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Night Game is Dead? Yea, and So is Day Game


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
drak_ool said:
Exactly! "Just play the game"!!!

How else are you going to improve? Do you think black belts in martial arts, pro golf players, doctors, laywers achieved their success without putting in the hours of practice?

Game is just like anything else, it takes time and dedication to improve it. When a newbie comes to my boxing gym, they won't even let him spar for 2 or 3 months. They won't put him in an amateur bout for a year or two. Yet he trains elbow to elbow with other guys who are more advanced and fight on a regular basis. So if you view success by the number of fights you win, you won't even get your first one for possibly a few years. But I don't see anyone whinning that it's too hard to become an expert or w/er. Guys enjoy coming to the gym everyday and putting in time and effort for the love of the sport. Pple who really want to box understand that it takes a while to get to that level. It's the same thing for Game. You have to enjoy Game for Game's sake before you will have success with it.

Great post, too many guys are crying instead of working to find solutions to their problems, Omakra also had an excellent post. Guys need to find solutions to their problem, when I first started on this site you had guys like snowploman, jon24, slickaz, guywhooneedshelp, phat rabbit etc all posting Fr's. Now you come on this board Field reports are virtually non-existent and instead "looks matter" threads and "facebook" threads dominate a chunk of the boards/threads etc. Should these changes or topics be acknowledged? sure. Should they be over-analyzed to death? heck no

Right now I'm not on top of my game why not?

I put on weight
I lost my job (got a new one better paying)
lost a car

so I know what I gotta work on, making a thread calling women shallow b*tches who only want a good looking guy with a car and a lot of money isn't gonna help me. I gotta work on myself



Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
IKO69 is absolutely right,

Yes, women have more options, but they don´t have an army of guys chasing them.
The idea started with mystery, telling that you must be very original and learn his tactics, otherwise you will be blown off like the 1315413523 guys that approached her at breakfast...
Remember,most women are out of shape and ugly/average looking.... and the ones that are too hot scare the **** out of most "men".... and the constructor worker that screams when the HB passes doesn´t count as pursuer..

Once you get "older" it´s more difficult to approach, and be approached by strangers because you have a certain social responsability. When you are 15-18 age, there is a lot of direct flirting in the street, you still see it these days, but then it disappears, because people become more inibited, it´s not a today´s problem. Kids can still approach. Once you hit 20´s no matter what age, you should go to a disco, and your first concern should be meeting new people, make some friends, specially girls, before you get a girlfriend... your social circle starts growing rapidly and then the lays will come effortlessly.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
TIC said:
Your not going to impress a girl by approaching her. She views you with disdain. Just read some of the approach journals...90% of these girls that get approached give massive F-off signals right from the get-go.

Its SUCH bull**** man...I've heard girls talk about this very thing. They say stuff like "guys should man up and come initiate a conversation", "I don't bite, why are guys afraid of me?" But in reality, when you approach a girl, 80-90% of the time you either get F-off signals or they say they have a bf.

Moreover, women of today have HORRIBLE body language. They don't even look inviting. I'msitting in a campus library as we speak, typing this. These girls look angry, *****y, narcacistic, and egotistical. They do not want to be approached just by their bad body language alone

Girls don't want to be approached in public, generally speaking. They prefer to already know their potential mates through social circle. That is why day game and night game is dead. There was a time, I remember it, even though I'm relatively young, when getting a number meant something. Now, a number is very difficult and if you do get it, there is about a 75-80% flake rate. I've had it happen time and time again.

Social circle or die.
While I don't doubt what you say because I have seen it what exactly is your criteria? What kind of women are you approaching exactly? The best looking one's? If so you have to expect that a lot probably ARE going to be taken. Now if a woman is already seeing someone and has some guy hit on her, what do you honestly expect she is going to do the majority of times? Are you just blindly approaching these women? Because chances are interested one's are going to somehow make their interest known, drastically cutting down your rejection rate. If a woman makes it clear she isn't interested and is in a ****ty mood I don't know why you'd want to approach her anyway and if they are really as bad as you say, then everyone would be keeping to themselves, no one would be meeting or talking to anybody...now since even these women have friends and talk to others we know they can't be totally impossible to speak to.

