NHY's Boot Camp: Week 1 Response Thread


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
alright a combination of bad timing and excessiveness meant i didn't spend much time on BC over the weekend (it's exam period, so i ended up studying for mid terms on friday and sunday. on saturday i went to the bar and drank waaaaaaaaay too much...ended up getting kicked out). i only got 3 EC+Hi's over the weekend (i don't have much problems with just EC, so i'm only counting both at the same time).

i managed to get 10 today, so i'm at 12/50, all HB7's or above (a bit behind, but i'll just have to kick it up in the next few days).


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Guys...one question...where do you do these exercises? I just can't seem to find enough girls. Here's my typical schedule:

8am: gym (lots of cute girls, but I'm far less good looking in the gym relative to the other guys in there, than I am on the street, so my confidence suffers. Also, every single girl in there is wearing headphones so they couldn't even hear you if you yelled)

9:30am: work (I work in a very male dominated industry. Probably only 5 girls in my entire building.)

12pm: lunch (again, no girls in the cafeteria. If I go out, might soemtimes have a waitress)

6pm: head home

So as you can see, I barely even see any girls in a typical day. When I want to see girls on the weekend, I go to a mall to do EC exercises. But this gets old fast. I really could use some advice on WHERE to go.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
From reading the previous posts I notice a complete lack of comradery. Everybody is doing their own thing, it's like a competition of jackasses. Who can eyore the loudest?

Sorry to say, but it's true. Only person I've commented on was skd and NHY's game, all the rest of you are completely off of my radar:( How about we start commenting on eachothers game like the bootcamp suggests?

My nightmare is recurring again, so my days are limited on this site. I've got to learn french or risk losing my job. Money problems are escalating again. Women are still the least of my worries.

I want this bootcamp to not only be about women, but about friends as well. I've been called a reincanate before, proud of it, but neer thought I deserved it. I still don't think I deserve women, my life is shambles. Right now I smell like a wet dog in heat, my hair is oily and 5 months without any trimming, my glasses have only one arm, my stomach is hanging over my belt, and my acne is getting painful to the touch, my wrists and my back are searing with pain, caffeine is the only thing prompting me to be social during the day. There has got to be more to this bootcamp than only women.

Sure there's the confidence and persitence part of this week one.

I EC'd 30+ women on Friday another 20 on Saturday, got at least 10 in on sunday. Introduced by old friends to two of the girls, four of the girls were work related. Three girls were the result of me going for coffee, there was a dog inside of the building which I thought was weird, turns out the dog was scaring them, so they called the by-law to get it out. The dog easily outweighed even me at 185, the thing was massive, but had a very inviting smile. I told the HB9.5 that the dog was starting to smell, leaned bag, and said she smelled like the dog did, got a punch in the arm... tadum. The rest of the girls I initiated were low selfesteem, no real fun involved without one of the parties being totally submissive while the other was the sympathizer.

Today I got zero. Why zero? I worked and came home right after. Didn't go out to "the bar". I watched a movie with a perma AFC, this guy will never advance, he is too nice, his mind is hardwired to plese people, he cries about his wife leaving him everyday, I can't help him.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Originally posted by CoolRunning
Guys...one question...where do you do these exercises? I just can't seem to find enough girls. Here's my typical schedule:

8am: gym (lots of cute girls, but I'm far less good looking in the gym relative to the other guys in there, than I am on the street, so my confidence suffers. Also, every single girl in there is wearing headphones so they couldn't even hear you if you yelled)

9:30am: work (I work in a very male dominated industry. Probably only 5 girls in my entire building.)

12pm: lunch (again, no girls in the cafeteria. If I go out, might soemtimes have a waitress)

6pm: head home

So as you can see, I barely even see any girls in a typical day. When I want to see girls on the weekend, I go to a mall to do EC exercises. But this gets old fast. I really could use some advice on WHERE to go.
Your looking for confidence and introductions for this week. Establishing strong EC and exuding strong body language and conveying dominating undertones.

