hectic but nothing to stress about. Anyway there were some 3 chicks I was planning a threesome with at school, 2 of em seem to have chickened out but the remaining one seems keen, I will have to enquire further.

Last week I went to some girl in my life orientation class and I literally just blurted out "So when are we getting laid?"..Bear in mind I hadn't introduced myself to her...But she knew me..Oh well she just laughed her a.S.S off but everytime our eyes meet, she just smiles...I also gotta do a follow up on that one!

Oh and did I mention that Shy has been buying me lunch at school sometimes? Meh I really don't know what shes up to, but Id like to tap that fo shizzle!

Oh and last week Wednesday, I paid a hommie of mine a visit, as we were walking to the mall...A fine tall and slender girl appears, now we were eating dagwoods and I had a mouthful but I decided to approach her anyway...It went well, I got her digits..Ha name is Ana...And just yesterday, she sent me an sms saying we should hook up soon...Target number 4!

I will update regularly about these potential lays.
Final note: if you wanna improve with women, you just gotta acquire the "Fvck it!" mentality.
Peace my Players.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Whats up fam? Hope you all good.

Anyways, I woke up early for school today, at about 4:45, and to think I slept at 1...Man I think I am getting insomnia. So while I am waiting for my damn bus to arrive, a fine women, obviously in her twenties.
I basically got an erection just by looking her fine bod in those skinny jeans. Damn it!

I really don't know why I didn't hala at her. Anyway remember the girl I told yall was keen on the threesome deal, well she sits at the back of me. So I turned around and said...Me: So when are we banging?
Her: Me..And you, it sounds interesting
Me: Course it is, I hope you have a boyfriend so we can make it no strings attached yeah
Her:Yeah I get what you saying..
Me: Yeah you will get to me then...Your thoughts I mean.
Her: Okay Lol I will let you know..You are so bad
at this point my teacher told me to concentrate.

When break time arrived, we just chilled and talked about women, women and more women.
So as I am going to class, some girl, Teeth, Who I approached about a week ago, I walk up to her and ask her if she has thought about my offer(Sex!)..To which she says "keep on dreaming"...Ha yeah I have fvcked her enough in my dreamz, time to make it realz!

Other than that, I just chilled and wrote some poetry.
Later G's


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Today wasnt as productive as the other days. I was kinda chill today, even declined to walk over when Shy and Shorty called me over to chill with them.
Then In my economics class, some shorty spots me looking at her, she tries to catch me out by shouting "Why are you looking at me?"...At this point, both my friends just shut up and stared awaitingly for my response, so I shouted back the truth "I got lust for ya!"...She looked bemused, and walked out. When she came back, she gave me some eye contact..Oh well.
We then had to prepare to dance in my LO class, now I for one can't dance to save my life and we got two flaming hot chika's in my group, but I decided "Fvck it" and pulled off some Michael Jackson-esque moves, we really had fun! I know I did even though I sucked!

I now regret growing my hair for 7 weeks, I cut it recently, but my waves just arent that visible no more...Gotta brush more I guess, oh well im off to do homework now. Later Playerz!


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Aey whats up homeys, we recieved our report cards today, and to be honest Its not that bad, out of 149 grade 11's im in position 13, It could have been better. This term I am gunning for a top 5 position, not 13.
Maths dragged down my average though and Afrikaans. But I'l study more. I guess.
Tomorrow I am planning on going to the park near Ana's hood, so Ima call her up tonight and hookup a meet. I will update further.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Nino-Tk said:
Aey whats up homeys, we recieved our report cards today, and to be honest Its not that bad, out of 149 grade 11's im in position 13, It could have been better. This term I am gunning for a top 5 position, not 13.
Maths dragged down my average though and Afrikaans. But I'l study more. I guess.
Tomorrow I am planning on going to the park near Ana's hood, so Ima call her up tonight and hookup a meet. I will update further.
Big ups on your academic performance. That's actually something to be proud of (depending on how much competition you have in your school). Great to set goals too.

Our school doesn't release rankings; there's way too many overachievers there, though after each semester I always ask myself this question. Am I satisfied? Do I think I really learned something out of this course? Or do I regret not having learned enough? If I answer yes, and I know I learned, then I accomplished what I'm supposed to.