That just leaves you. Now I've seen your photo, you're not hideous and while I nor anyone else was there when you were approaching these woman, you have to be honest with yourself whether you did the best you could or not. If there were things you maybe shouldn't have said or done and what to have done instead to make it work out better. Lying about it really doesn't mean a hill a beans because it's YOUR life not ours, you'd only be hurting yourself....BUT if you can honestly say that in such a short amount of time you managed to remove all the hang ups you had before and have all the skills down pat then you could possibly be right. However given the fact that throughout your own thread you came across as having a really low opinion of yourself more than once I'm pretty sure there still has to be some self improvement before things click. One basic truth: if you can't even value and respect yourself, no one else will.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
sirBill said:
Are you guys serious? Here's a hint for you all. Genetics dictates that there's ~1:1 ratio of guys to girls in the world. That number isn't changing. For every one of you dudes out there there is a girl.
Wrong. The normal human sex ratio is 105:100. That means there are 105 males born for every 100 females. And this is BEFORE sex-selective pre-birth gender selection, abortion and infanticide; all of which skew the ratio even more toward a higher proportion of males.

Even if the ratio was even, due to their hypergamous nature women would rather share a very desirable "alpha" between them then settle for a lesser male. If you're not in that top 10-20%, you're in trouble.

The game is rigged to begin with, and Facebook and all this other **** is just making it worse.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
JdelaSilviera said:
IKO69 is absolutely right,

Yes, women have more options, but they don´t have an army of guys chasing them.
The idea started with mystery, telling that you must be very original and learn his tactics, otherwise you will be blown off like the 1315413523 guys that approached her at breakfast...
Remember,most women are out of shape and ugly/average looking.... and the ones that are too hot scare the **** out of most "men".... and the constructor worker that screams when the HB passes doesn´t count as pursuer..

Once you get "older" it´s more difficult to approach, and be approached by strangers because you have a certain social responsability. When you are 15-18 age, there is a lot of direct flirting in the street, you still see it these days, but then it disappears, because people become more inibited, it´s not a today´s problem. Kids can still approach. Once you hit 20´s no matter what age, you should go to a disco, and your first concern should be meeting new people, make some friends, specially girls, before you get a girlfriend... your social circle starts growing rapidly and then the lays will come effortlessly.

You just proved my point. If you're a normal guy with a decent job, looks, college education, car, social skills then getting laid should not be some grand herculean task that takes balls of platinum to achieve. The times I got laid it happened effortlessly with minimal "game" required.

Of course guys should make the initial approach if he sees a girl he likes.
If you're at a club with your buddies, then yeah approach women cause what else are you gonna do there besides drink and stand around?

But if your idea of having fun and living life is approaching 100s of women and dealing with constantly getting flaked, rejected, blown-off, criticized, laughed at, ignored, despised, ****blocked, just for wanting to talk to a decent looking girl then you might need get checked for signs of masochism.

And I'm calling bullsh*t on the "personal responsibility/stop your whining" brigade. No one ever holds women accountable or responsible for their actions.....women never tell eachother to stop being so b*tchy, flaky,cliquey, standoffish, out-of-shape when it comes to men problems. No its always men's fault for any of their percieved shortcomings with women. I see the same shaming mechanism here just wrapped up under macho chest-beating and self-absorbed scolding. You guys can just STFU and go back to checking your facebook or iphone.

Oh and backbreaker and RT are both engaged/married. In their mid to late 20s too I might add. If the game was so fun to them, and they were getting so much pus thrown at them at the prime of their lives why did they settle so quickly? I don't think we're getting the whole story here.

My advice for guys is stop trying to live your life for one women or many women. Don't put up with any b.s. if you don't want to. This is your life and you live it how it makes you happy. The most important game is your life....spend your time and energy winning that instead of trying to win over impressionable hoes who you won't even pay attention to in 20 years anyways.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Exactly, I know guys that constantly pull chicks at clubs (usually are the ugly and insecure ones)... and I still think that cold approach is somewhat doable.