In the gym, offer to be a spotter, an apprentice, a mentor, or a competitior... The reason the girls are wearing their headphones is because they have nobody else to talk to. Tell them what you are afraid of, they'll recognize that if you can't establish strength immediately.

At work, talk to the guys, ask them where they are heading after work. You'll very easily find out which ones are going to be seeing ladies, which ones are whipped, and which ones are going to do nightclasses and whatnot. Establishrapport with the guys, and find out where they are going to hang out, make some jokes, find out new ones, and see if you can find some ways to climb the ladder.

during lunch you have millions of options. First you understan the purpose of going for a walk. See if you can scoot out a minute early and find others from your work who are going for lunch. See if you can hop a ride with the and chat them up during the ride. When you get downtown tell em you'll catch the bus, or take a cab, hopefully you will find them right in time though. Grab a light snack you can walk with, no need to spend bucks on waitresses, they'd prefer big tippers and a social atmosphere with a full table anyways. Do a quick stroll downtown, stop people and 'ask for directions' than say just joking, whatever you feel good doing in your current stage of introductions.

Even the lowly "excuse me" wil suffice in allowing you to say hi. You can test your C+F or your compliments, or your number grabbing techniques now if you'd like as well. More than likely these people are neer goig to see you again, time to strut your weaknesses.

Some more examples of quick exercise materials

bus stop
lunch room
water fountain
front steps
study room
comp room
stairs to second floor
parking lot

Don't forget, you can always introduce yourself to fellow employees. It's a matter of good business practice. Your creating a sense of teamwork in your employers eye.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Originally posted by GinandTonic
alright a combination of bad timing and excessiveness meant i didn't spend much time on BC over the weekend (it's exam period, so i ended up studying for mid terms on friday and sunday. on saturday i went to the bar and drank waaaaaaaaay too much...ended up getting kicked out). i only got 3 EC+Hi's over the weekend (i don't have much problems with just EC, so i'm only counting both at the same time).

i managed to get 10 today, so i'm at 12/50, all HB7's or above (a bit behind, but i'll just have to kick it up in the next few days).
Good stuff Ginny. I wonder where you got your name... funny thing, bought a friend a G&T for the first time Saturday. We both got wasted, I freaked out after noticing how blue his drink was from the black lights. Pretty cool I never thought I would see that from my teenage drink of choice.

Your obviously in school. Have you checked out threads about studying yet? Click on the search button up at the top of page just under the link to the DJ Bible, type study into the keyword field, click on search titles only. There are good study tips if you search ONLY in the high school forum, the rest of the topics are about getting study buddies.

It is the DJ who focuses on himself rather than the women first that succeeds the fastest. A lesson I have yet to learn. My energy is focused on maintaining social proof and friendships.

Just go on alpha EC sarges. Walk down the hall during lunch or recess or after the class is finished and literally tag down girls, walk their speed, while looking them in the eyes, and slowly say hi. It's better that way if you are falling behind in your study times.

Comment on the fact your in the same school. Laugh when she says I know, make a joke that she didn't think you were that stupid. Ask if she studies, who and where she studies with(if your going to ask questons, throw em together at the same time so she knows you care and aren;t just filling voids) than offer yourself as a study partner, in the library, or cafeteria at lunch.

Good luck.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by ethnomethodologist
Your looking for confidence and introductions for this week. Establishing strong EC and exuding strong body language and conveying dominating undertones.

In the gym, offer to be a spotter, an apprentice, a mentor, or a competitior... The reason the girls are wearing their headphones is because they have nobody else to talk to. Tell them what you are afraid of, they'll recognize that if you can't establish strength immediately.

At work, talk to the guys, ask them where they are heading after work. You'll very easily find out which ones are going to be seeing ladies, which ones are whipped, and which ones are going to do nightclasses and whatnot. Establishrapport with the guys, and find out where they are going to hang out, make some jokes, find out new ones, and see if you can find some ways to climb the ladder.

during lunch you have millions of options. First you understan the purpose of going for a walk. See if you can scoot out a minute early and find others from your work who are going for lunch. See if you can hop a ride with the and chat them up during the ride. When you get downtown tell em you'll catch the bus, or take a cab, hopefully you will find them right in time though. Grab a light snack you can walk with, no need to spend bucks on waitresses, they'd prefer big tippers and a social atmosphere with a full table anyways. Do a quick stroll downtown, stop people and 'ask for directions' than say just joking, whatever you feel good doing in your current stage of introductions.

