NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry guys, I failed. :(

It ironic, isn't it? The person who organised this has failed to do even a simple task like this! I'm pathetic.

That and I have not exactly being feeling the best about myself the past few days, its almost like Secondary School all over again!

You can ahead and start a week 2 topic but I need to go away and seriously think things over, my heads a mess of shyness, procaistinatin, laziness and other crap thats making me feel bad at the moment!

I messed up badly and I'm sorry. :(

Good Luck everyone.



Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score

Don't give up. Seriously, get your ass out there and get it done.

It's only day 1 of week 2 now. You can go out, spend a few hours at a popular spot (mall, bookstore, etc) and get your 50 easy. Just be ruthless about it, say hello to every single person you see even if they are not looking at you.

The only way to push through your social barrier is to go at it 100%, don't give a f**k what people around you think, just take action.

I can guarantee the confidence boost you get after just 2hrs of hard work will be well worth it.

I didn't think I would really gain anything from week 1 myself. I thought, eye contact is easy I do it everyday; but I gained a boost of confidence from this activity.

I walk slower. I try to interact with more people. I get a big old smile on my face when I can smile and say hello to an HB9 and have her smile back.

Don't give up, you can easily catch up and get back into the game.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
f*ck!!!!!! ended up with only 35/50. the only good news is that after i write my calculus exam tonight i'll have a good 10 days before my next exam, so i'll be able to spend some actual time on this BC. no one's fault by my own...i skipped way too many classes so all my time in these past few days have been in the library or locked up in the study.

i've gotta go to the mall tommorow anyways, so i'll try to mix up the rest of the hi's and the conversation exercises (because it's not like i'm gonna start a conversation with every good-looking in the mall - but at least i can greet them).
if i make it back to my dorm fast enough after my exam to catch everyone else who's going out, i'll also try this up at the bars. but honestly, that's the sort of environment catering to these social interactions, so i dunno if it would really count for BC.

NHY: don't give up man. the purpose this BC is to get over the shyness and laziness when it comes to your social life. if this BC were easy, there'd be no point to it. think about it like this - if you stick with this, the best that could happen is that you get over all those bad things in your head and the worst is that you've spent a bit of your time that would otherwise be spent in front of the TV at home. if you don't go through with it, that chance gaining the confidence you will severely decrease.

everyone else: great job on finishing, and good luck on week 2!

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Aite Hi's are finally done. I was gonna go out tonite and start on the conversations, but my friend is broke and only going out tommorow. I would go by myself but my trans isnt licensed and insured as of yet. The party we are going to tommorow is $25 so I better make it worth that money. I dont even have enough money to buy liquor but that is probably for the better.

Good luck to those who are still pushing to get to week two, and those who have already started it


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
The last hi's are done now. Spent a lot of time in the city after dark. wheww.. round two now.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
1st report....

It's approximately 2:29 PM were I live and i'm in the middle of watching one of the most exciting games on earth,Basketball,Ive decided to tell you what happened in my frist week "on the field".

Alirght so we'll start off wenesday, when I decided I was gonna get kicked out of boot camp if I didn't try anything so I was just hanging out then started talking to a few of my friends saw this HB 3 years older than me from my school so I started to talk to her and was like are you going to the dance and such so she was like ya,Then she was like are you going and I was like no I don't think so. So she started bugging me to get my ticket and finally I did. So she's going to the dance monday and so Am I and this is one of them dances with the girls ask the guy's to dance aha. She better ask me or else I'm gonna ask her.

Now let's skip to friday - I was leaving to go away that weekend and I went to the local pizza place for lunch break me and my friends and tehre were a couple HB's my age there so we started talking and stuff nothing to interesting but notihng to much cause one of them was one of my friend's girls.

Later that night at the hotel - Me and one of my friends were sitting in the lobby and here comes in a girls basketball team so I'm like sweet he's kinda the shy type. So one sits down so I'm like "So are you guys from around here" (Of course there not there staying at the hotel) they tell me were there from and such so I get small talk going on with a few of them get some of them laughin, Then my team was gonna have a poker game going so I asked them if they wanted to play and there coach wouldn't let them so I was like well if you girls get bored later I'm in room 206...Then one girl replied with "your a midget"...Now I am about 5'10 lol and they were the senior team so the girls I were talking to were probalby a few years older then me but I didn't get the midget part lol...

It's not that hard to talk to random chicks I figured that out and rejection isn't so bad cause that girl looked like an idiot and her friends knew it lol...Turns out later that night though that they had a room before my friend and went through the doors the deperate the 2 rooms til llike 3 in the mournign but nothing hppened lol...So I went in there the next mournign and after my friends were done telling me I knew them girls were still asleep so I knocked on the door and was like there my age to how come there not midgets lol.

Well that's my week 1 report and tips lol!


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
just started week one.

this is gonna be great fun!

start all over again with some tricks on my pockets.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Good luck to the new fellas... and to those that havent completed it yet, we know you guys are capable of finishing and startin week 2, even if it is just a little later. And you know that you are pushing yourself and you want to better your current situation and this is a proven way that does, so im going to shut up now, lol. Come on Varius, P.Power and NHY!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
London, UK

I know you guys are starting week 2, but I see you have started a new thread for that. So I am gonna carry this thread on as I want to begin week 1 starting tomorrow. Any guys up for doing it? NHY you want to give it another go? Come on man you can do it, you sound quite similar to me, maybe we can help each other out.