But it´s a far smarter move, to simply increase your circle of friends..

Cold approach doesn´t stand a chance against social circle... It´s very rare even for ugly, losers to not get laid, if your circle is wide...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
Kerpal said:
Even if the ratio was even, due to their hypergamous nature women would rather share a very desirable "alpha" between them then settle for a lesser male. If you're not in that top 10-20%, you're in trouble.
This is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Women would rather go years without a man before settling for an undesirable guy. And by undesirable, I mean average or even above average. Women all go for the same alpha in their social circle, I see the **** everyday, and if you think otherwise you are on acid/meth.

I sit in classrooms everyday that have ratios of 20:4 girls/guys. This of course does not improve my odds at ALL.

We all know that college campuses have MORE women then men, yet it does not seem to get any easier for most guys does it? Think about it. Women's hypergamous nature knows no bounds and is only compunded by facebook, texting, online dating, etc. Get your heads out of the sand and realize the game is beyond rigged.

Stop with all the macho "quit your crying" bull****. We all suffer as modern men who exist outside the top 20% of alpha males


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
yes 10% of men are fvcking all women, I almost forgot that.... you guys are kidding right? This is another myth spread by the community...

The top 10% fvck the top 10% of women, and a few lesser for being pigs...
If you want to fvck a top girl, become a top man yourself... otherwise, you will have to be happy with average ones..

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
I don't think so, Night game is still alive and Day game is just getting stronger. All of the people who are lazy and doing this facebook thing is just making it even easier for day gamers. Whilst tons of guy are kissing her ass in facebook, when she actually gets approached in the day, it's much more significant because there are so many guys who are scared to do it. So you stand out...a lot.

As for night game, girls don't go to clubs for the atmosphere or to hang out with their friends. They go so that some stud can take them home and do his thing. Girls may have their head up their ass, but at the end of the day they still want someone. They are not all going to boycott sex with guys.

The fact we know this is why it should be easier for us, whilst all the other guys are chasing and gift giving. We are standing proud, putting the girl back down to size and letting her do all the chasing.

You know your post is right about girls getting serious ego boosts and that they get approached a lot by many guys and that they have been spinning plates a long time before we have, but why post a thread to whine about how tough it is? How is this going to help you....even if everything you said was true. How does complaining about it possibly help you.

Don't just state problems, you will inevitably fall.

Come up with solutions, you will inevitably succeed.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
It's a really pessimistic way to put it, but some information is true.

If we all thought this way though, none of us would be alive because our fathers never got their stuff together to get a woman.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
TIC said:
We all suffer as modern men who exist outside the top 20% of alpha males
and what can you do to change this?

JdelaSilviera said:
If you want to fvck a top girl, become a top man yourself...
and there you have the solution to your problems^^^

Improve yourself, stop whinning like a little girl


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
sstype said:
You just proved my point. If you're a normal guy with a decent job, looks, college education, car, social skills then getting laid should not be some grand herculean task that takes balls of platinum to achieve. The times I got laid it happened effortlessly with minimal "game" required.

Of course guys should make the initial approach if he sees a girl he likes.
If you're at a club with your buddies, then yeah approach women cause what else are you gonna do there besides drink and stand around?

But if your idea of having fun and living life is approaching 100s of women and dealing with constantly getting flaked, rejected, blown-off, criticized, laughed at, ignored, despised, ****blocked, just for wanting to talk to a decent looking girl then you might need get checked for signs of masochism.

And I'm calling bullsh*t on the "personal responsibility/stop your whining" brigade. No one ever holds women accountable or responsible for their actions.....women never tell eachother to stop being so b*tchy, flaky,cliquey, standoffish, out-of-shape when it comes to men problems. No its always men's fault for any of their percieved shortcomings with women. I see the same shaming mechanism here just wrapped up under macho chest-beating and self-absorbed scolding. You guys can just STFU and go back to checking your facebook or iphone.