I mean, its good to have high marks, and of course with learning you will (usually) get good grades to go with it. Personally though, I hold actual learning over rankings anyways, and that kinda attitude served me pretty well.

Your journal is also a continuous inspiration to me. You and Norwegian both sold me on direct game.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Thanks alot Nova and Yeah I get your point, I hate grades sometimes hey!

Okay so I got a call yesterday from my cousin who lives in Soweto saying he misses me so I'm in Soweto now. But before that as I was walking down the street looking for a taxi to take me that park we I was due to chill wit my hommies, I make eye-contact with some fine light skinned thick girl, I hold deep eye-contact and then when I look away, she calls m name.
To my amazement it is some girl I used to go with to primary school with, I never minded her much there because I was a nerd and she was...fat.
So now she has lost weight and seeing her after almost 5 years, well it was great, she asked me for a hug and my everything( Mxit, Facebook and digits).
So yeah since I'm good with computers at school she said we should hook up and I should tutor her. OH well....

When I finally got a taxi to my friend's(Zaza) place I found him busy with FL studio. He is good he kills that tribal and soul house music. We chilled and I kinda passed out on his bed, I took medication for my flu so I guess it made me fvcked up drowsy! So we abondoned the whole park thing.
At about 5 pm I then took a taxi to Soweto to see my cousin and Grand ma.
So I get there and we joke around, he laughs at me being taller than him now and me growing a beard and all that shyt.

So we like talking alot and inevitably girls will always be included, he asks me "So player, how many girls have you laid this year?"...I reply "No one homey"...He then shakes his head and tells his buddy,Kat...They both look at me like I'm crazy or something. Kat then breaks the silence " OKayyyy...What is your problem...Don't tell me you are gay suhn!"...
"Nah man I ain't gay, but it's not like I ain't trying. I mean I get numbers and well...I do approach"...
Kat" meh is that? Its time for some tough love now dawg(He and my cousin both nod in unison)
Me: Man atleast I am approaching aight
Kat: How is it that you look way better than your cuz, look at him with that effin' big a.s.s nose...You appraoch way more than he does yet he is gettin laid WAY more than you?
Me: (Kinda getting irritated now) I don't effin know man, maybe its because he is 24 and has a job and ish.
Kat: (Shakes his head)...Yeah right know maybe you don't want it enough.
Me: Ofcourse I do brah, I wanna get laid.
Kat: don' keep telling me how much you approach and blah...have you approached ten women last week"
Me: erm...
Kat: If you need time to count I bet it ain't even 4...Then you asy you want to get laid? You gonna have to put some work in playah
Me: Yeah?
Kat: Yeah dawg, look I get laid like a rockstar, I don't mean to brag...OKay maybe just alil. But the point here is, people like you and my hommies only see my rewards and admire my skills, they don't see my failures, trust me...theres alot of those! You see I got a part-time job at a mall, a day I approach more than you would in a week.
Me: Thats alot of rejections to deal with though.
Kat: the fvck what? You see thats your still fear rejection, even though you say you don't. I couldn't give a rat's ass of what some women think of me. You approach and get numbers and once in a while get a plain ol kiss and in a blue mood you get to finger....Me? well I bang the shyt out of them.
Me: Yah whatever dawg so what are you really trying to say?
Kat:I don't mean to give you a big head, but you look like one of those guys who get laid alot...but you are not...Know why? you aren't trying hard are still content with "Approaching" and getting "Numbers"...Man I have banged women with out even getting their digits. If you really wanna get laid, focus on that! not some redudant "Numbers!"...I ain't gon lie man, you got way more game than me, but thats your problem right there! You focus on ish that don't matter much. What you call crap game migght help you get laid and "tight game" hinder your chances or vice-versa.
What I am trying to say is, you got game, it don't matter if its tight or not.
Me: Aight I get you but I am direct, although sometimes I get no's, most of the time its vague or maybes that I have to deal with. and I don't wanna seem desperate.
Kat: You see, thats why you got to have 5 or more prospects so you don't come off as the effin' way, making a girl say "YES" or "NO" is not desperation its making sure you don't waste time. if she thinks you are desperate? well to hell with her!...You know you aren't..I hope!
Me: Thats a good tell me though, how do I get laid? I know this is kinda funny question but you obviously know something I don't?
Kat: (Laughs hysterically while lightly slappin me) You gotta excuse me man, oh ohkay look...The problem I diagnose with you is you operate from a scarcity mentaliy which cause you not too approach alot and **** up the prosepects that you do get.
Me: Me? Scarcity mentality? but would just tell me already!
Kat: you have dated alot of have kissed alot of have fingered know why? You found a girl that was down for that...the girls you hav approached recently probably just want dates and kisses...but I know you don't want that now right( I nod) this is where you have to approach like a biatch! On the bus, at school, at your hood, in the line in the grocery, in class, EVERYWHERE! I don't give a **** what you say just approach and tell her you want some pyssy!
Me: OKay pimp thanks for the words of tell me, how do you tell them you want some? just like THAT!
Kat: WTF is wrong is with you? I thought you are on direct since you read " Mode ONE?...look man obiviously the first words outta ya mouth can't be " Lets ****" I mean the girl don't know you...would you sleep with a total stranger?....But after you have left her, she shouldn't have to doubt that you want her a.s.s...How do you do that? well you know very well that what you want is casual sex right? so ask questions that will help you see whether she would be down for a casual lay.
Ask questions like..."Would you be interested in casual sex?"...seriously man, you gotta be relentlessly honest with these girls. And when things don't go as planned, never ever apologize or back down, I mean its not your problem that she doesn't want sex right? Take a fcking chance you bum! If you approach, say 20 women in a week...Player I GUARANTEE you one or two or three or four of five will want to bang the hell outta ya! you just gotta find em and thats only done by alot of APPROACHING! It should never be work, you should actully look forward to approaching! Love iT!
Don't focus on the results, otherwize your confidence is gonna be determinned results...and you can't control that! but you can control your approach and it should be "ON" all the time...Results will take care of their selves!
Me: Wow Thanks KAt, damn you have really opened my eyes dawg...shyt!
Kat: You always say that, I hope this time it really sinks in to that hard head of yours. Gettin' laid is eazy...only if you want it to be,don't care what they think or say, jsut do your thing even when you feel fear or your voice trembles always express yourself. I got rejected about 30 times last week alone, but now I got 7 new FB's. So don't ever feel down after a rejection...infact its a win because you didn't waste no time and money...Oh and one final word, fish in the right waters don't waste time with overly religious women and snobbish prudes, focus on women who are down with that and never be made to feel guilt about all you want is sex...You are effin' 18 not 50. get laid suhn..alot..
Me: have said much brah..
Kat: Think simply...See a girl-Aproach-Interview-Lay your plans-Your place or hers later on....Thats it! If you won't do it for you, do it for yo dik!
Me: The pimp has spoken and the protege has listened...speak no more dawg I fully understand what I got to do now.

