I am serious. And I think I pretty much succeeded in keeping my heart clean out of this stuff like girl rejects you.
I do not believe in Bible.
How can you believe Jesus died for your sins and not believe the Bible at the same time?
Victor C said:
It has everything in it from practical advises like hygiene to deep philosophic allegory.
It also prophecies future events, especially involving the nation Israel and its relationship with the world. It also had hidden "torah codes" imbedded in the ancient Hebrew that point to things that could not have been known at the time of the writing of the
Victor C said:
You can read a message when you know the language, and as far as I know only way to learn the language is a pray for it.
What translation of Bible are you using?
Victor C said:
And this is sort of schizophrenia, because you start to judge what is right or wrong based on your interpretation, which is highly biased and irrational.
The Bible is spiritually discerned. You can interpret it with the guidance from God if you pray before you open the Bible. If you don't trust God to help you interpret the Bible and it would be your own interpretation and it can fail. That's the whole point about having faith and having a relationship with God is that you are trusting God in these type of matters that He is real, that He answers your prayer and He can open your mind to interpret what the text is saying to you.
Jesus says in John 14:26 "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you"
Romans 8:9 "But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if it so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his".
This relates to the born-again experience. If you are born-again and have the Spirit of Christ living on the inside of you, that same Spirit will also teach you all things and interpret the Bible in a way that reveals more of Jesus to you and builds you up on the inside. There are other verses that point to this, but I'm relying to what you are writing at face value to illustrate that there is a whole dimension that is missing in how you are seeing this.
Victor C said:
But it sometimes is pretty obvious about "do not do this".
And as far as I remember new testament there is nothing wrong in marrying non believers (i.e. lustful pagans).
The New Testament says not to be unequally yolked together with unbelievers 2 Cor 6:14. That means believers are not to marry unbelievers.
Victor C said:
There is also a thing about monogamy in relationship, which differs in cultures. I'm not sure jewish way of looking at it is the only right way. In old testament women is some kind of property that can be inherited by brothers.
These are all side issues of the topic of salvation. The Bible does not deal with social justice issues at the time it is written but works with it in a way that if people's hearts are changed then the world is all the better for it, no matter what is going on. We see in the U.S.A. what happens when institutions change but hearts do not change. Yes, they got rid of slavery and Jim Crow lynching. But because hearts are bad there, they still let police get away with murder and unjustly enslaving black people in the criminal justice system. If people had the right heart in the first place, then its likely slavery would not have existed in the first place and you'd certainly not need a civil war to change things.
The Bible says that husbands are to love their wives like Jesus loves the church. Eph 5:25. At the end of the day it is about showing love to your wife, no matter what you think about her.
Victor C said:
That is why it is very questionable topic, but questions are right.
I prayed for showing me way and now I have a lot of advises from people I never expected that. And I'm taking it all serious. What to do and what not to do, and where do draw the line, - that is my job. But at least I should understand the rules of the game.
Well if you are serious then just stick to what the Bible says. That means I must congratulate you. Yes, congratulations on not having a date, and saving yourself for marriage or a life of purity and celibacy because I can say that direction is the right way to go. Just like me. I've been divorced, but instead of complaining that I can't get another girl, I just know that Jesus says you can't remarry after you divorce without committing adultery, and then all of a sudden every rejection is a blessing again because that scenario won't be happening. It's all a matter of perspective. We both find ourselves following the will of God in these areas and yet have the audacity to complain as though something is wrong when in fact, it is good.