Nino-Tk's Journal of Women


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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How many problems do you do?
I usually do problems till I understand it. I dont even do them all, I just do it in my head/calculator, so i understand it.
If you dont understand something, do it until you understand it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Man I missed my journal! Anyway bro's, as I was walking to my first class this morning, Shy and her friend stopped me and they proceeded to kinda tell me how 'Bad' i am treating her, like WTF...I just listened to them.
Its pointless trying to justify a point when you are up against two women, so I figured I would talk to her at break alone.
Breaktime came and with it, the balls to tell her what was on my damn mind, so I asked her what the problem was, she went on about how moody I sometimes act(me?), how she doesn't get me at times and the fact that Shorty has been talking about seducing me, which makes her feel insecure.
So I just listened and listened to some point where there was silence for about 30 secs.
I then cleared my chest and told her that her hot and cold attitude really puts me off, and that her disability to be open and honest with me really sucks, whats the real reason she won't give her number...gosh I really put it all on the table!
There was some intense silence, then she laid on my shoulder and sobbed alil. I held her and told her that even though I had said all of this, its because I really want this to work.
She apologized and whispered a faint "I love you" to my ear.
Then somehow I managed to turn a sombre moment into bursts of laughter! I remember making jokes about how she could not cook properly and twisting each and everything she said in a humorous manner, I had her in sticks man, hahaha I remember how she would act like a kid and fake a frown while trying to slap me and pushing me with her body, good times.
Then she gave me her digits, and even then I kept on repeating every number she said to confuse her and accuse her of not knowing her own digits Lol..You shoulda seen her face guys.
Oh well Dj's this girl is developing something within me I think all guys should have..PATIENCE. More about that later

Anyway, When I got home, I didn't feel like eating bread so I just decided to get some muffins. On my way to the house where they sell them, a nearby school is just coming out so you can just imagine that the streets were crawling with beautiful girls.
I go into a kinda narrow passage, then theres like 3 girls, one of them is a knockout beauty and the other two, well one was cute and the other was kinda average(Sorry but my beliefs have changed about rating women..8,7,9 etc)
So im still in my school uniform, as I walk past them they greet me, I look at them and greet them back, then I go to them and ask them what their names are, they seemed shocked at first, but they introduced themselves, they are Prayer, Angel and Cindy.
Prayer is the total knockout beauty and the most charismatic, I basicall remember asking only for their names, where they live and if they had facebook(Which they don't) but our conversation was pretty long, we stood for like 20 minutes as they were asking about me and stuff.
At the end, I remember saying something like "It was nice talking with three lovely ladies who are friendly, but let me get the stepping before your BF'S slice me". Prayer responded" I have BF's ...Alot of them, but I don't have a boylover".
She said this while keeping perfect eye contact(I got her alright)...I just nodded and laughed and then bid them farewell, they said they would like to see me again tommorow, I probably won't, got alot of work to do.
So now, Prayer is my next intimately desired partner, will see how it goes while dancing in the moment.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Whatsup family? Been a while now, exams are a biatch...Going good so far though I absolutely murdered English today.

Women...Yeah, can't live with them can't live without them. Shy, ladies and gentlemen is really, really starting to irritate me. Whoo I wish someone would have told me that she is MOOOdy!( By the way Im on the phone with her as im typing this)
I love women, don't get me wrong but I feel like I am the one who cares most about this relationship, when I went to her at breaktime sometime last week, she will sometimes tell me I see her too much, so I backed off, didnt go to her on Monday, Tuesday and today.
Something weird happened though today, I have a girl buddy that loves coming to me for advice, so we were pretty much together the whole day and when Shy saw this, she started chilling with this guy (I think she was trying to make me jealous).
It did work alil, I felt abit ticked off but I didn't show it. Its like she has a multitude of kak tests and games she likes to play. But I usually ignore them but today I ignored her, went into the bus and never even glanced at her.
Shy loves me, else she wouldnt be calling me right now asking "Please spend time with me tomorrow" and sending an sms I never replied to.
Im not good when it comes to monogamous exclusive relationships like the one I have with Shy because when I love, I love fully but when crap games like these arise I act irritional...She is a woman, she is emotional, irrational, she doesnt make sense but sometimes she goes overboard.
Im caught up between laying down the law and controlling her( which I don't want), I want her to be herself, but it seems her self is too much for me to handle.
Im probably rambling, will see what she has to say tomorrow, but honestly I just don't give a flying fvck anymre.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Insight from a Bi lady friend.

