Rollo Tomassi said:
The ironic part of this is that the better a wife/lover a woman is for her husband, the better mother she becomes. I've read studies where the more dedicated a couple is to each other the better adjusted the children actually are due to being in an affectionate and appreciative environement. It's tragic that, as a default, women believe that their first priority should be this selfless dedication to their child at teh expense of their husband when in fact she'd do better and avoid problems by putting him in first place.
Exactly. Trying to find a woman who understand why her children should be tertiary on the list of importance behind 1.) herself and 2.) her relationship with her guy is like finding the obligatory needle in a haystack.
It's the exact same reason why it's explained during an airline's safety speech before takeoff says
"In the even that there is an emergency where there is a loss of cabin pressure and oxygen masks drop from the overhead, place the mask on yourself first and then your child if you are traveling with one." How else can you take care of a child if you don't take care of yourself first? I cringe whenever I hear a woman profess
"My child is my main priority!" I feel sorry for her guy or the guy who ends up dating her.
Ever wonder why so many go to pot after having children? Sure, they blame it on the major change that their bodies go through during pregnancy, BS! Yes, it explains things
during the pregnancy but there is little keeping their bodies in that shape after the pregnancy other than her not having a reason to get back into shape.
You'd think she'd want to get back in shape because it's more healthy for her and would keep her guy feeling attracted to her. Nuh-uh... Her priority is on the newborn and the kid could care less.
And so the downward spiral begins.... Mom focuses her efforts on the little one and dad focuses on providing for them. There's no care given to the relationship between mom and dad, so they begin to grow apart. After a while they get tired of one another but they stay together. Why?
"for the children..." Hell, are these two even in a relationship other than the fact that they bore children together?
There's a pattern which people follow tried and true time after time with the same results that other people have had. The funny thing is that time after time, people are surprised when things go down the crapper. Selfless martyrdom tends to leave people by themselves.