Even the lowly "excuse me" wil suffice in allowing you to say hi. You can test your C+F or your compliments, or your number grabbing techniques now if you'd like as well. More than likely these people are neer goig to see you again, time to strut your weaknesses.

Some more examples of quick exercise materials

bus stop
lunch room
water fountain
front steps
study room
comp room
stairs to second floor
parking lot

Don't forget, you can always introduce yourself to fellow employees. It's a matter of good business practice. Your creating a sense of teamwork in your employers eye.
Hey this is really good advice. I especially like your advice about going downtown. In fact that sounds like a good goal for me, maybe just drive downtown for lunch once a day, grab a sandwich, and just walk around a bit.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Originally posted by Microphone Fiend
Alright I wasnt sure I was gonna do the BC, but i was hella bored today and I jumped right into it. My goal is to finish it, because the furthest I've made it is halfway through week 3 The most noticable was when I opened some random lady who helped me look at shades for 5-10 mins of her lunch break, lol. I always try and hold EC with the ladies, so it wouldnt even register for me to count them, so imma skip that part.

I got 9 Hi's, 2 convos and snuffed by at least 6-7 dimes...At least they're dimes... Last time I tried the BC i went for anything with a pulse, male or female. Although it isnt cheatin, you have to really go after what you know you want to be gettin more comfortable with. I can talk to old people and guys no problem so yea.

I've read all the exercise thingys so many times, right now I'm looking at Anthony Robbins - Unlimited Power. Its a very good book if you actually read it and think about it and try and implement stuff in your life. Im not sure I would have had the patience or maturity to read it a couple years ago though.

Places I hit for my Hi's (All in the busy town area)
Local Park (during lunch hour especially)

What I've noticed
- Hotter looking chicks are less likely to respond it seems, maybe they think im trying to pick up and if they say hi back I will try and rape them?
- After gettin snuffed or ignored, hold your head high and keep positive body language and you'll forget all about it
- The better you say hi, the more likely for a response, the weaker your tonality and BL, the worse...

Good luck everyone...Stay up
Hold eye contact ALWAYS until she breaks it during this weeks exercises. There is to be no deviation. You must be able to hold eye contact without becoming too shy. If your mind is preoccupied with being a man in the most direct and perspective dominating fashion, other parts of your psyche won't overcompensate and create problems for your advancement. You don't want her eyes to wander to your clothes or surrounding obects unless you ask her to pay attention to them.

That second paragraph is very true, you are progressing, I'm surprised you didn't make it through wee three. Remember though, this is week one, teaching must progress in creating a confident opener. This is the initial opener. Over the top shows ****iness, that is great, but we are aiming for belief, not a poser.

I hope you will stick with this bootcamp. For now, give feedback onto the progress of the other members. We will b getting to your part of the game later. I can see your faults, HBdominance and HBb!tchshield are your fears. I hope you can admit that when the time comes...

Stay up, let's pull these guys along, we're in this war together:p Not a war per se, no war ever is, every war is a war of virtue, and ideology. There is never any TRUE hatred between the groups. Love/war is a fine line, remember that. I'm glad there are fellow recruits who have feild experience. I'm sure you all have it in your own time, we are here to toughen you up.

Stay strong!


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Originally posted by JC9
32/50 So far.

Went to my favorite bar saturday night, but don't want to count those because its more of a friendly interaction with people and not to threatening of an environment for me.

I try and do all mine on the street during the day, because I used to walk like I had blinders on, looking straight ahead, when I normally go from place to place during the day and therefor miss alot of opportunities to interact with people.

Some things I have started to notice more when I am walking around with my head up, trying to make eye contact with everyone I see.