"Delight in women who delight in you, give your love to those that appreciate it"...
When I heard that it kinda contradicted my philosophy of "Make EVERY lady feel loved"...But then she went on to explain that some women just don't deserve that love because all they want to do is manipulate you and play with your emotion.
So then I thought about it, Shy doesn't appreciate my love, but I thought, well since I love, I should put up with her B.S. So what this girl made me realise, is that even though I was dating Shy, I was essentially being a nice guy to her.
I guess I was trying to find the point between being a controlling fvcker or a guy that won't put up with ish...Fine line between them, very fine.
So I found it, I am just going to tell her what I won't put up with her shyt and if she feels she can't accept that then fine, we can part ways. Something happens when you just stop giving a fvck! But its not really all that, I blame "Love" and emotions, a girl should earn the right to your romantic love, don't give it up too early in the interaction. Because it suffocates your mind, thus you don't think straight, and you end up putting up with shyt from a girl because you "love" her.
I am not saying hate them, or be cold towards girls, all I am saying is be careful who you open your heart out to, not all girls are angels that want to be bent over, some just want to screw you over, identify them and pluck them out.
Peace Ninjas.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
My weekend was Math, Math and more Math, I am writing tomorrow so yeah I hope this will pay off Because I even had to cancel Nono from coming to my place, she was not at all pleased but hey, I gotta get my grades up. I will kill that paper!
Anyway I sent her a message saying " Drop all your plans for Friday and have fun with me at my place"...she replied "Yeah sure why not?" I sent another saying " yeah, my dad won't be at home:)"...then she was like "I promise to be on my best behaviour", I replied " leave that at your house please"...she responded " Okay but you asked for it, everything is at your own risk"...I was like " Whats life without risks anyway?"
This convo went on for about 5 more minutes, Friday it is then Gents. Now its time to sleep, wake up at 4am and practice some more then fvck that test up! Life's good!


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Thanks Player, that paper wasn't as bad, it was...meh but I know I have passed.
Was with Shy today, laid down the law, what I like, what I won't tolerate and told her if she didn't feel she could handle the conditions, she is free to leave. She chose to stay:)... So now I expect less hurdles but ofcourse the sh1t tests come once in a while.
I have noticed she is quite jealous, although she won't really show it but I told her that being in the company of ladies makes me feel mellow so she shouldn't stress.
Anyway, I have quite a passion for poetry (I think I wooed Nono with it) I remember making a girl cry after I said a poem to her in 2008, I started as a rapper but soon transcended to poetry in 2006. I have quite a number of poems just gathering dust, wasting my talent! But I have about 12 on my Facebook which get commented on. The thing I want to do now is join a poetry club and start performing.
Later Players


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
She has kissed another guy.