Oh and backbreaker and RT are both engaged/married. In their mid to late 20s too I might add. If the game was so fun to them, and they were getting so much pus thrown at them at the prime of their lives why did they settle so quickly? I don't think we're getting the whole story here.

My advice for guys is stop trying to live your life for one women or many women. Don't put up with any b.s. if you don't want to. This is your life and you live it how it makes you happy. The most important game is your life....spend your time and energy winning that instead of trying to win over impressionable hoes who you won't even pay attention to in 20 years anyways.
This. The guys that disagree or chest-thump are just delusional.

And to answer the other poster. I was a member/lurked here longer than you've been born probably.

You guys can keep approaching 100 women at the bookstore and get 10 numbers, where 9 of them flake. Any guy on here who claims to have success is lying, plain and simple or lives in an area conducive to talking up random strangers.

Most people meet each other through social circles of some kind...or a mutual friend...or a get-together/event. The guys doing this are just seen as desperate creepers that are wannabe players. I'm not going to pretend to know about bar/club game...I've been to them but not engaged in that...but I've seen numerous men with great looks and game approach random women on the street...you'd have a better chance of winning the lottery.

And why give a woman that ego boost anyway? By approaching her, you're just making it harder for some guy she knows to get her because her ego is up.

The idea is to take away a woman's power, not give her more.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Toowoomba AU
You know, I had a social circle. I was just average, just one of the dudes, and all was cool.

But then I then started learing to be a DJ. Gradually I started gettin good at triggering attraction. Gradually I started gettin good at picking up girls in my social circle.

And do you know what happened? My friends turned on me. They got very jealous. They started sowing seeds of disrespect for me in all the girls in my social circle.

They got into the ear of all the girls, especially the alpha female, the one whose opinion counted for the most, who none of the other girls would dare to think an independent thought without it first being sanctioned by her.

They out-numbered me, they won by attrition, because they would spend every night of the week orbiting around these girls, while I would see them only on weekends for parties.

They eventually prevailed against me and convinced the girls in my social circle that I was a "sleaze-bag", and that no self-respecting girl would hook up with me.

From then on, every time a hot new girl would come to one of our parties, she would immediately be attracted to me, and we would be hitting it off great-guns, until the "clique" of girls would descend upon us and start making snarky comments about me, and then take the new prospect away and start informing her about what a sleaze-bag I was and warning her not to hook up with me.

What could I do, not many girls have the courage to trust their own instincts against the overwhelming weight of the pack mentality. My pool of prospects in my social circle shrank to zero, because my jealous friends couldn't be bothered to learn about being a DJ themselves, but they could be bothered to sabotage my own chances of success, because I was "better" than they were.

So now I don't have any option. Its day game or bust for me. So I've got to get good at it. There is no other choice.

Thankfully I've been able to make it work for me, and its still gratifying to go to a party with one of my hot gf's that I met from outside my social circle, and to see the impotent jealousy on my friends faces as they realise that I'm the one who is going to fvck this HB tonight, and to see the b1tchiness on the the faces of the girls in my social circle when they realise that an outsider dared to disobey their "black-list", HA!

OP, I just think you've got to adopt an abundance mentality dude. There is no shortage of chicks in the world. There's not even any shortage of hot chicks. They're everywhere. Yes they have an entitlement mentality, but over time, I've also developed an entitlement mentality of my own. I deserve to date and fvck hot chicks, I'm entitled to that, no matter what any one else from my social circle may think. There is always a way to succeed OP, there is always a way to make it work.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
^ ^ ^

This is a GREAT post and sums up in one post the essence of the mindset.

Only focus on what you can control. And you can NEVER (100%) control a woman. All you can control is yourself and how you live your life.

I mean, sure, social networking has changed things. But guys and girls are still hooking up everywhere, and crying about how life is so unfair is not going to change things one freakin' bit!


I did have a look at the OP and one thing did stand out to me. In one of his threads, he had pics with suggestions for improvement. And I noticed he seemed to be of muslim / arabic / other sort of heritage...?

Regardless of what b/s goes around, the fact is, looks can (but not always) play a HUGE factor in the early stages of the interaction.

