New Deicide Approach and Lifestyle Journal


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2011
Reaction score
United States
Keep up the good work man! I am still starting to get the hang of this stuff my self. But I will suggest something to you. With your number-close try mixing it up a bit. I read some of the approaches, and it seems like, when you ask her to hang out she seems almost willing, then you ask for a number and she feels pressured and rejects you. Try telling her that you have to go, and that you could continue the conversation later if she gave you her phone number. Then after a good period of time, try asking her out. It may or may not work. But as Eisenstein said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So it can't hurt to try! Good luck


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
September 14
I decided that I was going to the city today since I have to get some entry level things done for my potential Sub Teacher job tomorrow.
I'm a little too nervous before I'm even at the city. I get this sickening feeling because I'm going into unknown territory. I go to pick up some guitar picks at the music store before I go to Chili's to eat lunch.
At Chili's, I sit in the lounge area. It's a little more crowded than usual, which makes me a little more nervous and uncomfortable.

HB 6 Mature
I noticed what looks like an attractive figure from behind sitting at the bar. So, I can't see her face, can't make initial eye contact, and there are people around. This is as blind as you get from a cold approach. After hesitating for a few minutes(too much in retrospect), I go in and open her. No direct this time. haha I say "Hey, how're you doing?' Then I throw in my time constraint that I can only sit here for a minute, and she says that's fine. Two guys who were sitting beside me watched this. lol I talk with her for a couple minutes about her going to school despite being a bit older than the typical school age. I notice a younger girl at the other end of the bar overheras me saying something and laughs. Then she leaves after her food is delivered. I'm happy I did it though because I got the 1st approach of the day out of the way, and it was a a hard one in terms of social pressure. Note:Lots of attractive women go to Chili's and sit at the bar waiting for their meals for 2-5 minutes. You have to be ON to approach them.

Now, it's time to go to Wal Mart! I've been to this one before and it's loaded with HB's! I go to look around and get me this Rick James CD I've been wanting(Street Songs!)
I walk by and notice an attractive tanned woman waiting in the pharmacy line. i just keep on walking, then I come back through and open her.

HB 7 Brunette
I said Hi, then asked what kind of phone she had, and we talked a little bit about that. Then she moved up a few feet and I ejected. I should've kept talking to her but since it was my 2nd approach of the day, and it was in a LINE, I wasn't on yet. Still, I came back to that area 15 minutes later and she was still in line! So, in theory, I could've number closed that girl. Shame on me. lol

Later on, I went to the electronics section and saw an attractive athletic woman.

HB 7 Athlete
I walk in her direction then turn my head and say "Hi, how're you doing?" I tell her that I just ate at Chili's and we get on the subject of healthy eating among other things. We talk about working out, what she does, and a lot more for about 5 minutes. I'm vibing with this women very well. I keep talking, but when I stop for a second, she mentions she needs to get going. And I talk a little bit more. I mention that maybe we could hang out sometime and she says fine, then I say that we should exchange numbers. She says for me to just give me her number. I decide to do that, though I probably shouldn't have. Yuppaz's advice would've worked great in this situation. This woman later saw me when she was leaving the store and told me Have a Nice Day. So, I don't know what will come of this. She has my number, I don't have hers. I think I made a mistake.

I see an attractive HB Asian Petite 7 woman walking by, so I turn around and follow her.
She can't get in the bathroom, so I tell her Hi as she is passing by me and she doesn't say anything. Blow-out, oh well.

I then see another Asian woman when I'm going down an aisle. she's an HB 6 Asian Mature. She's struggling with putting an iron back into a box and I mention the fact and she's laughing over it. We talk a little bit, and I tell her she looks like she's doing housewife duties(hmm, maybe in some way this type of statement can kill that older woman sticking point), and she says that she is one. Shortly after, I eject.

I go to Starbucks next, because despite not being a coffee drinker, I know these places are hot pick up spots.
I see an HB 6 College in line and I go up to her and tell her Hi. She smiles. Then I mention that I noticed her backpack. She said she was a college student in the city and that she was taking a break from being in a university setting. We get to talking more and I'm making her laugh. I ask if she's free to do something fun later in the evening and she says that she has too much schoolwork to do. Then. before I leave, I for a number close, and she gives me her full name and the Facebook option. I'm not much for the online thing. I just checked her name and couldn't find her. Whatever, or Yo Whatever, as Ali G says.