Shy never ceases to amaze me, earlier on she asked if she was the only one, I joked around and said 10 in a playful manner, I didn't really answer her directly but her mood changed and she wouldn't even let me touch or kiss her.
She just called me now and told me she has kissed another guy, I kinda kept quiet and she asked me how I felt, I said I didn't know and wanted to drop the phone but then she told me she was just joking. For some strange reason my gut feeling is tellin me otherwise, I switched my phone off. So advice would be appreciated, do let her go? Do I ignore her? What?
P.S it stings alil bit.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
NorwegianDJ said:
I'd say keep doing what you're doing. Let this be a red flag. Let it pass for now.
Thanks man, but I have ended things, when the B.S outweighs the love and it gets too tedious and stressful, its time to jump ship. Im living in abundance now, someone will replace her. Mark my words.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Yeah yeah wassup players? I got raped by that Maths paper two..nuff said.
After we finish at about 10:45 we decide to chill around at school untill our next exam at 12:00. So I am chilling with my Players and some 3 female buds, having fun teasing eachother and stuff, then Shy and Shorty walked past, they gave me "The look", my hommies sensed this and told me to chill.
So as we are laughing and having fun(My players and I pretented to be Boyz||Men and we sang quite horribly!), out the corner of my eye, a beautiful light skinned girl with curves in all the right places sits alone on some stool.
My hommies tell me to go chat her up, I took off my earphones and went to introduce myself and sit with her. She was very cool, down to earth and really likes laughing so me being as smooth as I am( Im so full of sh1t aren't I?) just asked her about herself and all that.
Then she abrubtly stops our convo and asks "Why are those girls looking at me so meanly?"...As I turn my head to see who they were, its Shy and her group of friends. Shy had to literally grab one of her friends from coming to us, they so childish! So this girl whos name is Kea by the way, was feeling quite nervous and uneasy but after I explained the situation, we had a good ol' chuckle.
We talked for about 20 minutes and Shy would pass by us alot, trying to get attention but I wouldn't budge, I just greeted her thats it.
Although Shy is out now, she has unknowingly taught me some things and made me see me for I really am sometimes. She has taught me patience, something every Player/Seducer/Don juan should possess. She has also taught me me not to give TOO MUCH TOO SOON, among other things she has made me realise that you should call out a girl on her bullsh1t, otherwize she takes advantage, be hardline but not controlling a la " You can leave if you don't accept the basics".
And she has made me realise that I am kinda on both sides, A jerk and Nice guy sometimes. Being a quiet guy naturally( Not Shy!) I can remain quite mysterious without faking it but then my nice side will spoil it all.
I guess Pook was right when he said there should never be a moment where you stand proud and say "Now I am a Don Juan!". My mission now is to take my attractive Jerk qualities and fuse them with my Positive Nice guy qualities, Because If you were to ask HB Butt, she always calls me the Devil and the fact that I don't care too much about her makes me attractive to her, while if you were to speak to Shy, she would probably say I am a nice guy for putting up with her sh1t for so long, although now she is seeing my Jerkish side.
Another Philosophy for me ponder on guys oh well Peace, love and Sex. Im out!


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
What’s good my hommie? Hehe… my day was Aight I guess.
Today was a public holiday for all school children in South Africa, so my dad wasn’t at home. Home alone I called Nono at about 9am, telling her to come to mine, she agreed and said she would come at about 12.
I clean the house and buy some snacks (Yall know I treat ‘em good). To my surprise, the time hits 2pm and the lady still ain’t here, I get alil ticked off and go my pals crib. Then at about 4pm, she calls to let me know that she has got off from the taxi, I wasn’t quite in the mood anymore but she gave me a valid reason. Besides she wanted to come so much that she didn’t have enough money to go back so I had to give her some.
When we get in, I joke about not having water, juice or cool drink but I got beer, she laughed as I proceeded to hand over a plate with snacks and some coke. I put on some good ol’ R&B music to get the mood flowing.
After about 30 minutes of small talk, I start kissing her on the couch. I then abruptly stopped and lead her into my bedroom.
It turns into an intense make out session, both of us are now topless, then I fingered her and made her orgasm, I’m not going to do it again while kissing because she bit me! I then tried to take her jeans off but gawdamnit curse whoever invented tight skinny jeans!
I tried until it was about knee-length and then a call came in from her phone, we didn’t answer it but when I looked at the screen, the time was 17:32.
I had to stop it because that’s when my dad usually comes in, she seemed…I don’t know but she asked me “are you okay?” Oh well she combed her hair and got all nice then I took her to catch a taxi, I remember telling her something like “Next time, don’t come with skinny jeans, gotta make things go more smoothly”. And I told her “What you got today wasn’t the whole menu, so next time be early so I can take you the whole way”…she just giggled.
That was my day Hommies.
Play the game.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds fun :)
Feel the bite marks bro, got them on my shoulders when I fingered one back in the day. **** was intense, didn't disappear for 3-4 days. Same with the jeans/tights, spent a few minutes on those. Just rip them off.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Thanks mi mate.
Okay so yesterday I finally got my ID book, I can now get me some drinks, although really this hasn't stopped me from getting some in the past but I haven't touched any this year, don't like it that much. But maybe clubbing could be a new realm for me to experience.
Today I wrote my last exam! Thank goodness, school re-opens on the 18th of July so I got alot of time to have me some fun and hit on cute girls who visit in loads to my part of the town.
Okay, I kinda need advice with this, I don't know what to call it exactly but ever since I have stopped MB, I have relied on wet dreams to relieve my sexual tension, it usually happened after two weeks.
It has been 3 weeks since the last cycle and my testosterone/sexual drive is on HIGH! I think about sex every other minute, I am abit empathetic, I am highly irritable, don't have much patience and it just sucks!
It's not like I wana beat the meat, although it did make me more calmer and in a way "Zen-like" because I wasn't being controlled by hormones.
I can see, Im starting to grow a 'stache and and a goatee and hair on my belly, so Dj's is there a way to in a way, decrease testosterone...Excercise? Foods? What?...Anything except for MB thank you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Soya. Soy protein. Turns into estrogen, makes you act and feel like a chick. I'd rather have too much testosterone.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Was a on the phone today with my childhood friend who can lay chicks like mad but he has never actually done a cold approach so he wants me to tutor him tomorrow, I so can't wait gents, check back tomorrow to see what went down.
Approaching must be the easiest thing in seduction, just try till you get what you want. Later Playa'Z