YEAH, Thats my convo with him...I'm on another level now, can't explain the feeling, its 2 am as I type this and I can't wait till wake up and approach...No girl shall be spared..operation"This is it..GeT laid" is fully underwaY!


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Hope all the players are good in the house of Sosuave.

Well I came back to my hood on Tuesday, looking to really approach like a machine(sorta). So on Wednesday when I went to school, I kinda lost my spunk.
Having wingmen is great but not when they drag you down with their limiting mindstates. So when I came back home, I 'Fvck it!'...I'm going to do it alone.
So, still fired up by Kat's lecture, I felt great today. Woke up earlier and all that jazz. I have a very bad habit of approching and getting numbers but never actually following it up and gettin' something out of it.
So I decided to, for a lack of better word, "Kill" off my prospects. So I went to Shy at break and found her standing with Shorty.
Me:So when are you visiting me?
Her: When I am older.
Me: Aight, your loss. So..Shorty are you up for it? Would you like to come?
Shorty: No ways, what do you want Shy to think?
Me: Okay, thanks for your time, Im leaving.

Shy is genuinely not interested, her body language said it. Shorty? Well If I could her alone, I'd nab her for sure. No doubt.

As we were changing classes, I saw some hottie and well I approached her in a way I have never done before, as she passed I just held her hand, looked deeped into her eyes, smiled and just hi. She responded and kinda waited for me to say something.
I said nothing, not out of fear...But just. Oh well tomorrow I'm definetly nabbing her.

Then when I got home from the bus, saw a really really hot lady. I said " Hey, can I walk with you to wherever you are goin?"...She said " No thanks"...Okaaay, she must be lesbian...Yep she is.

