NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Originally posted by Dustin
Help please!!!...Ok guys im completely lost on what were supsoe to do and everything a little help please....
All right. Dustin. Boot camps are basically self-imposed training sessions with the encouragement of others in order to better yourself. Rules on them may vary according to what goals you want to set and who you are. You might first want to start by creating a list of what you want to change about yourself, and not just looks. second, set a goal amount of girls you want to approach inn a day/week.month or even a year.

As you progress, post your results, and be honest. THis is for everybody's benefit.

I myself do not usually do this kinda thing cuz Idon't need it. I view everyday as a chance to better myself and meet new people/girls. My goal of women is pretty much any girl that isn't ugly in both looks and character.

Also, look for one or two mentors, peopel who you trust and who are superior to you in what ever you want to obtain for yourself, and have them help you with constructive criticism.

Also, as mentioned before, this isn't just for changing your looks, it is for several aspects of your life in general. DJing is not just about girls, its is a worldview to a certain degree.

Any questions just PM me.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
Dustin: if you wanna look at the bootcamp we're doing, look up in the top right-hand side of the forum page and you'll see a link to 'The DJ Bible'. download that and you're set.

alright, i had another 10 today, so i'm at 22/50. i dunno if i'll have much of a chance tomorow to do this up since i gotta pull an all-nighter to study (**** MID-TERMS), but i'll definitely do my best.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
hey guys i'll sum this up real quick

i got a total of 17 ec + smiles! i managed to pull some hellos which eventually turned into convos (hell yeah!)

i was giving (and getting!) some serious eyecontact with this girl at the gym. i smiled at her which made her smile back..yess. she had killer legs but wasn't quite blessed upstairs. she actually came over to check herself in the mirrors but silly me didn't even greet her hello.. or bust on her for comin over to check ME out. bah

all 5 of my hellos turned into convos. these were with ordinary people. i'm finding it easy to transition and talk to them about the surroundings, to where they're going etc..

I notice that when i have this "friendly" vibe (ie. strong posture, good facial expression) people give me eyecontact.

there are still people who have this WTF look on their face when i greet them. shy? grumpy? who knows?

hey Microphone Fiend, i'll keep that in mind. thanks bro. as for the others, i'll post a comment but i need to study for my midterms first.



Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by ethnomethodologist
JC9 where are you from? I need to get a feel of you, I haven't seen you or heard you around this site yet. I don't know where your vibes originate from, so I can't see the direction they are headed. Give me a hand here, I'm here to guide you.

Read over Articles 5 and 6 again. Confront the people who make the quick gestures, light eyecontact reveals a propensity to submission. You have to recognize this, and learn to react to it by acting dominating. Others will notice this on the street, so you have to creat 'lucky' situations. If a girl sees you laughing with the guy holding the I want a quarter for beer and hookers sign, and than the next scouting for some quick job tips from a guy ina business suit, she will likely respond to you with a wide smile before the EC is even established.

I'm from Texas. Not sure how to describe my 'vibe' but I'll let you know my take and goals for this Bootcamp.

Since I'm older I already have experience in approaching women, getting numbers, dates, etc; However my skills, prior to discovering this site, have been very stagnant. I was not getting any better with women as the years progressed.

I view the bootcamp as a way to get back and work on the fundamentals of social interaction, as well as improving myself. In addition to the bootcamp activities I have added weekly goals for myself in the physical and spiritual departments as well.

It is sort of like basketball. If you only go out and play, and play with the same groups of people you will plateau at a certain skill level while those who spend hours shooting free throws, dribbling, and playing with all skills levels of players will excel quickly and have a much higher skill level in the end.

So for each weeks assignment I am focusing, and reporting back my experiences just with the activity. If I have a conversation, get a number, or go on a date during the week it's not worth talking about unless it relates to the weeks assignment.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
ok Ive already red the bibble so no im gonna set some goals right lol and I'l ltell you how I do tomorow.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
gab01: Wow man, 48 / 50? Thats excellent progess from you. You've taken to the boot camp like a fish takes to water! Of all the people here, you have the best protential.