And when I saw his pic, the first thing that came into my mind was "creepy":

TIC said:

there it is just got it 2 days ago. Left everything on top and faded the sides, back. Looks kinda like a high top fade. Hasn't been in style since the 90's, I know. My dad said it looked like a military cut haha. Gotta try new **** anyway. I'll do a Mohawk next
I'm not sugarcoating it with fairy dust, but that is just what I thought. And if he is approaching girls with that look and the sort of negative mindset that he exhibits in his some of his posts, then no wonder he is getting shot down in flames.

And another factor is that if he is chasing white girls, there's only a certain % (maybe 10% or whatever) who will even consider going for that sort of dude (no different to as how only a certain % of white girls would go for a black dude).

And that, without a shadow of doubt, is also cutting down on his success.

Forget all the politically correct b/s, it is a fact that not all girls will go for a guy from a different ethnic class, regardless of how good his "game" is.

Is that unfair? - Yes
Is there anything you can do about it? - No

Life sucks sometimes, but there is no point deluding yourself to reality.

But are day and night game dead? No freakin' way!


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Robyn923b said:
It's a really pessimistic way to put it, but some information is true.

If we all thought this way though, none of us would be alive because our fathers never got their stuff together to get a woman.
More like most of our fathers settled for whatever they could get. I could easily get fat/ugly girls, but I'd rather masturbate to porn than have sex with a woman who I'm not attracted to.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
runner83 said:
I did have a look at the OP and one thing did stand out to me. In one of his threads, he had pics with suggestions for improvement. And I noticed he seemed to be of muslim / arabic / other sort of heritage...?

Regardless of what b/s goes around, the fact is, looks can (but not always) play a HUGE factor in the early stages of the interaction.

And when I saw his pic, the first thing that came into my mind was "creepy":

I'm not sugarcoating it with fairy dust, but that is just what I thought. And if he is approaching girls with that look and the sort of negative mindset that he exhibits in his some of his posts, then no wonder he is getting shot down in flames.

And another factor is that if he is chasing white girls, there's only a certain % (maybe 10% or whatever) who will even consider going for that sort of dude (no different to as how only a certain % of white girls would go for a black dude)

But are day and night game dead? No freakin' way!
alright look. Firstly, I try to approach girls no matter who they are. However, the ones that have shown the most interest were white. In the approach journal though, many of those girls are minorites. Dont turn this into something its not. There is no race issue here.

Also, the pic was to give a good look at the haircut dude. Im not walking around with that expression, obviously. It was a bad pic but again I just took it real fast and posted it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
When I am not out pimping hoes or cashing signers at the horse track, I run a web development company. I prefer to use freelance sites to get work versus using my site for various reasons, mainly because it controls marketing costs.

There is one site in particular I use, it's pretty big. "There are forums there, just like this forum on the site where they all talk about how "this site is dead" and how all clients are *******s and how the only way you can compete with the "guys overseas" is to work for scraps and blah blah blah I'm bleeding out my Virgina help me.

It never seems to occur to them,, that maybe.. just maybe.. maybe.. they just ****ing suck. Or they aren't as good as they precieved themselves to be. which happens alot in the web development industry. I know that 80% of our business comes from one site and we make close to 100k a month in revenue, the site can't be that ****ing bad. There is another company who I would guess brings in every last bit of business from this site, makes about 150k a month, based in dallas texas, not Singapore or japan.

You have some people in the horse racing game so delusional that that have convinced themselves the only way you can"beat the game" is by breaking even or doing a little worse than even and living off rebates.
And you come here and you honestly believe that the only way you can hook up with a chick is if she knows a friend of yours?

First of all, if you have been here for a year or less, you should not be writing end all be all posts about how game works, when you don't have any. it took me 5 years to get "game". not 10 months. Not saying it should take you 5 .i ahd a unique set of circumstances, but it will take you longer than 10 months before you honestly know what does and does not work.

you don't even know what success is.

closer. but not quite.

