Don Juan
Strauss, to me, is an ugly guy, like Ross Jefferies. He goes on about how in his early years it was always the other guys that gotten the women, and were making out with them, and not him. And guess what? It's still that way now for him, although he won't tell you that because he needs to keep up this charade because he's got stuff to sell, sooner or later he's going to start believing in his own BS as well. Most men go through life and eventually get someone, the get real, but what Strauss is saying in the book is pure BS. He needs to sell "technique" because that's how he makes his living.The Deacon said:Really? How did Strauss attract women then? Was it through his looks? I doubt it. Was it his sexuality? Possibly. Either way, you can't deny that the way he carried himself in social interactions was a BIG piece of the puzzle. Are you saying that Mystery's Method isn't a way of demonstrating higher value or are you saying that social value does not play a role in getting women?
Also status and fame can also be something to do with it as well.
The human condition, if we choose to call it that, is that you can never know certain things. That's just the way it is. Women are not, and never were, a problem that you can solve. They just are what they are. Strauss, Mystery and all these other courses claims to have solved the problem, and that's the reason for this BS of a book. Why even at the start of the book Mystery is telling the therapist that she'd easily be his if he didn't have his "problem", and Strauss bangs on about how Mystery is the greatest pickup artist in the world etc . . . :yawn: They CLAIM to get anyone to fall in love with you, or to be able to make out with a girl just by knowing how to act, how to dress and what to say. I say BS, because if that were true Jefferies would just bag himself a Hollywood A lister and be done with it, and so would Strauss. In the end these men only "got what they were worth" in the eyes of women.The Deacon said:The problem with this generalization is there's no real honest way to prove it nor disprove it. A woman isn't going to tell you if she was interested at first if she blew you off when you first approached her. They say women size you up in five seconds and think if they would sleep with you or not, I say that you can DHV and get them to "want" you if they didn't like the way you looked at first. It's all pre-selection.
Drew's funny, he's also rich, but ultimately he's probably a great guy to have around. So of course a lot of women - and men but for a different reason - would want to hang out with him. And of a certain percentage of those women (but not ALL) would like to f*ck him. Nothing wrong with that. I dispute Strauss and all those idiots touting courses when they claim that they can get anyone to fall in love with you, when they claim it's not your looks or wealth that matters etc. . . . Because since when did "increasing the odds in your favour" become "I can get anyone I want"? This is utterly disrespectful to the women concerned, because that is not true and they don't work like that.The Deacon said:If you had a guy that looked like Drew Carey walk into a bar, no woman would give him the time of day. If they found out he was Drew Carey, they'd be a little intrigued by him, since he's famous. If he came into a bar and had two HB10s clinging onto either side of his arm and heavily flirting with him, women NOTICE that and get MORE intrigued.
I asked a girl this the other day and she completely agreed with me. Her ex-boyfriend had a big nose and she thought she would never date a boy like him. Eventually, though, he was able to build attraction and she fell for him.
People like Shakespeare made a mockery of the so called "motivational" speakers touting courses in Othello. At the start of the play Roderigo, who is in love with Desdemona, give Iago money believing that Iago could in some way arrange for Desdemona to fall in love with him. In reality Iago uses Roderigo for his own ends and Desdemona doesn't care about Roderigo.
Brutal as that may be, that is exactly what Strauss and people who start these courses are really doing.
You obviously don't understand where I'm coming from. I don't need con artists like DeAngelo, Mystery, Strauss or www.puatraining.com, to tell me how to "attract" women. I don't need to read pages and pages of pointless crap to understand how people are feeling, and I don't need to look up various body language signals in a large book that states the obvious to understand people's interactions. You don't "attract" women per se. Women decide how far you can go with them from the moment they see you, I do it to females approaching me as well. Doesn't matter what the background is. Like I said, I've had a HB 9.5 say hello to me for no reason, what do you think was going through my mind? Unfortunately she wasn't my type so I didn't let her get any further. Maybe she got pissed off and went to the local book store and started reading up about what attracts men and what to do when you see someone you like, and read someone like the female equivalent of Strauss pontificating about how it's really technique that she's lacking and that's why I didn't let things go further?ChocolateVanilla said:Um like I said, that kind of behavior is only fine if a women is already physically attracted to you but if you have no value to her, she's just going to think you're another chump. Now if you actually try stuff like David Deangelo's ****y+funny, Mystery Method, Pickup 101's banter, and you still can't get attraction from a women who probably wouldn't have given the time of day to you otherwise, then you can argue that you can't "create" attraction or everything in the game is BS, but going "hey what's your name?" "wow can i buy you a drink?" (i.e. Sinn mentions this is how almost all guys hit on girls), is generally not gonna work of women of sufficient quality.
I've never said something like that. What I'm trying to say is that women aren't this easily manipulated, and their wills are not manipulatable just because we will it so. Women's feelings are their own, your feelings are your own, that's what makes you human, and that's what the human condition is all about.ChocolateVanilla said:So you're say that if a guy is born ugly, then he should absolutely give up, be anti-social, and not go out and find a women he really likes? That's just a horrible mindset.
If you allow me to go further I will say that the reason why it's hard to get woman, why it's hard to attract them to get them to go on a date with you, is precisely the barrier required to sustain a long term relationship. If Strauss, Mystery, DeAngelo etc. . . are right, then I too could read up their teachings, and f*ck up some celebrity's long term relationship and come out on top. What do you think the chances of that happening is?
I leave the words of bondjamesbond from this great thread of his:
and notice I've highlighted in bold what it is that Strauss and his believers want to believe.bondjamesbond said:Some guys know all this simple stuff, but they become a creep.....can't take "no" for an answer, always calling or coming around. They've somehow convinced themselves that if they "Just say that right thing" that a chick will fall at their feet.
A real man knows when to walk away and stop wasting time. The idiot will drum up a hundred reasons in his head why a chick is acting cold towards him but will never accept the bottom line: She doesn't want to f**k with you.