GinandTonic: Considering the fact you have tests going on, you won't blame for not making the 50 qouta by friday, BLAME THE SYSTEM! ;)

skd: Thanks for the morale boost, I kinda need it. You making good progress as well, keep it up! ;)

Myself, I've only gotten one more today, so thats only 2 / 50! :down: . I am going to drastically step things up torromow to attempt to fill this qouta or do as much as I can. Now, don't get me wrong, the stuff here has had a postive impact on my life. ( Ie, I don't give a crap anymore about not having a girl by my side ) and such.

I'm too much of a thinker and not enough of a doer! I'm going to have to force myself to say Hi now torromow ( thursday ) and if its not filled by Friday, I WILL stay at it until I reach 50!

Eye contact is easy for me though, I didn't seem to get any postive responses from people ( theres a lot of cold and arogent people in this world, many of them ignored me and I was keeping a fairly postive posture! ), except from this one girl who was passing me, who actually looked back at me and smiled as I retained the EC for 1 second after she took her eyes off me, too bad I didn't say hi! :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
everyone should be finishing up in the next couple of days... Friday's approaching!

I actually went to my classes today so I got 20 more peepz to add to my total.

total: 54/50

c'mon guys, let's step it up!


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by skd
everyone should be finishing up in the next couple of days... Friday's approaching!

I actually went to my classes today so I got 20 more peepz to add to my total.

total: 54/50

c'mon guys, let's step it up!
Well Done! your the first to furfill the quotas, give yourself a pat on the back for doing this!

Personally, by the looks of things, I'll getting a shot in the foot! :down:

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
got 10 today....I went out and got three and was feelin off, and then i stopped home, read a lil of the BC readin material and this thread, and got in the field for some quick Hi's on campus... All of my Hi's today were either on campus or @ bus stops. YAY

Total: 29 hi's

NHY, come on man, time is runnin out...U can do this, I remember last time I tried, I ended up pulling an all-dayer cuz i was down like 20 my last day and it was a sunday...I had to search the streets and run and get my Hi's, lol. You are really gonna have to pull this out of your ass, but by your signature and your earlier enthusiasm, I can tell you got what it takes, you just seem a little side tracked at the moment. Reread the first exercise thread man, thats what I do. When I start to fear rejection, I look at that bondjamesbond post. Then I realize that only the incredibily lucky get success right from the gun. Getting a bit of resistance in the beginnnig isnt out of the ordinary, in fact it is the most likely scenario. I think this is great because it really feels like you achieved somethin. If i where born with the looks of a model and chicks always on me, they would have little value and I would feel little value about myself. However when I worked to get those women and make myself a more confident, better man overall, then I can really feel good about myself.

Gab01 & skd you two really moving man, damn. I gonna try and catch yall up. Are you guys going to relax til the next week, reset the counter or start week two early? We need a name for the "week 2 bootcamp thread" any suggestions fellas?


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
I won't be relaxing, but I won't be posting any more results up.

What do you mean by a name for the week 2 response thread?


New Member
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
well done skd and gab01 you are pros!

im doin ok got 15 EC and smile but still only 2 hi's

do you guys wait for them to smile back at you before you say hi or just to make EC or just say it regardless?


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2004
Reaction score
Hi guys... little prob here. Last weekend i was studying for midterms, managed only to go out once for a short time, done lots of EC, not really a problem for me... but now I'm back home(since Tuesday) , in little city, ultra boring, small, ugly etc:/ i dont like this town and dont like to go out here(there isnt any place to go out here anyway). So till 19(when ill be back at dorm in big city:p) there isnt almost any chance to continue BC:/ I think ill have to postpone it.... if anything changes ill let you now. Good luck with yours BC! Ill be here, watching and waiting for my time:D


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score

Finished off the last of mine last night.

I was not getting super high numbers going through my regular day for the most part, so I went to the mall last night.

People seemed to be in a more relaxed mood so it was easy to knock out the rest of the EC/'Hello's.

At the beginning of the week I thought it would be easy to do 50 without going out of my way to do it; Now I see how much I normally walk around in my own world, listening to music or whatnot. It actually took active effort to make the 50 in one week.

