Francisco d'Anconia said:
Actually, not quite.
Yes, there are a ton of women in the world who want to be taken care of but it's just a means to another end. What women really want is to be appreciated. This can take several forms, including taken care of.
Think about another challenged belief which is being debated, should guys be obligated to buy things on the first date. The reason why women enjoy receiving gifts is because they feel that their mere presence on a date merits such appreciation that a guy will buy her gifts be it flowers, dinner, movies, cars, homes, islands, whatever. These are the women who want to be treated like princesses just to feed their ego that someone appreciates (or wants) them. It's kinda like a gender based entitlement to some.
Also consider marriage :nervous:. A guy goes into huge debt in order to buy a ring, pay for rehearsal dinner, the wedding and whatever incidentals (I'm not sure of the percentage of brides parents who still foot the bill). But even more than the wedding, a man pledges his undying devotion to the woman. Is she being taken care of? "Yes," but it's just the means which she wants to feel appreciated (or wanted).
Another example; a couple, married or not, where the woman is taking care of a guy. She doesn't necessarily have a great job, she could be a cashier but yet she's paying the rent, buying the food, raising the kids (you know that they have a few) and any other bills including giving her mooch of a man money to go out with the boys on the weekend? Who's taking care of who here? Her feels appreciation not from him but from the knowledge that he couldn't survive without her (or so she believes).
One last example, children. Why do you think so many women have such a maternal instinct? Oh they say that they do everything for their kids but they are doing it for a reason. You got it, they feel the appreciation of giving the kids whatever they need including spoiling them. As long as the little ones are happy, she's happy. Sure, hubby is taking care of the family by working overtime to pay the mortgage, two car payments and tuition for private school but face it, he's not around to appreciate what his wife does, but the kids are there waiting for her to do for them.
What puts the icing on the cake is that if women really wanted to be taken care of, wouldn't more couples get married? Wouldn't you think marriages would last? I mean, a portion of her ex's income after a divorce would pale in comparison to having him in her life so that he could take care of her, wouldn't it?
As for trading up, it's a factor when the relationship is based on what can be traded for her attention. If it's not a mutual exchange in fair trade the chance of her trading in for a model with more options can be greater. However, if the fair exchange is based on something intangible, the chance of each person sticking around is greater.
Just something to consider.
My respect for you is LARGE, GREAT --- I've read your stuff, and almost ALWAYS agree. (I know I sound like a Rush Limbaugh seminar caller here, but bear me out, please.)
Yeah, women want to be "appreciated," just like everyone else (that is to say, MEN, TOO.) But how do MOST women "see" appreciation? Dinners, money, weddings, rocks for rings, etc. --- right. A man who "appreciates" BUYS STUFF.
We can look at it as "entitlement" or otherwise, if we wish. But they WANT what they WANT. And that's OK --- not necessarily BAD. And it might be on the first date, or somewhere thereafter, but MOST want it. (Not ALL, but let's stick to the usual case.)
And the WEDDING ----JEEZ --- I was lucky, because my ex wasn't INTO that, but MOST chicks want a great big deal. Not wrong, but wasteful, and, to most guys, STUPID. But that's what they (women) WANT, and that's what they usually GET.
The example where the woman is "taking care" of the guy is so rare that we needn't even discuss it here. Red herring.
The KIDS??? who pays child support?( after she bolts ) What married guy wants to piss off the wife over giving the kids what they need? He's gonna cough up, right?
Finally, marriages don't last because there's NO social stigma for divorce anymore, and the chick can STILL get money from the guy after the marriage is over, so she can still live her "lifestyle," and get alimony and child support, and everything for her and her kids goes on as before.
And she can STILL get another chump to pitch in later.
I'm not saying it's WRONG, or that guys are "better," or that it wouldn't be better if families stayed together, I'm just saying that THIS is how it IS.
I respect what you're saying, but reality differs.