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Okay so I went to my dentist today, he said I am going to grow very tall(How can he tell?) lol, Its like theres two sides in me, Nice and Jerkish. He literally couldn't believe I was 18, oh well theres a guy that calls me "Babyface" at school. I am removing 4 wisdom teeth next week Thursday.

Enough about meh stuff! Anyway I opened a student nurse at that dentistry. So as she escorting me to that place where they take your X-Rays, I decide to yap it on. She is maybe 20-22, thick body and a very cute with a bright smile! But me being taller than her made me feel....Mighty haha!
Me:...You don't have to hold my hand, I have done this alot.
Her: I am not holding your hand, I am taking you to take your X-Rays.
Me: You seem young, how long you been workin' here?
Her: I actually started yesterday, I am still studying though.
So I take my X-ray and then go back to the consultation room with her, to my delight, it was just me and her..Oh and the loud-mouthed secretary.
Me: So where do you live?
Her: In Dawnpark.
Me: I could tell, girls from like speaking English.
Her: Well I can Sotho and Zulu too hey.
Me: Yeah well thats still not enough for you to marry me(sly smile).
Her: Lol..What do you want?
Me: Finish this course, make money and buy us a house, and a car for me, I will be a stay at home dad and let you do all the work for me.
Her: You are sick Mr! Get your own money heh

At this point, we got interrupted by The Dr...Damn him, lol but he is a funny chap. Anyway, while bidding goodbye, I told her I am gonna ser her on Thursday, next week that is. I really hope to see her because she will only be there for 3 weeks.

So now I am going to my dads house, when I bumb into a girl I cold approached when I joined this site way back in 2009, it had been long since we spoke, we lost contact. But to this day, even though we might have never hooked up, she still appreciated the fact that I approached her.
We stood there, and after some moments, she introduced me to her friend who was passing by. Not my type though, too..."prudish"

Anyway, my buddy who I was supposed to tutor..Well he opted for movies instead. Chickensh1t!
Lol, I don't know why I gotta mention this, but since this be my Journo, I was playin Lionel Richie's " Three times a lady" while writing this song. Its so splendid. Afc or not...Great song.
With Love.
EDIT: I am kinda emotional right now, just found out that my best friend tried to kill himself, he broke up with his gf. Damn women sometimes!
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Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Spend some time with him bro, he probably needs you. Get down to his level first, then lift him up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
NorwegianDJ said:
Spend some time with him bro, he probably needs you. Get down to his level first, then lift him up.
Yeah I did, he seems abit better now, this whole thing has shocked me big time, I mean I used to look up to him, in my eyes he was and still is the total DJ, but seeing him at his weakest made me see that there will be a point where you are down.
Im glad he is better now.
Oh well about girls, It has been beyond FREEZING for the whole weekend. I havent even left the house since Thursday. The weather sucks cause all girls are in their houses.