I go to the bookstore and have fun looking at language and sports books. There are no HB's in site...until...I go to the cafe part of the store. This is a very small part of the bookstore. and I have anxieties about being too loud in these areas. I see an HB 6 Black with her laptop at a table. By the way, she looked hotter from 20 ft away. I stand around too long and hesitate too much. I decide to get a latte and I end up approaching her after hearing a crazy ringtone. I mention it to her and talk for about 2 minutes standing up. I just wanted to do the approach because it was an uncomfortale situation. But I should've thrown in a time constraint and sat down with her. Instead, I just walked off. It was an average approach, but I could've gotten a number if I had stuck it out. So, the uncomfortable situation plus that older women sticking point struck again. I didn't get upset, but I decided to go to the mall next.

At the mall, there was barely any attractive women around. Fortunately, I ran into one and I got her to stop temporarily outside.

HB 6 Worker I actually just spontaneously approached this woman when she was the only person waiting for food. I talked briefly with her but she didn't stick around.

HB 8 Mixed(My kind of girl :))
I said Hi, and then she said "How're you doing?" I said I'm doing good, and that I was visiting from out of town. She said she was looking for a job. I should've asked her more about that! After 30 seconds, she walked off. But, I learned two things 1:I have the ability to stop moving HB's 2. I shouldn't be insecure at all even around fine women. I should instead, ask more about themselves. I blew this one, but I'll learn from it.

I went to Macy's, and the workers there gave me free cologne to use. I kept these strips of paper on me. I saw an HB 7 Blonde with a younger woman IN LINE at the store. Not only do I have approach anxiety, but also anxiety about lines, and potentially getting kicked out of the store. Damn it!
But they go into the women's clothing section. I also have a worker watching me during this time. But, despite all these anxieties and hesitation on my part, I go in and approach them. The underage girl smiles at me when I approahc. LOL The HB 7 Blonde is indifferent to my approach, but I talk a little bit and make her laugh and show my cologne strips of paper. I then make a crucial mistake: I'm so insecure from having 5 different types of anxieties that I say "You laugh too much" when I wanted to say her laugh was funny. She says "What?" Then I'm trying to backtrack and apologize for that as my insecuriies are kicking. Not to mention 5 different types of anxieites. I try to keep the interaction going, but I feel defeated. Then I eject. I blew it! I felt a little negative over it. But, the next time I approach a 2-set in the women's clothing section I'll do much better.

After that, I can't bring myself to approach. I leave, but I can't go out like that! I go to Wal Mart, and I feel very good about myself from today's approaches.
I'm in line with my gum when I see an HB 6 Blonde. I should've left my line and approached her immediately. Instead, I stayed in line, and timed out when she was done checking out. Then I approached her, but it was too little too late. She seemed receptive but she left after a brief interaction. I HAVE to get over this line phobia. It's killing me! I think it stems from me being a people pleaser for years where I was afraid of acting different from the herd. But I have to act different from the herd to get the women I want. So, maybe I should focus more on inner game strategies to get this fear of social criticism and getting kicked out of places for pick up.

That's it for today. I had fun, but I have a lot of work and sticking points to conquer.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
September 15
I had to go do some entry level stuff for my potential Sub Teacher job. So I went to the local Wal Mart to pick up some cereal.
When I was walking around, I noticed a woman bent over dressed in teen type clothes.
HB 6 Mature
I told her "Hi" first, and she smiled back. Then I made an observation about how she was having trouble finding stuff. We get onto a lot of different topics from state differences to art, etc... So I'm vibing very well with her. At about the 2-3 minute mark she asks me for my name. And we talk a little bit more and I mention "Maybe we should hang out sometime. She agrees. I put my phone out and tell her to put her number in there and she does. Special thanks to yuppaz for the advice!
Despite her wanting to leave initially, she stayed around after I got her rehooked(I mentioned her camera she was carrying) and she showed me some of her art. So I left shortly after that, and I got a number from a MILF! But, there is more work to be done.