Good luck to those still finishing off their assignment. Week 2 should be even more challenging.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
p.power, i personally prefer saying hello after getting a smile from the person. when a person smiles back, you instantly know that they are in a good mood and you wouldn't need to force it. the hello just naturally rolls off your tongue.

anyway, i'm done with the bootcamp. props to skd and JC9 for finishing ahead of schedule! and ahead of me! haha

anyway, NHY, bro, you can do it man! i suggest you get a buddy of yours and hit the mall together and do the remaining 48! it'd be easy man, especially with the moral support! give it a shot man!

to microp.fiend, man, you're almost there! you can do it fiendy!(rob schneider tone! lol)

how bout we all post our realizations or observations (or summary) before we start on week two? this ought to give extra time to those who are a bit behind, and would be a great way to find out more about the diff styles of BCers. what do you guys think?

if you wana check out my last day of week one, go to my blog it is painfully long and i don't want it to be an eyesore to the msgboard

good luck to the rest of you!
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Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
One observation I had was that it seems like a lot of people (most people actually) deliberately avoid eye contact with other people. Like they'll turn their head to the side and pretend to be looking at something, but I know they're not actually interested in whatever they're pretending to be looking at.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Originally posted by varius
Hi guys... little prob here. Last weekend i was studying for midterms, managed only to go out once for a short time, done lots of EC, not really a problem for me... but now I'm back home(since Tuesday) , in little city, ultra boring, small, ugly etc:/ i dont like this town and dont like to go out here(there isnt any place to go out here anyway). So till 19(when ill be back at dorm in big city:p) there isnt almost any chance to continue BC:/ I think ill have to postpone it.... if anything changes ill let you now. Good luck with yours BC! Ill be here, watching and waiting for my time:D
come on mayne, you dont even need to go to a club to get these nubmers...You gotta have malls, grocery stores, poolhalls, coffee shops...anything. Thats all you need...well actually all you need is a person who has a pulse and isnt asleep :crackup:

skd: We could just save space and all jump to an already started week 2 thread... that would make a good amount of sense. If everyone is still posting in this thread and some ppl are on week 2, some on week 1, some on week 4, it would get confusing

p.power: I hardly ever get hi's and when i do they seem forced. I usually wait for some mutual EC, but if Im bent on gettin a Hi I just say it whether they are looking down or away or whatever

JC9: Congrats mayne. I know what you mean about being in your own world. I used to walk around with earphones on or with my laptop. Now I leave the cdplayer @ home and if I am takin the laptop I never use headphones so that I can still be aware and look around for opportunities.

Gab01: Thanks man, Im almost there. I got 11 today, so Im up to 41. I can do it...I can do it...alllllll niiiiiiiiigggght loooooong. Just post the results here man, your links not working, and the whole reason that we got the response thread is so we can give our experiences and read others...yes...even the ones with extra attention to detail, lol.

After I finish Im probably going to go straight into week two so I have a little extra cushion in case I fall behind schedule during week 2.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score

HB10s on public transport are REALLY good at not looking left and right. They will stare at an empty space for HOURS if they have to instead of checking out who's checking them out!


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by skd
One observation I had was that it seems like a lot of people (most people actually) deliberately avoid eye contact with other people. Like they'll turn their head to the side and pretend to be looking at something, but I know they're not actually interested in whatever they're pretending to be looking at.
Actually, yes, thats true, I made that obversation while I was out getting as many His as I could ( I got 5 so..... 7 / 50 )

Most people just looked on as if I wasn't there! Thanks alot, people of Cork, your no help to me at all!

Gab: Thanks for the suggestion but the thing is well, I've always being a bit of a loner and a little shy, geeze, I'm not normally THIS bad, though! Must be bad timing for me! That and I'm also VERY private about things I do ( another fine F*** up on my families part, I can't actually stand being watched on a the PC at home! )

Also, I can't really afford to go out properly as I don't have a job. I really need to get one to improve my finanical situation! Though, I'd probably have to scarafiece any kind of socail life most nights for the sake of more money! :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
i fixed the link guys. but this ones for you fiendy!

i only needed 2 more to finish my week one. and the story goes..