Guys with their head down avoiding any sort of eye contact look meek. People with their head up, but staring straight ahead avoiding EC with anyone strike me as 'off' and not natural. People who make EC and quickly look away seem to be a little insecure. People who have made EC even if they haven't smiled or said hello back seem alot more relaxed and natural.

What has everyone else observed in the behaviors of others since focusing on more EC/Hello's?
JC9 where are you from? I need to get a feel of you, I haven't seen you or heard you around this site yet. I don't know where your vibes originate from, so I can't see the direction they are headed. Give me a hand here, I'm here to guide you.

Read over Articles 5 and 6 again. Confront the people who make the quick gestures, light eyecontact reveals a propensity to submission. You have to recognize this, and learn to react to it by acting dominating. Others will notice this on the street, so you have to creat 'lucky' situations. If a girl sees you laughing with the guy holding the I want a quarter for beer and hookers sign, and than the next scouting for some quick job tips from a guy ina business suit, she will likely respond to you with a wide smile before the EC is even established.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Originally posted by skd

went to a hookah bar Saturday night:
8 greetings, 3 conversations with strangers.

went to a house party afterwards:
met ~8 people (can't remember exactly) but they were friends of friends so I don't know if I can really count that, but it's just nice that I have a little bigger social circle now.

got 3 ECs when I went to dinner tonight, and 1 on the way back to the dorm.

So counting all those (I'm counting the 8 people I met), the new total comes up to:

Great progress skd, once you reach the limit reset the counter. You're going for total confidence with these approaches. If by thrusday we are all finished with the exercises, we can discuss further goals and suggest failproof openers that were tested so far this week.

Follow ga01's progress report. His example is excellent. You have to establish your problems early. A great man once said that if he could die today with teaching the world one thing, it would be humility.

For this bootcamp, we live by that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
sent you guys a PM, you better respond to this thread. You need to add to this thread or your shirking your responsibilites as potential DJ's.

Everybody elee great reports. I commend you, and await further news of your progress. The coming weeks will contain new tactics and exercises pertaining to PUA levels of this bootcamp combined with life enhancements as well. Will try to throw in some exciting excercises that can be used any time.

If you have any specific requests, add them into your field reports.

I will create a corresponding section to this bootcamp tomorrow afternoon of standards to uphold when responding to these threads.

Best regards soldiers

PS welcome aboard Coolrunnings, I am forcing you to join this BC. You sound ike a hard worker, your kind is always special to have aboard. All of the greatest theories in PUArtistry started from theory, the working man is ripe with unpicked fruit.

I hope you are here to join us as well AlphaChump, your challenge would be an excellent addition to this game we play.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score

Getting better still. I'll update blog soon with stories.

I've been going to the mall lately to do some schoolwork, as opposed to sitting alone in my apartment. As I work, I'll glance around and make eye contact with people in the foodcourt.

This one couple sat down beside me, some AFC and an HB8.0, and I looked up from reading and caught her staring at me. She blushed quite a bit and then quickly darted back to her guyfriend. I thought that it was strange she was checking me out so overtly when she was with another guy.

I'm still being a little bit of an ass and forgetting to smile. I'll make eye contact and I won't grin. I'm starting to remedy that a bit now. Today I approached an absolutely gorgeous HB9.0 and made fun of her a little bit before leaving the mall. No # close though.

I have more girl friends than guy friends, and they've told me that when they first met me I was pretty intimidating due to intelligence and good looks/potentially condescending attitude. I was just really quiet and shy and reserved, by apparently lots of girls mistook it for me not wanting to talk to them. I can only imagine the untold legions of HB's I've missed out on because I was too reclusive and not receptive. So that's definitely got to change, I need to seem more friendly.
It's nice to know that they were into me though, even if they were a bit scared that I looked down on them. I didn't know that before!

Having HB's for friends is good for this. They feed you a lot of garbage sometimes, (just be yourself, be romantic, take her to a movie! leave nice notes! write poetry!) but every now and then you get some good things out of them.