I also got a number from a girl HB 6 Blonde that I talked with a few times when she was working at a convenience store. Hired gun game. haha

I met a HB 6 Black when I was working in retail and I saw her at the store. I suggested that we hang out sometime, but she mentioned she was married. Oh well. She said she wasn't bothered at all by me asking though.

I'll see what happens with these 2 phone numbers I got.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
September 16
I got a haircut on this day. Then I went and took a nap and woke up around lunchtime. I needed some lunch so I went out to a local retail store to get some chicken. While I was walking around, I ran into nice surprises.
HB 7 Asian
I saw her around the clothes section and approached her almost as soon as I saw her. I told her "Hey, how're you doing?", then I talked a little about how my day was going. Then she said "I don't think I know you". And I told her "You don't, but I noticed you and wanted to say Hi." So approach continues. We get on the topic of what she's doing for work, where she's from, etc...and gradually she gets more comfortable with me. At about the 2 minute mark, I start lanking but I fight it through mentioning that I have a busy weekend. A little later I find out that she has a husband. Shortly after, I tell her it was nice talking to her and that's it.

I also needed some deodorant so I went to that aisle. While walking by, I noticed a tanned attractive woman. I'm a little more nervous than the last approach since I didn't go in immediately. But I walk up to her anyways, out of nowhere, and you'll see how that goes.

HB 7 Tan
I walk up to her with my only my head facing her and I tell her "Hi". Then she turns around and lets out a loud gasp of fear and she is suddenly scared. She apparently didn't sense I was in her area nor see me before I approached. I've never done this to a girl before, but I guess you get into more interesting problems the more you approach. I apologize for scaring her, but maintain my frame by asking how she is doing. And I mention how I got a haircut but that I didn't like waking up early. She then mentions that she has to wake up early to take her kids to school. I'm struggling a little bit but I keep pushing forward. After a little bit, I use a sentence that determines whether she is married or not. "I bet your husband sent you up here to get all this stuff". And she says that he does. Shortly I mention that it was good talking to her and I spontaneously tell her that I noticed her and wanted to say Hi. This seems to have disturbed her a little bit.
But, I notice that I can game older women better once I've thrown in a husband type question. Someday, some MILF is going to tell me "I don't have a husband" :)

After that, I go to the library to watch some videos on my laptop. As I'm walking by, I notice an attractive woman in scrubs signing up to use one of the computers. I check her out as I walk by but I don't approach for some reason. I should have approached, but maybe it was because I was in a library where I have to be quieter than usual. Maybe also because I have subconscious fears of getting kicked out of the library or social criticism. Either way, next time I see a girl doing that, I want to approach her immediately. Because once they're on that computer, the logistics for cold approaching are terrible. You have to be quieter in that area. Their back is facing you/they can't see you, and you don't have anywhere to sit to do a time constraint. Anywhere else in that library and you CAN approach. But there, is like Hell. Maybe I should approach a girl there for fun one day though, just to see what happens.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
September 20
I went to a grocery store just to look for razor blades and to see what was going on. I endd up seeing an attractive woman walking by, and after coming back from the bathroom, I decided I was going to approach her as soon as I saw her. This is like a warm-up so to speak.
HB 7 Mature
I saw her in an aisle and said "Hey, how're you doing?" and we talked about the rainy weather at first. I disagreed with her view on it and we jumped from subject to subject, until after a couple minutes, she mentioned that it was "nice talking to you". I should've asked for her name, and tried to number close, but that older women sticking point, and the fact that it was the first cold approach of the day, played into that. Oh well, I approached some more mature women later on int he day with success on my mind.

I go to the library for a little bit. Then, I went to a retail store.

HB 6 Mature
I noticed her when I was walking on the way to the bathroom. Yes, I know, mentions of the bathroom, a little graphic. haha

I find her in a freezer aisle and post up near her, then say Hi, and mention a comment about the ice cream she is looking at. Then, this food thread strings off into retail, attitudes, stores, etc... This girl is obviously into me, but I find out the reason why she moved here: for a man that she is married to. So, there goes my number close plan after about 10 minutes or so of talking. When I eject, she mentions twice that she enjoyed talking to me.