2 hellos! on the way to school.. yaay week one's done! but it doesn't stop there..

when i was depositing my bag in the library, i saw a cute girl getting her stuff and i made a comment that sounded like "hey, you got a lot of baggage". we made eyecontact and she let out a really nice metallic smile haha. i wanted to follow it up with some fluff talk but i really had to study (and she was kind of in a hurry too)

i used the "hey, are you here for your x-ray" line on a different girl this time and got the same results. she was very receptive (smile) unfortunately, it was her turn for the check up so no follow up fluff opportunity.. and the nurse made me sit my ass down cuz i was blockin the way haa

i made eyecontact with this one girl and she held it. i smiled and hello'd her and the expression on her face was like "have we met? i want to think yes! but where?!" her friend tugged on her so she just smiled and left. no convo

took the train on the way home and guess who i met? the chick that i was crushing on. her name's ashley. a little background.. we attended history class 3 terms ago, i never got the chance to flirt with her.. i guess i was too shy back then. i see her around campus with this tall skinny dude (bf or chump, i dunno).. anyway, i got off the train and i looked back and spotted her.

(actual conversation was in tagalog)

me: oyy
a: hey! what're you doin here?
me: what are YOU doin HERE? hey, where do you live?
a: laughs, oh, just around the corner.. near there (points)
me: oh yeah? nice.. hey gimme your number (i give my phone)
a: types, goes on ahead

my ticket gets stuck and i had to adjust the fare. i was surprised coz she stuck around. so i exited and walked behind her, and then gave her a friendly poke on the side.. you know what i mean

a: hey! i didn't see you! where'd you pass?
me: smiles, hey lets go

we enter the mall. the security guard beckoned her to come over so he can inspect her bag.. he didn't inspect mine so i went

me: hey, that security guard was checkin you out
a: nooo!!!
me: oh yeah, he was pretendin that he was checkin your bag but he was checkin something else (evil, playful look)
a: laughs
me: hey don't get too ****y (hit her playfully with my envelope)

we ascend the escalator

me: where do you live?
a: well, it's near the motel.. you know sogo? (motels here are known as ONS spots)
me: OMG you live in a MOTEL! haha motel girl!
a: hey! stop it! i said NEAR the Motel (hits my arm.. oh boy..)
me: (looks at arm, and then i give a playful look) you're gonna pay!
a: oh yeah?
me: (slaps her butt) oh yeah
a: hey! (playful smile, like she can't believe what i just did and then hits me again)
me: oh boy (slaps her butt again)
a: stop it! (still with the smile.. she hits me again)
me: you stop it! (slaps her butt.. man, i'm enjoying this..)
a: OK!!!! (finally gets the message haha, she's still smiling)

walk a bit

me: do you even know my name?
a: ahh.. you're.. jolo? just kidding
me: (turn away, ignores her)
a: but i know you!!!
me: (still ignoring her)
a: (sees my x-ray result.. it has my name on it, tries to grab it from me)
me: nuh-uh.. make a guess..
a: i wanna see!!! (little girl tone)
me: you give me your number and you don't even know my name?!
a: i know you!!! (manages to steal a glance) you're gab!
me: eh heh.. surprise surprise (sarcastic tone)
a: hah! (tries to steal my xray, crumples it a bit)
me: hey! (slaps her butt)
a: hey! what was that for?!
me: that's what you get for being a baaaad girl

we exit the mall and i go

me: oy, is this really your number
a: yeah!
me: are you sure? i don't want ANYTHING to do with your maid! (this line is the killer. works everytime)
a: (laughs) i promise, it really is my number
me: then i'll see you soon
a: bye!

man, i couldn't believe how i pulled that off! it was a real rush! damn! and her ass was smokin!
enjoyed every second of it!



Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
micro: I used to be in this thing called Police Explorers (it's basically like JROTC, but for cops) so I went through the Police Explorers Academy (similar to Police Academy, which is basically a police boot camp). Anyways, one of the main tenets that were taught in that "boot camp" is teamwork, and how to work in a team. Now if we all move along at different paces we're just going to end up all over the place. However, if the people who finish first would be so kind as to wait or maybe even to help out those who are lagging behind, we would all be in a much better position. So in that respect, we should wait until tomorrow (which is technically in 30 min. for me) for starting on Week 2.

Good luck to the rest of you finishing up the week.