Pure BS, But It Has A Nice Cover, September 30, 2005
I have been writing for men on women for some time now, [...], so naturally I was curious to see what made this book so "great."
I knew from the get go that this book was going to be pure BS, but I had no idea it was going to be this bad. Sorry, Mr. Strauss, but come on. For us writers who have been around, you aren't fooling us.
For those of who who still aren't sure about this book, whether you bought it or not, here is the reality of it all:
1. Mr. Strauss tells tale tales about him being able to talk to a woman, and then, within minutes, he is able to make out with her.
He also tells about "pick up artists" who can take women in the back room of a club and start making out with them. Read page 10 for an example.
Guys, are you this dumb to believe this? You've read past books and articles on such lame and VERY bad advice. Let me ask you, have they worked for you so far? I already know the answer.
2. The whole book reeks of images of little boys who sit in a treefort, exchanging ideas on how to "hit on hot chicks," when the reality is that it blows up in their faces.
As a writer and researcher on this subject, I have known many many men who think they are this "pick up artist," and they are lucky if they can pick up their dirty socks without straining their back muscle.
3. Mr. Strauss talked to several "pick up artists," and these guys call themselves ridiculous names, like "Mystery." Remember that treehouse I was telling you about? How old are these guys, 16???
4. On page 22, this "Mystery," gives Mr. Strauss one of his openers to use after the ice is broken: "If I weren't gay, you'd be so mine."
Yeah, uh-huh. Try that and see how that works for ya.
See what I mean when I say this book is beyond the point of being BS?
5. This book also advocates touching, and smelling her hair within minutes after breaking the ice. Yeah, try that too and see how that works for ya.
6. Mr. Strauss constantly tells tale tales of his experiences. One of them being on page 61, when he said that he got a number from a Playmate the Year. On page 157 he tells how Hedi Fleiss wanted to meet him. Why, of course she does!
He is a blowhard who makes stuff up, and in addition, he says that other PUI's want to be like him. They follow his every word. On page 214, he brags that all over the world people were using his jokes, comebacks and lines to meet, kiss, and f--k girls.
Yeah, uh-huh, ok.
Again, I'm sure you have been around such blowhards like him.
In conclusion, this book is basically filled with dellusional nerds who think they are a success with women, but in reality they are not. They instead tell tale tales and other such BS.
They gather in groups, sharing stories. It's pretty laughable, if you think about it.
Many guys, who don't know any better, seem to think that these "PUA's" (Pick up Artists. But they call themselves "PUA's." Yeah, I'm laughing as I type this) are the talk of the town. They aren't. For instance: Go to their
message boards, one of them being at [...], and it is a ghost town that you can hear an echo in.
There is no "secret underground," and there is no othe rsuch ridiculous stuff lie that. All it is is a bunch of dellusional guys who think they are a success with women.
I wonder what name they gave their treefort where they hold their secret meetings that women won't be able to find.
Why am I being so hard on this book, and the little boys who call themselves a "pick up artsist" or the ever so laughable, "guru"? Because I get so sick and tired of guys who are looking for good advice, only to run into bozos like these. I talked to one guy who spent $500 on a seminar. He got ripped off. Just about everything he tried on women failed.
Be very cautious out there guys, and don't believe everything you hear.