Next, I see an attractive younger women shopping. She is a worker at the store on break apparently. lol I open her anyways

HB 6 Worker
I say Hi to her, she is pretty unreceptive. Then, how're you doing, same thing. I make a comment about her cereal, and still, no go, she walks way. It happens. She's not very hot anyways, haha

Later, I see an attractive older blonde in another aisle.

HB 6 Mature Blonde
I make an observation and say "Those lightbulbs look strange" and this gets her going. She keeps telling me of her problem with her misuse of lightbulbs. I notice a wedding ring quickly. lol I have her hooked in, but I think she just enjoyed the fact that I opened her in same way. Attractive woman, and she even mentioned that her husband sent her to do stuff like she was doing.

HB 7 Brunette
Hey, I finally found a woman around my age!
I open her by asking her what kind of phone she has. I comment on it, change threads. Ask how she is doing. She laughs at one of my comments. I ask what she is up to today, and she said that she is preparing a meal for her boyfriend. I asked if he was going to cook too. lol We talk a little longer, and I eject.

I really need to get a job in the city. I think 95 % of the women I approach are taken. But, I enjoy doing this, and I'll keep doing small town gaming as long as I'm here. The city awaits...but I'll have to earn my place there.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
September 21
I texted the HB 6 Mature, and she didn't respond. So, a day later, I just decided to call, and the phone was disconnected. LOL That's the second time that's happened to me. haha

I went to a retail store to pick up some stuff. For some reason, I was a little bit more nervous than usual walking in. I guess that happens sometimes.
HB 6 Restaraunt
I was nervous in an aisle, but just decided to do my first approach of the day. I was about 5 feet away from her when I turned, smiled, and said Hi. Then how're you doing. And I mentioned that I was looking at wild colored lightbulbs. This girl isn't responding well. I ask about her job(fast food clothes), and that goes on for a little bit. Then her kids come running up and they ask her something, and she mentions something about her boyfriend. Oh well. haha

HB 6 Nurse
I noticed her when she was by the milk. She is around a few people too. I planted my feet and told her Hi, then how're you doing. She isn't receptive initially. Then I tell her I noticed her shirt, and ask if she is a firefighter. lol After this, things begin to flow much smoother. She opens up about her classes at a local college, what she likes and dislikes about it. I'm coming into form also. I'm saying witty things and making her laugh. She isn't moving away from me at all. I lean back some at different times throughout the interaction. After a few minutes of talking I suggest that we should hang out, and then she asks me where I live. I get her phone number by just opening my phone and telling her to give me her number. She acts like she wants to hang around longer also.
I got her phone number, but a minute after I left I realized that I should've pushed for an instadate at a local burger place for ice cream together. Oh well, I'll keep that instadate location in mind for future approaches.

Cold approaching is getting easier for me, and I'm getting better at hooking women and maintaing conversations.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Your doing awesome Decide! I'm glad my advice helped.

One thing I noticed is that there are a couple of things that can be slightly improved on:

1. Some bad locations - when a girl is on the way to a bathroom or in line for medication at a pharmacy, that's a bad time to approach. Same thing if they look like they are rushing. You want a scenario where you MAY have some time to talk to them. The slow walking lone wolves are the best for that (imho)

2. This is sooo key if you want to get these girls out.... your kinda already doing it but make a little change. Tell her that you would like to get together with her, if she agrees get the phone number, then call her phone and ask her to check to see if she got it. That way bad numbers go away. Also chat for a while after you get the number, seems way more natural. If you can do it, have a few ideas on things to do with her that week or next already in your head.... so something like:

"Hey, you know I was going to go check out this new bar in XYZ, they are supposed to have an amazing band on Fri nights, let's go check it out!"

Plans are much, much more likely to stick vs. just getting the number in my experience. You should always have a couple things you were "going to do anyway" to invite them to, it makes it light and breezy and therefore makes them more likely to come.

Keep at it bro, your going to get good really fast...


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Deicide, good to see you in the arena.

I've noticed that you're doing alot of indirect openers; have you tried being direct yet?