Tomorrow will be good!
PS: Everyone else post more, ethnomethodologist is right, we need more of a community vibe. We can grow off of each other's successes and help with failures.


New Member
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
ethnomethodologist, thanks for giving us a kick up the butt.
all you guys seem to be doing really well and on target so well done.
my progress has been slow, i have no problem with looking in peoples eyes but do have a problem smiling at them and saying hi, maby its just london i duno.
progress so far...loads of EC
3 EC + smile
2 EC + hello
one was a hb7.5 which i was quite pleased with.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
i stepped it up today.

17 ec + smiles

we were having an annual physical examination in school (they check your pulse, eyesight etc.) and i was scheduled to have mine today. so i went in the room and saw this cute girl sitting by herself. normally, i'd sit one seat away from cute girls (comfort zone?) but i told myself that i had to go for this one.

so i went over and tried to EC with her but she didn't respond (good thing i didn't trip.. haha). and as i was sitting down, i noticed that she was kinda checking me out. i eased into my seat and, she was tinkering with her phone so i just examined the surroundings and when she was done, i went

me: hey, are you here for your x-ray?
her: oh me? no, i'm havin my chek up today.
me: really? then you're id 104 too
her: yeah (smiles)
me: so what's your name (slow, deep tone)
her: i'm ellaine and you are?
me: i'm gabriel, pleased to meet you ellaine
her: (smiles)

small talk about her major, and her subjects and what she was planning to do after school. i didn't get to close her tho (ahh)

there was this HOT girl also, too bad she was wayyy in front so i couldn't talk to her. i tried to EC but she was preoccupied with filling out her forms. there was this other cute chick, she noticed that i was giving her some EC but her friends (2 guys) were very talkative.. always asking her opinion bla bla so her attention was on those 2.

do any of you guys know how to deal with this one? they're not AMOG's, more like best friends. how do you go about opening these people? (we were all seated down, close proximities) would "hey, how do you guys know each other" work ok? i thought that up just now.. maybe you can comment on this one stubbornlights

i ended the day by saying hello (finally) to a sweet old lady.


btw, great to hear from you p.power, stubbornlights, GnT, skd, NHY, coolrunning, tosh, MicrophoneFriend JC9 guys, keep it up!

i totally agree with what you said, ethnometh, we should have this community vibe goin on, since it'll be just us.. till the end! hah!


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
ethno, actually i'm in university, not high school, but the tips still seem like they could apply. thanks!

i haven't really had any opportunities to try to strike up any real conversations with girls, as i've just been trying to catch up on all the EC+Hi's that i'm behind in. i got 7 hours of class today, so the only opportunity i'm gonna have today is at the gym, so i'll definitely try to do that up (it's not too hard for me to just greet girls, but striking up a convo with complete randoms is a bit difficult).

stubbornlights, your account of the HB8 checking you out in the mall kinda reminded me of something i sometimes do when i'm bored in class or in the library. if i see a chick checking me out and i don't have much of an opportunity to go talk to her (at the time), i'll usually give her a smug little grin and wink at her... this usually gets a good laugh, and it makes you stand out in her mind. that's usually resulted in a # close when i've gone and approached the girl after.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
good ish Gab. I remember my 1st year of uni, at first i would sit with new ppl in the cafeteria everyday and next to ppl in lectures but by mid semester I had stopped all of that, feel into the routine of college life...Speaking of which, you should have some kinda witty remark ready next time because in uni the first convo between ppl always has someone asking "whats your major". Spice things up a bit and show how you are different from her everyday interactions. Props for the convo tho, I have trouble stickin around after my Hi's atm, lol.

Thx for the breakdowns ethnomethodolgist, I was looking everywhere but at the chick until I got close enough for her to hear and my Ignored:Hi ratio seemed hella high today. Imma try locking eyes as soon as i see them...it just seems kinda weird at times cuz I spot them 20 yards down the street coming my way.