Oh before I forget to mention, yall remember Ana? Well I called her yesterday after she sent me an sms. She told me she ain't going to school tomorrow, I would bunk and go over to her house but nah I got double Maths periods tomorrow so nah.
But Im going to call her now and tell her to expect me afterschool.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Friday...Finally! So today, I held that chicks hand again but couldn't say more than "Hi" because she was in a rush to her next class. So afterschool I dropped by Ana's hood with my buddy, Zaza tagging along cos he also lives in the same hood. He wanted to give me some Cherokee D'ass video but damn I didn't have a usb on me.

So anyway, Ana and I agreed to meet at 15:30, so I'm wating in some passage and call her two times with no answer, so after 10 mins I decide to leave but she calls and tells me she is on her way, aight cool.(Bear in mind we have never really had a conversation, its like a 1st "date").

As she appears I walk up to hug her. And this went down...I am going to paraphrase somewhere, we really had a long convo.
Me: Hey, I was leaving you know.
Her: Hey, I am sorry, I couldn't find the phone.
Me: Okay, I am going to the mall, so put me halfway yeah.
Her: Sure thang.
(light convo for like 3 minutes)
Me: So...Enough small talk, what type of a gurl are you?
Her: Me? Well I am quiet, I am a lady you could say. Prim and proper.
Me: Interesting, I get along with girls like you.
Her: thats great hey, so what type of guy are you?
Me: well, you can't put me in one category, thats for sure...One thing I am though, I am honest, straightforward and to the point.
Her:...Hmm, that sounds interesting hey.
Me: Well its about to get a whole lot interesting...Wanna know why I met up with you?
Her: Yeah, sure.
Me: (In a very highly self assured manner, slow deliberate tonality). I see you and I sharing each others company in an intimate manner in the next week or two..In private.
Her:...Wow,you don't beat around the bush do you?
Me: yeah and thats whats attracting you to me right now.
Her: Lmao..Oh my word you are so vain..
Me: what you call arrogance, I call self confidence. You say Toh-may-to and I say toh-mah-to.
Her:..Hmmm, you...Wait do you have a gf?
Her:..Yeah I knew it you do have one!
Me: I do(HB Butt) but to be honest I aint been talking to her in a month now, the connections gone. So technically yeah.
Her: I knew you were too good to be true hey.
Me: Why?
Her: You are...An amazing metrosexual with high confidence
Me: Nah, but I do take care of my skin and hair, and I like bling on my ears...
Her: I kinda also have a bf, but I am the same situation like yours.
Me: Its good timing I came at the time I did. Just in time to get you in my arms.
Her: hmm...I guess, so am I right by saying you are a sexual guy that wants to have sex?
Me: yeah...Like duh! So when you coming over? Next Friday or Saturday?
Her: I don't even know, you don't know me.
Me: My favourite colour is blue, now u know me.
Her:Lmao..You so crazy hey.
Me: You got a nice smile hey, and that body of yours gurl!(Turn around and blantantly look at her booty).
Her: (Blushes) but then you are looking at my butt.
Me: Its nice and firm, I'll some baby oil specially to massage it.
Her:God...You so nasty!
Me: Yeah but you like it, thats why you still walking with me.
Her: Buy me a chocolate when I come to your house.
Me: sure, plus its an aphrodisiac...Now you getting me aey.
Her:..You are something else..I bet you know where my G-spot is.
Me: Ofcourse, its inside your vagine, that spongy texture.
Her:...What...My word, you got me speechless.
Me: Yeah I know, I kinda have that effect on people.
(Then we drifted into some trivial talk I don't remember).
Me: Aey, I think its enough here. Don't want you to get lost when going back home. So you'll get to me about my preposition.
Her: Lol I know the way, and yeah I'll call you.
(We hug). I couldn't kiss her in very public place like near the mall.

When I got into the mall, I approached some girl with a really short skirt. I greeted her and she just looked at me...Lol, She must be lesbian!

I then greeted another gurl, but then strangely enough I didn't turn back to capitalise, complacency eh?...
Yeah that was my day. Mode One Bay Bay! Make it happen.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Epic. Loving on thee style bro.

I could see myself there at some points. "My favourite colour is blue, now u know me." "You got a nice smile hey, and that body of yours gurl!(Turn around and blantantly look at her booty)." "Yeah I know, I kinda have that effect on people."
Like I would've said it myself. "I tend to have that effect on people"
Great stuff.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Yeah Norwegian, you know thats how we roll man. Thanks for the props.