My absolute favorite cold approach opener is to just say something along the lines of "Hi, I saw you from over there and I wanted to meet you". Then tell her what it is about her that was compelling enough for you to come up to her. If she reacts positively, press for an instant date - NOT a phone number. Go for the number only if logistics aren't good. This will reduce flaking. Remember that the man who chases two rabbits catches none.

Would you rather have one SOLID interaction per day, or ten flaky phone numbers per day?

If she says she has a boyfriend or husband, do NOT get upset or sad or anything. What I do is just say "Well, it was definitely worth finding out, your [husband/boyfriend] is lucky". This puts you in a good category, and you can follow up by recruiting her as a wing girl, because that way she can still "play" the singles scene without upsetting her boyfriend/husband. Invite them both out to a bar/club/public gathering and have her tag along with you when it's approach time.

I need to fire up my approach journal as well; that last lay report really threw off my game :D


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the input yuppaz and Vice. I've gone direct before, and when I do, things tend to not go well. Indirect seems to work much better for me for some reason. And I'll keep the logistics situation in mind. Women in lines are typically not the best to approach for sure.

I actually had an potential approach situation where a woman was putting a cart full of groceries in her car recently. I thought about approaching, but I was concerned she may think I was trying to rob her or something because it was in a parking lot. lol Perhaps I should've at least given it a shot.

September 22
My Dad decided to take me to eat at Wendy's before he left for a trip. I saw an attractive worker HB 6 sitting at a nearby table, but I felt weird approaching when I'm with my Dad like that. I did approach her when my Dad got up, and I talked briefly with her, but I ejected too fast because of the uncomfortability of having my Dad around. It pissed me off afterwards, because I know I'm better than that, and this girl was laughing at what I was saying. I guess I'll just have to come to terms that gaming in front of my family isn't so bad. Yeah, I probably lost a shot with this girl over my insecurity stemming from Dad being around, but I want to go after what I want regardless of who is around. I've approached when I was with my family before, but I always went off on my own where they couldn't hear what I was saying. Tough situation. But, I'll be better for failing in the field today than if I hadn't approached.

I'm feeling a lot more confident lately in my pick up skills also.

The HB 6 Blonde waited nearly a whole day to text me back. I took my time responding back also. haha I found out what she was doing this weekend(seeing her friends), then I sent her a message asking if she wanted to hang out with me this weekend. She never replied back. I thought to myself "How can you want to see your friends over potentially boning?" lol. Whatever.

I have an ice cream date this Saturday with HB 6 Nurse.
I'll be going out tomorrow, hopefully I'll find some more approaches. :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Deicide said:
Thanks for the input yuppaz and Vice. I've gone direct before, and when I do, things tend to not go well. Indirect seems to work much better for me for some reason. And I'll keep the logistics situation in mind. Women in lines are typically not the best to approach for sure.
Don't limit yourself; women can be approached ANYWHERE, it's all about being able to spot opportunity, as well as how congruent you are with your approach. Women in lines are great, because it's a "safe" way to indirectly approach, and I do it all the time to get the ball rolling after a long pause in approaching.

Maybe you're not in the right mindset to approach directly; thus it didn't work well. And that's fine, because you're out in the arena getting practice. What happened when you tried approaching directly, what did you say, how did you feel? Anyway, let go of that experience and try it a few more times; you're better at approaching now than you were before. Trust me, something will CLICK when direct cold approaches start working for you, but you need to be aligned in ALL areas of your life before that happens. Just give it some time.

But then again, what works for ME might not work for YOU. And vice versa.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Vice said:
Don't limit yourself; women can be approached ANYWHERE, it's all about being able to spot opportunity, as well as how congruent you are with your approach. Women in lines are great, because it's a "safe" way to indirectly approach, and I do it all the time to get the ball rolling after a long pause in approaching.

Maybe you're not in the right mindset to approach directly; thus it didn't work well. And that's fine, because you're out in the arena getting practice. What happened when you tried approaching directly, what did you say, how did you feel? Anyway, let go of that experience and try it a few more times; you're better at approaching now than you were before. Trust me, something will CLICK when direct cold approaches start working for you, but you need to be aligned in ALL areas of your life before that happens. Just give it some time.