Anyways today was harder than yesterday. Every dime chick seemed to ignore me, or give me this look like "Do I know you?" and not respond. Its sunny & until doing the BC I never realized how many gurls wear shades around here. I try to get the EC with em anyways but I cant tell if they are looking ahead or out of the corner of their eye, so the Hi is not as confident as it should be. By the end of the day it was mostly old ppl and guys who brought my total to 19/50.

I think Imma just stick to the small college campus tommorow and hit the streets and mall Thursday.

Places I got Hi's
Bus Stop
College campus
Streets downtown


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
To be quite honest, my own personal progress hasn't being so good mainly because I'm lazy, yes, I admit it, I've only gotten 1 / 50 Hi's so far ( well, at least its not 0 / 50! ) , I'm REALLY going to need to step up the pace to get 50 by Friday!

However, if I DO fail, I will only have no one else to blame but MYSELF! I will owe up to it if the need arises but hopefully not.

I really don't want to end up looking like a fool, failing a simple task like this, especailly since I organised all this! Then again, I had a long day in college today and such. The Good news is I'm going to be on Work Experince in a printer shop for the Next 2 weeks from next week, which means , more time up in the city for me afterwards.

That and I'm also going to be getting a Laptop shortly as an early Birthday present, something that could like seriously distract me from the BC! But I will have to force myself away from it, it was only last year I started going out to get some R & R and I'm not about to lose that again over a Laptop!

Ok, that aside. I want to tell you all about a guy I would see in my regular spot in town when I go out. I really feel sorry for him, he is like a PURE / Perma AFC. He looks like a loser, dresses like a loser, dances like a loser ( This guy looks middle aged and dances in the middle of a group of 18 year olds ON HIS OWN ) and acts like one as well! :rolleyes:

This guy, however, serves as a motivation for me because whenever I see him, it reminds that if I reject the path of the DJ, I could very well end up like Mr Pure AFC here!

My point? Unless you want to end up like Mr Perma AFC I just described, then get up off your lazy and do something about it! Sometimes, a little bit of bit of pain is worth the reward at the end!

Finally, guys your all making good progess. I'd respond to them indivdually BUt for some strange reason, I just really don't have the go I normally do to actually do so! Must of have being the long college day. Thanks for helping out ethnomethodologist with braking down thier progess, though like I said, I don't really have the go to make any real comments tonight for some reason ( Its highly unusual and uncharacteristic of me too! )

I should have the go back by torromow, though I'll be stepping up the pace to fill my quota so expect it to be late!
Last edited:


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
ethno, I appreciate what you're doing for everyone on this boot camp, making sure we all work together. I think that those of us who are actively participating in this boot camp will be much better off with this kind of teamwork and guidance.

NHY, it's kind of ironic that the organizer is the most behind, but I have faith that you'll be able to catch up. You can't let that laptop get in your way. Remember, we're holding you accountable! :p

When I first started college, I made EC and said hi to everyone mainly because that's how I would get to know them (this was before I joined DJ or mASF too). So it's really not that hard. I think it's like a sports game, you gotta have momentum, so try to get a lot in one run.

Anyways, add 7 more for me. One of them was a conversation in my dorm bathroom about the Superbowl.

total: 34/50


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
Help please!!!...Ok guys im completely lost on what were supsoe to do and everything a little help please....


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Originally posted by Dustin
Help please!!!...Ok guys im completely lost on what were supsoe to do and everything a little help please....
Hey buddy, sorry for neglecting you. I want to post replys to everybody in this bootcamp, but my time is precious as is yours. I asked a fe people who I thought might be able to help you figure this out...

In the original invite thread I posted the first weeks orders straight from the DJB, you can start there.

here is a long list of slang words from mASF

You seem excitable so I'm not the person to be teaching you. I am a rather boring guy. Well really boring from my point of view. I believe there are other people on this site who could help you out way more... I hope some of our guys can help you out.

Best regards, and don't chicken out, do your best in this BC. 50 hi's is what you need, from total strangers. Give us a big description of what you do during the day and we can break your game down a little. Don't be scared;)

Here's a post from killapete this is some quick reading of what you'll find in the DJB. Good read in my opinion.