Sheesh, Im in some kind of rut eh, my friend told me how my game is drastically inconsistent. I noticed it too, one day I can approach like a machine, another Im a chump. Its getting irritating because its not like I fear something. Its just that I put like minimal effort into approaching consistently.

Take today for instance, im sittin in the bus and theres girl sitting on the left side of my seat who basically at some points was staring at me. But for the life of me, I didn't say ish! Then at school, as I walk into my english teacher's class to submit my essay, some chicks nudge eachother and point at me while smiling..What did I do?..Yeah you guessed it..Sweet Zero!

To address this little sticking point, theres this football bracelet I have worn since last year June, in support my country hosting the FIFA World Cup, I have never taken it out even once. Not even when I bath. I even refused to take at the theatre when had wisdom extraction, so you can pretty much imagine it means alot to, but I am going to take it out today.
When I put it back on, its going to be a symbol of...Erm..."Some Magic" to just approach like a machine, so whenever I feel hesitant, Ima touch it, then theres no going back. This gotta work. Later playerz!


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Greetings fellow players.

Today..Well..It was good I guess, yall remember Shy? Today was her birthday and I sent her an sms at 00:30. She was so pumped up that afterschool she came to me and asked me to spell my surname, after I did that, she edited her pic with my surname "Mrs El-NiñO".
She kept on hugging me and stuff even told me she still loves me. She is so hot, she could have any guy she wants but shes stuck on me. Me? I will see.

Oh then, some girl named SkinnyJeanie, told me last week that she's never kissed a guy. I told her I want to be her instructor. She agreed. Lessons start tomorrow.

Some girl invited me to a poetry session this Sunday. Gotta learn my poem off by heart. Gotta kill it. I recently wrote a trilogy of poems entitled "The boy who lost his soul". Its been very well recieved hey.

Anyway I am working heavily on my inner game. Making it stronger so my power can come within. Its paying off, people notice it, me rather. Some guys refer to me by the names "Casanova" or "Sex". By the way, here in Johannesburg, the name "Sex" is given to guys who are good with women or good looking. Oh well I notice how I know so many people, yall remember Hitler? I know him now, we cool.
I guess its the friendly vibe I give off.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Oh man...What a day, not much went well but im still upbeat(Inner Game).

Okay, where do I start? Let me start with alil incident that occured in one of my classes today, so theres this trend thats going on in the East Rand, whereby when someone coughs and the phlegm makes a "snap" sound in the throat, people just laugh at you and just generally tease you.
So I got a cold right now, so I unlike some people don't hide myself just to cough, so I coughed. It made that sound. All hell broke loose in the class, so much so that our teacher got up and left.
Now some people were jokingly suggestin that I was to blame when some guy just blatantly put the blame on me! Wtf? Am I a villian just cause I coughed? What!?Then I don't know I guess rage took over as I got off my seat to go straight up and tell him he's talking ish. He was talking alot but when he saw my rage he just kept shut. When I turned around, the whole class was staring at me. Then I left class, the guy came, he apologised and in my English class we were grouped together along with two other guys for an assignment. Oh well.

Come break time...My hommies, namely Zaza and Kop have gotten increasingly competitive. I always knew Zaza had it but Kop? Wow he is inspiring all of us. So as we goin to the toilets he pushes me into a group of 3 girls. Calmly we greet em, to which one of em rudely walks away.Okaaay! The other two were so meh I ain't even gon mention em on my journal.

Oh and Shy, showed me another edited pic. This chick wants it hug?...
I remember in some class we had to dance while Sir was recording the whole thing. Good times! I remember starting a chant when my homey was too shy to dance and the whole class joined in "ZAZA ZAZA ZAZA!" Ah flippen good timez!

So I got off at the mall today, bought my first ever pair of shades, afterall Spring is on the way. I wore them the whole way to my home. I made a grand entrance at home, my sister and mother sure laughed their asses off. Oh well, I'm gonna wear em to school on Spring day (1st September).
Oh before I forget to mention, Zaza, Kop and I are on some "challenge" to lay two girls by the 10th of September. Just thought I should let yall know. Don't be surprised when you read lay reports ya heard!