But then again, what works for ME might not work for YOU. And vice versa.
It felt new to me when I went direct, and the women seem to freak out. Indirect seems to suit me better. If I was doing Mystery Method instead of natural game openers, I'd probably get laid more actually. lol But I know MM is flawed in its routines/openers, and they've been overused in my opinion. While learning natural game is better for your life in general instead of relying on crutches to make you a better pick up artist.
I'm a pretty big guy so I may scare women easily by going direct. lol My personality isn't scary at all though. Maybe physical appearance plays a part? When I buy a voice recorder, I'll upload some mp3's of my cold approaches for you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
September 23
Despite having a date set up, I still have the hunger to approach and become better. No LTR's! lol

HB Mixed 7
I'm sitting at a Mexican restaraunt by myself when I notice her. She IS with mer Mom. But she's cute. I'm a little too nervous, but I approach her anyways. I open the cute girl first with "Hey, how're you doing" My body language consists of my head facing her. Then my body becomes more aligned with them as time goes on. I'm winning over Mom, and she knows my Dad. haha But as I talk with the girl, I don't feel as comfortable as I usually do with 1-set women. I ask her name, and her body language is cold to me.
So, I didn't get her number, but this situation brought up two things I want to improve at.
1. Approaching women with relatives
2. Attracting black women that typically go for black guys(I'm white).

HB 6 Mature Asian
I see her at the store and she's probably in her 50's. lol I approach her and tell her "Hi, how're you doing?" She seems a little scared. I then mention how I felt so full from lunch and she laughs, and yet starts walking away. Hmm, I still have a problem hooking moving targets.

HB 7 Blonde
I approach her and tell her Hi, she smiles, and we talk about what she's doing. I'm having a good conversation, but she keeps walking away. Ikeep gaming her trying to stop her until she just says Bye. Oh well.

I see that HB 7 Asian from the other day and we both give each other strange smiles like "We know what's up" lol It's kind of weird.

HB 7 Brunette
I hesitated and debated with myself way too much about doing this approach.
I walked near both of them and was closer to the Mom than the target. When I got eye contact, I said Hi, and asked how both of them were doing. I mentioned I was getting junk food for work and showed it to them(playful manner) and the target, who is receptive to me, seemed to like it. They're both too busy though, and I think the social pressure got to the target girl.

I had fun testing my boundaries on this day, but I still have a lot of work to do at improving at the pickup.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Deicide said:
It felt new to me when I went direct, and the women seem to freak out. Indirect seems to suit me better. If I was doing Mystery Method instead of natural game openers, I'd probably get laid more actually. lol But I know MM is flawed in its routines/openers, and they've been overused in my opinion. While learning natural game is better for your life in general instead of relying on crutches to make you a better pick up artist.
I'm a pretty big guy so I may scare women easily by going direct. lol My personality isn't scary at all though. Maybe physical appearance plays a part? When I buy a voice recorder, I'll upload some mp3's of my cold approaches for you.
Maybe your physical appearance is intimidating them; in a good way. Are you big as in fat, or big as in you worked for it in the gym?

Mystery Method is "overused" because it's MISUSED. What you need to take from MM is the FRAMEWORK that is shown, not the actual material. His book has very valuable social dynamics that you should be aware of. Pay attention to THAT, and not his lines, routines, and openers. Those are EXAMPLES, examples that are beyond overused.

Natural game isn't so much learned as it is developed. Think if it like calibrating a rifle; you take a few shots, adjust the sight, take a few more, adjust it again, until you've got the sight in the best place for your personal style of holding the weapon and how it interacts with your face.

As for the MP3s, I think I'll take my recorder with me when I go hunting with my wing girl tomorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Vice said:
Maybe your physical appearance is intimidating them; in a good way. Are you big as in fat, or big as in you worked for it in the gym?

Mystery Method is "overused" because it's MISUSED. What you need to take from MM is the FRAMEWORK that is shown, not the actual material. His book has very valuable social dynamics that you should be aware of. Pay attention to THAT, and not his lines, routines, and openers. Those are EXAMPLES, examples that are beyond overused.