I refer you both to this


this is pretty much how I met every girl I have dated since I have been grown

girl 1: approached her while buying a wallet at dillards
girl 2: approached her while she was my waitress at a sports bar
girl 3: approached at burger king
girl 4: sold her a car
girl 5: sold her a car lol
girl 6: met at an AA meeting
girl 7: met literarly at a bookstore while I was going to pick up a richard dawkins book. ****ed that night. dated for 4 months.
girl 8: met at a strip club
girl 9: met at the horse track res truant
girl 10: met at clocker's corner at the horse track, this is now my fiancee.
girl 11: met in the movie theater lobby while going to watch I robot the day it came out. The sad part about it was I was actually on a date, i had went to get some nachos and candy lol.

Note those are serious relationships not flings. the closest I have come to a social circle is ****ing my ex's cousin when I saw her at a bar about a year later. I wanted to get with her when I was dating her cousin lol. in fact i have never been hooked with a girl by a friend or though a social circle in my entire adult life. I don't have friends that good. all my old friends were too hood looking and if they k new them they wanted them and if they knew me they wanted me. in fact we kept them from each other until we had our hooks into them lol.

some of you are like the guy who goes to the track and who don't put bets in because they are afraid they might lose the 2 dollars lol. so the **** what. you can only win if you aren't afraid to lose. You would rather walk out with your 20 dollars in your pocket, then risk something and possibly come out with 200.

And **** i'm not perfect. I've been given the national rejection hotline number before. more than once actually lol. I've had drinks thrown at me. I've been harassed, I've been lead on, lied to, rejected nicely, not so nicely, used for money, used for drugs, used to get into a new car lol, i've been used to make another guy jealous, i've been flaked on.. It's going to happen. And if I go back in the playing field it will continue to happen. But that is not an excuse not to play the game. The game is the game is the game. The quicker you realize it, the game doesn't change. You have different players in the game, you have some different tricks but the game is the game. And the game is to be played.

If everyone actually just sat out and did the DJ boot camp this site would run so much smoother. By the time I got down talking to 100 girls I had a cabinet full of plates. I would sit at work not knowing what I was doing, but **** between 5-7 girls, damnit i can find something to do. ?that is the mentality you should have.

As far as night game, I have never had much success with night game but then again I don't go out lol. I never was a big night owl. If it's not a sports bar at night or a nice jazz club I'm out and then I'm not there to look at women.

your awesome .... this is so true , people come on here and tyr a few things and think that their experience is that of a pickup god , and come back and try to tell people how everything works , when they haven't even began their learning yet , the amount of people that agree to this crap , and begin to b!tch about how "hard" it is when they don't even know what "it" is and it also pains me to look at peoples join dates as well , most people on these forums know nothing about how helpful this place used to be back before most people knew the word troll.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
And one other thing, runner. A good 20-30% of the girls I see every single day have an even worse look on their face than th eone I had in the pic.

It would seem as though women get a free pass to be angry *****es while guys have to be always positive, passionate, sexy, and extroverted.

I guess there's no way a girl could be "creepy", but for me there is.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Good post TIC, I really enjoyed the writing. Pretty illuminating thread too, although we tend to talk ourselves round in circles sometimes, it doesn't always feel like we progress the game to any degree.

Whenever we talk about how the sexual playing field might be changing (for better or worse) there's always someone willing to say rise above it, work harder, become exceptional, and that's valid...for some.

Here's my point, that kind of exceptionalism by definition, is only for a very few, it's not a solution for the majority of guys who are practicing any kind of Game. I take nothing away from the guys who are at the top of their field, they deserve every last BJ and every dollar in their bank account.

Self-improvement and success (however you definite it) are definitely worth pursuing but most of us will never be exceptional, I'm not, I'm right in the meat of the bell curve. I'm confident, comfortable and realistic in my self-assessment. When we're talking about how changes in our social environment affect Game I think it's really worth focussing on how it affects the majority of guys, not so much the outliers.

I think Game should be for the guys in the bell curve and less about trying to push them out of it. Moreover it's just not all that useful to say "yes x blows but it wouldn't be a problem if you were in the top 10%".