Natural game isn't so much learned as it is developed. Think if it like calibrating a rifle; you take a few shots, adjust the sight, take a few more, adjust it again, until you've got the sight in the best place for your personal style of holding the weapon and how it interacts with your face.

As for the MP3s, I think I'll take my recorder with me when I go hunting with my wing girl tomorrow.
Both actually concerning build. I'm built, but I've gotten a little fatter since I sprained my ankle(can't run or do boxing class), so I've definitely got to get my weight back to normal, otherwise I'll balloon up to 200 or so around Thanksgiving or Christmas.

I've read Mystery Method: How To Get Beautiful Women Into Bed, and it's very entertaining as well as insightful. It's helped my game a lot also.
Cool, I'd like to hear your approaches.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
September 24
I had my date with HB 6 Nurse today. As soon as I saw her, I went up and hugged her, she seemed to like it. Then we went in to the place, got our ice cream(she got what I got) and we sat down. We talked about a lot of different things. She surprised me by asking "What made you come up to me?" I told her simply that I thought she was attractive. She mentioned she had just got out of doing some strenuous activity. I'm leaning back eating most of the time. She's leaning into me more than I do into her. I don't do much kino, very little, just enough though. I mention me traveling around the world doing stuff, though not in a braggy way, and she is interested in this. We sat for an hour or so together. On the way back to her car, I went into her, and kissed her on the lips. Immediately after this, she leaned her head on my shoulders. And then I left. Kiss close.

I got a text message shortly after saying this "I think you're good, etc... but you caught me off guard when you tried to kiss me lol" Seems like a sh*t test. I just reply back with Lol ok. No "Sorry, I shouldn't have gone so fast", or any AFC stuff. She may have some form of buyer's remorse, I don't know. But, I think I'm going to have to pass more sh*t tests along the way.

Now, I have to think of what to do for the next date with her.

Doctrine Dark

Don Juan
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
I really like what you're doing, brah. You seem to be getting better and better at this. Keep it up.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Doctrine Dark said:
I really like what you're doing, brah. You seem to be getting better and better at this. Keep it up.
Thanks, I still have good days and bad days with this. And I'm still trying to determine if going indirect or direct is the best method. I'm really trying to improve my hooking skills, because I got a girl hooked in, I'm good to go.

Today, I went to the retail store that I usually do cold approaches at so I could apply for a job there. So, maybe having my head in front of a computer for 90 minutes doing the application didn't help my approaching. But I will make no excuses for what happened, everything real comes out in the field.
Either way, I did a couple today.

September 26
I was walking past an aisle when I saw an HB 6. I hesitated too much and kept thinkin ofways to approach this girl. This nonsense occurs in your head when you haven't approached in 3 days. She turns around and I open her with "Hey, how're you doing?" I mention that I've been job hunting", she is walking away, I make a last ditch effort to hook her in. "You don't look like you're too busy today" This stops her, but she's like 2o feet away. I should've kept spouting nonsense since I had her temporarily hooked. lol Lesson: Approach, don't wait.

HB 7 Mature Nurse

I noticed her walking by, she gave me no eye contact or IOI's. I went to the aisle she was on and approached her from about three feet away. "Hey, how're you doing?" I mention that I've ben job hunting and I talk about her nursing clothes, her schedule, I make comments, and have her temporarily hooked. Then she just says "See you later", and that's it. I should've asked more questions about herself rather than saying whatever came out.

I'm tired of women walking away, so tomorrow, I believe I'm going direct if the opportunity presents itself. Approach the woman, then open direct. I'll see how it goes.
I think "I noticed you and wanted to meet you" should work. No mention of physical appearance or attractiveness there. But she knows what's up.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
September 27
I went to the store to get food for my Mom today, and it was so target poor it was ridiculous! I finally found one woman to approach, but after that some epiphanies came upon me.
HB 6 Purple
Today, I had been wanting to go direct, which made me more nervous and hesitant to approach than usual.. Not to mention the place was target-poor(it was target-rich yesterday lol)
I did go direct though, finally. I walked up and said "Hi, I noticed you and wanted to meet you". This actually had a positive effect on her in a way, she laughed a little. I then asked how she was doing, and I was having to dominate the conversation. It was hard getting her involved, and when that happens, it's hard for me to keep on talking. I asked about her job, talked a little about that(she was wearing scrubs...hmm...why do I approach nurses so much for lol) I find out she went to college and I mentioned that you work so hard and get stressed out for a job that you enjoy, it doesn't make much sense. I don't know why I said that. lol After that, a brief moment of silence occurs and she says bye.

1. I really need to find a new place to sarge here. I'm bored of doing Day Game in the same store 3 times a week. I think I'm going to the city for some night game Thursday.
2. I need to find a way to have clarity in my mind when I approach these tough women(they're tough because they're not interested in me initially). I need to find out how to keep going for 5 minutes or so and to get her interested by doing this. I'm doing much better than I was with conversation. A couple months ago, I would blank after 15 seconds, now it's about the 45 seconds-1 minute mark.
3. Going direct is no different than saying "Hey, how're you doing" as an opener. I think it supplements the approach better actually, so I will probably use it in the future.

Tomorrow, I'm just going to play pool, schedule another date with HB 6 Nurse, and celebrate someone's birthday. I'm not going out for the purpose of sarging, though Thursday I will go do that. It's time to try this stuff out in the bars/clubs again. It should be fun.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Vice said:
I'm happy you tried direct game, dude! What do you think? Isn't it good to build momentum and have this stuff be easy?

I've run into the same challenge of the girl not contributing much to the conversation, and I had an epiphany while reading your post that can help BOTH of us out:

I think that when you approach direct, you are setting the FRAME that you're the aggressor, and that she's the passive one. Masculinity and femininity. And it seems like you're trying to force aspects of the masculine role onto HER, and thus the lull in conversation; the break in the "flow".

I think the best thing here would be to go on an instant date, or if that's not possible, just get her number and set something up. Be the dominant one; she will expect it when it comes to that kind of approach.

Think of it like being a fighter pilot: when you zero in on your target, you aren't gonna wait for the other aircraft to just fly into the ground because you have a shot lined up, you need to PULL THE TRIGGER and watch the bad guy go down in a glorious ball of fire, leaving nothing but a smoldering crater and a few scorched trees.
Yes, going direct wasn't much different than saying "Hi, how're you doing?", in fact, it seems to help a little bit too. The women know what is up when you approach them regardless. I should feel comfortable going direct and dictating the conversation. That is what I have to do.

And that HB 6 Nurse I kiss closed deleted me from Facebook. lol I still have her number, so that explains why she didn't answer my test today.
I think her friends and family had something to do with it, she seemed close to them. Or, she read this journal. She was a very conservative Christian anyways, so "moving too fast" must be terrible for her.

I want to send her one last text to make her feel bad for doing what she did and wanting to be with me. haha Honestly, I laughed when I saw that she deleted me. But, it may be time to be an a**hole in a persuasive manner.

I don't care what happens with her. But, there's nothing wrong with reaching out for one last attempt. And no, I'm not asking her on a date. I'm just trying to switch the frame. I bet she has buyer's remorse.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2001
Reaction score
Deicide said:
Yes, going direct wasn't much different than saying "Hi, how're you doing?", in fact, it seems to help a little bit too. The women know what is up when you approach them regardless. I should feel comfortable going direct and dictating the conversation. That is what I have to do.

And that HB 6 Nurse I kiss closed deleted me from Facebook. lol I still have her number, so that explains why she didn't answer my test today.
I think her friends and family had something to do with it, she seemed close to them. Or, she read this journal. She was a very conservative Christian anyways, so "moving too fast" must be terrible for her.

I want to send her one last text to make her feel bad for doing what she did and wanting to be with me. haha Honestly, I laughed when I saw that she deleted me. But, it may be time to be an a**hole in a persuasive manner.

I don't care what happens with her. But, there's nothing wrong with reaching out for one last attempt. And no, I'm not asking her on a date. I'm just trying to switch the frame. I bet she has buyer's remorse.
I think contacting her again would be a waste of time, women are flaky by nature and not with putting a lot of effort into, friends and family aren't going to make her do this, it's her choice, she's an adult.